白洋淀KZ-1钻孔晚更新世以来的粒度特征及其沉积环境分析 / Grain Size Characteristics and Sedimentary Environment Analysis of Baiyangdian ZK-1 Borehole since Late Pleistocene
陈亭亭,杨振京,王利康,毕志伟,杨庆华 / CHEN Ting-ting, YANG Zhen-jing, LIU Rong-fang, WANG Li-kang, BI Zhi-wei, YANG Qing-hua
通过对白洋淀ZK-1钻孔粒度特征、岩性特征和磁化率特征进行详细分析,并结合碳十四测年数据,分析白洋淀ZK-1钻孔粒度特征及其沉积环境。上更新统(10690-27920 a BP)岩性主要是亚砂土,含少量粉砂和亚粘土。沉积物以粉砂主,粒径范围5.74Φ~6.24,频率曲线以单峰为主,概率累积曲线以细二段式为主。晚更新世处于第四冰期,气候以干偏凉为主,沉积环境是沼泽相。全新统(5710-10690 a BP)岩性主要是亚砂土和粉砂,沉积物以粉砂主,粒径平均值5.34Φ,频率曲线以单峰为主,概率累积曲线以细二段式为主,全新世处于冰后期,气候由干偏凉转向温凉略湿,沉积环境是浅湖相。晚更新世气候以干偏凉为主,水位较低;到全新世,气候以温凉略湿为主,气候变凉,水位升高。
Based on the Baiyangdian ZK-1 drilling grain size characteristics, lithology characteristics and magnetization rate were analyzed, and combined with the data of carbon fourteen dating, analysis of Baiyangdian ZK-1 drilling. Grain size characteristics and sedimentary environment.Upper Pleistocene (10690 - 27920 a BP) is the main lithology of sandy loam soil, water and a small amount of silty sand with silt sediments. The main, particle size range 5.74 ~ 6.24 diameter, frequency curve with one peak, the cumulative probability curves to fine two section. In the late Pleistocene glacial climate in fourth, dry cool, sedimentary environment is marsh facies.Holocene (5710-1069. 0 a BP) is the main lithology of sandy loam and silty sand, silty sand deposits in the main, average diameter Phi 5.34, frequency curve with one peak, the cumulative probability curves to fine two segment, the Holocene in the postglacial period, the climate from warm and wet to cool dry, shallow lake facies sedimentary environment is the late Pleistocene climate. In dry cool, water level is low; to the Holocene climate, with warm and wet climate, cool water level.
Baiyangdian; grain size; Radiocarbon dating; sedimentary environment
陈亭亭,杨振京,王利康,毕志伟,杨庆华. 白洋淀KZ-1钻孔晚更新世以来的粒度特征及其沉积环境分析[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 1-7.
焦石坝页岩有机碳含量地球物理预测 / Research on Shale TOC Content Prediction in Jiaoshiba
韩冰,孙伟超 / HAN BING,SUN Wei-chao
Shale gas organic carbon (TOC) content is an important parameter for reservoir evaluation, how to accurately evaluate TOC content is the key to late shale gas exploration and development and well location deployment. In this paper, the Wufeng Formation-Longmaxi Formation in Jiaoshiba area is taken as the research object. First, by analyzing the seismic response characteristics of shale reservoirs, different organic carbon content models were established, and use pseudo-spectral method to forward wave equation; Secondly, combined with well logging data and fine structure interpretation of seismic data to determine the vertical distribution of gas-bearing layers; Finally, post-stack impedance inversion is used to predict the horizontal plane of TOC content in the gas reservoirs in the study area. Through testing, the predicted value is consistent with drilling data accuracy up to 90%. The results show that this method can well delineate the distribution and evaluation of TOC content in shale reservoirs and provide a feasible technique and method for shale gas exploration and development and well location deployment.
shale gas ; total organic carbon content (TOC) prediction ; post-stack impedance inversion ; forward modeling
韩冰,孙伟超. 焦石坝页岩有机碳含量地球物理预测[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 8-12.
