Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Lett

栏目:游戏资讯  时间:2023-07-11

  Yoshua Bengio, University of Montréal, Turing Laureate for developing deep learning, head of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms

  Yoshua Bengio,蒙特利尔大学,图灵奖得主,开发深度学习,蒙特利尔学习算法研究所所长

  Stuart Russell, Berkeley, Professor of Computer Science, director of the Center for Intelligent Systems, and co-author of the standard textbook “Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach"

  Stuart Russell,伯克利,计算机科学教授,智能系统中心主任,标准教科书“人工智能:现代方法”的合著者

  Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, Tesla & Twitter

  Elon Musk,SpaceX、Tesla 和 Twitter 的首席执行官

  Steve Wozniak, Co-founder, Apple?苹果联合创始人史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克

  Yuval Noah Harari, Author and Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

  Yuval Noah Harari,作家和耶路撒冷希伯来大学教授。

  Andrew Yang, Forward Party, Co-Chair, Presidential Candidate 2020, NYT Bestselling Author, Presidential Ambassador of Global Entrepreneurship

  Andrew Yang,前进党联席主席,2020 年总统候选人,纽约时报畅销书作者,全球创业总统大使

  Connor Leahy, CEO, Conjecture?Connor Leahy,Conjecture 首席执行官

  Jaan Tallinn, Co-Founder of Skype, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Life Institute

  Jaan Tallinn,Skype 联合创始人,生存风险研究中心,未来生命研究所

  Evan Sharp, Co-Founder, Pinterest

  Evan Sharp,Pinterest 联合创始人

  Chris Larsen, Co-Founder, Ripple?Ripple 联合创始人 Chris Larsen

  Emad Mostaque, CEO, Stability AI?Stability AI 首席执行官 Emad Mostaque

  Valerie Pisano, President & CEO, MILA

  MILA 总裁兼首席执行官 Valerie Pisano

  John J Hopfield, Princeton University, Professor Emeritus, inventor of associative neural networks

  John J Hopfield,普林斯顿大学名誉教授,联想神经网络的发明者

  Rachel Bronson, President, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

  雷切尔·布朗森 (Rachel Bronson),《原子科学家公报》主席

  Max Tegmark, MIT Center for Artificial Intelligence & Fundamental Interactions, Professor of Physics, president of Future of Life Institute

  Max Tegmark,麻省理工学院人工智能与基础交互中心,物理学教授,未来生命研究所所长

  Anthony Aguirre, University of California, Santa Cruz, Executive Director of Future of Life Institute, Professor of Physics

  Anthony Aguirre,加州大学圣克鲁兹分校,未来生命研究所执行主任,物理学教授

  Victoria Krakovna, DeepMind, Research Scientist, co-founder of Future of Life Institute

  Victoria Krakovna,DeepMind,研究科学家,未来生命研究所联合创始人

  Emilia Javorsky, Physician-Scientist & Director, Future of Life Institute

  Emilia Javorsky,医学科学家兼未来生命研究所所长

  Sean O'Heigeartaigh, Executive Director, Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk

  Sean O'Heigeartaigh,剑桥存在风险研究中心执行主任

  Tristan Harris, Executive Director, Center for Humane Technology

  人道技术中心执行主任 Tristan Harris

  Marc Rotenberg, Center for AI and Digital Policy, President

  Marc Rotenberg,AI 和数字政策中心总裁

  Nico Miailhe, The Future Society (TFS), Founder and President

  Nico Miailhe,未来协会 (TFS),创始人兼总裁

  Zachary Kenton, DeepMind, Senior Research Scientist

  Zachary Kenton,DeepMind,高级研究科学家

  Ramana Kumar, DeepMind, Research Scientist

  Ramana Kumar,DeepMind,研究科学家

  Gary Marcus, New York University, AI researcher, Professor Emeritus

  Gary Marcus,纽约大学,AI 研究员,名誉教授

  Steve Omohundro, Beneficial AI Research, CEO

  Steve Omohundro,Beneficial AI Research,首席执行官

  Luis Moniz Pereira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, Professor Emeritus, Doctor Honoris Causa T.U. Dresden, Fellow of EurAI, Fellow AAIA

  Luis Moniz Pereira,葡萄牙里斯本新大学名誉教授,荣誉博士 T.U. Dresden, EurAI Fellow, Fellow AAIA

  Carles Sierra, Director Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, IIIA-CSIC; President of the European Association of AI, EurAI., Research Professor of the CSIC, EurAI Fellow

