
栏目:娱乐资讯  时间:2023-08-10






  Idolizing Celebrities Goes Too Far 过分追星

  Celebrity worship has been identified as one of the most common forms of idolatry these days. 名人崇拜已被确认为最常见的一种崇拜形式,

  However, many fans go too far with pursuing stars. 然而,许多粉丝太过沉迷于追星了。

  Some have facial plastic surgery just to look a little more like the star they worship. 有些人做面部整形手术,只是为了看起来更像他们崇拜的明星。

  Others even pay all their money to see the stars in person. 甚至有些人支付所有的钱亲自去看明星。

  I personally hold that blindly worshipping famous people should be deterred from becoming rampant. 我个人认为, 应该阻止盲目崇拜名人成为越来越猖獗的一种现象。

  Due to daily gossip columns in the tabloids and the ubiquitous celebrity news in the media, 由于每天媒体报道中的八卦和无处不在的名人新闻,

  researchers report that about one third of people suffer from Celebrity Worship Syndrome, an actual syndrome that can become obsessional, replacing conventional relations, 研究人员报告说,大约有三分之一的人患有明星崇拜综合症,这实际上是一种沉迷于追星,抛弃传统关系的一种症状。

  Some fans of famous people tend to indulge in daydreaming about stars they worship. 一些名人的粉丝,越来越沉溺于幻想他们崇拜的明星。

  Having less communication with their friends and families, some obsessed fans ignore conventional relations, leading to psychological problems or disorders. 减少与朋友和家人的交流,有些痴迷的粉丝忽视了传统的关系,导致心理问题或障碍。

  Blind worship undermines young people's spiritual pursuits in real art, literature, philosophy, and science, 盲目崇拜,削弱了年轻人在精神方面的追求,比如对于真正的艺术,文学,哲学,科学的追求,

  without which they can hardly hold the sacred torch of civilization transferred to them from preceding generations. 没有这种追求,他们很难保持前几代人传给他们神圣的文明火炬。

  It is no exaggeration to say that blind star-worship will probably lead young people whose discretion is not enough into abysmal darkness, 毫不夸张地说,盲目崇拜明星很可能会导致那些没有主见的年轻人陷入无尽的黑暗之中。

  and thus buried with them is the hope of the future. 他们的将来也会因此被埋葬。

  In conclusion, given the above harmful effects of blind star-worship, 总之,鉴于上述盲目崇拜明星的有害影响,

  every effort must be made to help fans to get out of the hopeless swamp of star-worship. 必须尽一切努力帮助追星族摆脱毫无希望的明星崇拜的泥沼。


  Teachers Should Put Students First 老师应当把学生放在第一位

  "Runner Fan", nickname of Fan Meizhong, who ran out of the classroom leaving his students behind during the May 12 earthquake, has caused a controversy concerning traditional Chinese values. 范美钟,被称作'范跑跑',在512地震发生的时候,他自己跑出教室,丢下了自己的学生,这引发了人们对于传统价值观的担忧。

  Many people regard his action as wrong and a direct violation of teachers' responsibility and I would have to agree with them. 许多人认为他的做法是错误的,严重违背了老师的责任,我也非常赞同这一点。

  Firstly, it is the responsibility of a teacher to protect his students' safety by law. 首先,法律上规定,老师有责任保护自己学生的安全。

  Being concerned solely for his own life and leaving his students behind while fleeing violates the spirit of the law. 只在乎自己的生命安全而抛下自己的学生不管,自己跑出教室,违背了法律精神。

  In an emergency, each teacher is responsible for the direct supervision of his students. 在紧急状况中,每位老师都有责任直接监督领导自己的学生。

  Furthermore, it will be of great help if they can direct the evacuation of their students to designated assembly areas in accordance with warning signals and written notification. 此外,如果老师能够按照警告信号和书面通知,指引自己的学生疏散到指定区域,那会起到重要作用。

  It is out of the question that they should not remain with their students until rescue crews arrive. 毫无疑问,他们应当在救援人员到来之前,一直陪在学生身边。

  Secondly, teachers act as a role model for their students. 其次,老师的行为是学生的榜样。

  The Compulsory Education Law does stipulate that "a teacher should be a model of virtue for others and should be devoted to the education of the people." 义务教育法规定,教师应当是其他人在道德情操方面的榜样,应该致力于教育他人。

  Teachers not only teach students how to think, but also how to behave to support others in society. 老师不仅要教会学生如何思考,而且要教学生如何在社会中帮助支持他人。