冀南某井田山西组沉积体系与聚煤规律 / Sedimentary System and Coal Accumulation Law of Shanxi Formation of Coal Mine Field in Southern Hebei
薛园园,邵长奎 / XUE Yuan-yuan, SHAO Chang-kui
In order to make the sedimentary system and coal accumulation Law of Shanxi formation of the study area clearly ,by comprehensive study of drilling cores and logging data, Shanxi Formation of the Coal Mine is mainly dominated deltaic depositional system, include Delta plain, delta front and delta. By classifying microfacies, combined with the borehole data of the study area, studies the reasons for the change of thickness of the coal seams of the region from ancient sedimentary environment and the coal-forming conditions. The results show that Shanxi Formation coal beds of the study area are Comparatively stable and thick, they are formed because of shallow water delta deposition ,which was happened in the period that the base level is relatively stable or gradually decreased. Peat swamps on the delta plain are widely distributed and maintain a longer time,forming the Comparatively thick and distributed stably 2# main coal seams.
southern Hebei; Shanxi formation; sedimentary system; coal seam thickness; coal accumulation law
薛园园,邵长奎. 冀南某井田山西组沉积体系与聚煤规律[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 13-17.
钢板网加固大尺寸RC短柱受力性能有限元分析 / Finite Element Analysis of Mechanical Behavior about Large-size RC Short Columns Strengthened by Steel Plate Net
贾磊,解咏平,杨晓宇 / JIA Lei, XIE Yong-ping, YANG Xiao-yu
In order to analyze the mechanical properties and stiffening performance of large-size reinforced concrete short columns on steel mesh, three specimens with a shear span ratio of 2 and a section length of 500mm reinforced concrete are designed, and the finite element software ABAQUS is used to carry out Analysis of Mechanical Performance of Monotonic Loading. the results show that the steel mesh can provide effective restraint to the concrete, avoid the premature occurrence of the crack and delay the yield of the stirrup, and enhance the structural strength of the high - strength concrete short column. After the reinforced concrete short columns are reinforced by steel mesh, their bearing capacity is obviously improved compared with the concrete columns with the same conditions. Other parameters of the same circumstances, increase the constraints by steel plate net can not only improve the maximum bearing capacity of the specimen, but also increase the ultimate displacement of the specimen and ductility. With the increase of the thickness of steel mesh, the shear capacity and displacement ductility coefficient are increasing.
Steel Plate Net; Short column of reinforced concrete; Finite Element Analysis; monotonic loading
贾磊,解咏平,杨晓宇. 钢板网加固大尺寸RC短柱受力性能有限元分析[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 18-21.
南水北调对北京市地面沉降影响分析 / Analysis of the Influence of South to North Water Transfer on Land Subsidence in Beijing
穆晨波 / MU Chen-bo
南水北调工程开通后北京市年调入水量达数亿立方米,使北京市用水结构发生明显变化,北京平原区内地下水的开采量相对减少。文章收集数据分析2008 年~2015 年南水北调北京段开通前后北京市地下水水位的变化,讨论南水北调工程调水对北京市地下水位的影响,运用数学模型阐明北京市地下水水位与地面沉降问题的相关性。结果表明,2008 年南水北调正式调水入京后,北京市开采地下水量减少,地下水平均水位由每年降低0.995 m减小到每年降低0.218 m,地下水水位下降速率明显变缓,地面沉降问题受良性影响得到一定缓解。
Since the opening of the south to North Water Diversion Project, the annual water supply in Beijing has reached several hundred million cubic meters. The structure of water consumption in Beijing has been changed evidently. Groundwater production was reduced after the start of the South to North Water Transfer in the Beijing plain area. The article has collected data to analyze the change of groundwater level before and after the opening of the Beijing section of the South to North Water Transfer Project in 2008 ~2015, discussed the influence of water diversion from the South to North Water Transfer Project on groundwater level. The relevance of land subsidence and groundwater level variation has been discussed by means of mathematical model. The rate of decline of the water table has obviously decreased, from 0.995 meters per year to 0.218 meters. As a result, groundwater production has been reduced since South-to-North Water Diversion began to transfer water to Beijing. The decline rate of groundwater table is reduced. Land subsidence has been alleviated by favorable effects.
South-to-North water diversion; land subsidence; groundwater level; groundwater resources; Beijing
穆晨波. 南水北调对北京市地面沉降影响分析[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 22-27.
