
栏目:娱乐资讯  时间:2023-08-05




  "Children in China experience the safest childhoods of all developing nations in Asia. China has made tremendous progress both in the economy and in improving the well-being of children across the country in recent years," said Wang Chao, Save the Children country director in China.


  "But realizing it requires the knowledge and expertise needed to surmount new challenges."


  "China has been pushing the digital Silk Road and sharing the benefits brought by digital transformation," said Lin Nianxiu, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission. "We have signed cooperation agreements with over 16 countries in the building of the digital Silk Road, and launched the Belt and Road Digital Economy International Cooperation Initiative with seven countries."

  "Charity revenue is the barometer of China's socioeconomic development," she told China Philanthropist magazine, adding that the correlation needs more annual figures as proof.

  "By then, we will be one of the world's top 30 container ports," he said.

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