
栏目:教育活动  时间:2022-12-06



  2020年12月英语六级翻译真题:(第二套 )港珠澳大桥

  港珠澳大桥( Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macau Bridge)全长55公里,是我国一项不同寻常的工程壮举。大桥将三个城市连接起来,是世界上最长的跨海桥梁和隧道系统。大桥将三个城市之间的旅行时间从3小时缩短到30分钟。这座跨度巨大的钢筋混凝土大桥充分证明中国有能力建造创纪录的巨型建筑。它将助推区域一体化,促进经济增长。大桥是中国发展自己的大湾区总体规划的关键。中国希望将大湾区建成在技术创新和经济繁荣上能与旧金山、纽约和东京的湾区相媲美的地区。






  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to de-velop effective communication skills. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


  Living in an age when competition is becoming increasingly severe, students are generally encouraged to develop effec-tive communication skills. These skills include both the man-

  agement of body language and facial expressions while stu-dents are talking and the pace and emphasis of the speech flow.

  The reasons why students should be encouraged to develop effective communication skills mainly lie in the following three respects. First of all, as a student, effective communi-cation skills make our thoughts and ideas more easily under-stood by those around us and our talent would be more

  likely to been seen by others. Moreover, effective communi-cation skills give us the ability to fulfill tasks more efficient-ly and solve problems more effectively. Last but not least,knowing the secrets of effectively delivering what we would like to express helps us make more friends.

  To conclude, developing effective communication skills can not only render us outstanding easily but also lead us to success undoubtedly. With these skills, we will definitely become the one we have been dreaming to be.



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to de-velop the ability to meet challenges. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


  Living in a world where challenges exist everywhere, stu-dents are generally encouraged to develop the ability to meet diverse challenges. Cultivating this ability is no easy task, but once you own it, you will be more likely to achieve success.

  The reasons why students should be encouraged to develop the ability to meet challenges mainly lie in the following three respects. First of all, as a student, the ability to meet challenges can give them a stronger inner mind, which is very indispensable for the growth of contemporary young-sters. Moreover, the ability, to meet challenges can make students better prepared for their future career. Last but not least, this ability can undoubtedly enhance students'efficiency to solve problems in their real lives.

  To conclude, developing the ability to meet challenges can not only render us outstanding easily but also lead us to success eventually. With this ability, we will definitely become the one we have been dreaming to be.



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to de-velop creativity. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


  Living in a time when science and technology has already been highly developed, students are gradually used to ac-cepting large numbers of structured and experience-based knowledge. By contrast, creativity seems relatively more precious because it is a quality so rare that most people would ignore its existence.

  The reasons why students should be encouraged to develop creativity mainly lie in the following three respects. First of all, the ability to be creative can give them a more splendid inner. mind, which is very indispensable for the growth of contemporary youngsters. Moreover, creativity can stimu-late students' ”imagination, which people attach great im-portance to in the process of invention. Last but not least,this ability can undoubtedly enhance students ”efficiency to solve problems in their real lives.

  In my point of view, developing creativity can not only render us outstanding easily but also lead us to success eventually. With this ability, we will definitely become the one we have been dreaming to be.