滇西金顶铅锌矿跑马坪矿段水文地质条件及涌水量预测 / Hydrogeological Conditions and Forecast of Mine Discharge of Paomaping Mining Section in Jinding Lead-zinc Deposit, Western Yunnan
范大明,余璨 / FAN Da-ming, YU Can
The Jinding lead-zinc ore is hosted in limestone, breccia zone of Yunlong Formation. The joints of strata, solution crack, vein care and fracturing structure, serves as the passage for the storage and transmitting of groundwater. The quaternary unconsolidated rock aquifer, karst fracture-vein care auifer and the joints in fracturing structure composes hydrological unit, which characterized by independent recharge-runoff-discharge and medium water abundance. The groundwater of Paomaping ore-block has poor hydraulic connection with surface water and peripheral groundwater, which serving as the water resources of mining pit. According to the generalized boundaries of sepcified flow values, the simulation model of mine discharge in Paomaping mining section has established. The normal mine discharge and maximum mine discharge of 1240/1200 sublevel are forecasted by using water-balance algorithm, analogue method and numerical simulation method. Through the comparison and analysis of calculation, we concluded that when the deep-sublevel developing, the normal mine discharge is 6000m3/d and the maximum mine discharge is 8000m3/d. In addition, when the deep-sublevel has developed, the groundwater has tending towards stability, and the normal mine discharge is 1100m3/d and the maximum mine discharge is 2000m3/d. The results can provide a significant basis for the mining scheme and measures of control water.
mine discharge; numerical simulation; Paomaping; Jinding lead - zinc deposit
范大明,余璨. 滇西金顶铅锌矿跑马坪矿段水文地质条件及涌水量预测[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 28-33.
FDI对环境污染的行业差异性研究 / Study on Industrial Differences of FDI to Environmental Pollution
曹慧平 / CAO Hui-ping
This article classifies FDI into different industries and studies the impact of industry FDI on the environment in China. Based on the Chinese provincial panel data, this article tests the relationship between industry FDI and environment by static panel fixed effect and dynamic panel system GMM method. The results are as follows: foreign direct investment inflows into manufacturing industry and real estate industry will worsen the environment of host country, and the service industry support “pollution halo hypothesis”, which has no significant impact on agriculture and software industry. FDI will be conducive to the improvement of the environment when the economic development reaches a certain extent.
FDI Heterogeneity; Economic Growth; Environmental Pollution; Industry FDI
曹慧平. FDI对环境污染的行业差异性研究[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 34-39.
长江流域生态补偿的认知程度及偿付意愿调查 / Survey on Eco-compensation of Cognition and WTP & WTA of Yangtze River Basin
邹晓涓 / ZOU Xiao-juan
Based on the study of teachers in Wuhan’s university, it investigates the cognitive situation and WTP & WTA for eco-compensation in Yangtze River basin. It is found that the respondents focus on environmental issues and the change of living environment, but does not pay attention to environmental protection in daily life behavior, and don't know the environmental laws and regulations, and River basin eco-compensation policies. It is not necessarily for the respondents to transform environmental concept to their daily activities. Using contingent valuation method (CVM) to analysis WTP & WTA for the Yangtze River basin eco-compensation, and calculating WTP and WTA of the Yangtze River basin by using Spike model. The source of the eco-compensation for future watershed can be used to combine the residents' payment and the government's special funds. In terms of reimbursement, it can provide a variety of payment options, and the cash compensation as far as possible. Survey shows that people's environmental behavior is not affected by environmental concept. Therefore, the government should refine environment behavior constraint rules, popularize environmental policy, and strengthen the daily environmental protection behavior constraints from the system level.
Yangtze River basin; Eco-compensation; Willingness to pay; Willingness to accept
邹晓涓. 长江流域生态补偿的认知程度及偿付意愿调查[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 40-45.
