要闻 | 兰州2018年烟花爆竹经营布点总体规划公布

栏目:娱乐资讯  时间:2020-03-04



  为防止烟花爆竹事故的发生,根据国家、省、市有关法律法规的要求,兰州市发布了《兰州市2018年烟花爆竹配送总体规划》(以下简称《规划》)。 该规划综合考虑了兰州市经济和社会发展以及各区县常住人口数量、经济发展、大气防治等因素,对烟花爆竹销售网点进行了合理规划。 它还明确表示,该市已建立了120个烟花爆竹零售单位,而批发企业控制在6。这是记者1月17日从“2018年烟花爆竹部门联席会议暨春节安全管理会议”上了解到的。

  根据各区、县、兰州新区和高新区的常住人口数量、经济发展状况、城镇规模和安全运行环境,规划确定烟花爆竹零售点。 同时,结合城市空气污染防治工作要求,提出了城关、七里河、安宁、西固四个限制区域应严格控制网点数量。


  《规划》明确规定,为保证全市烟花爆竹的正常供应,对已取得烟花爆竹批发许可证的企业进行合理规划。 延期换证时,应按照总量控制的要求和公开、公平、公正的原则,适当引入竞争。 将实力强、安全条件好、安全管理水平高的企业引入市场,淘汰安全条件差的企业。

  根据省市相关要求,今年兰州批发企业将控制在6户以内。 经批准的烟花爆竹批发企业可以在全市范围内销售,但必须主要保证远郊和县城的烟花爆竹产品供应。此外,该市已经建立了120个烟花爆竹零售单位,比去年减少了60个(2017年计划的零售单位数量为180个)。零售网点由各区县安监局、兰州新区安监局、高新区安监局根据本规划并结合辖区实际情况确定。




  根据通知,各区县、各行政委员会和有关部门要结合我市正在开展的安全生产专项检查工作,按照“零容忍、严格执法、讲求实效”的要求,重点查处非法生产、经营、储存烟花爆竹和明火的场所crackers are likely to occur, such as urban-rural junctions, villages in cities, rental houses, waste factories, enclosed courtyards, abandoned farms and bazaars.We will promptly discover and crack down on all kinds of illegal production and business activities.

  The key areas for this special inspection are Chengguan District, Qilihe District, Anning District and Xigu District's urban-rural junction. Chengguan Town and heping town of Yuzhong County; Jiuhe Town, Shidong Town, Zhonghe Town, Gaolan County; Haishiwan Town, Honggu District; Ding Yuan Town, Lanzhou High-tech Development Zone; Qin chuan town, zhongchuan town, lanzhou new district.The key violations of laws and regulations to be inspected cover many sectors such as production, business, transportation and discharge.

  The notice made it clear that illegal production, operation, transportation or accidents found during the inspection should be severely punished and traced back to the source.For the illegal production of fireworks, we should carefully identify the source of drugs and product sales channels; For those who operate illegal fireworks and firecrackers, the source of the products shall be thoroughly traced and illegal production dens shall be found out. For illegal transportation of fireworks, the shipper and the consignor shall be held responsible at the same time.For illegal acts in various links, administrative penalties such as public security administration shall be strictly imposed according to law.To organize and participate in the illegal production, operation, transportation and storage of fireworks constitute a crime, it should be promptly submitted to the judicial organs for criminal responsibility according to law.

  The two departments of safety supervision and public security issued a notice-

  To further strengthen the safety supervision of fireworks and firecrackers business links

  In order to conscientiously do a good job in the safe production of fireworks and firecrackers during the 2018 Spring Festival and prevent accidents, on January 17, the reporter learned from the Lanzhou Municipal Safety Committee Office that the Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau and the Municipal Public Security Bureau recently jointly issued the "Notice on Deepening the Safety Special Management of Fireworks and firecrackers Retail Business in the City" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), and from now on, the special management action to deepen the safety of fireworks and firecrackers retail business will be carried out in the city.

  The "Circular" requires that all districts and counties and relevant departments should strictly enforce the license for fireworks retail business. In accordance with the requirements of the "Lanzhou City General Plan for Fireworks Distribution", they should ensure the safe access of fireworks retail business outlets, further strengthen the safety supervision of fireworks business links, and severely crack down on illegal and illegal acts of all kinds of fireworks.To increase the investigation and inspection efforts, highlighting the administrative areas at the junction of areas, idle factories and other places, the key personnel should be filing and tracking control.For the illegal production, operation and transportation found, the sources of drugs produced and the channels of purchase and sale of products should be thoroughly traced, and the economic chain of illegal production, operation and transportation should be destroyed.To seriously investigate the responsibility of the organization to participate in the illegal production and operation of fireworks and firecrackers transport personnel, timely transfer to judicial organs, prosecution, conviction and sentencing in accordance with the law; Units involved in illegal production, operation and transportation of fireworks and firecrackers shall be given administrative punishment until their licenses are revoked. 如果“打击违法活动”工作开展不到位,管理失职和泄密,违法生产、经营、储存、运输等现象突出甚至导致事故发生,要依法追究相关人员的责任。


