娜塔莉·波特曼的一席演讲震动全场 原来她13岁经历了这些

栏目:娱乐资讯  时间:2020-03-03



  她年少成名,12岁就出演了吕克·贝松的电影《这个杀手不太冷》(Leon: The Professional)。


  之后的人生也是顺风顺水。边读书边表演的她考入哈佛大学,后来出演了《黑天鹅》(Black Swan)中的芭蕾舞者妮娜,获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。



  在今年美国“妇女大游行” (Women's March)的公开演讲中,她讲述了13岁那年初入影坛时的种种艰辛。





  I was so excited at 13 when the film was released and my work and my art would have a human response. I excitedly opened my first fan-mail to read a rape fantasy that a man had written me.这部电影发行时,我十分激动,我的作品和艺术,终于得到人们的回应。我兴奋地打开了我的第一封粉丝邮件,读到的是一个男人写给我的强奸幻想。



  A countdown was started on my local radio station to my 18th birthday, euphemistically the date that I would be legal to sleep with. Movie reviewers talked about my “budding breasts” in reviews.当地广播节目在我的18岁生日前开始倒计时,委婉地表达到了这天就能合法地睡我了。电影评论家在影评中谈到了我“刚刚发育的乳房”。


  I rejected any role that even had a kissing scene, and talked about that choice deliberately in interviews. I emphasized how bookish I was and how serious I was, and I cultivated an elegant way of dressing.我拒绝甚至任何有亲吻镜头的角色。并在采访中刻意谈到了这个选择。我强调我就是个书呆子,我是多么的严肃。我养成了一种优雅的穿衣方式。

  I built a reputation for basically being prudish, conservative, nerdy, serious in an attempt to feel that my body was safe and my voice would be listened to. 我为自己建立了一种基本上是“严肃保守的书呆子”的声誉。我是能感觉到我的身体是安全的,我的声音会被听到。

  从此,波特曼开始在一种“性恐怖主义”(environment of sexual terrorism)的环境中去控制和约束自己的行为。


  A world in which I could wear whatever I want, say whatever I want and express my desire however I want without fearing for my physical safety or reputation, that would be the world in which female desire and sexuality could have its greatest expression and fulfillment. 一个能穿自己想穿的任何服装,说我想说的任何话,并表达我的任何愿望,而不用担心我的人身安全或声誉的世界,才能让女性的欲望和性得到最大的表达和满足。


  One year ago on this stage, I was very pregnant, and we talked about the beginning of a revolution. Today, my new daughter is walking, and because of you, the revolution is rolling. You told the world that time’s up on violence. You told the world that time’s up on silence. You told the world that it’s time for a new day, a new locker-room culture, time to think about every person’s desires, needs, wants and pleasure. So let’s talk a little bit more about pleasure.


  I keep hearing a particular gripe about this cultural shift, and maybe you have, too. Some people have been calling this movement puritanical or a return to Victorian values, where men can’t behave or speak sexually around dainty, delicate or fragile women. To these people, I want to say, the current system is puritanical.

  Maybe men can say and do whatever they want, but women cannot. The current system inhibits women from expressing our desires, wants and needs, from seeking our pleasure. Let me tell you about my own experience.



  I turned 12 on the set of my first film, "The Professional", in which I played a young girl who befriends a hit man and hopes to avenge the murder of her family. The character is simultaneously discovering and developing her womanhood, her voice and her desire. At that moment in my life, I, too, was discovering my own womanhood, my own desire and my own voice.

  I was so excited at 13 when the film was released and my work and my art would have a human response. I excitedly opened my first fan-mail to read a rape fantasy that a man had written me. A countdown was started on my local radio station to my 18th birthday, euphemistically the date that I would be legal to sleep with. Movie reviewers talked about my “budding breasts” in reviews.



  I understood very quickly even as a 13-year-old, if I were to express myself sexually, that I would feel unsafe, and that men would feel entitled to discuss and objectify my body, to my great discomfort. So I quickly adjusted my behavior. I rejected any role that even had a kissing scene, and talked about that choice deliberately in interviews. I emphasized how bookish I was and how serious I was, and I cultivated an elegant way of dressing.

  I built a reputation for basically being prudish, conservative, nerdy, serious in an attempt to feel that my body was safe and my voice would be listened to. At 13 years old, the message from our culture was clear to me. I felt the need to cover my body and inhibit my expression and my work in order to send my own message to the world, that I’m someone worthy of safety and respect.



  The response to my expression, from small comments about my body to more threatening deliberate statements, served to control my behavior through an environment of sexual terrorism. A world in which I could wear whatever I want, say whatever I want and express my desire however I want without fearing for my physical safety or reputation, that would be the world in which female desire and sexuality could have its greatest expression and fulfillment. That world that we want to build is the opposite of puritanical.


  So I'd like to propose one way to continue moving this revolution forward. Let's declare loud and clear that this is what I want. This is what I need. This is what I desire. This is how you can help me achieve pleasure. To people of all genders here today, let's find a space where we mutually, consensually, look out for each other's pleasure, and allow the vast, limitless range of desire to be expressed. Let's make a revolution of desire.


  波特曼发表这席演讲的背景是上周末的“妇女大游行”(Women's March)。去年的“妇女大游行”得到了热烈响应,成为了美国历史上规模最大的单日游行。



  Viola Davis


  许多媒体报道了维奥拉·戴维斯在游行中发表的这番激情澎湃的演讲,说“她的一席话能让你激动地起立鼓掌”(“Viola Davis' Women's March speech will bring you to your feet”)。



  "I'm not ready to wait a hundred, or two hundred years, for things to change."我不打算花上一百年或两百年等待改变。


  "Time needs to be helped by every single moment, doing right."时间需要帮助,需要我们每时每刻做正确的事情。


  “We only move forward when it doesn’t cost us anything.”我们只在不需要任何付出的情况下往前走。

  “But I’m here today saying that no one and nothing can be great unless it costs you something.”但今天我要说,没有什么人或事能够不作出任何牺牲而成就伟大。


  "I am speaking today, not just for the #metoos, because I was a #metoo, but when I raise my hand, I am aware of all the women who are still in silence. The women who are faceless. The women who don't have the money, and who don't have the constitution, and who don't have the confidence, and who don't have the images in our media that gives them a sense of self-worth enough to break their silence that's rooted in the shame of assault. That's rooted in the stigma of assault."





  在这段5分钟的演讲中,Halsey用自由诗(free-verse poem)的形式讲述了自己遭遇性侵的经历,语言直白,给人以强烈的冲击力。