“资源诅咒”困境下甘肃省经济转型升级推进策略初探 / A Initial Study on the Promotion Strategy of Economic Transformation and Upgrading in Gansu Province under the “Resource Curse” Dilemma
牛胜强,张弘 / NIU Sheng-qiang, ZHANG Hong
Gansu Province,although the construction of circular economy demonstration area has continued for many years, but the shortage of resources, environmental pollution, ecological deterioration, irrational industrial structure and other aspects has not been fundamentally changed, the continuously promoting of circular economy is also facing a series of obstacles and problems. Therefore, based on the analysis of the main problems in the development of circular economy in Gansu Province, this paper analyzes the main obstacles of economic transformation and development in Gansu Province. Getting the following conclusions:1.The ecological environment is the key factor influencing the transformation and development of Gansu Province, and the high resource exploitation has caused the serious shortage of natural resources in Gansu Province. 2. Resource-dependent industrial structure and traditional development model limits the economic development of Gansu Province. To sum up experience, insisting to put the ecological industry and promote the construction of ecological civilization as power and a breakthrough to promote the development of demonstration area of circular economy, and make it become the main content of the development of circular economy in Gansu Province and the main content and the direction of the transformation spanning development, which can continuously improve the cycle economic development level, and provide resource base and environmental protection for Gansu Province to achieve leapfrog development.
Gansu Province; Development mode; Transformation; Circular economy; Industrial
牛胜强,张弘. “资源诅咒”困境下甘肃省经济转型升级推进策略初探[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 46-53.
大数据在生态环境危机治理中的应用研究 / Research on the Application of Big Data in Ecological Environment Crisis Management
苗银家,金朔 / MIAO Yin-jia, JIN Shuo
Big data is a new and important part of modern information technology. It is the innovation and development of Internet. At present, China's big data has been applied in the management of ecological environment crisis, especially in many aspects such as the key point, the monitoring of the source of the difficulty, and the remote sensing of the ecological environment satellite. This article in view of the large data management application study in the ecological environment crisis, big data is analyzed and the relationship between the ecological environment crisis, as well as the big data on the characteristics of the ecological environment crisis management, and discusses the principle of the ecological environment crisis governance and big data in the application of the ecological environment crisis governance problems, finally for bigdata in the application of the ecological environment crisis management put forward some Suggestions.
big data; ecological environment; crisis management
苗银家,金朔. 大数据在生态环境危机治理中的应用研究[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 54-58.
皖江城市带制造业污染强度和环境规制强度关系的研究 / Research on the Relationship between Pollution Intensity and Environmental Regulation Intensity of Manufacturing Industry in Wanjiang City Belt
苗丽娜 / MIAO Li-na
皖江城市带;制造业; 污染强度;环境规制强度;面板数据模型
The paper studies the relationship between pollution intensity and environmental regulation intensity of manufacturing in Wanjiang city belt.Firstly, the pollutant emissions data in cities of Wanjiang city belt is standardized for nondimensionalization,and the pollution intensity index is calculated by equal weighting and averaging method. Secondly, the cities' environmental regulation index of manufacturing is calculated according to pollution discharge compliance rate by using synthetic index method.Then, according to panel data analysis of pollution intensity index and environmental regulation intensity index of each city, the environmental regulation intensity index and the pollution intensity index are positively correlated. The greater the degree of pollution, the greater the degree of environmental regulation. This is in line with industrial pollution and environmental management requirements in Wanjiang city belt. The pollution intensity of cities in Wanjiang city belt (except Ma'anshan and Tongling) decreased, indicating that the existing environmental regulation intensity has shown a positive effect on the reduction of pollution intensity in most areas. Relevant suggestions are put forward on the choice of environmental regulation intensity and the optimization of environmental governance objectives.
Wanjiang city belt; manufacturing industry; pollution intensity; environmental regulation intensity; Panel data model
苗丽娜. 皖江城市带制造业污染强度和环境规制强度关系的研究[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 59-63.
从中国市场经济伦理价值的特殊性反思人的发展阶段性 / The Reflection of Development Stage of Humans Based on the Particularity of the Ethical Value of China's Market Economy
王美玲 / WANG Mei-ling
The particularity of the ethical value of China's market economy is the absence of original ethical value and release of entended ethical value. If using the discourse system of Marx's development stage of humans to describe, it's the particularity of development stage of humans showing the coexistence of people's dependence and things's dependence. People's dependence is the product of agricultural and pre-modern society, namely the embodiment of absence of original ethical value in the development of humans. Things's dependence is the product of industrial and modern society. The entended ethical value is the fully manifested result of negative effects of things's dependence. In order to realize the full and comprehensive development of human, two things is necessary, namely, removing people's dependence and constructing original ethical value, dissolving things's dependence and controlling the negtive effects of entended ethical value.
original ethical value of market economy; entended ethical value of market economy; human development
王美玲. 从中国市场经济伦理价值的特殊性反思人的发展阶段性[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 64-68.