  IIIA-CSIC 人工智能研究所所长 Carles Sierra;欧洲人工智能协会EurAI主席,中船重工研究教授,EurAI Fellow

  Ramon Lopez De Mantaras, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Research Professor, Robert S. Engelmore Memorial Award of the AAAI, EurAI Fellow, National Research Prize in Mathematics of the Spanish Government

  Ramon Lopez De Mantaras,人工智能研究所,研究教授,AAAI Robert S. Engelmore 纪念奖,EurAI Fellow,西班牙政府数学国家研究奖

  Mark Nitzberg, Center for Human-Compatible AI, UC Berkeley, Executive Directer

  Mark Nitzberg,人类兼容人工智能中心,加州大学伯克利分校,执行主任

  Gianluca Bontempi, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Full Professor in Machine Learning, Cohead of the ULB Machine Learning Group

  Gianluca Bontempi,布鲁塞尔自由大学,机器学习全职教授,ULB 机器学习组联席组长

  Daniel Schwarz, Metaculus, CTO, Metaculus

  Daniel Schwarz,Metaculus,首席技术官,Metaculus

  Nicholas Saparoff, Software Architect, Founder of ByteSphere Technologies and Phenome.AI

  Nicholas Saparoff,软件架构师,ByteSphere Technologies 和 Phenome.AI 的创始人

  Alessandro Perilli, Synthetic Work, AI Researcher

  Alessandro Perilli,综合工作,AI 研究员

  Matt Mahoney, Hutter Prize Committee, Retired data scientist, Developed PAQ and ZPAQ, large text benchmark to evaluate language models using compression

  Matt Mahoney,Hutter Prize 委员会,退休数据科学家,开发了 PAQ 和 ZPAQ,使用压缩评估语言模型的大型文本基准

  Régis Sabbadin, Inrae-Université de Toulouse, France, Research Director in AI

  Régis Sabbadin,法国图卢兹大学 INRAE,人工智能研究主任

  Peter Stone, The University of Texas at Austin, Associate Chair of Computer Science, Director of Robotics, Chair of the 100 Year Study on AI, Professor of Computer Science, IJCAI Computer and Thought Award; Fellow of AAAI, ACM, IEEE, and AAAS.

  Peter Stone,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,计算机科学副主席,机器人学主任,AI 100 年研究主席,计算机科学教授,IJCAI 计算机与思想奖; AAAI、ACM、IEEE 和 AAAS 院士。

  Alessandro Saffiotti, Orebro University, Sweden, Professor, Fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence

  Alessandro Saffiotti,瑞典厄勒布鲁大学,教授,欧洲人工智能协会会士

  Louis Rosenberg, Unanimous AI, CEO & Chief Scientist

  Louis Rosenberg,Unanimous AI,首席执行官兼首席科学家

  Jason Tamara Widjaja, Director of Artificial Intelligence, Certified AI Ethics & Governance (Expert)

  Jason Tamara Widjaja,人工智能总监,认证人工智能伦理与治理(专家)

  Niki Iliadis, The Future Society, Director on AI and the Rule of Law

  Niki Iliadis,未来社会,AI 和法治主任

  Dr. Jeroen Franse, ABN Amro Bank, Advisor MLOps and ML governance

  Jeroen Franse 博士,荷兰银行,顾问 MLOps 和 ML 治理

  Colin De La Higuera, Nantes Université. France, Unesco Chair on Open Educational Resoiurces and Artificial Intelligence

  Colin De La Higuera,南特大学。法国,联合国教科文组织开放教育资源和人工智能主席

  Vincent Conitzer, Carnegie Mellon University and University of Oxford, Professor of Computer Science, Director of Foundations of Cooperative AI Lab, Head of Technical AI Engagement at the Institute for Ethics in AI, Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering, Computers and Thought Award, Social Choice and Welfare Prize, Guggenheim Fellow, Sloan Fellow, ACM Fellow, AAAI Fellow, ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award

  Vincent Conitzer,卡内基梅隆大学和牛津大学,计算机科学教授,合作人工智能实验室基金会主任,人工智能伦理研究所技术人工智能参与负责人,科学与工程总统早期职业奖,计算机与思想奖, 社会选择与福利奖, Guggenheim Fellow, Sloan Fellow, ACM Fellow, AAAI Fellow, ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award

  Elionai Moura Cordeiro, UFRN | BioME |, CEO - AI Researcher, RSG Brazil Member | BioME fellow researcher

  Elionai Moura Cordeiro,UFRN |生物群落 |,首席执行官 - AI 研究员,RSG 巴西成员 |生物医学研究员

  Peter Warren, Director, Author 'AI on Trial' a discussion on the need for AI regulation published by Bloomsbury

