【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】物流配送24小时不间断 350万盒抗疫药
Beijing has sped up the circulation and logistics for medicines amid the latest resurgence of COVID-19, as the city's pharmaceutical wholesalers and medicine circulation companies strive to shorten delivery time. The city's five large medicine wholesalers are optimizing the process for medicines to be put in and taken out of warehouses, shortening the time to 12 hours. District-level medicine circulation companies are also minimizing transportation delay, so that medicines can be delivered to hospitals and retail pharmacies in a shorter time. As of Dec 13, the CR Pharma Commerce Company had more than 3 million boxes of anti-epidemic materials worth 150 million yuan in stock. A total of 3.5 million boxes of anti-epidemic medicines had been distributed to nearly 300 medical institutes, more than 2,200 community-level clinics, and 3,000 retail pharmacies. The company is delivering medicines around the clock. Beijing has also established a joint taskforce to solve companies' difficulties in stocking and transporting medicines to meet people's needs.
In order to solve the personnel shortage problem, Beijing’s express delivery companies have taken measures such as mobilizing staff from other places to Beijing and recruiting temporary deliverymen from other companies. On December 14, major express delivery companies in Beijing delivered more than 10 million packages, about 10 percent more than on December 13. From December 13 to 14, the number of couriers in the city increased by over 6,000 in a single day. Some express delivery sites that were temporarily closed all opened for business as usual.
Beijing's key supermarket chains have set up pickup points outside their stores to encourage customers to pick up online purchases by themselves. Currently, 406 chain-stores have pickup desks, taking pressure off online delivery platforms.
In order to support epidemic prevention and the resumption of work, 300 epidemic prevention kits were distributed to JD express delivery sites in Jindingjie Sub-district, Shijingshan District. The kits include N95 masks, disinfectant tissues and epidemic prevention medicines among other items. Each kit also has an epidemic prevention information card. The sub-district will further optimize its service guarantee measures to help enterprises overcome difficulties.
Located in Fengtai District, the International Trade Center project was signed during the 25th Beijing-Hong Kong Economic Cooperation Symposium. The 23 hectares project includes office buildings, commercial areas, hotels and apartments. Its construction will start next year. A Hong Kong's investment company affiliated with the CSCEC International Operations will invest 3 billion yuan (430 million US dollars) in the project.
2022国际产学研用会议(北京) 开幕式举办
The 2022 International Conference on Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application in Beijing opened online on December 15. Themed "Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application, Innovation Drives Development", over 200 academicians, university leaders, entrepreneurs, experts and scholars from 13 countries attended the conference. Four meetings related to Interdisciplinary Mathematical Intelligence Cooperation and Integrated Circuit Science and Engineering Cooperation were held on December 16. Eighteen cooperation meetings in the fields of economy, marine engineering, biomedicine, mechanical engineering and optical engineering will be held as well.
2022国际产学研用合作会议(北京)开幕式12月15日以线上形式举办,本次会议主题为“产学研用融合 创新驱动发展”。来自13个国家的200多位院士、校领导、企业家、专家学者在线与会。12月16日,在北京大学、清华大学和首都经济贸易大学分别举办2022年国际产学研用合作会议(北京)——跨学科数智化合作会,集成电路科学与工程合作会等4场会议。此外,在北京会区其他四省(市)还将围绕经济、海洋工程、生物医药、机械工程、光学工程等专业领域先后举办18场产学研用合作会。
A number of theaters in Beijing announced the resumption of work, welcoming audience to enjoy performances and celebrate the New Year. The Chinese version of the musical "Monte Cristo"?will be staged at the Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center from December 19 to 26, telling a story of 19th century French society, based on the famous novel The Count of Monte Cristo. The stage play "A Dream Like A Dream"?will be performed in the Poly Theater from December 20 to 25, starring Xu Qing, Feng Xianzhen and Xiao Zhan. The original ballet "Dream of Red Mansions", produced by the National Ballet of China, will be performed in the Tianqiao Theater from January 8 to 18, next year. It's adapted from the same name Chinese classic novel.
Culture venues in Beijing's Dongcheng District resumed work recently.?Many stage plays will be performed at the China National Opera House, including the original dance drama "Zheng Lvcheng", Yue Opera "Qiantang Li"?and Dongcheng New Year Concert?Branches of the PageOne Bookstore in the district have resumed work on December 7.
Five Mute Swans were spotted in Wenyuhe Park in Beijing recently. It is the first time this species has been found in the park. There are very few Mute Swans in China and it is rarely sighted in the city. Mute swans are a national secondary protected animal. It prefers areas rich in water and grass.
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