面对来势汹汹的疫情,广西监察局深入贯彻落实了习近平总书记的重要指示精神和党中央的决策部署。 它负责保卫土地,并负责保卫土地。 它主动充分利用总部附近的优势,努力实现“四个关注”。 有效地做好了疫情防控财政补助资金的跟踪监测工作。
自新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情爆发以来,天津市财政部把防控疫情作为当前的首要政治任务和重中之重。 首先成立专项工作领导小组,紧急动员,迅速行动,积极与各预算单位联系,了解资金需求,处理特殊和紧急事项,全力保证资金。 它绝不能因为费用问题而延误对病人的治疗并影响流行病的预防和控制。同时,建立城市防控资金联动机制,开辟资金快速配置、政府采购和融资担保再担保的绿色通道,采取多种措施支持疫情防控。
实施防治工作经费补贴政策。早在1月17日,市财政局以高度的政治敏锐性和责任感,主动联系市卫生部门了解全市传染病医疗用品情况,并拨出500万元专款用于突发事件的卫生应急处理。与此同时,中国人民银行天津分行将协调开通绿色配置渠道,确保各级财政资金在节假日期间不中断地到位。为充分保障医疗卫生机构开展疫情防控工作所需的相关资金,截至2月3日,市财政共拨付2。 卫生部门预防和控制资金的5%。9亿元。
实施病人治疗费用补贴政策。特别拨款1。2亿元医疗保险基金将于2006年拨付到相关定点医疗机构 advance to reduce the pressure on hospitals to make advances.For confirmed or suspected pneumonia patients infected with novel coronavirus, the medical expenses incurred in the treatment shall be fully subsidized by the insured and the part of the personal burden after reimbursement of medical insurance. For uninsured personnel, the medical expenses incurred in treatment shall be fully guaranteed by financial funds.
The implementation of temporary work subsidy policy.For direct contact with cases or confirmed cases, diagnosis, treatment, nursing, hospital infection control, case specimen collection, pathogen detection and other staff as well as other medical personnel and epidemic prevention workers participating in epidemic prevention and control, temporary work subsidies will be given to each person per day in 300 yuan and 200 yuan respectively.
The implementation of industrial injury insurance policy.Cooperate with the municipal health department, municipal people's association and other departments to issue relevant policies to make it clear that in the prevention and treatment work in novel coronavirus, medical care and related staff who have contracted novel coronavirus or died from novel coronavirus infection due to performing their work duties shall be deemed as work-related injuries and shall enjoy work-related injury insurance treatment according to law.
The establishment of urban linkage mechanism for prevention and control funds.Urge all districts to strengthen information communication, implement investment responsibilities, adopt the methods of pre-allocation of funds and post-audit and fully arrange advance funds.At the same time, we will further increase the transfer payments to all districts and issue a total of 0. 5%的防疫经费拨给各区。九亿元,大力支持区级医疗卫生机构开展防疫工作。同时,根据财政部的要求,建立了防疫财务工作的日常报告制度。 据统计,每个区共安排了2个。 地区基金的5%。9亿元。
开辟绿色采购渠道。出台了实施防疫采购便利化的相关政策文件,明确要求各相关单位使用财政资金采购防疫相关项目、物资和服务。 首要目标应是满足防疫和控制工作的需要。 紧急采购可以在不执行政府采购法规定的方法和程序的情况下实施,如采购计划备案。同时,要求采购人加强采购内部控制管理,在提高时效性的同时提高采购资金的使用效率,充分保证采购质量。
有效增加财政投入。设立防疫财政专项资金,主要用于全省医疗卫生机构开展防疫工作所需的医疗物资储备、医疗设备设施和防护用品,并引导国库集中支付代理银行及时足额拨付防疫经费。为落实国家相关政策,中央和省级政府将分别补贴60%和40%的个人费用,用于治疗确诊的新型冠状病毒肺炎患者。疑似感染新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的个人医疗费用负担由政府全额承担,并根据医院隶属关系进行分级。 省级财政应当酌情给予适当补助。对直接接触待调查病例或确诊病例的,对诊断、治疗、护理、医院感染控制、病例标本采集和病原体检测等相关人员按每人每天300元给予补贴。参加防疫工作的其他医务人员和防疫人员,按每人每天200元给予补贴。
河北省财政厅将认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院、省委、省政府关于做好疫情防控工作的决定和部署。 将把预防和控制疫情作为当前最重要的工作来抓。 继续推进防控工作升级和加强,坚决抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情。
为了充分保证打赢这场防治新crowned pneumonia, on February 1, the state issued the "General Administration of Customs of the Ministry of Finance"
Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Tax Exemption Policy for Imported Materials to Prevent and Control Pneumonia Infected in novel coronavirus (Announcement[2020]No.6, hereinafter referred to as "Announcement"), from January 1 to March 31, 2020, more preferential import tax policies will be implemented for imported materials used for epidemic prevention and control.