  Peter Warren,导演,作者 ‘AI on Trial’ 由 Bloomsbury 发表的关于 AI 监管必要性的讨论

  Takafumi Matsumaru, Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University, Japan, Professor (Robotics and Mechatronics), IEEE senior member

  Takafumi Matsumaru,日本早稻田大学研究生院信息、生产与系统研究所,教授(机器人与机电一体化),IEEE 高级会员

  Jaromír Janisch, CTU in Prague, PhD. student in AI

  Jaromír Janisch,布拉格 CTU,博士。 AI学生

  Emma Bluemke, Centre for the Governance of AI, PhD Engineering, University of Oxford

  Emma Bluemke,人工智能治理中心,牛津大学工程博士

  Mario Gibney, AI Governance & Safety Canada, Director of Partnerships

  Mario Gibney,加拿大 AI 治理与安全部门,合作伙伴关系总监

  Louise Doherty, Executive Coach to AI ethics/safety and for-good leaders

  Louise Doherty,AI 道德/安全和公益领导者的执行教练

  Evan R. Murphy, AI Safety Researcher, Independent; Board Member, AIGS Canada

  Evan R. Murphy,独立人工智能安全研究员;加拿大 AIGS 董事会成员

  Julien Billot, Scale AI, CEO?Julien Billot,Scale AI,首席执行官

  Jeff Orkin, Central Casting AI, CEO, PhD from MIT. Awards for best AI in the video game industry for my work on FEAR and No One Lives Forever 2

  Jeff Orkin,Central Casting AI,首席执行官,麻省理工学院博士。因我在 FEAR 和 No One Lives Forever 2 中的工作而获得视频游戏行业最佳 AI 奖

  Anish Upadhayay, Co-founder of the AI Safety Initiative at Georgia Tech

  Anish Upadhayay,佐治亚理工学院 AI 安全计划的联合创始人

  Subhabrata Majumdar, AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance, Founder and President

  Subhabrata Majumdar,人工智能风险和漏洞联盟,创始人兼总裁

  Yuxi Li,, Founder?李玉玺,,创始人

  Francesc Giralt, University Rovira i Virgili, Professor Emeritus, Distinguished with the Narcís Monturiol Medal, Catalonia

  Francesc Giralt,Rovira i Virgili 大学名誉教授,荣获加泰罗尼亚 Narcís Monturiol 奖章

  Joseph Sifakis, Verimag, Universite Grenoble Alpes, CNRS Research Director Emeritus, Turing Award 2007

  Joseph Sifakis,Verimag,格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学,CNRS 名誉研究主任,2007 年图灵奖

  Wyatt Tessari L'Allié, AIGS Canada, Founder & Executive Director

  Wyatt Tessari L'Allié,AIGS Canada,创始人兼执行董事

  John Wettlaufer, Yale University & Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Professor, Nobel Committee for Physics; Guggenheim Fellow; Fellow, American Geophysical Union; Fellow, American Physical Society

  John Wettlaufer,耶鲁大学和北欧理论物理研究所,诺贝尔物理学委员会教授;古根海姆研究员;美国地球物理学会会士;美国物理学会会士

  Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, MIT, Professor of Physics, Wolf Prize in Physics, US National Academy of Sciences

  Pablo Jarillo-Herrero,麻省理工学院,物理学教授,美国国家科学院沃尔夫物理学奖

  Christof Koch, MindScope Program, Allen Institute, Seattle, Chief Scientist

  Christof Koch,MindScope 项目,艾伦研究所,西雅图,首席科学家

  Mateo Valero Cortes, Director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Fellow of Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering

  巴塞罗那超级计算中心主任、西班牙皇家工程院院士 Mateo Valero Cortes

  Richard Guy Compton, Oxford University, Professor of Chemistry

  Richard Guy Compton,牛津大学,化学教授

  Robert Brandenberger, McGill University, Professor of Physics

  Robert Brandenberger,麦吉尔大学,物理学教授

  Alfonso Ngan, Hong Kong University, Chair in Materials Science and Engineering

  Alfonso Ngan,香港大学,材料科学与工程系主任

  Mark Brakel, Director of Policy, Future of Life Institute

  Mark Brakel,未来生命研究所政策主任

  J.M.Don MacElroy, University College Dublin, Emeritus Chair of Chemical Engineering

  J.M.Don MacElroy,都柏林大学,化学工程名誉主席

  Lawrence M. Krauss, President, The Origins Project Foundation

  Lawrence M. Krauss,起源项目基金会主席

  Michael Wellman, University of Michigan, Professor and Chair of Computer Science & Engineering