  Fleeing the classroom and leaving the students behind in an emergency sets a bad example for students. 在紧急情况下,跑出教室,抛下自己的学生于不顾,为学生树立了不良范例。

  To conclude, teachers are responsible for students' safety in an emergency. 总之,在紧急状况中,老师有责任保护学生的安全。

  Teachers are expected to demonstrate responsible behaviour and they ought to be specifically trained to deal with emergency situations. 老师应当履行自己的职责,他们应当接受专业的训练来应对紧急状况。


  Learning from Mistakes 从错误中吸取教训

  We all make mistakes which are inevitable. 每个人都会犯错误。

  What is worse is failure to correct own mistakes. 更糟糕的是,我们不能改正到自己的错误。

  While making mistakes is good, repeating mistakes is definitely not. 尽管犯错误可能是好事,总是犯同样的错误绝不是什么好事。

  Apart from correcting your own mistakes, we should learn from the mistakes. 除了改正我们自己的错误,我们应当从错误中吸取教训。

  You can only learn from a mistake after you admit you have made one. 只有在承认自己所犯的错误之后,你才能从错误中吸取教训。

  As soon as you start blaming other people, you distance yourself from any possible lesson that could be learned from it. 一旦你开始责怪其他人,你就失去了从错误中吸取教训的机会。

  But if you courageously stand up and honestly say "This is my mistake and I am responsible", the possibilities for learning will move towards you. 但是如果你有勇气站出来诚实地说,'这是我的错,我应当负责',你就有可能从错误中积累经验。

  Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning possible by moving the focus away from blaming yourself and towards understanding. 承认错误,即使只是自己在私下承认错误,也会让你逐渐懂得自我反省,能够从错误中领悟知识,吸取教训。

  Wise people admit their mistakes easily. 聪明的人很容易承认他们的错误。

  They know progress accelerates when they do. 他们知道承认错误会帮助自己进步。

  On the other hand, for many reasons admitting mistakes is difficult. 另一方面,出于种种原因,承认错误是困难的。

  This is why some people consider that they can learn nothing from mistakes, 这就是一些人认为他们在错误中学不到任何东西的原因。

  We are taught in school, in our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to avoid mistakes. 我们在学校、家庭和工作中懂得了失败的愧疚感,于是就会尽力避免犯错。

  This sense of shame combined with the inevitability of setbacks when attempting difficult things explains why many people give up on their goals: 在我们尝试困难的事情的时候,愧疚感以及无法避免的挫折,足以解释许多人放弃目标的原因。

  they are not prepared for the mistakes and failures they will face on their way to what they want. 他们没有准备好面对成功之路上的错误和失败。

  In conclusion, we can and should learn good lessons from past mistakes in order to be more successful in our private and public lives. 总之,为了我们在个人生活和公共生活方面更加成功,我们不但能够而且应该从过去的错误中吸取经验。


  Respecting the Elderly Is a Traditional Chinese Virtue 尊敬老人是中华民族的传统美德

  The elderly have accumulated a lifetime's worth of experience, 老人积累了一生中最宝贵的经验,

  however, many young people often regard them as irrelevant, embarrassing, and out of touch. 但是,许多年轻人现在经常认为老人与自己不相干,老人会使自己难堪,甚至与老人断绝联系。

  As far as I am concerned, the traditional Chinese virtue to respect the old people needs to be emphasized. 就我而言,尊敬老人的中华传统美德应该予以重视。

  Firstly, the elderly deserve the respect due to their effort in bringing up their children and their contribution to society. 首先,老人应当受到尊重,因为他们养育了孩子,贡献了社会。

  We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged people in the early days, 我们应该记住,我们现在拥有的和享受的一切都是老人在以前创造出来的。

  as the old Chinese saying goes, "One generation plants trees under whose shade another generation rests," 俗语有云,前人栽树,后人乘凉。

  Secondly, family is one of the best places for learning values, so every family should inspire younger members to respect the older ones. 其次,家庭是学习价值观念最好的课堂,所以每个家庭都应当启发年轻的一代去尊重老人。

  It is important, therefore, to set an example at home by taking good care of the elderly members, so that children learn to adopt this same practice. 因此,通过孝敬家里的老人来树立榜样,是很重要的,这样孩子才能够学会接受同样的惯例。

  Families should make a point of including and involving the older members in the family activities and decisions. 家庭应当特别注意一点,那就是让家里的老人参与家庭活动和决定。