The Provincial Department of Finance implemented the spirit of the "Announcement" in the first place, and jointly with the Provincial Health and Health Commission and the Provincial Department of Commerce, clarified the list of import units and imported materials directly used for epidemic prevention and control in the first batch of our province. For the total import amount of 7 units including Liaoning Chengda International Trade Co., Ltd.,4838。价值3万元的防护服、护目镜、口罩等防疫物资被确认免征关税,并及时通报省税务局、沈阳海关和大连海关,有效促进我省防疫物资的顺利进口。
支持对象均为经营期在一年以上,无逃废债务、违法违纪等不良记录的新型农业经营主体。 各地区行政区域内,包括:家庭农场、大农户、农民合作社(联合社)、农业社会化服务组织、小微农业企业、村集体经济组织、农业产业化协会、国有农业(林业、渔业)农场等。
电子财政支付有效开辟了湖南省防疫资金的快速通道。疫情爆发以来,在党中央、国务院和省政府的统一部署下,湖南省财政积极应对,行动迅速,积极联系卫生委员会等有关部门,迅速筹集和拨付抗击疫情的资金,确保疫情防控工作在全省全面实施。防疫专家指出,减少人际接触和阻断人与人之间的传染途径非常重要。根据规定,财政资金的分配必须经过一系列步骤,包括发布财政预算目标、要求预算单位、代理银行付款和清算人民银行。在国库集中支付电子化管理(以下简称“电子支付”)改革中,如何在确保财政资金快速拨付到防疫一线的同时避免人际接触,起到了快速通道的作用。在此次疫情防控中,通过支付信息的电子传输,财务人员可以不出门办理各种财务支出业务,实现不开会快速支付。 这不仅保证了财政防疫资金快速拨付到防疫一线,而且有效落实了部门和单位联合防控措施。
财政防疫资金快速拨付。1月20日,国务院召开关于新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控的电话会议后,湖南省财政提前做好规划,积极联系省卫生委员会,报省政府专项审批。 1月22日(12月28日),紧急下达新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控专项资金,用于疫情防控材料、药品和试剂的采购。1月27日(第一个月的第三天),省卫生委员会在网上申请资金,支付中心进行审核并发布支付指令。 工商银行接受了处理资金支付的指示。 财政部和人民银行完成了清算。 整个支付链无缝远程连接。 当天,3300万元的防疫和控制资金被迅速分配给三家制药企业。2月2日(第一个月的第九天),经与省政府协商ial Department of Labor and Information Technology, a special fund of 4 million yuan from the Provincial Communications Administration was allocated for the expansion of the big data platform for pneumonia epidemic analysis in novel coronavirus.On the same day, it supported the prevention and control of material production and coordinated the pre-allocation of 4 million yuan in raw material reserve funds for 11 key enterprises, of which 200,000 yuan was paid electronically through the authorized payment self-service counter system. The allocation of these funds is realized by relying on the advantage of electronic payment "information running, convenient and fast".Funds were quickly put in place, which played an important role in ensuring funds for epidemic prevention and control in the previous stage in our province.
During the Spring Festival, Hunan Finance specially opened up a green channel for electronic payment of financial funds. Major anti-epidemic special funds of provincial budget units can be requested, reviewed and paid online. Other related sporadic expenditures can be instructed to allocate funds on behalf of banks through the online self-service counter system, ensuring the normal operation of relevant duty units and the full implementation of epidemic prevention and control work in the whole province.
System linkage has helped grass-roots finance to respond well to the epidemic.Adhere to the province's prevention and control of a game of chess, while doing a good job in the provincial anti-epidemic funds security work, the provincial finance actively take measures to guide and support the city and county financial anti-epidemic work.
