
栏目:娱乐资讯  时间:2023-08-14


  SPS学院全称School of Professional Studies,通常译为继续教育学院,下设17个研究生学位,比如精算学、应用分析、生物伦理学、建筑工程管理学、企业风险管理等,侧重点是培养出偏向于职业性的实践型人才。

  很多同学们在精心准备好申请材料并提交后,突然发现还需要video essay,于是措手不及,所以面对这种问题,不要慌张,启思小编来为你发放福利指南,祝你找到心仪的offer!



  After you have submitted your application and fee, you will be required to submit a 1-minute video essay. You will be given time to create test videos to ensure that your system is working properly. When you are ready, you will be given a randomly selected prompt for which you will have one minute to prepare and one minute to record a response. You will not be able to re-record your video.

  1.对于一个非常重要的speech or TED,你会讲述什么?

  For a very important speech or TED,, what would you tell?


  What is one of your undergraduate (most impressive / most profitable) courses?


  Do you perform better when you are competing or collaborating?


  What moral dilemma you faced recently?


  what is the worst advice you have ever received?


  what is something that you proud of doing?


  If you could give young you advice, what would you give?


  What is the relationship between career success and education?



  Introduce a place you hometown most popular? popular? Why?

  The most popular place in my hometown is Chengde Summer Resort, which has a great relationship with the emperor, has a long history and culture, beautiful scenery, pleasant environment, rich humanistic feelings, and then gradually developed into tourism. Not only led to social construction, economic level has also been greatly improved.


  Describe your ideal work environment.

  My ideal work environment would be an environment that I could communicate with my peers and superiors freely. What’s more, colleagues can communicate and share their experience and skills freely. On the other hand, my job needs to be challenging, and I can still tackle them with my effort. I also prefer interesting tasks which can make me face new challenges every day.


  Tell me about your biggest weakness .

  My biggest drawback is that I am not very good at rejection, which leads me to often take on a lot of tasks, because on the other hand, I want to do things well, so that I stay up late and even spend more time and cost to deal with tasks. Just because you take into account the difficulties of others, you ignore your situation.


  How important is social media to you?

  Honestly, I can’t live without social media. Because social media has taken part in every aspect of my life. Like Wechat, it used to be a chatting app. However, now people used it not only to communicate with each other, but also pay for their daily consumption, share life and work.


  How do you motivate yourself when you are assigned a task?

  Firstly, the significance of a task can motivate me when I have a task. For example, if the results of tasks define my course grade or scholarship, I will definitely try my best to finished it perfectly. Secondly, I can figure out what I can learn through this task. If it does help me develop professional skills or gain more knowledge, I can motivate myself a lot. Finally, promising myself to buy a present after finishing the task is also a great method.


  How do you maintain a balance between work and your personal life?

  Family is important to me, so I will always make time for my family and my personal life. Firstly, I should improve my work efficiency and focus on what needs to be done. Secondly, I want to be flexible. When work demands more time, I shall do my best to commentate my work schedule. When I can spend more time with my family, I will do that.


  What is your view of class participation?

  From my perspective, class participation is an essential part of learning. While discussing and debating in class, students can learn from each other and gain new ideas. This interaction can offer students a wonderful learning environment to deepen their understanding of the subject of interest.


  What do you think is the best part of college education?

  The greatest part in college might be the freedom. In high school, students have no opportunity to choose their classes and are always supervised by teachers. However, in college, students gain the ability to take the course they are interested in. Moreover, students could attend different clubs according to their will to develop their hobbies or other skills. These experiences are essential.


  Teamwork activities and challenges.

  Communication is the key to solve problems and I will use this key in team collaboration when I face challenges. I have encountered some challenges in a team project. We had different opinions and couldn’t reach an agreement easily. As a leader in the group, I called up a meeting and let everyone state their opinions directly. In the end, everyone in the team was satisfied with the result.


  How would you like to change the world?

  Do what I should do, just like environmental pollution, the most direct way I can change the world is to choose to buy green daily necessities, try to do green travel, do not litter, do my best to make the world better.


  How do you get news?

  Because I am more used to holding a mobile phone, through the mobile phone to obtain information, so I do not indirectly through television or newspapers to obtain information, relatively fast, convenient and more timely, and I can also share my views on the event.Contemporary society, is the Internet era, is the artificial intelligence era, the society is developing unceasingly, we should find in this development torrent suitable oneself and the high efficiency obtains the information channel, unceasingly progress.


  How do you handle peer-pressure?

  Honestly, this kind of peer pressure is everywhere and I cannot ignore it. Most of the time, within my financial limits, I choose to follow the trend to buy some fashion clothes like my peers. Because it is the easiest way to fit in. Trying to find common ground with them, trying to communicate with them.However, if it’s a matter of my personal belief or principle, I will not yield to peer pressure.All I have to do is find a way to release stress or turn it into motivation. After all, stress is everywhere and facing it is the best solution.


  How you test the limit of your knowledge?

  First of all, constantly explore new knowledge, keep a curiosity about everything, when you find the difficulty, that is, when the cognition appears short board, must learn endlessly, in the person, must make full use of the knowledge learned to apply to the practice, The results of the application can also reflect where my knowledge limit is.


  What are your three greatest strengths?

  I think my biggest advantage is strong adaptability, like to explore and learn, but also full of teamwork spirit. Strong adaptability enables me to quickly familiarize myself with the new environment, contact new people, deal with new relationships, and strong curiosity and knowledge spirit can also enable me to constantly tap my potential and give full play to my highest value. Team work spirit also makes me unconsciously have team sense of honor and mission.


  What would you do if you found one of your friends cheating?

  I'll find a suitable time with my friend to talk about this incorrect behavior and try my best to tell him the consequences to stop cheating because cheating will eventually hurt everyone. If he listens to my advice, I will keep matter confidential, and if he does not listen to my dissuasion, then I will stay away from him in my way.


  How do you determine the success of a project?

  I always determine the success of a project by the result, like getting the highest score in a class or making a considerable revenue for my company. These results are easy to tell whether I am successful. However, result is not the only dimension to decide. If I gain useful experiences and skills from a project, I can also determine my success, even though the result is not good.







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