  In this way, families will exemplify the right values, and young members will learn first-hand on how to respect the elderly, 这样,家庭就能建立正确的价值观念,年轻的家庭成员将会直接学会如何尊敬老人。

  Perhaps the most important test of a society is the way individuals behave towards one another. 或许社会中最重要的一项考试就是待人处事的方式。

  And specifically, how that society treats its elderly men and women. 具体而言,就是社会如何对待老年人。

  If young people do not respect the elderly, the whole society will be a mess without respect. 如果年轻人不尊重老人,社会将会因为没有尊重而混乱不堪。

  Therefore, the elderly should be respected by all of us. 因此,我们所有人都应当尊敬老人。


  Both Economic Development and Environmental Protection Are Indispensable 经济发展和保护环境都是必须的

  I am not supportive of the idea that either takes priority. 我不同意将其中一个作为优先选择的观点。

  It is necessary and absolutely possible that economic development and environmental protection co-exist, 经济发展和环境保护理所应当做到兼顾,

  in the sense that both of them are indispensable factors for the prosperity of society. 因为两者都是社会繁荣的重要因素。

  Economic development is seemingly more important, due to the fact that it creates enormous job opportunities, improves living conditions and increases government revenues. 经济发展似乎更加重要,因为经济发展提供了很多就业机会,提高了人们的生活水平,提高了政府的收入。

  Yet, the above goals can only really be reached on condition that the environment is well protected. 然而,上述的目标实际上只能在环境得到良好保护的前提之下达到。

  And, interestingly, it is the economic development per se that provides the money and personnel resources required for the protection of the environment. 而且,令人感到有趣的是,经济发展为环境保护提供了所需的资金和人力。

  A well-preserved environment is the groundwork for the economy and in a way promotes economic growth. 得到良好保护的环境是经济发展的基础,而且在某种程度上也促进了经济的发展。

  A fast-developing and well-functioning economy calls for a good environment, which offers essential resources, e.g. wood, coal, water, etc. for production. 经济发展又好又快,需要良好的环境,环境也为生产提供了必要的资源,例如木材,煤矿,水资源等。

  Once the environment deteriorates, the production process is likely to be disturbed or even halted. 一旦环境恶化,生产过程很可能会受到阻碍,甚至停产。

  What is worse, natural disasters that come with the worsening environmental conditions might even paralyses the whole economy impose a severe threat to human life. 更糟糕的是,由于环境恶化造成的自然灾害,甚至会使整个经济瘫痪,威胁人类生命。

  The pursuit of short-term economic profit is the destruction of our home and that of our posterity. 追求短期的经济效益,会对我们的家庭和后代造成严重伤害。

  So, economic development and environmental protection are equally important. 因此,经济发展和环境保护同等重要。

  In this sense, we are actually working on an environment-friendly economy. 因此,实际上,我们应该为了了经济的可持续发展而努力。

  Given the status quod, it is possible to realize the co-existence of the two as long as we are conscious and determined enough. 考虑到这两者的地位,只有当我们足够清醒,并且下定决心之后,才能清楚地认识到两者的密不可分。


  We Should Reduce Our Dependency on Coal 我们应当减少对煤矿的依赖

  Accounting for 70 percent of China's energy supply, coal has fueled China's economy. 中国能源供应的70%是煤矿,煤矿为中国的整个经济提供了能源。

  However, as an extremely dirty source of power, coal imposes huge costs on people's health and general environment. 然而,煤矿作为一种污染极其严重的能源,煤矿对人们的健康和整个环境都造成了很大的伤害。

  As far as I am concerned, the cost is too high. 就我而言,使用煤矿的代价太大了。

  Firstly, deterioration of the environment and people's health will in turn halt economic growth. 首先,环境恶化,人们身体健康状况下降,最终反而会致使经济发展中断。

  The environment, as a resource-provider, exerts direct influence on economic production, and is closely related to the living standards, health condition and longevity of people. 环境是提供资源的供给者,直接影响经济生产,而且与人们的生活水平、健康状况和寿命息息相关。

  Once certain damage is done, we will have to suffer from the horrendous consequences. 一旦造成伤害,我们就不得不承受可怕的后果。

  The "retaliation"of nature comes in forms of resource exhaustion, water and soil erosion, natural disasters and so forth. 自然会以资源枯竭,水土流失、自然灾害等形式报复人类。

  In this situation, the economy is certain to be affected, The overuse of coal, which will finally yield severe results, is a perfect example. 在这种情况下,经济肯定会受到影响。过度使用煤矿就是最好的例证,最终后果不堪设想。