中国城镇化水平对房地产价格影响的实证研究 / An Empirical Study on the Influence of China’s Urbanization Level on Real Estate Price
张洋子,张淑娟 / ZHANG Yang-zi, ZHANG Shu-juan
This paper analyzes the urbanization level of China from the aspects of population urbanization, economic urbanization and land urbanization, and selects the panel data of 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in China from 2006 to 2015, analyzes the urbanization level’s influences on China's real estate prices . According to the income level of residents, different provinces are divided into three categories . The study shows that the level of urbanization is an important factor which affects the change of house price in our country. The three aspects of urbanization, economic urbanization and land urbanization all show significant positive impacts on house price changes, and the impact of land urbanization is the most obvious of all. The increase of income level of urban residents and the expansion of real estate investment are also important factors that cause the rise of house prices in China. At the same time, there are significant regional differences in the impact of urbanization on house prices. The areas with high income levels are mainly reflected in the impact of economic urbanization and land urbanization on housing prices. The relatively low income areas are mainly reflected in the impact of population urbanization on house price.
urbanization; real estate price; panel model; regional difference
张洋子,张淑娟. 中国城镇化水平对房地产价格影响的实证研究[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 69-74.
中国农村教育精准扶贫刍议 / Discussion on Accurate Poverty Alleviation by Rural Education
方化 / FANG Hua
教育; 精准扶贫; 素质
There are still more than 40 million rural population in poverty by the end of 2016,the current poverty alleviation situation is still grim. The internal cause why some China's rural people live a poor life is their low quality. They not only have poor quality of science and culture, poor labor skills, but also have some defects in diathesis and concept. These issues should be solved by education. Education is of great significance to the rural poor people. Education can help them get rid of spiritual poverty, improve their scientific and cultural quality and labor skills; education can also improve their labor productivities and incomes. Accurate poverty alleviation through education should be done by accurate identifications, supports (including accurate guarantee, enrollment, funding, training , employment)and managements.
education; accurate poverty alleviation; quality
方化. 中国农村教育精准扶贫刍议[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 75-78.
产权性质、高管性别与企业社会责任履行 / Property Rights, Gender of Executives and Fulfillment of Corporate Social Responsibility
冯丽丽,赵思敏 / FENG Li-li, ZHAO Si-min
This paper empirically tests the impact of property rights and executive gender on corporate social responsibility performance. The results show that property rights is positively related to corporate social responsibility, namely,the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility of state-owned enterprises is significantly higher than that of non state-owned enterprises.The social responsibility of listed companies is worse if women are senior executives in the company. This paper further finds that female executives are more effective than male executives in reducing the social responsibility performance in the highly market-oriented areas. The results can enrich the research on corporate social responsibility, and broad the economic consequences of female executives in corporate decision-making.
property rights, corporate social responsibility, gender of executives
冯丽丽,赵思敏. 产权性质、高管性别与企业社会责任履行[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 79-83.
金融资本脱实向虚的风险及对策研究 / Research on the Risk and Countermeasures of Financial Capital “Off Real to Virtual”
高佳琳 / GAO Jia-lin
Abstract: As the economy entered the new normal, the rate of the real economy return shows a downward trend. Driven by the capital pursuit, financial innovation springs up like mushrooms, leading the financial capital “off to virtual”. As a typical virtual economy, the financial industry relies on the real economy and its mission is to serves the real economy. The “off to virtual” of financial capital will lead to the mutual impoverishment of the financial industry and the real economy, which will lead to the accumulation of financial risks within the financial system and the harsh consequences of breaching criminal law impeding the financial order. In view of this, on the one hand, multi-pronged measures should be taken to promote the financial capital to the real economy; on the other hand, we should strengthen supervision and regulate the healthy development of the financial industry so as to achieve balanced development and positive interaction between the financial industry and the real economy. Based on the analysis of the causes and harms of the financial capital “off to virtual”, this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions on how to promote the financial serve the real economy better.
financial capital; real economy; fictitious economy; regulation
高佳琳. 金融资本脱实向虚的风险及对策研究[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 84-87.
