The Legend of the Cowherd and the Weavin
七夕节始终和牛郎织女的传说相连,这是一个千古流传的动人爱情故事,成为中国四大民间爱情传说之一 。
Qixi Festival has always been connected with traditional and moving love legend of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid which has been passed down through centuries. As a result, it has become one of China’s four major folk love stories.
According to the legend, the Cowherd became an orphan at a young age and then was mistreated by his elder brother and sister-in-law, being left with only a cow as a companion. One day the Weaving Maid playing with her fellow fairy maidens came down to earth and bathed in a river. With the aid of his ox, the Cowherd got acquainted with the Weaving Maid and the two fell in love with each other. Afterwards, the Weaving Maid secretly came down to earth to become the Cowherd’s wife.
After they got married, they lived happily together and gave birth to a boy and a girl. The man spent his time farming while the lady spent her time weaving. After some time, as the cow became old and was about to die, it urged them to skin it after its death and keep its skin for use in a time of need. After the death of the cow, the couple very reluctantly skinned it. Afterwards, they buried its body in the hillside.
After hearing the news that the Weaving Maid had married the Cowherd, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of Heaven were infuriated and the Queen Mother herself came down to earth and dragged the Weaving Girl back to heaven. Later when the Cowherd returned home and discovered that his wife was missing, he hurriedly rapped himself up in the cow skin, and holding on to his children’s hands sped together across the skies on a cloud in pursuit of the Weaving Girl. But just as he was about to catch up with her, he was spotted by the Queen Mother of Heaven. The Queen Mother of Heaven then took out a golden hairpin from her tresses and waved it out over the sky creating the violent wavy Milky Way, leaving the two on both of its banks. As a result they could only shed bitter tears of grief while longingly viewing each other from a far away distance. But as long as time would last, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother of Heaven would never be able to dissuade the true love of the two, but only allowed them to see each other once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. Every year on this day, magpies will fly up from the earth to the heavens and build a magpie bridge for the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid to cross over and meet each other.
Late in the evening on the night of the Qixi Festival, people still lingering under the grape or other melon trellises can hear the affectionate words shared between the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid in the heavens.
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