
栏目:教育活动  时间:2023-07-29



  Section I Use of English


  ①Harlan Coben believes that if you're a writer, you'll find the time; and that if you can't find the time, then writing isn't a priority and you're not a writer.哈兰·科本认为,如果你是一名作家,你准会抽出时间写作;如果你抽不出时间,那么写作就不是你最重要的事,你也就算不上一名作家。

  ②For him, writing is a normal job—a job like any other.对他而言,写作是一份正常的工作——就像其他任何工作一样。

  ③ He has compared it with plumbing, pointing out that a plumber doesn't wake up and say that he can't work with pipes today.他曾将其与管道施工相比较,并指出,一位管道工不会一觉醒来就说自己今天不能从事管道工作了。


  ①If, like most writers these days, you're holding down a job to pay the bills, it's not easy to find the time to write.如果,你像现在的大多数作家一样,是为了支付账单而要保住工作,那么抽出时间写作并不容易。

  ② But it's not impossible.但这并非不可能。

  ③ It requires determination and single-mindedness.它需要决心和专心。

  ④ Remember that most bestselling authors began writing when they were doing other things to earn a living.别忘了,大多数畅销书作家是在从事其他工作维持生计时开始写作的。

  ⑤And today, even writers who are fairly well-known often have to do other work to supplement their writing income.如今,即使是相当著名的作家,也通常不得不从事其他工作来补充他们的写作收入。


  ① As Harlan Coben has Suggested, it's a question of priorities.正如哈兰·科本所暗示的,这是一个优先级的问题。

  ②To make writing a priority, you'll have to sacrifice some of your day-to-day activities and some things you really enjoy为了把写作放在首位,你将不得不牺牲一些日常活动和一些你真正喜欢的事情。

  ③Depending on your interests and your lifestyle, that might mean spending less time watching television or listening to music, though some people can write while they listen to music.根据你的爱好和生活方式而定,这可能意味着花更少的时间看电视或听音乐,尽管有些人可以在听音乐的同时进行写作。

  ④You might have to cut down on the amount of exercise or sport you do.你可能不得不减少你所做的锻炼或运动的量。

  ⑤You'll have to make social media an occasional activity rather than a daily,time-consuming habit.你必须得让使用社交媒体成为一种偶尔的活动,而不是一种日常且耗时的习惯。

  ⑥There'll probably have to be less socializing with your friends and less time with your family.你可能不得不减少与朋友之间的来往,并减少与家人在一起的时间。

  ⑦ It's a tough learning curve, and it won't always make you popular.这是一个艰难的过程,而且它并不总是会让你受欢迎。


  ①There's just one thing you should try to keep at least some time for, in addition to your writing—and that's reading.除了写作,还有一件事你至少应该试着留出一些时间去做——那就是阅读。

  ②Any writer needs to read as much and as widely as they can; it's the one indispensable supporter—something you can't do without.任何一个作家都需要尽可能多地、广泛地阅读;它是一个不可或缺的支持者——你写作不能没有的东西。


  ①Time is finite.时间是有限的。

  ②The older you get, the quicker it seems to go.年纪越大,时间似乎就流逝得越快。

  ③We need to use it as carefully and as productively as we can.我们需要尽可能谨慎地且有效地利用时间。

  ④ That means prioritising our activities so that we spend most time on the things we really want to do.这意味着要按优先级排列我们的活动,这样我们就能把大部分时间花在我们真正想做的事情上。

  ⑤ If you're a writer, that means—above all—writing.如果你是一个作家,那就意味着——最重要的是——写作。


