出国的“不二”之选 | 力迈剑桥中学课程特色

栏目:在线教育  时间:2023-11-07





  "Creating a proactive learning environment

  Is this the purpose of teaching that Limai School has always focused on?


  IN LIMAI [北京市朝阳区力迈学校]除了学习气氛,更重要的是选择适合自己的课程体系。


  其中剑桥课程更强调扎实的学术功底,公认为目前世界上最成熟的中学课程。完成IGCSE课程的学生,既可以升入一脉相承的A Level课程,冲刺英联邦为主要留学地的学校,也可转入美国大学先修AP课程。

  There isn't a conclusive international high school syllabus in China, as each syllabus differs. The Cambridge International High School syllabus seems to be the most appropriate for Chinese students.

  Limai Middle School provides three course options, specifically, the Limai School Cambridge syllabus, the Calvert curriculum, and the Canadian High School Courses.

  The Cambridge curriculum aims to establish a solid academic foundation and is widely recognized as the most established program for secondary education worldwide. While UK schools are the primary destination, students may also apply for Advanced Placement courses in the United States.




  “国际通用普通中等教育证书”。为14岁到16岁的学生提供一套具有国际性和广泛认可度的中学课程。这个课程的教学大纲具有国际性,但同时还考虑了当地特色进行本地化,因此被国际学生和家长认可。是跨国课程的典范。核心科目:数学、英语 (第二语言)、科学(物理、化学和生物)、汉语(第一语言)选修科目:人文科学(如历史、地理)、经济学、美术、音乐、信息和通信技术The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is a curriculum with worldwide recognition that integrates international and local knowledge. It illustrates a transnational approach to education that attracts both international students and parents.









  Offering a high-quality academic preparation: The curriculum encompasses various disciplines, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, literature, and language. The A-level examination outcomes are widely recognized, with some global firms and establishments considering A-level results as a benchmark for recruitment.


  邦国家读A Level?




  哈佛大学不仅认可A Level的成绩,而且三门‘A’的A Level成绩可以在哈佛大学替换一年的学分;

  耶鲁大学认可 A Level 成绩,‘B’以上的成绩可以换取大学的学分,同时完整的A Level成绩也可以替代相应SATII的学科成绩……

  The United States has a highly accessible university admissions system that recognizes all high school curricula. Cambridge International High School's IGCSE and A-LEVEL outcomes are admitted by top Ivy League universities such as Harvard University, Yale University, and other prestigious schools.

  Practice Application

  LIMAI中学剑桥 | 我们教学实践的应用



  Take advantage of the various course selection options to engage in personalized teaching: The programs are customized to meet individual needs and are offered in small group settings with an exclusive tutorial system that emphasizes personal accountability.

  研发多元实践活动,拓展课堂边界 在按照课程大纲开展的教学之外,通过多元的课外实践活动,帮助学生开拓视野,培养其成为更熟悉时代和社会发展、更有机会在未来获得成功的人才。学生的课程分成了人文社科类、数学类、语言类、拓展类、科学类五大模块。Develop a variety of practical activities to expand the classroom: Alongside the curriculum, the program supports students in broadening their horizons by offering hands-on extracurricular activities. These activities serve to familiarize students with the contemporary world and social changes and enhance their prospects for the future.


  PBL教学模式我校剑桥采取了PBL的教学模式。PBL(Project-Based Learning)教学方式中,通过富有挑战的现实生活中的问题,让学生参与设计、问题解决、决策制定、建模、测试、优化、沟通、反思等活动中去。比起在传统课堂中获得的知识,学生更积极参与到项目中去,学习效率也更高。举个例子:我校的剑桥语文课程在继承中国传统文化的基础上同时旨在培养学生的批判创新精神。课程教授模式围绕着学生实际情况——有着灵活的授课方式和丰富多彩的课堂活动,结合PBL教学法充分发挥学生的主观能动性和自主合作能力。剑桥语文课程帮助学生发现新的能力和更广阔的世界。在培养学生的民族文化认同感和民族自信心的同时也担负着把学生培养成中西合璧型优秀人才的使命。这也是我校剑桥语文课程目标区别于国内传统语文课程剑桥语文课程目标的最显著的地方。作为我校[北京朝阳力迈学校]学生的母语学习课程不仅内化在人的精神和思维习惯中,也要外化在学生的日常生活中,培养学生成为一个学习中有智,生活中有趣,社会中有用的人才。