The provincial finance department issued relevant documents on January 26 (the second day of the first month) to establish an emergency dispatch mechanism for provincial, city and county treasury funds. the "Hunan e-finance" information system was used to dynamically monitor the balance of city and county treasury funds. on that night, 5. 5% of the funds were transferred through the electronic fund dispatch channel.The 3.2 billion yuan will be allocated to 19 counties directly under the jurisdiction of the provincial government, and the funds will be allocated according to the procedures applied by the cities and counties immediately afterwards, with a total of 6.5 billion yuan allocated to the cities and counties.9.20亿元,有力保障了市县资金供应和防疫控制工作。
洞口县的财政反映,该县所有256个预算单位都在1月17日上网运行电子支付。 取消了支付凭证的打印和手工传输,实现了在线指标的发放、支付请求、支付和结算。 支付效率和安全性大大提高,从网上支付到除夕,仅6个工作日就顺利支付了6亿多元资金。 尤其是为了预防和控制疫情,11。从第一个月的第三天起,已经用电子方式支付了6400万元的防疫经费,确保了全县防疫工作的快速发展。
继续跟踪落实疫情防控资金,确保全省工作落实。一是截至2020年2月6日11: 00,新型冠状病毒感染性肺炎防控投入规模达到13。 5%。8.20亿元,补贴资金主要用于保障防疫和控制工作;第二,该省的防疫支出是6。 5%。7.60亿元,其中:0 .50亿元用于医疗。1.10亿元的防疫人员补贴。5.设备和防治材料80亿元。6.80亿元,其他费用1。80亿元。3.90亿元;第三,截至2020年2月6日11: 00,全省各级财政已拨付68。 5%的全省医疗保险基金提前用于2020年第一季度。3亿元(其中:9。 省一级为9%。1亿元)确保及时支付医疗费用。
一是严格控制政府采购的开标和评标活动。以满足防疫工作需要为首要目标,建立采购“绿色通道”。 与防疫和控制有关的应急采购,应当按照应急和特殊事务的原则进行。 要求采购单位建立防疫应急采购内部控制制度,协调采购及时性和采购质量,提高资金使用效率,确保防疫应急采购顺利进行。
首先是确保参保病人需要医疗资金。无论是确诊的或疑似的被保险人,还是当地或其他地方的被保险人,都将得到治疗。 基本医疗、大病医疗和医疗待遇按规定支付后,个人负担由各级财政给予部分补助。
根据市扶贫领导小组办公室的要求,市财政局三名村组成员于2月2日11: 00准时到达,开展疫情防控工作。工作组迅速查明了该村的总体疫情,认真制定了工作计划并实施了预防和控制措施。以村为单位的小组与村委会充分合作,对从武汉回来的学生和工人进行全程排队,从武汉回来的学生和工人每天测量两次体温,从非武汉回来的学生和工人每天测量一次体温,并控制和隔离了5名重点防控人员。将在村庄的入口和出口设置一个24小时特别岗哨,检查和登记进出村庄的人员和车辆,并在实际上隔离村庄和村庄的交界处。
专案组与村委会一起,积极宣传中央和省、市、县、镇对防疫工作的部署和安排、防疫科普知识,通过汽车喇叭、传单、微信等方式增强群众自我防范意识。引导群众不出门、不参观、不聚集ot to have dinner without special circumstances. The resident team has repeatedly discouraged the gathering of villagers and wandering personnel in the village to effectively cut off the transmission of the virus.
Linyi Municipal Finance Bureau of Shandong Province: Helping Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises to Solve Difficulties and Win Anti-Epidemic War
In order to fully support the prevention and control of pneumonia epidemic in novel coronavirus, Linyi Municipal Finance Bureau, based on its financial responsibilities, actively studied and improved policies, supported small and medium-sized enterprises that encountered difficulties in production and operation and participated in the production of epidemic prevention materials, and resolutely won the epidemic prevention and control war.
First, tax relief for small and medium-sized enterprises.Financial funds for epidemic prevention and control obtained by small and medium-sized enterprises from financial departments and other departments of the government at or above the county level are approved as non-taxable income, which shall be deducted from the total income when calculating the taxable income.Due to the epidemic situation, leading to major losses to enterprises, normal production and business activities are greatly affected, it is indeed difficult to pay property tax and urban land use tax, and upon approval, the property tax and urban land use tax can be reduced or exempted.