  Secondly, economic development should not sacrifice people's health and the environment. 其次,经济发展不应当以牺牲人们的健康和环境为代价。

  It is the government's responsibility to ensure a good environment for the sake of people's health. 政府有责任考虑人们的身体健康来保证良好的环境。

  Unfortunately, coal induces considerable environmental hazards which can be noticed at local and global level. 不幸的是,煤矿已经造成了相当严重的环境公害,可以在一些地区和全球范围内观察到。

  "Prosperity" is a state when a society is socially and environmentally thriving, not just confined to economic growth. 国家的繁荣意味着社会与环境共同发展,而不仅仅限于经济增长。

  Therefore, we should reduce coal dependency and move towards a future where energy supply is both environmentally friendly and sustainable. 因此,我们应当减少对煤矿的依赖,将来逐步开始利用环境友好型、可持续利用的再生能源。


  Plastic Surgery Should Be a Personal Choice 整形手术应该是一种个人选择

  While some people may think that plastic surgery is a waste of time and money and that surgeons could be better employed in more traditional life-saving hospital work. 尽管一些人或许会认为整形手术是浪费时间和金钱,外科医生应当从事更加传统的救死扶伤的医务工作。

  I believe that cosmetic surgery is here to stay and in fact, plays a very important role in today's society for some people. 我认为,整容实际上对现在的一些人来说,在当今社会很重要。

  Nationwide most of those having cosmetic surgery fall into two groups: women in their 20s hoping to give their careers a lift, and women in their 40s who want to look younger.  全国做整容手术的大部分人可以被分成两种类型,一种是为了升职的20岁的女人,另一类是想要保持年轻貌美的40多岁的女人。

  Mothers sometimes bring their daughters in to have surgery to improve their chances of getting a good job or landing a good husband.  母亲有时候会带着自己的女儿去做整容手术来帮助他们获得更好的就业机会或者找到好丈夫。

  While some people may say that these are trivial reasons for cosmetic enhancement compared to patients who suffer from disfigurements or ugly blemishes and have more of a need for plastic surgery. 尽管一些人或许会说,这些美容的原因与一些病人的需要相比,是微不足道的。那些病人的容貌遭到了严重损伤,或者外表非常丑陋,因此他们更需要整容。

  I would argue that such people are merely expressing their right to choose.  我想说的是,这些人仅仅是为了表达他们的选择权利。

  While there are dangers in operations going wrong and often there is a large financial bill at the end, 尽管手术中出现错误的危险很大,而且手术的费用很高,

  most reputable hospitals would warn patients beforehand of the risks involved.  大多数有名的医院都会在手术之前告知病人可能存在的风险。

  At the end of the day the patient has to choose and whether he chooses rightly or wrongly is a matter of personal choice. 在最后一天的时候,病人需要做出选择,正确选择与错误选择完全是个人的决定。

  In conclusion, plastic surgery does benefit some people and even though there could be complications.  总之,整容手术确实对一些人有益,尽管现在有很多抱怨,

  Most patients are aware of them and factor these in when making their own personal choice.  大多数病人都意识到了这些抱怨,而且他们在做出选择之前也将这一因素考虑在内了。


  Real Education Begins With Self-education. 真正的教育来源于自学

  Many people hold the stance that real education begins with self-education and I believe that this assertion is fundamentally correct. 许多人认为真正的教育始于自学,我认为这种说法从根本上说是正确的。

  The key issue regarding the claim in question involves the definition of self-education.  这种说法的主要问题包含了对自学的定义。

  In the traditional type of education, teachers play a major role and subjects chosen by educators or the government are being taught regardless of each student's intrinsic interest. 在传统教育体系中,老师起着至关重要的角色,学习的课程是由教育家,或是政府而定,这样的教育并没有考虑到学生自身的兴趣所在。

  Admittedly, education at school carries various virtues and serves to instill knowledge as well as moral principles in pupils. 诚然,学校的教育教授学生品德和知识,同样也教授小学生道德准则。

  Nonetheless, it inevitably neglects individual needs to some extent.  尽管如此,这也将在一定程度上不可避免地忽视个人的需求。

  It would be unrealistic to devise a customised educations which caters to each pupil according to his aptitudes.  根据每个小学生的能力来制定个人教育,这也是不现实的。

  In contrast, self-education holds the key to creating an education tailored to each individual and therefore serves to optimise the result . 反之,自学可以创造出为学生量身订造的教育,这样的结果也是非常乐观的。

