
栏目:网络教育  时间:2023-01-21





  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分7.5分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。



  (1) Where does the conversation probably take place? ________ 

  A. In a restaurant. B. In a supermarket.C. At home. 

  (2) When will the train arrive in Beijing? ________ 

  A. At 8: 30. B. At 9: 30. C. At 10: 00. 

  (3) What is the man doing? ________ 

  A. He is making an apology.B. He is rushing home.C. He is offering a ride.

  (4) What is the weather like now? ________ 

  A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy. 

  (5) What does the woman probably think of the food? ________ 

  A. It could be better.B. It smells fantastic.C. It tastes like restaurant food.



  (1) What does the man intend to do? ________ 

  A. To borrow a book.B. To fill out a form.C. To sign a library card.

  (2) What's the probable relationship between the speakers? ________ 

  A. Author and reader. B. Banker and customer.C. Librarian and student. 


  (1) What can we learn about the woman? ________ 

  A. She works in a health club.B. She has lost weight naturally.C. She finds no time to exercise.

  (2) What will the man probably do to lose weight? ________ 

  A. Take weight-loss pills.B. Work out.C. Go on a diet.

  (3) What does the woman do at the end of the conversation? ________ 

  A. Give an invitation. B. Share experience.C. Offer comfort. 


  (1) What does the man say about his school team? ________ 

  A. They won the match.B. They scored no goals      C. They played well.

  (2) How long did the team's best player play? ________ 

  A. For 20 minutes. B. For 30 minutes.C. For 60 minutes. 

  (3) Who did the man go to the match with? ________ 

  A. His dad. B. His brother.C. His classmate. 


  (1) Why didn't the woman go on vacation? ________ 

  A. she had poor performance.B. She didn't finish her project.C. She got a higher position instead.

  (2) What kind of person is the woman? ________ 

  A. She loves her job.B. She complains a lot.C. She often comes late for work.

  (3) Where does the man work? ________ 

  A. In an advertising company.B. In a travel agency.C. In a law firm.


  (1) What does the speaker think of the concert? ________ 

  A. It is exciting to watch.B. It is not worth the money.C. It is better than ever before.

  (2) What were the kids excited about? ________ 

  A. The music. B. The dances.C. The stage design. 

  (3) Why did the speaker feel old? ________ 

  A. He could not accept the videos.B. He didn't like music any more.C. He could not understand the kids.

  (4) What is the man mainly doing? ________ 

  A. Complaining about his kids.B. Introducing his favorite concert.C. Giving his opinions on music of theses days.

  第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分35.5分)



  Harbin Ice Festival 2022

  Ever think of what Elsa's ice palace might look like in real life? Ice stairs, ice walls, and ice towers? When winter approaches, Harbin turns into a kingdom of ice and snow.  The annual Harbin Ice and Snow Festival opens in late December and lasts for around 3 months, till late February.What's new for Harbin Ice Festival.  Every year, there's a unique theme for the Ice Festival. For 2022, there will be tributes(歌颂)to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. You will find the whole park is like a huge Winter Olympics venue(场地)!  A huge Snowflake Ferris Wheel(摩天轮)has already been built inside the park. Visitors will be able to ride on the Ferris Wheel and overlook the ice castles in early 2023. For this upcoming festival, the highlight may be when the giant Snowflake is colorfully lit up at night, shining high in the sky.Yearly Time Line 



  Early December

  Ice Harvest


  Carving and Building

  Christmas period

  Unofficial Opening

  Jan, 5, 2022

  Opening Ceremony

  Jan, 21 to Feb. 15, 2022

  Special Celebrations for   Chinese New Year

  Late Feb. to early Mar.

  Ice and snow sculptures   start to melt.

  Click here and Book Now!Tickets to Harbin Ice and Snow World are on sale now!•Dec. 25, 2021-Jan. 5, 2022: ¥170/person (half price for children)•Jan. 6, 2022-Feb. 28, 2022: ¥230/person (half price for children).  Contact us for available tour dates be fore they are fully booked. Attention  As long as the ice and snow sculptures are open to visitors, it is impossible to take photos of the charming ice buildings without any visitors in! This might be different from what you see in the media (that have special access).

  (1) What can visitors do during Harbin Ice Festival 2022? ________ 

  A. Visit Elsa's real ice palace.B. Watch Winter Olympics events.C. Take the Snowflake Ferris Wheel.D. Enjoy the colorfully lighted Snowflake.