Second, deferred payment of relevant taxes and fees.For small and medium-sized enterprises that are affected by the epidemic situation and have difficulty in reporting, the enterprise shall apply for an extension of reporting according to law.For enterprises that do have special difficulties and cannot pay taxes on time, the enterprise shall apply and handle the extension of tax payment in accordance with the law for a maximum of three months.For small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the epidemic, facing temporary production and operation difficulties and unable to pay social insurance premiums in full, they can defer payment of old-age insurance, unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance premiums for a maximum period of not more than 6 months upon approval by the competent department.Upon the expiration of the deferred payment period, the small and medium-sized enterprises will not affect the personal rights and interests of the insured after paying the social insurance premiums in full.
Three, the implementation of aid stabilization service.During the epidemic period, insured small and medium-sized enterprises that do not lay off staff or reduce staff and meet the conditions for stable post return may, upon application, return 60% of the unemployment insurance premiums actually paid by their units and their employees in the previous year.For the insured small and medium-sized enterprises that face temporary production and operation difficulties and are expected to resume, persist in not laying off staff or reducing staff, and meet the conditions for stable post return, the return standard can be 6
50% of the social insurance premiums paid by enterprises and their employees in the past 10 months will be refunded.During the epidemic prevention and control period, small and medium-sized enterprises recruited registered unemployed persons in cities and towns, persons with employment difficulties, demobilized soldiers and college graduates to reach 25% of the total number of employees in the enterprise (more than 100
People's enterprises reached more than 15%), and in accordance with the provisions of the labor contract signed with the recruits, can give no more than 3 million yuan of business guarantee loan support.
疫情一触即发,所有人都将被动员起来。疫情爆发后,该局党组下发了《向干部汇报全局》动员防疫工作。指出在疫情加速蔓延的严峻形势下,全局干部,特别是党员干部,要认清自己的责任和任务,把坚持防治第一线作为完成最初任务和体现责任的试金石。自疫情开始以来,主席团成员走访并了解了每条街道前线的情况。按照上述速度,领导全团干部以身作则,在做好自身保护的前提下,坚定地走向社区,与社区团体并肩作战。自1月28日以来,每天都有47人去社区帮助一线工作。 在“双进双控”中,体现了富人和富人互相帮助、共同抗击疫情的精神。
带头行动,坚守岗位。 我们不能停止在火线上战斗。12月27日晚,市财政局接到市委、市政府的防疫任务后,率先启动应急机制,建立了局党组成员和干部24小时值班制度,成立了局领导小组,应对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情。同时,迅速与市卫生部门无缝衔接,积极落实预算安排,开展医疗用品采购防控工作;半个月来,在总务部主任的领导下,15名特勤人员一起搬运物资,一起保管仓库,全面协调,上下联系,真正担负起防控疫情的政治责任,并付诸行动。
筹集资金,加快拨款,充分保障防疫经费。经过多方筹集资金,共有97家。筹集防疫经费1400万元。 截至2月5日,共有70家。各类防疫经费9200万元,其中15 .6100万元用于中部省份。5200万元 Red Cross, 25.36 million yuan for charity associations and 25.85 million yuan for township communities.In addition, in line with the principle of special events and urgent affairs, the special fund allocation class allocated all the emergency prevention and control funds of 20 million yuan to the health and health bureau, the medical insurance bureau and other relevant functional departments in the first place, and made an advance payment of 10 million yuan to the municipal "xiaotangshan" hospital that bears the heavy responsibility.On this basis, pay close attention to the situation of the state treasury, supervise the relevant departments directly under the municipal government and the villages and towns to speed up the progress of epidemic prevention funds expenditure, to ensure that the prevention funds are in place in a timely manner.
Abandoning small families and caring for everyone, purchasing materials through various channels.Rapid guarantee of medical supplies is a key link in the prevention and control of the epidemic.On the evening of the 30th of the new year, the special class for purchasing epidemic prevention materials abandoned the quiet time of family reunion, started emergency purchasing according to law, contacted all major pharmacies in the city, and made good purchase of medical and epidemic prevention materials, fully ensuring the supply of epidemic prevention materials in key hospitals, villages, towns and departments in the city.As of February 5, the accumulated purchase expenditure was over 15 million yuan, and more than 40 categories of epidemic prevention materials have been purchased for major medical institutions and departments in the city. In addition, 35 categories of medical and living materials donated by 24 enterprises, organizations and individuals from all walks of life have been received. At present, these purchased and donated epidemic prevention materials have been distributed, basically ensuring the needs of epidemic prevention and control work in the city.
