
栏目:教育活动  时间:2022-11-27


  人教精通版四年级英语上册 - 三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总共包含6个学习单元,87个单词。

  Unit 1(17个单词)


  ·China英 [''tan] / n.中国I''m from the China.(我来自中国。)·America英 [''merk] / n.美国America is a great place for travel.(美国是一个旅游圣地。)·England英 [''ɡlnd] / n.英国London is located in the south-east of England.(伦敦位于英国东南部。)·Singapore英 [sg''p:] / n.新加坡Singapore and South Africa have established diplomatic relations.(新加坡和南非已经建立了外交关系。)·Canada英 [''knd] / n.加拿大I''m from the Canada.(我来自加拿大。)·good英 [gd] / adj.好的That''s a good idea!(这是个好主意!)·friend英 [frend] / n.朋友I was riding on the back of a friend''s bicycle.(我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。)·brother英 [br(r)] / n.兄弟The brother and sister play together.(两兄妹在一起玩。)·sister英 [sst(r)] / n.姐妹My sister is also my best friend.(我姐姐也是我最好的朋友。)·boy英 [b] / n.男孩The little boy loves to read.(这个小男孩喜欢看书。)·girl英 [g:l] / n.女孩The girl really likes music.(这个女孩真的很喜欢音乐。)·teacher英 [ti:t(r)] / n.教师I''m a teache.(我是一名教师。)·farmer英 [fɑ:m(r)] / n.农民;农场主The farmer takes a rest after working for a long time.(老农在长时间辛苦耕耘以后休息了一会儿。)·postman英 [pstmn] / n.邮递员The postman asked me to sign for the parcel.(邮递员叫我签收包裹。)·doctor英 [dkt(r)] / n.医生I want to be a doctor in the doctor.(我想将来成为一名医生。)·nurse英 [n:s] / n.护士I want to be a nurse.(我想当一名护士。)·driver英 [drav(r)] / n.司机;驾驶员The driver got out of his van.(司机从货车上下来。)

  Unit 2(20个单词)


  ·class英 [klɑ:s] / n.班级She is teaching class to his students.(她正在给学生们上课。)·grade英 [gred] / n.年级I''m in class two,grade three.(我在三年级二班。)·one英 [wn] / num.一One o''clock.(一点钟。)·two英 [tu:] / num.两Two o''clock.(两点钟)·three英 [θri:] / num.三Three people.(三个人)·four英 [f:(r)] / num.四four seasons.(四季。)·thirteen英 [θ:ti:n] / num.十三There''s a number thirteen on my shirt.(我的T恤上印有数字13.)·fourteen英 [f:ti:n] / num.十四February fourteen is Valentine''s Day.(2月14日是情人节。)·five英 [fav] / num.五Five people.(五个人。)·six英 [sks] / num.六Six o''clock.(六点钟。)·fifteen英 [ffti:n] / num.十五My son will turn fifteen years old this year.(我儿子今年就要十五岁了。)·sixteen英 [sksti:n] / num.十六She got a special gift when she turned sixteen years old.(当她年满16岁时,收到了一份特殊的礼物。)·seven英 [sevn] / num.七Seven Dwarfs.(七个小矮人。)·eight英 [et] / num.八Eight men will be quite enough.(八个人就足够了。)·seventeen英 [sevnti:n] / num.十七The number on the ball is seventeen.(球上的数字是17。)·eighteen英 [eti:n] / num.十八I am eighteen years old.(我十八岁了。)·nine英 [nan] / num.九It''s nine o''clock now.(现在九点钟了。)·ten英 [ten] / num.十It''s ten o''clock.(十点了,该打烊了。)·nineteen英 [nanti:n] / num.十九After nineteen years,I still felt young.(过了十九年,我仍然觉得年轻。)·twenty英 [twenti] / num.二十Twenty is a good age.(二十岁是个好年纪啊。)

  Unit 3(14个单词)


  ·pineapple英 [panpl] / n.菠萝Pineapple is my favorite fruit.(菠萝是我特别喜欢的水果。)·lemon英 [lemn] / n.柠檬A lemon is an acid fruit.(柠檬是一种酸味水果。)·apple英 [pl] / n.苹果Do you like apples?(你喜欢苹果吗?)·pear英 [pe(r)] / n.梨Do you like pears?(你喜欢梨吗?)·watermelon英 [w:tmeln] / n.西瓜A watermelon is red inside and green outside.(西瓜内红外绿。)·kiwi fruit英 [ki:wi: fru:t] / n.猕猴桃What''s the color of kiwi fruit?(猕猴桃是什么颜色的?)·orange英 [rnd] / n.橙子,橘子;橙色的Do you like orange?(你喜欢橙子吗?)·banana英 [bnɑ:n] / n.香蕉Do you like bananas?(你喜欢香蕉吗?)·potato英 [ptet] / n.土豆;马铃薯I want some meat and potatoes.(我想要一些肉和土豆。)·tomato英 [tmɑ:t] / n.西红柿I want some tomatoes and eggs.(我想要一些西红柿和鸡蛋。)·carrot英 [krt] / n.胡萝卜Bring some carrots in from the garden,so we can cook dinner.(从菜园拔一些胡萝卜来,这样我们就可以做晚饭了。)·cucumber英 [kju:kmb(r)] / n.黄瓜This cucumber plant is climbing.(这棵黄瓜爬蔓了。)·eggplant英 [egplɑ:nt] / n.茄子I have eggplants for lunch.(我午餐吃的是茄子。)·green pepper英 [ɡri:n pep] / n.青椒Green pepper is the main ingredient of the dish.(青椒是这道菜最主要的原料。)