  (2) If a couple with a kid go to see the opening ceremony, how much should they pay? ________ 

  A. ¥425. B. ¥510. C. ¥575. D. ¥690.

  (3) Where is the advertisement probably taken from? ________ 

  A. A travel review. B. A tourism website.C. A tourism scrapbook. D. A travel magazine.

  8.【2021年江苏南京高一上学期期末考试英语试卷】  "We have Dante, Shakespeare and Du Fu(712-770). These poets create the very values by which poetry is judged," said Harvard professor Stephen Owen in Du Fu, China's Greatest Poet, a BBC documentary.  Despite the fact that Du Fu is usually mentioned in the same breath as Dante and Shakespeare, he has remained largely unknown in the Western world for long. However, with the screening of the first English-language documentary feature about the poet, the days of Du Fu as China's best-kept literary secret seem to be just numbered.  It is written and presented by Michael Wood, a skilled television historian who also directed other China-related documentaries such as The Story of China(2016)and The Story of China's Reform and Opening Up(2018).  From the Yellow River to the Yangtze Gorges, and down to the forested hills of Hunan province, Wood visited a number of places such as the poet's birthplace Gongyi in Henan province and Tang Dynasty capital Chang'an, today's Xi'an. Along the way, he met and talked to ordinary people, dancers and musicians, who helped to tell the fantastic story of the poet. Interviews with famous scholars specializing in Chinese literature also helped present a clearer picture of the poet's life experiences, literary significance and his friendship with Li Bai, another great Chinese poet.  Born in 712, Du Fu lived in the Tang Dynasty, a time marked by extraordinary cultural achievements. However, after a civil unrest, DuFu, the former civil servant at the Tang court, was forced to be come a porter, and suffered from starvation. Through ups and downs, the poet never stopped writing, pouring out his concern for his country and people as well as celebrating the simple joys of life.  Du's poetry reflects the country's historical events mirrored in his own spiritual journey, so he becomes a part of the emotional vocabulary of Chinese culture, said Stephen Owen, who in 2016 completed the eight-year-long project to translate DuFu's 1, 400 poems into English.

  (1) The underlined part in paragraph 2 implies that the documentary will help ________.

  A. create the values of poetryB. the West know more about Du FuC. keep the secrets in Du Fu's poemsD. Du Fu become one of the top 3 poets

  (2) What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about? ________ 

  A. Du Fu's colorful life experiences.B. Local people's admiration for Du Fu.C. Famous scholars' research findings on Du Fu.D. Michael Wood's effort in making the documentary.

  (3) Which of the following can best describe Du Fu? ________ 

  A. Inspiring and helpful.B. Tough and responsible.C. Easy-going and careful.D. Generous and hardworking.

  (4) What is probably the best title for the passage? ________ 

  A. Du Fu's poetry wins world's recognitionB. Du Fu's poems are translated into EnglishC. BBC documentary reflects Chinese cultureD. BBC documentary presents China's Shakespeare

  9.【2021年江苏南京高一上学期期末考试英语试卷】  Noise pollution has a long-term effect on tree populations that may persist even after the sources of noise are removed, according to research published Wednesday.  Man-made noise from industry and the building of infrastructure such as roads and pipelines has increased greatly since the middle of last century. While previous research has documented the short-term effect noise has on tree populations as it scares off pollinators(传粉者)such as insects and animals, few studies have covered the long-term effect.  Researchers in the United States looked at tree populations in New Mexico that had been "hearing" a high level of man-made noise for 15 years. They found 75 percent fewer pinyon pine seedlings (矮松苗) in noisy places than quiet ones.  Then they looked at other places in New Mexico, where sources of noise had recently been added and then removed, and examined how populations recovered. The team assumed that populations of the trees-in this case pinyon seedlings-would recover as the pollinators would return to the places once the noise had disappeared. Instead, they found a long-term drop in seedling numbers as the birds refused to revisit the places.  "The effects of human noise pollution are growing into these woodland communities,"said Clinton Francis, lead researcher from California Polytechnic State University. "What we're seeing is that removal of the noise doesn't necessarily immediately result in a recovery of ecological function."  Jennifer Phillips, co-author of the research, said the findings showed how the effect of noise pollution could put pollinators off even after the noise is removed. "Animals like the birds that are sensitive to noise learn to avoid particular areas."said Phillips. "It may take time for animals to come back to pollinate trees in these previously noisy areas, and we don't know how long that might take."  As governments continue to face growing evidence of the damage to nature caused by urbanization (城市化), Phillips held that the influence of noise pollution should also be factored into planning decisions.

  (1) What does the underlined word "persist" mean in paragraph 1? ________ 

  A. Recover. B. Decrease. C. Last. D. Disappear.

  (2) How did Clinton Francis' team carry out the research? ________ 

  A. By studying cases in New Mexico.B. By challenging the previous research.C. By recording the routines of pollinators.D. By following the sources of noise pollution.

  (3) Which of the following would Phillips most probably agree with? ________ 

  A. Noise pollution kills large numbers of birds.B. Governments should take measures to remove noise.C. Ecological recovery contributes to the removal of noise.D. It's hard to tell when birds will revisit previously noisy places.

