新人教必修三 Unit2单元复习学案(学生版+教师版)

栏目:娱乐资讯  时间:2023-08-07


  Book3 Unit2  学生版

  私家英语 江银莉


  1. moral  adj.道德的;道义上的 n,品行;道德;寓意-______ adj.不道德的—______  n.道德,道义;德行;寓意,教训;(pl.)伦理;道德寓意作品=ethics

  2. virtue  n.高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质—______  adj.实质上的;事实上的;内心的

  3.illustrate vt. (举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图→ n. ______  n.举例说明;插图;例证

  4.marry  v.结婚→______ _n.结婚;婚烟→ married adj.结婚的,已婚的

  5.major adj.主要的,多数的;  vi.  major   ______ +专业→______   n.大部分;大多数

  6. complain vi.&vt.抱怨;发牢骚→______  n.抱怨;投诉

  7. ______  vt.回答;回复vi做出反应;回应→response  n反应;回答;回复

  8. ______  n.协会;联合会;工会- unite v.联合;合并;统一;团结-unit n.单位,单元; 

  9. ______  n.医师;(尤指)内科医生- physicial adj.物质的;身体的;;物理的 – physics n.物理,物理学 

  10. ______  n.同事;同像-college n.大学

  11.reject vt.拒绝接受;不录用→. ______  n. 拒绝接受;否决

  12. ______  vt.任命;委派→appointment  n 委任,预约,约定→adj. appointed  指定的,约定的

  13. ______  vt.选举;推选→election n 选举;推选;当选

  14. tend vt.照顾;照料vi.倾向;趋于→______ _n 趋势

  15. ______  vi&vt.退体;退职;退出→retire ment_n 退休 →retired_adj 退休的

  16. ______  n.节省物;节省;节约;[pl.]储蓄金;存款-save vt.储蓄;贮存;节省;保全;救援;;保留

  17. ______   n.道德原则;法则;原则- principal .首要的;主要的n.首长;校长;负责者

  18. scare  vt.惊吓;使害怕vi受惊吓→______ adj.害怕的;感到惊慌的→______  adj.令人害怕的

  19______  vt. 给...保险,确保→insurance n 保险;保险业

  20.energy n.能量,活力精力→______ adj.精力充沛的;→______   adv.精力充沛地;

  21. accident n.事故;车祸;失事→______   adj意外的,偶然的→_ ______ _adv.意外地

  22. operate  vi .做手术 vt.操作,经营 vi.运转 →______  n.手术;企业;经营→operator _n.操作员,接线员

  23. ______   n.进口;进口商品vt.进口;输入;引进-------export  n. 出ロ;出口商品 vt.出口;输出;传播

  24.assist _vt.帮助;援助→. ______  n.帮助;援助→. ______   n.助手

  25. memory n.记忆力:回忆------______  vt.记忆,记住

  26. ______   n. 女服务员;女侍者- waiter n.侍者;(男)服务员

  27 .harm n.&vt.伤害;损害→______  adj.有害的→______ adj.无害的

  28. ______  adj.灵活的;可变通的→flexibility n.灵活性- ______  adv.

  29.sharp  adj. 锋利的敏锐的严厉的–______  vt.削尖- sharply adv 急剧地;严厉地

  二:  词块英汉互译

  1. ______置某人于进退两难的境地    2. ______帮助某人渡过难关

  3. ______占多数              4. Complain______  sthhttps://mp.weixin.qq.com/ make a______  about sth. 抱怨/投诉某事

  5.respond ______ /make______  to 对....做出反应/回应       in  response______  作为对...的回应/答复

  6.  ______  / have a tendency to dosth.易于做某事;往往会发生某事   tend (to) sb. ______

  7. ______将....吓跑                     sb. be scared to  death   ______

  8. ______...= take place of sth.接替;取代;更换______  / in one’s place代替

  9.a great deal of+______名词    大量   10. whisper  sth. ______ one’s ear 跟某人耳语  ______ a whisper 低声说

  11. ______   流着泪;含着泪  .tear  v.撕毁-______ -______ _12. burst into ______突然大哭  be bathed in ______泪流满

  13. ______  sb.with/in_sth帮助某人某事                assist sb. ______  /in  doing sth帮助某人做....