发达国家农地流转及退地补助金政策经验借鉴与启示 / The Experience of Farmland Circulation and Withdrawal Subsidy Policy in Developed Countries and Its Enlightenment
范力军 / FAN Li-jun
Farmland large-scale management is an important way to achieve the modernization of agriculture, the transfer and withdrawal of farmland management is the main channel to realize the large-scale management of farmland. The subsidy polices of farmland circulation and withdrawal played an irreplaceable part in the process of farmland large-scale management. The article analysis the background, content and implementation effect of the subsidy polices of farmland circulation and withdrawal of Britain, France, South Korea and Japan. And then summarize its experiences. Combined with the situation of scale management of farmland in our country put forward the enlightenment of building the employment system to the farmers, improve the land compensation mechanism, establish a circulation agency for farmland and perfecting the legal system of farmland circulation.
developed countries; subsidy of farmland withdrawal; transfer of farmland management rights; farmland withdrawal;
范力军. 发达国家农地流转及退地补助金政策经验借鉴与启示[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 88-91.
政府绩效评价中的“第三方评估”模式比较分析 / A Comparative Analysis of the “Third Party Evaluation” Model in Government Performance Evaluation
孟志华,李璇 / MENG Zhi-hua, LI Xuan
第三方评估; 政府绩效; 评估模式
As a measure of the quality of government work and the important means of cadre is one of the important means of government performance evaluation, the use of scientific and effective assessment methods to establish an effective government performance evaluation system to improve the effectiveness of government governance is the theoretical and practical circles continue to explore and an important topic of research. Chinese government introduces the "third party assessment" mechanism to participate in government performance management. This paper briefly analyzes the necessity of introducing the "third party evaluation" mechanism and the future development momentum, and compares the evaluation models under different subjects to integrate the optimization evaluation force, put forward the suggestions of focusing on the source assessment and establishing the evaluation and guarantee system Third party assessment mechanism.
the third party assessment; government performance; assessment model
孟志华,李璇. 政府绩效评价中的“第三方评估”模式比较分析[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 92-95.
把握期权上市机遇,提升期货公司竞争力 / Seize the Options Listing Opportunity, Enhance the Competitiveness of Futures Companies
罗志贤,李潇潇 / LUO Zhi-xian, LI Xiao-xiao
The listing of futures options is a milestone for domestic financial markets. From the experience of foreign financial markets, futures options market has exceptionally broad space for development. Based on the research and analysis of options theory and practical application, combined with the development of the domestic futures market, this paper analyzes and summarizes the advantages of futures options over traditional futures in the hedging of real enterprises and ordinary investors' investment. We explored the application field and future development direction of futures options in the domestic market. We proposed that futures company should put more effort in investor education, creating a strong option business team, actively expanding innovative businesses in order to seize the options listing opportunity, enhance the competitiveness of futures companies, and make greater contribution to the development of the domestic options market even the entire financial market.
options listing; options application; competitiveness of futures companies
罗志贤,李潇潇. 把握期权上市机遇,提升期货公司竞争力[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 96-100.
高校艺术设计人才培养模式的创新探索——“专业教师+行业设计师”的协同合作 / Innovative Exploration of the Cultivation Mode of Art Design Talents in Universities: the “Professional Teachers + Industrial Designers” Collaborative Mode
秦亮,李涛,李存霞 / QIN Liang, LI Tao, LI Cun-xia
Innovative talents cultivation of art design in national universities entails setting up of modern scientific education conceptions and actively exploring a new scientific reasonable mode of talents cultivation that meets market requirement. By an analysis of the current situations and issues which hinder talents cultivation mode for art design in our national universities, this paper researches on the advantages and experiences of excellent talents cultivation mode in foreign artistic design academies, and in combination with the concrete conditions and features of artistic design teaching in our national universities, in a student-oriented and market driven manner, explores a new innovative art design talents cultivation mode: the “Professional Teachers + Industrial Designers” collaborative mode in hope to provide a certain reference or example to innovative educational talents cultivation for art design in universities.
art design education; innovative type; professional teachers + industrial designers; cooperation
秦亮,李涛,李存霞. 高校艺术设计人才培养模式的创新探索——“专业教师+行业设计师”的协同合作[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 101-104.