  (4) What does the text mainly talk about? ________ 

  A. Removing noise enables plants to grow better.B. Pollinators play a role in increasing plant population.C. Noise pollution has long-term effects on plant populations.D. Man-made noise does great harm to woodland communities.

  10.【2021年江苏南京高一上学期期末考试英语试卷】  Supporters of education technology have made big promises over the past two decades: that by 2019, half of all secondary school courses would be online; that videos and practice problems can let students learn mathematics at their own speed; or that typical students left alone with internet-connected computers can learn anything without the help of schools or teachers.  Then in 2020, people around the world were forced to turn to online learning as COVID-19 shut down schools. It was education technology's big moment, but for many students and families, remote learning has been a disappointment. When the world needs it most, why has education technology seemed so unsatisfactory?  Educational software has along history, but there have been two major challenges. The first is that most people depend on human connection to maintain their motivation(动力). When a student closes his computer while having a class, nobody can see it and respond accordingly.  The second challenge is that assessments are especially tough. We can ask students to work out how far a tectonic plate (地壳板块) might move and computers can immediately tell whether the answer is right. But if we ask them to write a paragraph that explains how the tectonic plate works, computers can't identify correct, partially correct and incorrect responses.  Education technology has long promised to transform(彻底改变)education, but at best, the field has developed individual tools for the curriculum(课程). For school learning, we don't have online tools or resources that are any better than a printed textbook.  Every technological solution is also a human capital problem: learning with technologies requires giving teachers and students time to play with and get used to new tools and routines. For most teachers, the road to more effective teaching with technology looks less like a transformation, and more like tinkering: a slow and steady process towards finding the right tool or approach for particular students.

  (1) What's the purpose of paragraph 1? ________ 

  A. To show off the fruitful past.B. To lead in the unsatisfactory reality.C. To prove the efficiency of online learning.D. To explore the potential of educational software.

  (2) According to the text, education technology fails to ________.

  A. give students immediate responsesB. provide students with correct answersC. remind students to keep focused in classD. equip students with communication skills

  (3) The author's attitude towards education technology can be described as ________.

  A. doubtful B. confused C. supportive D. hopeful

  (4) What should teachers do according to the last paragraph? ________ 

  A. Seek new technological tools for education.B. Guard against the popularity of online education.C. Use education technology based on students needs.D. Make thorough changes to their technology teaching.

  第二节 (共1小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

  11.【2021年江苏南京高一上学期期末考试英语试卷】  It can be painful when you feel like your parents are treating your siblings (兄弟姐妹)better than you. If you feel really sad about this, the following steps can help you improve the situation.   1    Since we're all unique, nobody relates to any two people in exactly the same way. Sometimes a parent might appear to favor you in some situations and favor a sibling in others. No parent can be perfect, but they should do their best to be fair. It's normal for parents to treat each child little differently, because each kid might benefit from a slightly different approach. Try telling your parents how you feel.  Your goal is to communicate your feelings directly without being rude.  2  For example, saying "I feel ignored" is better than saying "you're ignoring me. " You can also say, "I feel left out lately. Sometimes I feel like you're so busy taking care of the baby that you don't have enough time for me."  Ask for what you'd like to happen.   3  This lets them know how they can try to fix the problem. Present an idea that could help. You can say, "Could you please try to show up to more of my games feel so happy knowing you're there to cheer me on."  Step away if things get heated.  Maybe you or your parents will get angry. It's hard to have a useful conversation if one or both people are too angry to think straight. If you see this happening, take a break. Do some deep breathing and step away.  4    Remember that your parents have to make the decision to change.  Sometimes talking about your feelings is enough for them to change their behavior.  5  This typically isn't your fault(错误). The way they react to an honest conversation says how good they are at parenting, not how good you are at being their child. You can't change other people. You can only control your own behavior.