  ______ _the assistance of ...在...帮助下              come to one’s ______前来援助

  14. pass ______去世   pass _______ _经过  pass  sth on ( to sb.) ______    pass down______

  15. ______作为对……的纪念 16. do ______ to sbhttps://mp.weixin.qq.com/sth.=do sbhttps://mp.weixin.qq.com/sth harm  = There is no ______  in (one’s) doing sth.=There is no harm for sb. to do sth.

  16.trip over______     17. ______  处于绝望中



  1)He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident. ______

  2)One of my unforgettable memories of my school in Xinjiang is that of lunches we brought from our homes. ______

  2.sharp ? 锋利的;尖的v(感官) 敏锐的;(人) 机灵的w(言辞等) 尖刻的;严厉的?(角度、变化等) 急剧的? 剧烈的;猛烈的‘ 尖厉的;刺耳的adv (指时刻) 整

  1)Dogs have a very sharp sense of smell.     _______________ 

  2). The boss can be very sharp with people when she’s busy. _____________ 

  3). Official figures show a sharp decline in the number of wild animals in the area.                             

  4). It looks like a very thin, sharp piece of broken glass. _______________

   5). We’re meeting at ten-thirty sharp.               _______________  

  3. operatea. (使) 运行;(使) 运转 b. 操作;使用c. 起作用;奏效  d. 动手术;开刀

  1). You could use the drug that operates quickly.                           ______

  2). What skills are needed to operate this machine?                       ______

  3). The doctors will have to operate on his stomach.                     ______ 

  4). BCC buses operate from 5:30 am to 11:00 pm Monday to Thursday. ______


  1). The parents are shocked by the news that their son needed ________ operation. 

  2). First Dr. Robert taught the monkeys to do different jobs, then he operated ________ them. 

  3). The lab is ________ operation. The move for the Engineers should be completed next week.

  4). They were trying to reduce ________ (operate) costs. 

  4.flexible       a. 可变通的;灵活的b. 易弯曲的;柔韧的

  1). The inventors said the material becomes flexible when wet, so they’re exploring ways to use it in wet environments.         ______ 

  2). Schedules tend to be flexible, with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned. _____


  1). 弹性的工作时间是女性择业考虑的重要因素。

  ___________________ are a  major career consideration for women.

  2). 他在这个问题上寸步不让。He’s completely _______  on the subject.


  Ⅰ. 语段填词

  1. I think we should stress the education of our traditional ______ (美德),  which are all ______ (宝贵的). We should also ______ (拒绝)bad values in our life.

  2. Many students______ (抱怨) about the high______ (学费) fees of the university. But the official related ______ (回应), “We charge fees based on certain rules,  and our ______ (奖学金) is on the increase. ”

  3. Jane was ______ (雇用) as a resident ______ (医师) after graduating from a medical college. She was always ______ (精力充沛的) and volunteered to go to ______ (遥远的)villages to provide medical care.

  4. In the last two ______ (十年),  the industry of______ (保险)has seen a ______ (急剧的) increase. The ______ (多数的)of people have bought various types of ______ (保险),  especially those who have ______ (退休) from work.

  5.. A serious ______ (事故) happened to the ______ (董事长) of a big company. He was driving alone at ______ (午夜). Luckily,  he was able to recover after a series of ______ (手术).

  6. In summer vocation we can do a part-time job,  which can bring us both ______ (收入) and working experience, ______ (因此),  we should make ______ (灵活的) plan for summer vocation. However,  we should spare some time to study ______ (每一) day.

  7. In a small ______ (咖啡馆), a woman who was______ (怀孕的)felt uncomfortable suddenly. Everyone present offered their ______ (帮助) and especially, a ______ (女服务员),  who knew some basic knowledge about first______ (救治).