  Stimulating student potential through innovative teaching methods: When textbooks are taught using innovative teaching methods, students are provided with the chance to learn and think more actively. This fosters the stimulation of their potential in practice and inquiry, enabling them to build their distinct knowledge system.The Project-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogical model: Limai Cambridge has implemented the Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology, resulting in increased student engagement and improved learning efficiency through project participation.

  建立多元化评估体系 鼓励学生多元多层次发展我校[北京朝阳力迈学校]剑桥课程的考评体系,不仅重视学科知识的掌握和积累,更重视学生应用知识的能力和创新能力,还注重对学习过程的跟踪考核。我们从考试成绩、活动参与、小组合作、课题完成、作业反馈等多个维度对学生的学习过程和效果进行评价。

  Implementation of a diversified assessment system to encourage student progress at different learning stages: The Limai Cambridge assessment system places significant value on both the acquisition and practical usage of academic knowledge and innovation, as well as closely monitoring and evaluating the learning process.

  课程的多样化学校提供了数学、进阶数学、物理、化学、经济、计算机等课程,还根据学生的能力和兴趣,补充了英语、学术英语写作、论文课题研究等人文课程,当然还有我们所熟知的地理、历史、心理和生物等课程,实现申请国别、申请专业、文理课程的多样化。A wide variety of courses: The school offers courses in mathematics, upper-level mathematics, physics, chemistry, economics, computer science, and other courses. The academic team also propose English, academic English writing, dissertation research, and other humanities courses according to the student's abilities and interests. We also have geography, history, psychology and biology courses to achieve the application diversity of the country, major and liberal arts courses.

  升学规划全面入学时指定升学指导老师,伴随观察与指导,综合学生的能力、兴趣与适合度,量身定制升学计划及最终申请方案,提供有深度有温度的推荐信。Admission planning: An assigned advisor will monitor and counsel the student during the admission process. The student's ability, interests, and aptitude will influence personalized application plans, and a recommendation letter will be thoughtfully and sincerely provided.




  LIMAI中学剑桥 | 最适合中国学生的选择

  全球大学认可的课程体系。在留学热门国家美国、英国、加拿大和澳大利亚,只有英国有自己完善、严谨的标准化中学课程和考评体系,系统性的优势让A Level的考试成绩受到了全球绝大多数国家大学的认可,并作为录取学生时的重要标准之一。

  Internationally recognized curriculum: A-Level results are acknowledged by a plethora of universities worldwide and constitute one of the primary factors considered during the admission process.


  Flexible course options: The course selection mode is highly valued by Chinese students, as it provides both the opportunity to develop their personalities and freedom from the burdens of less important subjects and specialties. This enables them to stand out in the international curriculum system.


  Personalized examination arrangements: The IGCSE and A-level programs at Cambridge International High School implement a "learn while you test" model. "learning while testing" system that significantly reduces student psychological workload and dispels the notion that a single exam determines a student's future. The program provides students with a chance to retake a test in the case of errors.


  System of Grading: This course places equal importance on examinations and quality education, thus presenting a highly suitable program for Chinese students. By thoroughly understanding the principles, concepts and fundamental question types presented in the syllabus, students can successfully attain excellent results in their examinations.


上一篇:东海县西双湖派出所:织密治安“防护网” 筑牢秋季“防火墙”
下一篇:秋招火热 产业变迁引领就业新方向
