今日雅思考试:新鲜热辣~答对 告诉:雅思考试日期发布(含UKVI)知识介绍
2021年8月7日 雅思听力考题回想
Section One
内容概述: 一位女孩打电话咨询找兼职工作
答案/关键词:1. the date of birth: 8th/30th March, 1988 (日期有争议)2. contact telephone: 0903 775 1153. transport:by train4. destination: Northern Europe5. the girl wants to find a job in the hotel6. job agencies recommend to do alternative work - farm workThe main give the girl some suggestions to bring some items:7. better to buy a European Pass ticket to travel8. provide a booklet of detailed information about accommodation9. recommend her to take out insurance from agency10. contact family members via an Internet cafe
Section Two
答案/关键词:11-16 单选题11. B businessman12. A encourage more efficient land use13. A community centres14. C practical garden tips15. B container for plants16. C its help in encouraging community provide17-20 匹配题17. city centre - meal (cooking lessons)18. government - management on greenhouse effect19. university - advice and soil analysis20. hospital - fit diet (course about eating)
Section Three
内容概述: 两个学生关于对博物馆的研讨的评论
Section Four
内容概述: 对数学的焦虑症
答案/关键词:31. traditional method of teaching32. conception of time and sequence33. every day practice/problem like dealing with counting money34. more calculation to develop more confidence35. Solution: encourage them to solve the problem of guessing/number calculation36. do exercises e.g. breathing relaxation and walking exercises37. a link with language barrier38. do exercises like literacy, numeracy and concentration39. children no longer needed treatment/training again40. popular with teachers and families
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