Liu bai chang sha tang of Chinese medicine treatment for pericollapse stage osteonecrosis of the Head observation
F u Yi n f e n g ( O r t h o p a e d i c s a n d Tr a u m a o f Tr a d i t i o n a l C h i n e s e M e d i c i n e ) D i r e c t e d b y Ya n g H ao
Objective: we retrospectivel y Objective and detailed observation of Liu bai chang sha soup Harris scores before and after treatment in patients with earl y
femoral head necrosis and MR I observation and compare the clinical effect of six calamus sand soup ; and evaluation the curative effect of patients with
femoral head necrosis; For further discussion and evaluation of the femoral head necrosis and the indications and therapeutic effect of earl y treatment to
provide effective basis 。
Methods: The experiment was con ducted according to the diagnostic criteria for osteonecrosis of the Head based on diagnosis and therap y guidelines of
osteoarthritis.T went y patients in treament group with osteonecrosis of the
Head were treated with liu bai chang sha tang jian ji ,the other thirt y patients i n control group were treated with Xian ling gu bao capsul
Results: After treatment, the treatment group of integral of motion Harris pain score was improved obviousl y, suggests six calamus sand soup treatment earl y femoral head necrosis has definite curative effect
Conclusion: Liu bai chang sha soup can removing the spleen kidney,
invigorating qi and t2dm with pain, eliminating swelling can effectivel y
improve s ymptoms earl y femoral head necrosis, which can effectivel y prevent the speed of the collapse of the femoral head repair or slow subsidence can
effectivel y improve the s ymptoms of earl y avascular necrosis of femoral head, delay the collapse of the femoral head, improve patient qualit y of life
Keyword: OsteoneerosisoftheFemoralHead spleen-kidney yang-deficiency Xian ling gu bao capsule . liu bai chang sha soup
前 言
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