
栏目:教育活动  时间:2023-10-17




  In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and in other products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  Trying to live without exploiting animals for food, clothing or medicine can be a healthy lifestyle, except that that would probably never become a fashion. People in the modern world seem to agree that it is not 100 percent justified to eat meat, clothe in leather, or use animals as medical research subjects; nevertheless, very few people would like to choose to live the vegan way for the benefits of animals, people and the planet. The case for animal rights is likely to go nowhere simply because people can have a choice but animals cannot.

  It would be out of the question to imagine that non-human animals could voice their own opinions. As it is, the question whether animals have rights as humans do has never been considered seriously. More recently, however, pro-animal and vegan groups have joined forces in supporting one basic right for animals: the right not to be property. Roughly speaking, people take it for granted that they own the world which they actually do. Of course, the animal welfare movement is being promoted to illustrate no more than moral conscience, certainly with little, if any, cognitive knowledge of, or obvious understanding from animals themselves. As a result, amid various points of view, a parallel argument is that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals as resources so long as there is no unnecessary suffering.

  On the other hand, even today common sense seems to imply that humans are licensed to kill animals for food, clothing or medicine. As if authorized by Heaven, people also make animals suffer in other things, including hard labor in farms and transportation as well as entertainment in circus shows. Discussed as a whole, this is more an issue on habitual necessity, or religious, ethnic and health backgrounds, rather than on mere survival . Although the vegan way of life is a healthy choice, most people cannot accept eating a plant-based diet, nor can they avoid using animal by-products for many purposes. Given that plants can theoretically feed, cover and cure, there is nothing like what comes from animals. In short, talking about sparing animals and leaving them alone is too cheap to carry weight since not every person is willing to be a vegan in the real sense of the word.

  In all appearances, the animal debate attracts some attention but does not lead to enough action to reduce the pain of animals. Without wearing something like leather jackets and knowing to use medicines from animals, for instance, humans are in part similar to the omnivorous rats that eat anything . So, it is next to impossible for people to change the carnivorous habits and become entirely herbivorous because humans are not born vegans.

  Trying to live without exploiting animals for food, clothing or medicine can be a healthy lifestyle, except that that would probably never become a fashion. People in the modern world seem to agree that it is not 100 percent justified to eat meat, clothe in leather, or use animals as medical research subjects; nevertheless, very few people would like to choose to live the vegan way for the benefits of animals, people and the planet. The case for animal rights is likely to go nowhere simply because people can have a choice but animals cannot.

  It would be out of the question to imagine that non-human animals could voice their own opinions. As it is, the question whether animals have rights as humans do has never been considered seriously. More recently, however, pro-animal and vegan groups have joined forces in supporting one basic right for animals: the right not to be property. Roughly speaking, people take it for granted that they own the world which they actually do. Of course, the animal welfare movement is being promoted to illustrate no more than moral conscience, certainly with little, if any, cognitive knowledge of, or obvious understanding from animals themselves. As a result, amid various points of view, a parallel argument is that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals as resources so long as there is no unnecessary suffering.

  On the other hand, even today common sense seems to imply that humans are licensed to kill animals for food, clothing or medicine. As if authorized by Heaven, people also make animals suffer in other things, including hard labor in farms and transportation as well as entertainment in circus shows. Discussed as a whole, this is more an issue on habitual necessity, or religious, ethnic and health backgrounds, rather than on mere survival . Although the vegan way of life is a healthy choice, most people cannot accept eating a plant-based diet, nor can they avoid using animal by-products for many purposes. Given that plants can theoretically feed, cover and cure, there is nothing like what comes from animals. In short, talking about sparing animals and leaving them alone is too cheap to carry weight since not every person is willing to be a vegan in the real sense of the word.

  In all appearances, the animal debate attracts some attention but does not lead to enough action to reduce the pain of animals. Without wearing something like leather jackets and knowing to use medicines from animals, for instance, humans are in part similar to the omnivorous rats that eat anything . So, it is next to impossible for people to change the carnivorous habits and become entirely herbivorous because humans are not born vegans.



  More and more people now choose to wear the fashionable clothes. Why is it? What are the positive and negative effects does this trend impose on the society?



  Nowadays, the phenomenon of going after the fashion is overwhelming worldwide. In my view, this tendency stems from many causes, and it has more negative influences than positive ones.

  There are multiple factors contributing to the growing importance of fashion in people’s daily lives, and the first one is the influence of advertisement. In too many commercials of famous-brand fashions, some external values are appended to costly and trendy clothes, like beauty, grace, success, charm and dignity. As a result, these traits draw much attention of the consumers and persuade them to pursue fashion. Another reason of fashion preference among the public is that it makes contributions to the improvement of personal image. For example, as for a young female, wearing fashionable and often costly clothes is a convenient way which not only can boost her self-confidence in a job interview, but also makes her more attractive in dating a man.