  Furthermore, since self-education by nature is initiated by the student himself, it is very likely that the student will be more motivated and assiduous. 此外,自学本身就是由学生开始的。这将很有可能让学生变得更为主动,更为刻苦。

  Also, it is undeniable that education begins when students start absorbing rather than mechanically memorising what they are being taught. 当学生自己开始吸收知识时,教育才算开始,而不是机械地记忆教授给学生的知识,这一点是不可否认的。

  One can sit in a classroom without paying any attention to the teacher as is often the case in traditional education. 学生不会把注意力集中在老师身上,这在传统教学上非常常见。

  Yet, self-education requires students to willingly comprehend and apply whatever principles they are learning. 但是,自学要求学生能够心甘情愿地领会,并把所学的理论应用起来。

  In the final analysis, I strongly agree with the notion that real education begins with self-education. 最后,我非常赞同真正的教育起始于自学这一论断。


  Universities Should Reward Blood Donors. 大学应该奖励那些献血的学生。

  Should university students be rewarded for donating blood or should they do it out of altruistic reasons? 学生献血,大学是否应该奖励他们呢,或者他们只是出于无私的目的呢?

  As far as I am concerned, I believe that students should not make the donation merely in order to obtain rewards. 我认为,学生不应该只为了获取奖励而献血。

  Yet, institutions ought to devise some incentives to promote blood donation. 然而,某些机构应该制定出一些能够促使人们献血的激励办法。

  To begin with, the act in question is to help or even save the lives of people in need. 首先,这是一项能够帮助人们,甚至是拯救人们生命的行动。

  In view of the notion that prize and punishment should be meted out accordingly, donors should be rewarded for their selflessness. 人们应该根据不同的情况给予奖励和惩罚,我们应该奖励捐献者的无私奉献。

  Second, the implementation of various incentives also serves to encourage students to donate blood. 第二,不同的奖励方法应该能够鼓励学生献血。

  As the saying goes, "One good turn deserves another." 就像俗话所说的,“善有善报”。

  Even if donors do demand some repayment, it is utterly justified. 即使捐献者想要得到经济补偿,那也是完全能够满足的。

  Meanwhile, the establishment of the incentive policy also reinforces an advantageous societal system where good deeds are encouraged. 与此同时,激励政策的建立同样能够强化社会体制,社会鼓励人们的善行。

  Nevertheless, the foregoing points do not justify able-bodied students eschewing blood donation if no rewards are offered. 但是,前面的观点并不适用于那些由于没有奖项而躲避献血的学生,特别是那些身体健全的学生。

  Otherwise, our world would be replete with mercenary individuals; and no society can survive let alone thrive when it is corrupted with selfishness. 否则,我们的世界将充斥着金钱至上的人;这样的话,没有哪个社会能够生存下去,更不要提那些因私立而腐败,但却想要蓬勃发展的社会了。

  In the final analysis, students should make donations in an altruistic fashion". 我认为,学生应该以无私的精神来献血。

  However, universities ought to present some rewards to express their gratitude. 但是,大学应该通过奖励来表达对他们的感激之情。

  第25篇:高薪 职业发展

  Career Development Is Better Than a High Salary. 职业发展比最求高薪更为有利。

  New graduates oftentimes face the dilemma between a high salary and career development. 应届毕业生经常处在高薪和职业发展的两难境地。

  It is usually the case that one's dream job cannot bring adequate monetary rewards. 理想职业通常不能带来理想的经济回报。

  Should one opt for career development or an immediate high salary? 人们是应该选择职业发展,还是高薪呢?

  Personally, I would give priority to career development. 我个人认为,我倾向于职业发展。

  Admittedly, a high salary is an effective incentive to entice graduates who often are in great need or eager to make money.  不可否认的是,高薪是吸引应届毕业生的有效方法,特别是那些那些急于挣钱,需求大的应届生。

  After all, remuneration is such a crucial factor when it comes to job hunting. 毕竟,经济报酬是找工作至关重要的因素之一。

  It is undeniable that human beings are often restrained by their short-sightedness. 无疑,人类通常会目光短浅。

  What seems to be sufficiently rewarding at the moment may lose its advantage in the future. 现在的高回报或许会在将来让你失去优势。

  Authoritative statistics have illustrated that employees who choose salary over their real interests tend to be dissatisfied with their jobs despite the extra money they can earn.

