Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine 为国际中医药学会官方SCI期刊,2006年创刊,与出版社BMC合作在其平台向全球读者开放阅读。以搭建高水平的国际学术交流平台、创办具有国际影响力的专业学术期刊为办刊宗旨。主要刊登以中医药领域基于循证的、合乎科学证据的研究论文和综述。2022年影响因子4.9、五年影响因子6.0。
Chinese Medicine is the official SCI journal of the International Society for Chinese Medicine (ISCM). It is an open access journal published by BMC, and has been proudly serving the community since 2006. Our goal is to create a global academic exchange platform and to publish a professional academic journal with internatonal influence. We mainly publish evidence-based, scientifically justified research and review papers in all aspects of Chinese medicine, including - but not limited to - chemistry, biology, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, engineering, clinical applications and socioeconomics that are relevant and significant to Chinese medicine. The impact factor (2022) of Chinese Medicine is 4.9. The five-year journal impact factor is 6.0.
澳门大学讲座教授,澳门中药研究中心主任。发表SCl论文550余篇被引27,142余次,h-Index 85,专利23项,主编专著10余部,全球高被引科学家、2%全球顶级科学家。培养博硕士120余名(9名入选全球2%顶级科学家)。国务院特殊津贴专家、澳门教育功绩勋章、澳门专业功绩勋章。国家科技进步二等奖、澳门科技奖等10余项。澳门特别行政区经济发展委员会委员、中成药审评专家顾问委员会成员。国家药典委员会顾问(境外唯一顾问) 等。全球顶级SCI中华医药学报CHINESE MEDICINE主编。
Prof. Yi-Tao Wang is currently Chair Professor at University of Macau and Director of Macao Centre for Research and Development in Chinese Medicine. Prof. Wang has nublished over 550 SCI papers with 27,142 citations (h_Index of 85) and authorized 23 invention patents, as well as published over 10 academic books as the editor-in-chief. He has been selected as the "World's Highly-Cited Scientists" by Clarivate and "World's Top 2% Scientists". He has nurtured more than 120 PhD and Master students (9 of them were selected as the "World's Top 2% Scientists"). Prof.Wang was a State Council Special Allowance Expert. He was also awarded the Medal of Merit-Education (Personal) and the Medal of Merit-Professions (Team, Leader) by the Macao SAR Government. Moreover, he has received over 10 science and technology progress awards. including the Second Prize of the State Science & Technology Progress Award and Macao Science and Technology Awards. Prof.Wang is a committee member of the Macao's Economic Development Council, Commission of Experts and Consultants for the Appraisal of Proprietary Chinese Medicines (Macao SAR Government), and consultant member of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (sole consultant outside of China). Prof. Wang is also the Editor-in-Chief of a leading SCI-indexed journal in the field of Chinese Medicine, CHINESE MEDICINE.
刊号:ISSN: 1749-8546
电子邮箱:cmjournal@ 163.com
公众号:ISCM in Macau
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