  To some extent, choosing fashion clothes is beneficial for the mentality of modern people. In fact, today, personalities of the public are always inhibited because they are forced to wear the same-style clothing, such as uniforms in school or work wear in workplace. Hence, the pursuit of fashion featuring unique designs, colors and patterns is a good way of helping people to get rid of the feelings of stress, monotony or oppression. In other words, by shopping or wearing favored fashion in leisure time, people can recover the freedom for the expression of individuality, and a good mood as well.

  However, demerits of fashion should never be ignored, and the main one is that a strong desire of owning costly clothes stimulates the overconsumption of people. Generally speaking, fashion clothes belong to luxury goods whose prices are incredibly high. In too many cases, people obsessed with fashion cut off the basic budget of daily life, or max out credit cards, for the purpose of purchasing a single expensive luxurious dress, which, eventually, causes the finance out of balance.

  The most worrying aspect is that this trend builds up a wrong admiration of materialism among people. In a fashion-oriented society, People wearing famous-brand clothes are respectable and prideful, while the ones who cannot afford the fashion are despised. Therefore, under such social values which judge people through their appearance, instead of talents and abilities, people in poverty would be discriminated and mistreated, even lose the competition in job employment.

  In conclusion, the high popularity of fashion lies on two main reasons, temptation of advertisements and the purpose of improving the personal image. Besides, I believe the disadvantages of this trend are over its advantages, because crass materialism causes people to forget the limitation of money spending or spiritual values.



  Some people think young people should follow the tradition of the society. Others think young people should be free to behave as individual. Discuss both view points and give you own opinion.



  There is no doubt that it is significant for the youth to follow their social traditions. Initially, it is of substantial importance to regulate their behavior and thus smooth the communication between the young and their parents, so that the generation gap, which frequently occurs in a wide range of families, would be less likely generated. Subsequently, it is a commonly shared convention that social traditions are considered as the characteristics of a nation. The heritage of those characteristics would largely ensure a country’s cultural diversity. However, if young people do not follow their social traditions, the integrity of their culture will suffer from a considerable loss.

  However, although it seems to be beneficial for the youth to behave within the confines of their social traditions, we should not neglect the blessings to which allowing them to behave freely will contribute. They tend to be rather restricted because of the pressure stemmed from the tradition of their community and consequently there is a higher possibility for them to become less creative in areas, where innovation is highly demanded, including advertising industry. By contrast, if they are allowed to behave as they wish to, young people are more likely to become innovative. As a result of this, they may fully stretch their potential, thereby contributing as much as they could to the fields they are specialized in.


  In conclusion, young people need the traditions of their community to regulate their own behavior and following them may significantly help in achieving this. However, the youth being allowed to behave freely is equally important in terms of creating an innovative generation.



  An American film actor once said,” Tomorrow is important and precious.” Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree or disagree?



  An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.” But another saying goes like this:” yesterday is history; tomorrow is mystery; only today is a present.” In my opinion, individuals and society should pay more attention to the present than to the future. Therefore, we’re adult and I think this a length or portion of time is the best part of adult life.

  So far as we know, only hope cannot achieve anything. It is clear that we also should grab the present to study hard and to get near to the hope. What’s more, a high-quality life needs to enjoy the present. If we always think tomorrow would be better we should enjoy tomorrow, when the next day comes, another tomorrow is ahead, thus, there is no day for us to enjoy life forever. So, I’m really belief that early part period of adulthood, because when we were young, we have enough energy to do anything and in this part of time we are have more self-confident. It is possible that before we have a good career, we need to build a dream and we should know how to do this. So, when we located early part of adult life, we should have this kind of conscious and think about yourselves.

  For middle and late periods of adulthood, I think these two parts of times just go to work hard and earn much money, because in the early period of time we make sure clarify the orientation of the struggle already. In my opinion, I think middle periods of time and late periods of time are not really important than early periods of adulthood, for another place, today is important than tomorrow, and we shouldn’t depended on tomorrow and waste time for today. So, we spend every minute seriously and carefully. Together we will have a splendid life. If we spend every present moment idly waiting for the so called important and precious tomorrow to come, life will surely be meaningless, because of the future is based on what we are doing today.

  Form the above analysis, we could draw the conclusion that what we are doing at present decides what tomorrow would be like, and that the present is important and precious Therefore, that’s why I choose early periods of adulthood.


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