  In addition, strategic planning regarding one's career may not yield any immediate reward. 而且,个人的职业规划或许并不受到报酬的干扰。

  In fact, many people have to forgo some present day rewards in pursuit of their dream careers. 事实上,为了追求理想的职业,许多人不得不放弃现在的高薪。

  However, in the long run, all the efforts and planning will pay off. 但是,从长远来看,所有的努力和规划将会得到回报。

  Career development helps new graduates find their bearings and invest in their future. 职业发展帮助应届生寻找自己的方向,并对未来进行投资。

  Finally, one is more likely to feel content by working in one's element and attaining some achievement. 最后,在擅长的领域工作,并且获得成就更能够让人们得到满足。

  In conclusion, a focus on career development rather than an initial financial gain will improve employee job satisfaction now and in the future. 总之,比起经济报酬,不管是在现在还是将来,职业发展将提高员工对工作的满意度。



  Renewable Energy Is the Way to Go 利用再生能源

  With the skyrocketing demand of oil, coal and natural gas, we are confronted with an energy crisis since energy resources such as gas and oil are fast diminishing this century, 随着人们对石油、天然气以及煤炭的迅猛需求,人类遇到了能源危机,例如石油、天然气等能源正在本世纪里迅速减少,

  One remedy fo a this problem is the implementation of a renewable energy policy. 解决这一问题的方法就是利用可再生能源。

  As far as I am concerned, renewable energy can serve as an effective way of solving the energy crisis. 我认为,可再生能源是解决能源危机的有效途径。

  Firstly, renewable energy has unlimited availability. 首先,可再生能源的储量是无限的。

  Traditional energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas are non-renewable, 例如煤炭、石油和天然气等传统能源是不可再生的,

  which means that the world will eventually run out of them, constituting the main threat to energy resources. 这就意味着世界的这些能源将最终消失,这主要威胁了世界的能源资源。

  However, generated from natural resources-such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat, renewable energy is continuously being replenished by nature on a time scale appropriate to human use. 但是,像太阳光、风、雨、潮汐或是地热等可再生的自然资源正在源源不断地得到补充,从时间上说,这很适宜人类的使用。

  Furthermore, with advancing technologies, renewable energy will be able to supply a significant proportion of the world's energy needs, 此外,随着技术的不断发展,可再生资源将能够供给人类对资源的大部分需求,

  making it possible to overcome the energy crisis. 这让人们战胜能源危机成为了可能。

  Secondly, renewable energy has many immediate environmental benefits. 第二,可再生资源会带来立竿见影的环境效益。

  The use of fossil fuels-coal, oil and natural gas has affected the environment by polluting the air and water, creating toxic wastes, and causing global warming. 化石燃料、石油、天然气已经污染了空气和水资源,并排放了有毒废料,造成了全球变暖,这些资源的使用已经影响了环境。

  However, renewable energy resources are clean. 但是,可再生能源是清洁的。

  Their use can avoid these negative environmental impacts and risks,and moreover, it can help conserve fossil resources for generations to come. 使用再生能源可以避免对环境造成的影响和危害,此外,它也能够帮助保护未来的化石燃料。

  Concerning the two main advantages of renewable energy, I personally hold that they are a feasible way to solve the energy problem. 以上是再生能源的两点好处,我个人认为这是解决能源问题的可行性方法。


  Famous Entertainers and Athletes Deserve Their High Salaries. 著名演员和运动员值得拥有高额的奖金。

  Many people hold that the majority of famous entertainers and athletes are overpaid and undeserving. 许多人认为绝大部分的演员和运动员工资过高,他们并不值得拥有过高的奖金。

  As far as I am concerned, those people deserve their high salaries. 我认为,这些人值得拥有。

  Firstly, famous entertainers and athletes have to make painstaking efforts, 第一,许多演员和运动员要付出更多的努力,

  Let's take athletes as an example. 我拿运动员举个例子。

  Athletes are constantly having time-consuming training. 运动员要从事大量的训练任务。

  They not only play games, but also train in the off-season and during the season. 他们不仅仅是参加比赛,他们也要在非赛季和赛季参加训练。

  They have to give up time with their family to travel. 他们不得不牺牲与家人在一起的时间。

  Besides they also have to sacrifice their privacy. 此外,他们不得不牺牲自己的私人空间。

  Famous people must undergo the intense scrutiny of the media, television and newspapers. 名人必须经受住来自媒体、电视以及报纸的严格考验。

  This is a difficult lifestyle to lead, as one must constantly be careful of what he says or does in public. 这样的生活是很艰难的,他们在公众的一言一行都要非常小心。

