2021年6月大学英语六级考试真题(三)Writing(30 minutes)
DirectionsF:or thispart, you are allowed minutes to writean essaybased on the chartbelow. You
1 n 1 . 130.; ,?11 ,,should start your essay with a brif description of the chart and comment on China s
alleviationY. ou shouldwrite at le4se words but no more th映o words.
Rural population in povertypoverty headcount ratio
Rural population in poverty
poverty headcount ratio
Part J于Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Sources: China,s National Bureau of Statistics, China,
Part J
Reading Comprehension
(40 minutes)
Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)年2 l!Jrfl ^ItlfffillJrjJ
??.i :*llc-Directions:In this sectiotnhe,re ias passage with ten blankYsau are required to select one word fc blank from a list of choices - given inbanMerfdo. Hewing the passagRe. ad thepassage through careful l
before making your choic^sa;ch choice in the bank is identified by felelaesteteiraik the correspond! letter for each iotnemAnswer Sheet 2with. as. ingle lintehroughthe centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. .??
At 43, r vereached the stagewhere women are warned to watch out for the creepingsadnessof middle age. We're served up an endless strcamadovfice on 〃how to surviveas ifwe'reintheendurance stage of a slloiwip toward 26 . This isthe agewomen startto become "invisible〃-our value, attractiveness arpebver supposedly 27. .by the vanishingof youth. But I don,tfeellikeT m fading into 28 . I feel more seen than I ever haaMhfdrthe first time in my Hif再e a clear-eye view of myself that is29 , compassionate andaccepting.
When I look in the mirror, I'm proud of who I am-even those "broken" partsthatfor so long seemed impossible to lovSea when advertisertsry to sellme ways to "turn back the clock”, I have to 30 a laugh. I wouldn't goback to the crippling se 1 f-consc i ouosfnmey ssyouth if you paid me. This hard-won sense of self-acceptancoeneisof the joysof being anoIder woman. But it'sa narrative oftei 31 out by the shamethatmarketer
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