  8. We all shared in her happiness when she won the scholarship(奖学金).

  10. In a good ______ (婚姻),  both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise.

  11. His ______ (被动的) attitude made me really annoyed.

  12. The ______ (原则) of the design is to offer the best to the readers.

  13. Social evolution always takes place in the ______ (困境) of economic development and cultural preservation.

  14 I did stay right where I was,  until I turned 65 and my boss made me ______ (退休).

  16. They expect him to do well in the next ______ (选举).

  17. That will give us time to sell it______ (别的地方) if you are not interested.

  18. There is always someone who will carry us______  hard times in our life.

  19. The ______ (major) of students in my class are from the countryside.

  20. It is surprising that the young man ______  (appoint)to be our manager.  

  211. Our school is the first senior middle school in this area ______ (win) the title.  

  22. People tend ______ (buy)daily supplies on the Internet.  

  23. The young man was found ______ (smoke) in the library and fined 50 yuan.

  24. There is nothing______ (important) than study when we are young.  

  25. I don’t like Jack,  because he is always complaining ______  something to me.

  26. Staying up too late into the night is______ harm) to our health.

  27. Sometimes,  we should deal with a problem ______ (flexible).

  28. My English teacher always assists me ______  my English study.

  29. I whispered a secret ______  him without being noticed by others.

  30. I was really sad to hear that the famous artist passed ______

  31. The people in the city were______  despair because the war was approaching.

  32. The girl burst ______  tears when she heard the news.

  33. The invitation says that everyone should wear a ______ (伪装).

  34. Chinese subway trains are now______ (出口) to developed countries including the United States.

  35. A sense of humor can also help to ease the______ (紧张)between people.

  36. My name is Li Hua, ______ (主席) of the Students’ Union of Chenxing Middle School.

  37. ______ (因此), I’d like to be your guide and show you around our city.

  38. Do you think we should try to protect those old buildings or replace them ______  the modern ones?  

  39. If you moved to that country,  would you be nervous or ______ (scare)?  

  41. The Journey to the West is a Chinese novel ______ (publish) in the 16th century during the Ming dynasty.

  42. I’m writing to respond ______  your advertisement for the position of sales manager.

  43. I am writing to complain______  one of your bus-drivers’ improper and rude behaviors.

  44. Now,  let’s make an______ (appoint) at 7: 00 pm next Sunday at the library near my home.

  45. Enough sleep can make us ______ (energy) and perform well in an exam.

  Ⅱ. 完成句子

  1. Sometimes,  our wrong decisions can leave us ______ .  

  有时候, 我们的错误决定会使我们处于困境之中。

  2. China is ______  ______ man-made spaceship into the space.  


  3. All I received______  my request was “Wait”.  


  4. I’m sure that those who agree to the plan will be______


  5. To me,  you are unique,  and no one can ______  in my heart.  

  对于我来说, 你是独一无二的, 没有人可以代替你在我心里的位置。

  6. I have spent______ improving my maths.  


  7. A great assembly was held______  the 70th birthday of our country.  


  8. I helped an old lady who ______  by a fallen branch on the road. 我帮助了一位被路上树枝绊倒的老妇人。 

  9. We feel quite secure now because of presence of policemen ______  in the public.  

  在公众场合由于便衣警察的存在, 我们现在感觉安全多了。

  10.. I can’t focus on my study, ______  on the square.  

  一群人在广场上跳舞, 我难以集中精力学习。




  Book3 Unit2   教师版


  1. moral  adj.道德的;道义上的 n,品行;道德;寓意-immoral adj.不道德的—morality n.道德,道义;德行;寓意,教训;(pl.)伦理;道德寓意作品=ethics

  2. virtue  n.高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质—virtual adj.实质上的;事实上的;内心的

  3.illustrate vt. (举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图→ n. illustration n.举例说明;插图;例证

  4.marry  v.结婚→marriage_n.结婚;婚烟→ married adj.结婚的,已婚的

  5.major adj.主要的,多数的;  vi.  major   in+专业→majority  n.大部分;大多数

  6. complain vi.&vt.抱怨;发牢骚→complaint  n.抱怨;投诉

  7. respond vt.回答;回复vi做出反应;回应→response  n反应;回答;回复

  8. union n.协会;联合会;工会- unite v.联合;合并;统一;团结-unit n.单位,单元; 

  9. physician n.医师;(尤指)内科医生- physicial adj.物质的;身体的;;物理的 – physics n.物理,物理学 

  10. colleague n.同事;同像-college n.大学


  Ⅰ. 语段填词

  1. I think we should stress the education of our traditional virtues(美德),  which are all precious(宝贵的). We should also reject(拒绝)bad values in our life.

  2. Many students complained(抱怨) about the high tuition(学费) fees of the university. But the official related responded(回应), “We charge fees based on certain rules,  and our scholarship(奖学金) is on the increase. ”

  3. Jane was hired(雇用) as a resident physician(医师) after graduating from a medical college. She was always energetic(精力充沛的) and volunteered to go to faraway(遥远的)villages to provide medical care.

  4. In the last two decades(十年),  the industry of insurance(保险)has seen a sharp(急剧的) increase. The majority(多数的)of people have bought various types of insurance(保险),  especially those who have retired(退休) from work.

