It has been a hot topic for a long time whether______(某事物/问题). Some people take it for granted that______(一种观点). However, other reckon that______(另一种观点) .
Those people who hold the former opinion believe______(观点一的理由一). In addition,_____(观点一的理由二).
However, there are still others who advocate the latter opinion because they hold______(观点二的理由一).And,_____(观点二的理由二).What's more,______(观点二的理由三). So______(总结观点二).
As for me, my favor goes to______(两种观点选其一).For one thing,______(个人看法依据一). For another,______(个人看法的依据二) . But______(提出某事物/问题需要改进的地方).And I hope(提出自己的希望).
With the development of______,______(提出问题).Some people think that______(观点一).In their opinion,______(观点一的理由一). For instance,______(举例说明).
However, others hold that______(观点二), They maintain that_______(观点二的理由一).To their minds,______(观点二的理由二).
As far as I see it, what really matters is______(提出个人看法),______(进一步说明看法). When it comes to______(某事物), I think_____(提出个人看法). In a word,______(总结自己的观点).
Nowadays/ At present _____(概述现象). The Phenomenon has become a heated topic among the people around us / The phenomenon has brought into focus. /_____(某现象), which has arouse great concern______(阐述现象表现).
There are many factors that many reasons accounting for this phenomenon. / The reasons (factors) that contribute to______ (该现象)are varied. First of all/ To start with,_____(原因一). In addition/Furthermore/What is more/Moreover,______(原因二).Finally,______(原因三).On the whole,_____(总结原因).
As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to_____(我的做法/我的看法)______ (总结观点).
Nowadays/ at present, there is an increasing number of______(总述社会现象/事实现象),which has received considerable publicity/ which has aroused great concern. What impresses us most is that_____(现象的突出表现).
As far as I am concerned/As for me/In my opinion,______(我的观点).One problem is that______(问题一).Another is that______(问题二).
In view of the problems mentioned above, it is suggested that______(提出建议).
Recently, it is generally accepted that______(总述该问题)https://www.zikao365.com/xueweiyingyu/fuxizhidao/Nowadays it is universally acknowledged that_____(总述该问题)______(表现一/作用一).In addition, _______(表现二/作用二).There for,______(总结该问题).But now_____(提出疑问).
There are many factors involved in_____(解决该问题), /Many a factor plays an important role in______(解决该问题).Firstly/First of all,______(方法一/因素一)______(进一步阐述方法一/因素一).Secondly/In addition,______(方法二/因素二)______( 进一步阐述方法二/因素二).Thirdly/Besides/Moreover/What's more,_______(方法三/因素三)--fxgr-- Last but not least,_______(方法四/因素四).
To sum up,______(总结).Once_______(说明所需条件),______(某事物)will be within your reachhttps://www.zikao365.com/xueweiyingyu/fuxizhidao/If we can bear those factors in mind, we are more likely to succeed.
With the____ of____,____(问题产生背景)_______(某问题)is becoming a big concern to______(某人).
There are various ways for_______(某人)to______(解决该问题).To begin with,______(方法一),Secondly,______(方法二),Besides,______(方法三),What's more,______(方法四).
As far as I am concerned/As for me/In my case,______ is a wise choice(我的看法). On the one hand,______(我的理由一). On the other hand,______(我的理由二). All in all,______(总结观点).
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