中国普惠金融发展的理论框架及路径——一个文献综述 / The Theoretical Framework and Path of China’s Inclusive Financial Development—a Literature Review
纵玉英,刘艳华 / ZONG Yu-ying, LIU Yan-hua
Inclusive finance is an important part of China's deepening financial system reform. Its healthy and rapid development is of great practical significance to improve the financial services availability of low-income groups and small or medium-sized enterprises. As a new idea of financial development, inclusive finance has been recognized by society and has become a hot issue for scholars to discuss. Through reviewing relevant practice and research literature, this dissertation summarizes the connotation and theoretical framework of inclusive finance by comprehensively using the research methods of induction, deduction and comparison, and then introduces the international experience of the development of inclusive finance. in the last place Research summary, and reference to China's specific national conditions, corresponding to the four levels of inclusive financial system framework, put forward four development paths of inclusive finance. At last, this paper summarizes the research and draws reference to China's specific national conditions and proposes four development paths for inclusive finance in response to the four levels of the inclusive financial system framework.
inclusive finance; theoretical framework; development path
纵玉英,刘艳华. 中国普惠金融发展的理论框架及路径——一个文献综述[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 105-112.
“一带一路”倡议对打造人类命运共同体的价值蕴涵 / Implications of “The Belt and Road Initiative” for Building a Community of Human Destiny
杨帆,肖倩倩 / YANG Fan, XIAO Qian-qian
"the Belt and Road initiative is a great decision and strategic initiative of our country to follow the trend of time. In the course of developing and perfecting socialism with Chinese characteristics, a major and realistic task is to clarify the importance of "The Belt and Road initiative to build a community of human destiny. Build human destiny community "area" strategy to provide a solid foundation and strong driving force,and the realization of the strategy of "area" without guidance and aim at the value of the community of human destiny. In contemporary China, The land and maritime Silk Road initiative as bearing the national strategy of human destiny community support, reflecting the building of human destiny community theory purport, gathering together the power to create human destiny community, presages a build community of human destiny. Only reveals the value of "area" strategy is embedded implication to make the important role which the human destiny community, to create a win-win world peace of the new pattern of new opportunities and international cooperation.
The Belt and Road initiative ; community of common destiny; the value implication
杨帆,肖倩倩. “一带一路”倡议对打造人类命运共同体的价值蕴涵[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 113-117.
俄、蒙主流媒体报道中的“一带一路”形象建构 / Analysis of Reporting Framework about “The Belt and Road” International Cooperation Peak BBS Dominated by Russian and Mongolian Media
栗兴维,安珊珊 / LI Xing-wei, AN Shan-shan
中国首倡的“一带一路”发展模式,从宏观布局到具体施行,不仅需要沿线各国的认同参与,也需要国际舆论的氛围助力。俄罗斯和蒙古国主流媒体关于“一带一路”的报道,对“中蒙俄经济带”沿线民众 “一带一路”认知具有决定性影响,也是“一带一路”倡议顺利实施的社会基础。本研究针对俄蒙七大主流媒体“一带一路”峰会前后的新闻报道,借助内容分析方法,运用框架理论,全面剖析其报道框架,进而明确俄蒙媒体对我国国家形象的建构特征。研究发现两国新闻报道样本总体上呈现出合作、友好的倾向,以服务于本国利益为主旨。
The "Belt and Road" development model initiated by China, from the macro-layout to the specific implementation steps, requires not only the identification and participation of countries involved, but also the environment of public opinion at international level. The news coverage about "Belt and Road" from mainstream media of Russia and Mongolia make a difference on the attitude of people along the"China-Mongolian-Russia Economic Corridor" and the social foundation about the initiative.. In order to understand the construction characteristics of the Russian-Mongolian media how to shape our Chinese national image, this study will analyze the news reports from seven mainstream media in Russia and Mongolia from May 7 to May 22, using Content Analysis and Framing Theory to comprehensively analyze its reporting frameworks. The study shows that the news reports showed a cooperative and friendly tendency , however , Serving national interests is the fundamental theme.