Financial Bureau of Jiyuan Production City Integration Demonstration Zone in Henan Province: Outbreak Prevention and Control Attacks Hard, Financial Party Members Rush Ahead
示范区防疫指挥部后勤保障队设在财政金融局,由王利民同志任组长,由社会保障部部长李晓燕同志任联络员。社会保障部部长李晓燕是一名有20年党史的老党员。 她带领周普、李欣、、、尹等同志,每天从早忙到晚。 他们的“假期”比正常工作还要忙。春节假期是照顾老人和照顾孩子的时候,但他们毅然离开,痛苦只能默默地忍受。用他们的话来说,尽管他们为自己的家庭感到内疚,但他们能够为预防和控制示范区的疫情做出贡献,并感到这种努力是值得的!
春节假期应该是政府人员流动最少的时候。 但是,由于防疫工作的需要,除了本单位的值班人员和加班人员外,各医院和单位的同志每天都来协调防疫工作,使原本平静的办公楼成为防疫工作的重点。李、同志、全军周二、葛国庆等同志在办公室认真落实各项防疫措施,每天对局办公大楼进行消毒防疫,为同志们创造一个安全健康的工作环境。周二,李的党龄是34岁,而军队的党龄是23岁。 他们俩都是老兵。 关键的时候,他们还在最前线,充分展示了优秀共产党员和优秀复员军人的风采。
在反贫困行动中,财政和金融局联手帮助吴王镇的清徐村和汤洼村,并先后派出了第一书记和驻地小组。自防疫工作开始以来,驻地小组成员已经看到了这一点,心中充满了焦虑。 他们首先赶到两个村庄,把自己放在防疫和控制战争的第一线。他们是清徐村的组长郑国强、一秘聂向阳和组员王峰。 唐瓦组长范,组员,葛.他们和村干部一起挨家挨户宣传防疫知识,提醒村民加强自我保护。 他们逐人逐户搜查,以确保从其他地方返回的援助人员的登记和监督。山区现在仍然很冷,但是他们不怕冷。 他们整天蹲伏在村口,以防流行病进入。 白天天气晴朗,夜晚寒冷刺骨。 他们仍在坚持。 他们用实际行动来保护大众的生命和健康。
2月4日,由临时党支部书记薛带领的15名财政货币局党员志愿者在沁源街道办事处双桥区、第二照明公司家属院、富源花园、集锦队街道站岗。 他们做好了每个街道的出入境登记、体温检测、宣传和说服工作。根据办公室的统一安排,在原社区调查的基础上,他们再次到每户核实信息。 每个家庭应该有几个人,实际上有几个人,1月23日是否有外国援助人员,人员的健康状况等。,以免泄露一户一人,一清二楚。
福山县财政局积极响应,紧急召开专题会议,迅速做出了安排, based on its functions, took the initiative to act as, strengthened measures to ensure that it won the hard battle of epidemic prevention and control, and effectively maintained the health and safety of the people.
Give full play to the emergency role of financial funds.We will stick to our responsibility of ensuring financial funds, arrange statistics, raising, allocating and supervising the use of epidemic prevention and control funds in accordance with the relevant arrangements, establish and improve a reserve subsidy system for epidemic prevention and control, and fully ensure emergency protection of prevention and control funds.
Improve the internal prevention and control mechanism and the package prevention and control mechanism.Solid implementation of the county's epidemic prevention and control work deployment, formulate and improve the Bureau of Finance novel coronavirus prevention and control work contingency plans, set up a leading group.Strict prevention and control measures shall be taken in the office area of the bureau, guard management shall be strengthened, registration, disinfection and other protective measures shall be standardized, the "entrance gate" shall be strictly controlled, and the daily reporting and zero reporting system for epidemic prevention and control of agency personnel shall be strictly implemented.While doing a good job in the prevention and control of the organs themselves, a Party member service team was set up to assist the East Street neighborhood committee in the prevention and control of the epidemic. The team members led a team to form six coordination and prevention working groups to assist in the prevention and control of the epidemic and the control of floating personnel.
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