Education of young people is highly prioritized in many countries. However, educating adults who cannot write or read is even more important and governments should spend more money on this. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
give priority to 优先
literacy rate 识字率
improve people’s well-being 增强幸福感
live a normal life 过正常的生活
have difficulty in 有困难
receive proper education 接受正规教育
pay a price 付出代价
increase people’s employability 提高就业率
qualified 合格的
competent 胜任的
rely on 依赖
job market 工作市场
enhance their competitiveness 提升竞争力
challenging 有挑战性的
make greater contribution 做更大的贡献
bright prospect 美好的未来
In many countries, a certain portion of adults are illiterate, which means they do not have the basic ability to read or write. However, education for these people is quite limited and governments tend to give priority to the education of children and young people. In my opinion, educating adults and reducing the illiteracy rate should also be emphasized.
Firstly, learning to read and write can improve adults’ well-being and make their lives more convenient. Some illiterate people struggle to live a normal life as they may have difficulty in reading the menu and bus schedule. For some reasons, they do not receive proper education at a young age and later on they are paying a price for this. If the government could provide some education programs for this group of citizens, life would be much easier for them.
Moreover, raising the literacy rate can increase people’s employability and produce more qualified workers for society. Most of people with low literacy rely on the government’s welfare or do some low-paid work. Education will enhance their competitiveness in the job market, making them competent in challenging jobs with higher pay. This is also beneficial to society, as educated people can make greater contribution with their knowledge and skills.
Unfortunately, adults’ education does not receive as much attention as children’s education in many parts of the world. This is mainly because the issue of adult illiteracy is often ignored by the government and public. The purpose of school education is to give young people a bright prospect and make them better serve society, and for those adults whose schooling is not complete, the government should offer them equal support.
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