Belt and Road Initiative , Russian media, Mongolian media, Reporting Framework, national image
栗兴维,安珊珊. 俄、蒙主流媒体报道中的“一带一路”形象建构[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 118-124.
绿色发展理念下PPP支持河北省开发区建设的创新路径研究 / Research on the Innovation Path of PPP Supporting Construction of Hebei Province Development Zone from the Perspective of “Green Development” Concept
李妍,杜崇东,马丽斌 / LI Yan, DU Chong-dong, MA Li-bin
In the process of urbanization and integration of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, smooth implementation of PPP projects in new development zone is helpful to build the whole chain innovation ecological system , break out financing problems of transformation and upgrading, improve the public welfare, and promote the harmonious development between man and nature. From the perspective of “Green Development” concept, this paper explored new way of PPP supporting reform and development of development zone in Hebei province, combing with the characteristics of Hebei province development zone and the experience of at home and abroad. Then it put forward the opportunity and innovation countermeasures of PPP mode under the concept of “green development”, in order to strengthen the economic contribution and leading role of development zone to the whole province.
“Green development” concept; PPP mode; Development zone construction; Innovation path
李妍,杜崇东,马丽斌. 绿色发展理念下PPP支持河北省开发区建设的创新路径研究[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 125-129.
京津冀协同发展与雄安新区建设双重背景下河北省高校人才培养与就业问题探究 / Research on the Talent Cultivation and the Employment of Hebei University Students under the Double Background of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Synergic Development and Xiong’an New District Construction
杨红瑞,刘百恒,张天辰 / YANG Hong-rui, LIU Bai-heng, ZHANG Tian-chen
Firstly this paper analyzes the linkage development and employment correlation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,indicating that the synergistic development trend and human resource advantages are obvious.Then the new employment problems faced by university students in Hebei province are empirically studied under the double background, showed that the employment pressure of college students adds and the dilemma exists in Hebei province under the synergistic development, there are both long-term development of old problems and synergistic development will bring new problems; The analysis of the questionnaire in the new district shows that Hebei university students are full of expectation for employment, which can alleviate the pressure of employment in colleges and universities to some extent, but the effect is not significant in the short term. Finally, the two aspects and three directions of macro and micro are proposed.
synergistic development; Xiong'an new district;university;employment
杨红瑞,刘百恒,张天辰. 京津冀协同发展与雄安新区建设双重背景下河北省高校人才培养与就业问题探究[J]. 河北地质大学学报, 2017, 40(06): 130-134.
基于生态文明视角下河北省长城旅游资源开发研究 / Research on Tourism Resources Development of the Great Wall in Hebei Province Based on Ecological Civilization
杨丽花,白翠玲,和文征 / YANG Li-hua, BAI Cui-ling, HE Wen-zheng
From the perspective of ecological civilization, this paper discusses the countermeasures and suggestions for the development of eco-tourism in the Great Wall, which is helpful to protect the cultural resources and ecological environment of the Great Wall, enhance the taste of the Great Wall eco-tourism and the comprehensive benefits of tourism environment. Hebei province is selected as the case area, Hebei province is a big province of the Great Wall resources, is the most characteristic of the provinces, first introduced in Hebei Province, the Great Wall tourism resources, re analysis of the concept of ecological civilization and ecological tourism of the Great Wall and their relationship. Finally, on the basis of ecological civilization, the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the development of eco-tourism in the Great Wall of Hebei province:①On the premise of protective development;②build the Great Wall resource network;③Strengthen regional cooperation;④Build the Great Wall ecological tourism route with fine quality;⑤Construct the Great Wall ecological civilization tourism wisdom platform;⑥analyze the development model of the Great Wall ecological civilization tourism.
the Great wall; ecological civilization; tourism resource;development model;Hebei province
杨丽花,白翠玲,和文征. 基于生态文明视角下河北省长城旅游
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