  5.. A serious accident(事故) happened to the chairman(董事长) of a big company. He was driving alone at midnight(午夜). Luckily,  he was able to recover after a series of operations(手术).

  6. In summer vocation we can do a part-time job,  which can bring us both income(收入) and working experience, therefore(因此),  we should make flexible(灵活的) plan for summer vocation. However,  we should spare some time to study per(每一) day.

  7. In a small cafe(咖啡馆), a woman who was pregnant(怀孕的)felt uncomfortable suddenly. Everyone present offered their assistance(帮助) and especially, a waitress(女服务员),  who knew some basic knowledge about first aid(救治).

  8. We all shared in her happiness when she won the scholarship(奖学金).

  9. Time is the most precious(宝贵的)thing that we have.

  10. In a good marriage(婚姻),  both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise.

  11. His passive(被动的) attitude made me really annoyed.

  12. The principle(原则) of the design is to offer the best to the readers.

  13. Social evolution always takes place in the dilemma(困境) of economic development and cultural preservation.

  14 I did stay right where I was,  until I turned 65 and my boss made me retire(退休).

  15. Students themselves need to cultivate their good virtues(美德) and qualities.

  16. They expect him to do well in the next election(选举).

  17. That will give us time to sell it elsewhere(别的地方) if you are not interested.

  18. There is always someone who will carry us through hard times in our life.

  19. The majority(major) of students in my class are from the countryside.

  20. It is surprising that the young man is appointed (appoint)to be our manager.  

  211. Our school is the first senior middle school in this area to win(win) the title.  

  22. People tend to buy(buy)daily supplies on the Internet.  

  23. The young man was found smoking(smoke) in the library and fined 50 yuan.

  24. There is nothing more important(important) than study when we are young.  

  25. I don’t like Jack,  because he is always complaining about something to me.

  26. Staying up too late into the night is harmful(harm) to our health.

  27. Sometimes,  we should deal with a problem flexibly(flexible).

  28. My English teacher always assists me with my English study.

  29. I whispered a secret to him without being noticed by others.

  30. I was really sad to hear that the famous artist passed away.

  31. The people in the city were in despair because the war was approaching.

  32. The girl burst into tears when she heard the news.

  33. The invitation says that everyone should wear a disguise(伪装).

  34. Chinese subway trains are now exported(出口) to developed countries including the United States.

  35. A sense of humor can also help to ease the tension(紧张)between people.

  36. My name is Li Hua, chairman(主席) of the Students’ Union of Chenxing Middle School.

  37. Therefore(因此), I’d like to be your guide and show you around our city.

  38. Do you think we should try to protect those old buildings or replace them with the modern ones?  

  39. If you moved to that country,  would you be nervous or scared(scare)?

  40. As a result,  these students tend to feel(feel)sleepy all day and have bad memories.  

  41. The Journey to the West is a Chinese novel published(publish) in the 16th century during the Ming dynasty.

  42. I’m writing to respond to your advertisement for the position of sales manager.

  43. I am writing to complain about one of your bus-drivers’ improper and rude behaviors.

  44. Now,  let’s make an appointment(appoint) at 7: 00 pm next Sunday at the library near my home.

  45. Enough sleep can make us energetic(energy) and perform well in an exam.

  46. If we make the same choice as the majority(major),  it will greatly reduce the risk of making wrong choices.

  47. I have never seen a better(good) performance than this one.

  Ⅱ. 完成句子

  1. Sometimes,  our wrong decisions can leave us in a dilemma.  

  有时候, 我们的错误决定会使我们处于困境之中。

  2. China is the first developing country to send man-made spaceship into the space.  


  3. All I received in response to my request was “Wait”.  


  4. I’m sure that those who agree to the plan will be in the majority.  


  5. To me,  you are unique,  and no one can replace your position in my heart.  

  对于我来说, 你是独一无二的, 没有人可以代替你在我心里的位置。

  6. I have spent a great deal of time improving my maths.  


  7. A great assembly was held in memory of the 70th birthday of our country.  


  8. I helped an old lady who tripped over by a fallen branch on the road. 我帮助了一位被路上树枝绊倒的老妇人。 

  9. We feel quite secure now because of presence of policemen in disguise in the public.  

  在公众场合由于便衣警察的存在, 我们现在感觉安全多了。

  10.. I can’t focus on my study, a group of people dancing on the square.  

  一群人在广场上跳舞, 我难以集中精力学习。















