As is clearly mirrored in the above pie chart, the proportion of ways for shoppers to obtain the product information demonstrates evident distinctions in 2014. According to the data given, the Internet advertisement takes a lion’s share, accounting for 40%, while TV commercials and flyers take away respectively 22% and 18% of the whole proportion.
What triggers this phenomenon? It is not difficult to put forward several factors responsible for this. Initially, with the accelerated advancement of the Internet technology, the increase of netizens is apparently noticed by us. Thus, numerous individuals tend to buy products online instead of going for the real shop in the streets or shopping malls. To continue, TVs are still widely in use for most families, which supports a strong purchase power by TV commercials. Terminally, quite a few folks are giving out flyers to the passers-by, and most of them would like to accept it, and this is the very reason why flyers rank the third in the pie chart.
In view of the arguments above, we can conclude that the current phenomenon is of no surprise. And therefore, it can be predicted that the network way will undoubtedly advance in the years ahead.
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