  Unit 4(11个单词)


  ·fine英 [fan] / adj.(天气)晴朗的What a fine day!(多好的天儿啊!)·nice英 [nas] / adj.好的,令人愉快的Nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你。)·warm英 [w:m] / adj.温暖的The weather cooled off, wo we made a fire to keep warm.(天气变凉了,所以我们生火取暖。)·cool英 [ku:l] / adj.凉爽的It''s cool and windy.(天气凉爽多风。)·hot英 [ht] / adj.炎热的It was a hot, humid summer day.(这是个炎热潮湿的夏日。)·cold英 [kld] / adj.寒冷的I prefer the cold,snowy mountains over warm places.(比起温暖的地方,我更喜欢寒冷、白雪皑皑的山区。)·sunny英 [sni] / adj.晴朗的I love sunny.(我喜欢晴天。)·cloudy英 [kladi] / adj.多云的;阴天的It''s cloudy.(天气多云。)·windy英 [wndi] / adj.有风的;多风的It''s windy.(天气有风。)·rainy英 [reni] / adj.下雨的;多雨的I don''t rainy.(我不喜欢下雨。)·snowy英 [sni] / adj.下雪的;多雪的It''s snowy.(下雪了。)

  Unit 5(14个单词)


  ·cap英 [kp] / n.(无边的)帽子Police wear a blue cap when on duty.(警察在执勤的时候戴着蓝帽子。)·hat英 [ht] / n.(有边的)帽子;礼帽Several styles of hat were available.(帽子有几种款式。)·T-shirt英 [''ti:,:t] / n.T恤衫I like your T-shirt.(我喜欢你的T恤衫。)·dress英 [dres] / n.女服;连衣裙Look at my dress.(看我的连衣裙。)·blouse英 [blaz] / n.女衬衫She wears a white blouse today.(今天她穿了一件白色衬衫。)·jacket英 [dkt] / n.短上衣;夹克衫My brown jacket is very expensive.(我的棕色夹克非常贵。)·raincoat英 [renkt] / n.雨衣I have a new raincoat.(我有一件新雨衣。)·sweater英 [swet(r)] / n.毛线衫;毛衣She wears a yellow sweater.(她穿了一件黄色的毛衣。)·skirt英 [sk:t] / n.短裙I like your skirt.(我喜欢你的裙子。)·shirt英 [:t] / n.衬衫Put on your shirt.(穿上你的衬衫。)·shorts英 [:ts] / n.短裤I like your shorts.(我喜欢你的短裤。)·jeans英 [di:nz] / n.牛仔裤Your jeans are in the wash.(你的牛仔裤还在洗着呢。)·socks英 [sɑks] / n.袜子(sock的复数)Put on your socks.(穿上你的袜子。)·shoes英 [''u:z] / n.鞋子(shoe的复数)You should wear your sports shoes.(你应该穿运动鞋。)

  Unit 6(11个单词)


  ·big英 [bg] / adj.大的It''s a big hamburger,but I can finish it!(这么大一个汉堡包,但是我能吃完!)·small英 [sm:l] / adj.小的This is a small model of my real house.(这是我房子的一个小模型。)·long英 [l] / adj.长的Everyone noticed her beautiful,long,Black hair.(所有人都注意到了她那美丽的棕色长发。)·tall英 [t:l] / adj.高的How did you grow so tall?(你是怎么长得这么高的?)·short英 [:t] / adj.短的;矮的Short hair is in style now.(短发现在很流行。)·fat英 [ft] / adj.胖的;肥的You''ll become fat if you eat too much junk food.(如果你吃很多垃圾食品的话,会长胖的。)·strong英 [str] / adj.强壮的I feared I wouldn''t be able to control such a strong horse.(我怕我驾驭不了这么强壮的马。)·thin英 [θn] / adj.瘦的He was a tall, thin man with grey hair.(他是个瘦高个,头发灰白。)·new英 [nju:] / adj.新的The photo shows the new look of our city.(照片展示了我们城市的新面貌。)·old英 [ld] / adj.旧的;老的We don''t feel old at all.(我们一点都不觉得老。)·happy英 [hpi] / adj.幸福的;快乐的She is always happy to see her friend.(见到自己的朋友,她总是很开心。)

  人教精通版 - 四年级英语上册(三年级起点)》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。


