关于”人口老龄化“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:ageing of population。以下是关于人口老龄化的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。
? For young people, the consciousness of fighting for their own life is essential. Parents indulge their children's consumption with an objective view of money ? The aging population is out of date. In order to improve the living conditions of the aging population, respect and appreciate the elderly, and provide security and happiness for the elderly, the number of men exceeds that of women, the population growth is almost out of control, and human survival is increasingly restricted.
? 对年轻人来说,为了自己的生活而奋斗的意识是必不可少的父母以客观的金钱观放纵孩子的消费? 人口老龄化过时,为了改善老龄化人口的生存条件,尊重和欣赏老年人,为老年人提供安全和幸福,男性人数超过女性,人口增长几乎失控,人类的生存越来越受到限制。
In developed countries, the average life expectancy is increasing. What problems does this bring to individuals and society? It means that some measures can be taken to reduce the impact of population aging. People in industrialized countries can indeed live longer than ever before, although there are undoubtedly some negative consequences.
The trend is that society can take measures to alleviate these potential problems With the increase of people's life expectancy and the aging of population in developed countries, some related problems can be expected. The main problem is that more people of retirement age will be eligible for pension, which is more than that of young people, and the number of working adults will be smaller. Therefore, the government will receive less tax compared with the size of the population.
In other words, the aging population means working As adults, the tax burden will be greater, and the further pressure will include the increase of health care demand. Moreover, young people will increasingly have to take care of their elderly relatives. The government can take some actions to solve the above problems.
First of all, a simple solution is to raise the retirement age of working adults. Maybe from now on, people in this age group tend to be healthy, The second measure is to encourage immigration to increase the number of adults who pay taxes. Finally, funds from the national budget need to be drawn from other areas and used for vital health care, accommodation and transport facilities, and the number of elderly citizens is increasing.
Finally, various measures can be taken to solve the inevitable problems with the aging of the country's population.
According to the fifth national census at the end of November, there are 10000 people over the age of, accounting for 1 billion of the total population. According to the definition of an aging society, it accounts for about the proportion of the total population, that is, the annual proportion of the total population is at or above. Over the years, the proportion of China's population in the total population has begun to enter the elderly society so early.
Why is the problem of population aging This is caused by two (possibly related) demographic effects: increased longevity and declining fertility. Increasing longevity by increasing the number of surviving older people, a decline in fertility reduces the number of infants, and as the impact continues, the number of young people as a whole decreases. A third possible factor is migration.
These are the fundamental reasons. However, each country has its own factors that cause China's aging problem. One of the reasons is that family planning, in order to control the rapid growth of population and reduce the population pressure brought about by economic and social development, has implemented the basic national policy of family planning since the last century, thus greatly reducing the fertility level of the whole society and the early stage of liberation There was once a "baby boom" in China.
It is very common for every family to want to have children. We or five children, now five or six children have moved into the old group, so that the elderly have the possibility of further rapid growth. On the other hand, rapid economic growth, scientific and technological progress, the improvement of people's medical conditions and the improvement of living standards have made people healthy and long-lived The remarkable achievements have greatly prolonged the life expectancy of these two forces.
Finally, the proportion of young population decreases, and the increase of the proportion of elderly population is an aging society.
本文网址: https://english.wvser.com/article/or2n07a4.html
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