
栏目:娱乐资讯  时间:2023-08-10

  华中科技大学硕士学位论文摘要近年来,随着英美哲学中形而上学研究的兴起和心灵哲学问题讨论的盛行,附生性成为了最重要的哲学概念之一。同时,附生性所具有主题中立的特征使得它在其它学科领域(如伦理学、美学、系统科学)也广受青睐。正是因为如此,人们对各种各样的附生性论题进行了辨析,同时对其成双成对的逻辑关系进行了考证,也审察了它们应用于各个领域的可能性。然而,除了广泛的分析,某些细节还存在问题,还有某些争论并未得到解决。而争论存在的关键可能就在于,是否能够建立起真正的对话语境,使讨论能够在同一标准、同一前提下进行,可见,一个明确而又恰当的附生性概念才是解决问题的关键之所在。我并不试图厘清所有的细节或是解决所有的争论,而是对前人工作中最重要的部分进行梳理,以期获得一个明晰的附生性概念。本文主要从三个方面对附生性概念进行了梳理:一是对附生性关系的表述中经常出现的两个关系项(属性和事件)进行比较分析,明确附生性关系的主要关系项是属性;二是对附生性的两种分类方式进行梳理,其中,弱的、强的和全面的附生性分类看似精细,但过于复杂,存在大量问题,而新近用数学中的“对应”概念对附生性作出的分类虽还未完善,但还是很有发展前景的;三是根据现有的主要关系比较分析附生性的本质关系。关键词:属性;事件;弱附生性;强附生性;全面附生性;“对应”概念;共变、依赖和决定关系I华中科技大学硕士学位论文AbstractIn recent years, with the rise of studing Metaphysics and the polularity of discussingthe Philosophy of Mind in Anglo-American philosophy, Supervenience has been one ofmost important concepts. Meanwhile, the characteristics of subject-neutral superveniecehas make it in other disciplines (such as ethics,aesthetics and systems science) alsowidely favored. Because of this, varieties of supervenienc e have been distinguished, theirpairwise logical relationships examined, and their usefulness for various purposesscrutinized. However, despite extensive analysis, some details are askew, somecontroversies unresolved. The key of controversies lies in, whether to establish a realdialogue context makes the discussion in the same standard and same premise, thus it canbe seen, a clear and appropriate concept of supervenience is the key to solving theproblem. I will by no means attempt to straighten out all the details or to settle all thecontroversies, while just sort out the most important parts on previous work, so as toobtain a clear concept of supervenience.This paper falls into three respects to analyze the concept of supervenience. The firstpart compares and analyzes the two relatum (properties and events) of superveniencerelation, finally find out that the former (properties) is the main relata; The second partsorts out two ways of classification , one way of classificaton is weak, stron

