该意见指出,中国广播电视网络有限公司,有限公司 各省级有线电视网络公司采取增资、联合赞助、股权置换、吸收合并等多种方式,分类别实施,分两步推进网络融合。第一步,中国广播电视网络有限公司,有限公司 将入股一家省级非上市有线电视网络公司,共同推进网络整合、互联平台建设和国家业务发展。中国广播电视网络公司,有限公司 将以其在省级网络公司的股权、国家广电有线主干网的资产、现金及其他出资方式共同发起设立国家有线网络股份公司,省级非上市有线网络公司的股东将共同发起设立总股权不低于51%的国家有线网络股份公司。第二步是推动全国有线电视网络股份公司上市,并通过股权互换、吸收和合并与上市有线电视网络公司整合。
我…… 意义
有线电视网络是党和政府的声音传到千家万户的主要渠道。 它是一个重要的思想文化宣传阵地,在传播主流舆论、发展先进文化方面发挥着重要作用。经过多年的发展,全国有线电视网已有4条以上的干线。2600万公里。全国有600万用户。它拥有4亿个家庭,已经成为国家重要的信息基础设施和建设网络强国的重要组成部分。目前,各省(区、市)已基本落实“一省一网”政策。 数字化双向改造深入实施,服务能力和水平不断提高。同时,我们也应该看到随着网络和数字技术的飞速发展nology, new media, new formats and new business models are constantly emerging. Cable TV network business innovation, transformation and upgrading are restricted by decentralized operation and split development. Resource advantages and scale benefits are not fully brought into play. Sustainable development is facing major challenges.
Adapting to the new situation, new changes and new requirements, speeding up the integrated development of the national cable TV network is a major measure and an important task to implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. It is an inherent requirement to win development space and competitive advantage. It is conducive to firmly occupying the main position of propaganda ideology and culture, maintaining ideological security, cultural security and network security, expanding the coverage and influence of excellent cultural products and services, better meeting the diverse and multi-level spiritual and cultural needs of the people, promoting cultural consumption upgrading and industrial transformation, and promoting supply-side structural reform in the cultural field.
II. 一般要求
以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,特别是习近平总书记“努力把我国建设成为网络强国”的总体目标,实施国家三网融合战略,进一步巩固有线电视网络作为主流舆论传播主渠道的地位,加强顶层设计,创新机制体系,加强科技引导。 推进全国有线电视网络的一体化和智能化建设,加快建设以宣传文化和信息服务为特色的新型综合网络,建立互联、安全、可控的全国数字文化传播渠道,提高网络安全能力,促进大规模、集约化、专业化发展,有效提升先进文化的传播、引导和影响力。
到“十三五”末,全国有线电视网络的整合将基本完成,并成立以中国广播电视网络有限公司为主导的全国性股份公司,有限公司 并由所有省级有线电视网络公司共同拥有,由母子公司系统管理,以实现全国性网络。建设全国互联互通平台,完成双向宽带和智能化改造,进一步提高网络承载能力和内容支撑能力,加快发展跨域、跨网、跨终端综合信息服务和三网融合创新服务,实现节目内容、技术应用和平台终端的共享和整合,显著提升有线电视网络产业的综合效益、综合实力和核心竞争力。
三. 主要任务
中国广播电视网络公司,有限公司 各省级有线电视网络公司采取了增资、联合赞助、股权置换、吸收合并等多种方式,按照“两步走”实施分类,推进网络融合。第一步,中国广播电视网络有限公司,有限公司 将入股一家省级非上市有线电视网络公司,共同推进网络整合、互联平台建设和国家业务发展。中国广播电视网络公司,有限公司 将以其在省级网络公司的股权、国家广电有线主干网的资产、现金及其他出资,与省级未上市有线网络公司的股东共同发起成立国家有线网络股份公司 sponsor the establishment of a national cable network joint stock company with a total equity of not less than 51%.The second step is to promote the listing of national cable TV network joint-stock companies and integrate them with listed cable TV network companies through equity swap, absorption and merger.
(two) the establishment of a unified national operation and management system
According to the requirements of modern enterprise system and reflecting the characteristics of cultural enterprises, the national cable television network joint stock company has established a standardized corporate governance structure, optimized management, integrated internal resources, reformed and innovated management system and operation mechanism, strengthened centralized dispatching and operation support services, formed an efficient operation management system with unified planning, construction, operation and management, and promoted the innovative development of cable television network technology, business, operation and management.
(three) to co-ordinate the development of interconnection platform construction
At the same time of national cable television network integration, accelerate the construction of interconnection platform, unify technical standards, build a central service platform, increase technological transformation of backbone networks, improve access network construction, and all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) actively promote the systematic docking of local network platforms and interconnection platforms.To speed up the evolution to the full function of the Internet, to comprehensively improve the technical level and business development capability of the cable TV network, to ensure the unified distribution and distribution of program content and data information across regions, to realize the full network of cable TV networks at all levels, and to meet the diverse, multi-level viewing and information needs of users across screens, domains and networks.
(D) innovation and development of new businesses and new formats
With audio-visual services as the core, we will pool and integrate high-quality content resources, introduce more high-quality audio-visual services, and actively develop high-definition television, ultra-high-definition television, interactive television and other services.Vigorously implement the "broadband radio and television" and "radio and television+"strategies, carry out basic telecommunications services such as data transmission and value-added telecommunications services such as Internet data centers, innovate and develop three-network integration services such as Internet audio-visual program transmission services based on cable television networks, build a new type of home information center, expand new formats such as integrated information services and intelligent applications, and promote technological integration, business integration and data integration.Using big data and cloud computing, actively explore the establishment of a viewing survey system with Chinese characteristics, tap the needs of potential users, and realize intelligent push and accurate service.
四. 组织和实施
全国有线电视网络的整合与发展关系到广播电视的整体发展,涉及面广、时间紧、任务重。 各地区、各部门、各单位要充分认识有线电视网络整合发展的重要性和紧迫性,加强组织领导,强化保障措施,确保各项任务落实到位。中央和省级宣传部门要加强统筹规划和指导,财政部门要积极支持,新闻、出版、广播电视部门要负责组织实施。中国广播电视网络公司,有限公司 要充分发挥整合的主体作用,加快整合工作。各省(区、市)新闻出版广电总局应制定有线电视网络综合发展工作计划及相关配套措施。
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