  A. Other times it isn't.

  B. Use "I" language instead of "you" language.

  C. Keep in mind that every relationship is different.

  D. Remember that you can always try again another day.

  E. Understand the situation by talking with your siblings.

  F. Tell your parents what would help you feel closer to them.

  G. You may feel better if you have another conversation immediately.

  (1) ________

  (2) ________

  (3) ________

  (4) ________

  (5) ________

  第三部分 语言运用


  12.【2021年江苏南京高一上学期期末考试英语试卷】  Sitting in front of the computer, she efficiently logs in to her email and social media accounts using her chin(下巴). "I used to be very  1 . Back then I would never have imagined myself with so many friends," said Wang Yajing, a 24-year-old woman who is paralyzed (瘫痪) from the neck down. Wang was born in 1992 in Fuyang. Different from other little girls, she was born with cerebral palsy(脑瘫),  2  to move from the neck down. But Wang did not  3  living the life she wanted. In 2008, she  4  herself to operate a computer mouse and keyboard with her chin, and began to  5  poetry on the computer. For the next eight years, Wang  6  unimaginable difficulties and published over 4, 000 poems and stories.   7  her writing, Wang also devotes herself to people  8 . She holds lectures and  9  people she meets online. She has a lot of friends on all her social media accounts. Whenever they have trouble and need to  10 . Wang always listens to them  11  and encourages them to stay  12 .  "I know I can't solve their problems, but I am willing to  13  their sadness. When they are  14  and lose hope, I can be there to stop them. Because I know everything will be okay in the end, and life is too  15  to give up." said Wang, smiling.

  (1) ________

  A. unique B. awkward C. energetic D. lonely

  (2) ________

  A. unfit B. unable C. unwilling D. uncertain

  (3) ________

  A. give up B. insist on C. end up D. count on

  (4) ________

  A. recommended B. sentC. caught D. reminded

  (5) ________

  A. write B. read C. collect D. exchange

  (6) ________

  A. overcame B. ignored C. recognized D. found

  (7) ________

  A. Instead of B. Due toC. Apart from D. Together with

  (8) ________

  A. at work B. in needC. on watch D. under control

  (9) ________

  A. comforts B. judges C. attracts D. gathers

  (10) ________

  A. respond B. argue C. talk D. recall

  (11) ________

  A. curiously B. patiently C. eagerly D. proudly

  (12) ________

  A. strong B. healthyC. independent D. young

  (13) ________

  A. address B. share C. recognize D. measure

  (14) ________

  A. reflecting B. hesitating C. shaking D. suffering

  (15) ________

  A. changeable B. brief C. private D. precious


  13.【2021年江苏南京高一上学期期末考试英语试卷】  The Miracle Season is the kind of feel-good sports movie you haven't seen before. Sports movies often describe team members  1  (try) to get over difficulties. But The Miracle Season is about healing(治愈).  The movie follows the true story of Caroline Found, a young woman full of  2  (personal)and drive who passed away after a car accident. Losing her left her parents and teammates  3  empty space. That's why Caroline's father, Ernie Found, decided to give his best wishes to the movie. " 4  (actual), we were trying to think of what good can come from this in some way," Mr. Found tells journalists of the team's many  5  (effort) to win the state championship in his daughter's name.  Mr. Found,  6  lost his daughter and then his wife to cancer just two weeks later, features heavily(起重要作用)in the film. And he  7  (play) by Oscar-winning actor William Hurt.  After the passing of his daughter and wife, Found could have suffered in private. Instead, as the film shows, he made  8  to every volleyball game. "I just felt like  9  (hang) in there together." Found says.  We can feel that sense of togetherness when watching the film. These girls moved an entire town to honor their teammate with an  10  (inspire) motto: Live Like Caroline.  "Live like Caroline" means trying to bring joy to others, because it's in giving of joy that you're to be going to be also receiving joy.

  (1) ________

  (2) ________

  (3) ________

  (4) ________

  (5) ________

  (6) ________

  (7) ________

  (8) ________

  (9) ________

  (10) ________

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分15分)


  14.【2021年江苏南京高一上学期期末考试英语试卷】  假定你是李华,上周五你校举办了阳光体育嘉年华活动,请你为校报写一篇报道,内容包括:1.活动目的;2.活动内容;3.活动反响。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

  Sunshine Sports Carnival





  Today's families are busier than they have ever been! Kids take part in more after-school activities and parents have a busier social life, too. Parents are running their kids here and there. Everyone seems to be on the go. If this sounds like your family, you are not alone. However, there are still times each day when family members can be together in one place: meal times!  The benefits of sharing a meal together as a family are unbelievable. Not only can children benefit, but so can the family, as a unit. Mealtime communication can make children know that their family are always there for them when they are in trouble. They will feel safe and secure. Besides, family meals provide an opportunity for all members to come together and build better relationships.  How can you make family meals happen? You can start by fixing a few days a week to eat together. For example, you can set a goal to have regular family meals a least three times per week, if possible. Moreover, you don't need to focus on dinner time only. Instead, you can include family breakfasts or lunches, which enables your family to come together and enjoy a warm family moment.  What should you do for the family meals? An article by Anita Gurian, Ph. D suggests some tips. First, you should have kids prepare for the meals, such as washing and cutting vegetables, setting the table. It is also a good idea to ask them to wash the dishes after the meals. Second, you should avoid criticism and passing judgment during the meals, for non-judgmental words or questions can get kids to have a frank talk with you. In this friendly environment, they will feel free to express themselves, and closer relationship forms. 


  1" class="xdf_content_detail_pagenagtion">

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