  Another factor to consider is the risk of injury. 另外一个因素就是受伤。

  Houston Rockets' star centre Yao Ming suffered from knee and leg injuries before he managed to attend the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 休斯顿火箭队的球星姚明,在他将要参加2008年北京奥运会之前,他伤了膝伤和腿伤。

  And there are too many similar cases. 这样的例子还有很多。

  Secondly, athletes and entertainers are the source of inspiration and motivation to excel in life for youngsters. 第二,这些演员和运动员是年轻人灵感和动力的来源。

  They set an example for children and young people, so they can get impetus on how to work, how to set high goals and how to cope when one fails. 他们为儿童和年轻人举了一个例子,这样,他们才能有工作的动力,并能够制定高目标,并能在失败时想出解决的办法。

  Young people can develop confidence and positive attitudes towards their lives by taking inspiration from athletes' and entertainers lives. 通过从运动员和演员那里得到灵感,年轻人对自己的生活就会越有信心。

  In conclusion, famous entertainers and athletes earn money through their uncommon efforts,and they provide inspiration for children as well as youngsters. 最后,著名运动员和演员是通过自己的不懈努力来获得高额报酬的,他们激励了儿童和年轻人。

  Therefore, they deserve high salaries. 所以,他们值得拥有高额的奖金。


  Machine Translation Cannot Replace Human Translation. 计算机翻译替代不了人翻译。

  Machine translation has been the focus of intense interest since the advent of programmable computers. 随着计算机编程的出现,计算机翻译一直吸引着人们的兴趣。

  In spite of its increasing popularity, 尽管这种翻译的关注度越来越高,

  I personally hold that it cannot replace human translation. 但是,我个人认为它并不能代替人翻译。

  Learning foreign languages will still be important in the future. 未来,学习外语仍然至关重要。

  First of all, as globalization and communications are bringing the world ever closer together, 首先,全球化和通信的便捷让我们的距离越来越近,

  ever more urgent he need for global citizens to be competent ins other languages. 人们正在急切地学习其他国家的语言。

  In a world where nations and peoples are ever more dependent upon one another to supply goods and services, 国家和人民更加依赖其他国家所供给的物品和服务,

  solve political disputes and ensure international security, understanding other cultures is paramount. 解决政治纷争,保证国际安全,了解各国文化是非常重要的。

  Learning another language gives the learner the ability to step inside the mind and context of that other culture. 学习语言让学习者更能够深入到异域文化的里层。

  Without the ability to communicate and understand a culture on its own terms, 不了解异域文化,不能够交流,

  true access to that culture is barred. 我们对于深入了解文化就会受到限制。

  Furthermore, having a second language on a resume is almost a requirement of the job-seeking professional. 此外,在简历上写上你所习得的第二种语言几乎成为了找工作的前提。

  Businesses recognize that a person with the ability to speak a second language fluently is a valuable asset, 在商业领域,如果某人能够很流利地说第二种语言,那么这对于他就是一种宝贵的财富。

  It also shows off the capacity of the aspiring job candidate to learn and assimilate complex systems of information, 这也能展示出求职者学习,以及吸收复杂信息的能力,

  a talent that is sure to catch the attention of any human resources department: 这样的能力绝对能吸引任何人力资源部门的眼球:

  Though computers can translate different kinds of languages,machine translation has many shortcomings, 尽管计算机翻译可以翻译多种语言,但是计算机翻译有许多限制,

  making it impossible for it to replace human translation. 这使得它不可能代替人翻译。

  Computer translation is understandable, but not of publishable quality. 人们可以理解计算机的翻译,但是还不到出版的质量和水平。

  Furthermore, the computer cannot discern context and intended meaning the same way a human can. 此外,计算机并不能理解意境和所含意味,而这些人类是可以做到的。

  On the contrary, human translation is more accurate and reliable. 相反,人翻译更加准确,更加可靠。

  In conclusion, computer translation cannot replace human translation and learning foreign languages will remain vital in the future. 最后,计算机翻译并不能代替人翻译,在未来,学习语言仍然至关重要。


  Smoking Should Be Banned in All Public Places. 公共场所应该禁止吸烟。

  Shocked by the fact that nearly half of the country's 1.3 billion population are suffering from passive smoking, 让人们所震惊的是,全国13亿人中,有近一半的人口遭受二手烟的威胁,

  a Chinese lawmaker has called for national legislation to ban smoking in public places. 法律制定者已经呼吁建立法律,禁止在公共场所吸烟。

