1. Possibly, tradition says the most about people's character and mentality. The main purpose of tourism, apart from visiting different places, is to get acquainted with each other's customs and cultures.
2. Now a World Heritage Site, Stonehenge and all its surroundings remain powerful witnesses to the once great civilization of the Stone and Bronze Ages, between 5,000 and 3,000 years ago.
3. The Australian continent has many different climatic zones ranging from tropical in the north, leading to subtropical and savanna, to arid deserts in the centre and temperate in the south.
4. Towering over Black Hills of South Dakota at 6,000 feet above sea level are the four life-like figures of American presidents: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt.
5. The reason for Disney's success are varied and numerous, but ultimately the credit belongs to one person - the man who created cartoon and built the company from nothing.
6. The environment is friendly. The physical beauty of Hawaii is almost unparalleled. Majestic mountains were created millions of years ago by volcanic activity that thrust islands three miles from the ocean floor.
7. The beauty of our country - or at least all of it south of the Highlands - is as hard to define as it is easy to enjoy.
8. We have here no vast mountain ranges, no illimitable plains, deprived of the grandeur that may accompany these things.
9. Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth. The weather is friendly. The temperature ranges from 60-90 degrees all year long. It's a little cooler in winter, but every day is a beach day for somebody.
10. The Southern Downs region of Queensland has a promotion which does underline the fact that there is more to Queensland than rolling surf beaches, golf courses and coral reefs.
2.地形地貌topography and terrain
3.平均海拔average elevation
4.喜马拉雅山the Himalayas
S.喀喇昆仑山the Karakoram Range
6.昆仑山the Kunlun Mountains
7.大陆性气候continental climate 8.历算ancient algorithm 9.布达拉宫the Potala Palace 10.扎什伦布寺Zhaxilhunbo Temple 11.大昭寺Jokhang Temple 12.小昭寺Ramoche Temple 13.牦牛运输yak conveyance 14恩赐bounty
1.本句中作者要表达的重要信息是―西藏始终在中央政府控制之下,是中国的一个木可分割的部分‖,因此在翻译时宜处理为主句,而将前面的内容使用状语从句译出。另外,本句中―改朝换代,政权更迭‖部分意义重叠,可合并译作changes and replacements of dynasties and central governments,以求语言的简洁性。
2.本句中要强调的核心是―具有神秘色彩的地方‖而非―世界上‖,因此翻译时可以使用英语的被动语态,以突出这一内容,不宜使用英语的there be句型。
3.本句中―形成一种神秘感‖,可以翻译为form a mysterious picture。
4.本句表达了西藏的相对地理位置,体现了西藏与周边各省以及海外边界地理位置关系,可以使用英语动词bound来译。例如:美国北接加拿大,南与墨西哥接壤。The U.S.IS bounded on the north by Canada and on the south by Mexico.
5.本句中―世界屋脊‖一词,通常译作the Roof of the World。
7.昼夜温差大:The weather differs sharply during day and night.
8。能歌善舞的民族:a nation keen on dancing and singing.
9.艺术瑰宝:greatest art treasures
10.斯文·赫定:Sven Hedin,(1865-1952)瑞典籍的世界著名探险家,他从16岁开始从事职业探险生涯,因为探险,他终身未婚,与姐姐相依为命,走完他的人生之路。他在瑞典为人们所热爱崇敬,与诺贝尔有齐名之誉。
11.空中禁区:forbidden area.
12.定期航班:regular flights
The Tourism of Tibet: Reveal the Mysterious Veil
Tibet is located in the southwest of China. It formally belonged to the domain of the Yuan Dynasty in the mid-thirteenth century. Although China has undertaken changes and replacements of dynasties and central governments in Chinese history, Tibet has always been under the control by the central government and been an inseparable part of China.
Today is an age of information with jet aircrafts, highways and network of computers as its symbols. Mysterious places are rare to be found in the world, but Tibet is an exception.
Because of its geographical position, unique topography and terrain; unknown but existent original customs and natural scenery; and various propagandas brought back by foreign explorers, all these render people possible to form a mysterious picture of Tibet.
Tibet is located in the southwest of China. It is bounded on the north by Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Qinghai Province; on the east by Sichuan and Yunnan provinces; on the south by Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) ,India, Bhutan ,and Nepal; and on the west by India. Lhasa is the region's capital and largest city.
With an average elevation of 4,900 m, Tibet is the highest region on earth. For this reason, it is sometimes called the Roof of the World. Most of the people in Tibet live at elevations ranging from l,200 m to 5,100 m. Tibet is also one of the world's most isolated regions, surrounded by the Himalayas on the south, the Karakoram Range on the west, and the Kunlun Mountains on the north.
Due to the different geographical conditions, temperatures of the south grassland and north plateau differ sharply. The south is warm and rainy. Most rain falls during May and September. The north has a continental climate, and is a relatively dry area. It is warm from June to August. The weather differs sharply during day and night. The best time for traveling is from March to October.
Tibet has a long history. Ancient remains show that human beings lived here from 4, thousand to 20 thousand years ago. Tibetans are so diligent and brave that they have created diverse cultural customs. This is a nation with special traditional culture and a nation keen on dancing and singing.
Tibet is advanced in astronomy, ancient algorithm and medicine. Tibet is abounded of classics and literature works. Among Tibetan art treasures are painting, architecture, carving, music, dancing, folk opera. Of famous ancient art sites all around Tibet, the most well-known sites are the Potala Palace, Zhaxilhunbo Temple, Jokhang Temple, Ramoche Temple and etc. The tour of these places and the local customs are the most special in the world.
At the beginning of last century, Sven Hedin ,a Sweden explorer who made the first travel to Tibet from the western world, arrived at Gzhis-ka-rtse with only two horses and one mare which were ever as many as 130 horses and mares when he first entered Tibet. He said in his Travel in the Asian Continent that in Tibet," every step we'd taken made a new discovery about the earth and each name of the place meant a new occupation. We knew nothing about this part of our planet as we did the back of the moon until Jan. ~ 1907. "
Transportation in Tibet has changed a lot throughout this century. In the first half, there was not even one mile of road or one truck, and the transportation was based on man's labor and stock. Yak conveyance from Lhasa to Yaan was conducted only once a year. After 1950 when serfdom was eliminated, four roads from Sichuan, Qinghai, Xinjiang and Yunnan to Tibet were built despite great difficulties. And at the same time inside this autonomous zone, road network were formed centering on Lhasa, Gzhis-ka-rtse, Chabmdo and Nagqu, which extended to 98 percent of the counties. Railway from Qinghai to Tibet was built at this time. In 1956, airmen succeeded in their first aerial navigation above the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau which ever meant the "forbidden area" .Now there are regular flights between Lhasa and Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing and Kathmandu of Nepal.
Now tourists can enter Tibet in many ways, by bus from Xinjiang, Qinghai, Sichuan or Yunnan; by air from Beijing, Chengdu or Chongqing to Lhasa.
Modern tourists are eager to return to and enjoy the nature. Tibet has a large area, a small population, high mountains covered with snow, rich forests and booming azalea, rampage rivers and tranquil lakes. Most of the places are free from pollution and preserve their original state for people to enjoy the bounty of the nature. 练习
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