第 23卷第 5期
2010年 10月
Chinese M edical E thics
V o.l 23 N o. 5
O c.t 2010
何驰华, 皮
洁, 朱敬香
(荆州市中心医院生殖中心, 湖北
434020 )
摘要 !在人类辅助生殖技术领域, 知情权很特殊, 患者的病情 属于个人隐 私, 但由于 生殖涉及 夫妻双 方和家
庭, 知情权有时与隐私权形成对立。患者是否能自愿 选择向近 亲属告 知病情, 也仍然受 到了其 在家庭中 的地位、
来自家庭和社会的各种压力的 影响。从伦 理角 度而言, 对病 情的知 情权和 治疗 措施的 决定 权应该 是患者 本人。
患者近亲属应在保障社会公益性不受到损害, 患者的个人利益得到保护的基础上享有知 情权, 临床医务 工作者应
协助患者自愿、选择不损害患者利益的内容对其亲属 进行告 知, 从而取 得患者 近亲属的 理解和 支持, 减轻 其家庭
压力, 为患者治疗创造有利的条件。
关键词 !辅助生殖技术; 知情同意; 医患权益; 伦理思考
中图分类号 !R - 052
文献标识码 !A
文章编号 !1001- 8565 ( 2010 ) 05- 0020 - 02
E th ical R eflection on In form ed Consen t of C lose R elatives in the R esearch and
A pp lication of A ssisted R ep roduction Techn ique( ART)
HE Chi - hua, P I J ie, ZH U J ing - x iang
(R eproductiveM edical C entre of J ingzhou C entral H osp ital, J ingzhou 434020, Ch in a)
Abstract: In hum an assisted reproduct ive technology, the right to know is very spec ia.l On the one hand, the
patients'cond ition are the ir own persona l privacy, w hile sin ce reproduction involves bo th husband and w ife and th eir
fam ilies, right to know and privacy are sharply opposing in som etim es. W hether a patient can vo luntarily choose to
close relat ives of th is condition, is st ill sub ject to h is/her position in the fam ily and pressures from fam ily and soc ie
ty. F rom an ethical po int of v iew, the right to know the d isease and treatm ent m easures for decision- m aking shou ld
be pat ient s own rights. Under the prem ise o f not comprom ising pub lic and personal w elfare, close relatives of pat ients
have the right to know. C lin ical m edical staff should assist pat ients vo luntarily in fo rm their re latives of those in form a
t ion unharm fu l for patients them selves, obta in understand ing and support from their close relatives and allev iate pa
t ients 'pressure from their fam ilies, in order to create favorab le cond itions for patients 'treatm en.t
K ey w ords: ART ( assistant reproduct io
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