  Given the harmful effects of smoking, 由于吸烟的许多危害,

  I hold that smoking should be banned in all public places. 我认为公共场所应该禁止吸烟。

  Firstly, smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any single disease,says the World Health Organization. 首先,世界卫生组织声称,吸烟会引起死亡或残疾。

  Tobacco smoking is a known or probable cause of approximately 25 diseases. 吸烟会引发大约25种疾病。

  Besides, second-hand smoke puts people's health at risk too. 除此之外,二手烟也会对人们的生命造成威胁。

  According to a survey, nearly 600 million Chinese suffer from passive smoking, 根据调查显示,中国有将近6亿人遭受着二手烟的威胁,

  which occurs in 32.5 per cent of public spaces, 有32.5%发生在公共场合。

  People visiting smoky public places two or three times a week 如果每周前往公共场所2-3次,

  and those working in the hospitality industry are at high risk of smoking-related diseases, 那些在服务行业工作的人很有可能会患有与吸烟相关的疾病,这样的几率是很高的,

  such as cancer, heart disease and amputated limbs arising from vein clogging, 这些疾病例如:癌症、心脏病、血管堵塞引发的截肢。

  Therefore, except for increasing their own risk of smoking-related diseases, 所以,吸烟者除了会增加自己患有这些疾病的风险以外,

  smokers also pose a danger to non-smokers' health due to second-hand smoke. 由于二手烟,他们还会给非吸烟者带来身体上的危害。

  It is a non-smoker's right not to have to breathe in smoke in public places. 非吸烟者有权利不在公共场合接受二手烟。

  There is nothing worse than someone smoking at the table next to you while you're trying to enjoy your meal. 当您在享用餐饮的同时,没有比吸烟者做你旁边更坏的事情了。

  The government should get tough on smoking so as to protect nonsmokers' rights to a healthy life. 为了保护非吸烟者的健康权利,政府应该对吸烟者加大管理力度。

  In summary, it is imperative to create a non-smoking social environment 总结,建立非吸烟的社会环境是非常重要的,

  and enhance the self-protection awareness of non-smokers. 同时提高非吸烟者的自我保护意识。

  Smoking in public areas should be banned. 公共场所应该禁止吸烟。


  Famous People Should Be Entitled to Privacy 名人有权拥有自己的隐私。

  The public's insatiable need for celebrity gossip 大众非常渴望知道名人的绯闻,

  and the gossip magazines addiction to providing those sleazy stories and images of celebrities 绯闻杂志更是喜欢提供名人的庸俗故事和照片,

  makes the issue of privacy for famous people a real grey area. 这些都使得名人隐私问题成为了真正的灰色地带。

  As far as I am concerned,famous people should be entitled to privacy. 我认为,名人有权拥有自己的隐私。

  Firstly, everyone has the right to privacy. 首先,每个人都有权拥有隐私。

  The public have a vested interest in famous people who find their profiling soaring due to a new film release or music release. 由于新电影或是专辑的上映和发布,迅速成长的名人使公众获得了既得利益。

  Readers will want to find out more about the celebrity 读者想知道关于名人更多的消息,

  and the press will duly provide more images of the person 媒体也将提供关于名人更多的图片,

  while they are so prominently in the spotlight. 因为这些名人是一些一线名人。

  However,the idea of reporters rummaging around in celebrities' dustbins 但是,这种在名人垃圾箱中检查翻找,

  or bugging phone calls is taking the issue of public interest too far. 或是安装电话窃听器,这些都都超过了公共对于明星的兴趣范围。

  Famous people's rights to privacy are unlawfully violated. 明星隐私的权利遭到了侵害,而这却不会触动法律。

  Privacy must be approached from a people-centred perspective,and not through the marketplace. 解决隐私问题,我们要以人为中心,而不是以市场为中心。

  Furthermore, too much attention on the personal lives of famous people not only hurts celebrities themselves, 此外,对明星私生活的过分关注不仅伤害明星本身,

  but also their parents or friends. 更伤害他们的父母和朋友。

  The tabloids dig into anything sensational regardless of the rights of privacy of the people affected. 他们不管是否伤害到了人们的隐私权,绯闻小报都致力于挖掘任何敏感信息。

  Too much exposure of their personal lives makes more pressure for both famous people themselves and their families. 私生活的过分曝光对名人,对家人都造成了压力。

  In conclusion, famous people should be entitled to their privacy. 总之,名人有权拥有自己的隐私。

  They and their families must continue to be wholeheartedly protected by privacy laws. 名人以及他们的家人一定要通过隐私法来保护自己的隐私。












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