
栏目:教育活动  时间:2023-11-06

  01:52红网时刻新闻记者 樊令钰 杨柳 报道“三两米,喷喷香,冇得菜,夹辣酱”,“Freshly cooked rice, smells so nice. If no dishes, take chili sauces.”在湖南娄底双峰人的餐桌上,可以没肉没菜,In Shuangfeng County, Loudi City, Hunan Province, people can eat with no meat and vegetables,但绝不能没有一碟下饭神器——永丰辣酱。but can not eat without Yongfeng chili sauce.永丰辣酱作为一道双峰非遗美食,传承已有400余年。As an intangible cultural heritage of Shuangfeng, the Yongfeng chili sauce has been passed more than 400 years.清咸丰年间,曾国藩曾把它进献给咸丰皇帝,后被列为皇室贡品,进而闻名中国。During the reign of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guofan dedicated it to Emperor Xianfeng, which was later listed as a royal tribute and became famous in China.每年三伏刚至之时,家家户户开始为制酱做准备。At the beginning of the dog days of summer, every household begins to prepare for making chili sauce.传统永丰辣酱的制作原料是小麦,The main ingredient is wheat.洗净蒸熟后,入霉房发酵一周。First, the washed and steamed wheat is sent to a closed room for one-week fermentation.接着就是制作酱胚。Then, make the sauce embryo.酶化后的小麦洗净晒干,Clean up and dry the fermented wheat.磨成粉,与盐水调和搅拌,晾晒半月。Ground it into powder, mix it with salt water, and dry it for two weeks.再将糯米蒸熟晾凉,混入盐水,搅拌成糊。When sticky rice is steamed and cooled, stir it with the salt water until they become pasty.经过一个多月的暴晒后,酱胚制成。After over a month under the blazing sun, the sauce embryo is done.于是,辣椒登场。Now comes the peppers.香辣鲜爽的牛角椒,肉肥甜辣的灯笼椒,任君挑选。Local spicy Cayenne pepper, or thick, sweet bell pepper, both are your choice.新鲜辣椒去蒂、洗净,晾干剁碎,入缸发酵。Remove seeds, clean up and dry the peppers. Then, add the finely chopped ones into the earthen vats for fermentation.29道工序,100天日晒夜露,一缸永丰辣酱终于完成。29 processes, 100 days and nights, the Yongfeng hot sauce is finally completed.制好的辣酱,生吃,甜辣清脆,Prepared chili sauce, eaten raw, sweet and spicy and crisp.若当作辅料遇上鲜嫩透白的鱼汤,Once it meets the white fish soup as seasoning,大火烹煮,辣味渗透进鱼身,又别有一番滋味。cooking in a big fire, the spicy taste penetrated into the fish, and it has a different taste.几百年来,因为对这味道的喜爱,晒制辣酱的传统手艺在双峰代代相传。For centuries, the traditional skills of making the chili sauce have been passed from generations to generations as people are so fond of this taste.举报/反馈

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