  Michael Wellman,密歇根大学计算机科学与工程系教授兼主席

  Berndt Mueller, Duke University, J.B. Duke Professor of Physics

  Berndt Mueller,杜克大学,J.B.杜克大学物理学教授

  Alan Mackworth, University of British Columbia, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science

  Alan Mackworth,不列颠哥伦比亚大学,计算机科学名誉教授

  Rolf Harald Baayen, University of Tuebingen, Professor

  Rolf Harald Baayen,图宾根大学,教授

  Grady Booch, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Computing Pioneer, IBM Fellow

  Tor Nordam, NTNU, Adjunct associate professor of physics,

  Tor Nordam,NTNU,物理学兼职副教授,

  Joshua David Greene, Harvard University, Professor,

  Joshua David Greene,哈佛大学教授,

  Arturo Giraldez, University of the Pacific, Professor

  Arturo Giraldez,太平洋大学,教授

  Scott Niekum, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Associate Professor

  Scott Niekum,马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校,副教授

  Lars Kotthoff, University of Wyoming, Assistant Professor, Senior Member, AAAI and ACM

  Lars Kotthoff,怀俄明大学助理教授,AAAI 和 ACM 高级会员

  Steve Petersen, Niagara University, Associate Professor of Philosophy

  Steve Petersen,尼亚加拉大学,哲学副教授

  Yves Deville, UCLouvain, Professor of Computer Science

  Yves Deville,UCLouvain,计算机科学教授

  Christoph Weniger, University of Amsterdam, Associate Professor for Theoretical Physics

  Christoph Weniger,阿姆斯特丹大学,理论物理学副教授

  Luc Steels, University of Brussels (VUB) Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, emeritus professor and founding director, EURAI Distinguished Service Award, Chair for Natural Science of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium

  Luc Steels,布鲁塞尔大学 (VUB) 人工智能实验室名誉教授和创始主任,EURAI 杰出服务奖,比利时皇家弗拉芒学院自然科学主席

  Roman Yampolskiy, Professor?Roman Yampolskiy, 教授

  Alyssa M Vance, Blue Rose Research, Senior Data Scientist

  Alyssa M Vance,Blue Rose Research,高级数据科学家

  Jonathan Moreno, University of Pennsylvania, David and Lyn Silfen University Professor, Member, National Academy of Medicine

  乔纳森·莫雷诺 (Jonathan Moreno),宾夕法尼亚大学大卫和林·西尔芬大学教授,美国国家医学院院士

  Andrew Barto, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Professor emeritus, Fellow AAAS, Fellow IEEE

  安德鲁·巴托 (Andrew Barto),马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校,名誉教授,AAAS 院士,IEEE 院士

  Peter B. Reiner, University of British Columbia, Professor of Neuroethics

  Peter B. Reiner,不列颠哥伦比亚大学,神经伦理学教授

  Jorel, University of Caen, Assitant professor,


  Paul Rosenbloom, University of Southern California, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, and the Cognitive Science Society

  Paul Rosenbloom,南加州大学,计算机科学名誉教授,美国科学促进会、人工智能促进会和认知科学学会会士

  Michael Gillings, Macquarie University, Professor of Molecular Evolution,

  Michael Gillings,麦考瑞大学,分子进化教授,

  Grigorios Tsoumakas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Associate Professor

  Grigorios Tsoumakas,塞萨洛尼基亚里士多德大学,副教授

  Benjamin Kuipers, University of Michigan, Professor of Computer Science, Fellow, AAAI, IEEE, AAAS

  Benjamin Kuipers,密歇根大学计算机科学教授,AAAI、IEEE、AAAS 院士

  Chi-yuen Wang, UC Berkeley, Professor Emeritus,

  Chi-yuen Wang,加州大学伯克利分校,名誉教授,

  Johann Rohwer, Stellenbosch University, Professor of Systems Biology

  Johann Rohwer,斯泰伦博斯大学,系统生物学教授

  Geoffrey Odlum, Odlum Global Strategies , President , Retired U.S. Diplomat

  Geoffrey Odlum,Odlum Global Strategies 总裁,美国退休外交官

  Dana S. Nau, University of Maryland, Professor, Computer Science Dept and Institute for Systems Research, AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow

  Dana S. Nau,马里兰大学计算机科学系和系统研究所教授,AAAI 研究员,ACM 研究员,AAAS 研究员

  Andrew Francis, Western Sydney University, Professor of Mathematics

  Andrew Francis,西悉尼大学,数学教授

  Vassilis P. Plagianakos, University of Thessaly, Greece, Professor of Computational Intelligence, Dean of the School of Science, University of Thessaly, Greece

  Vassilis P. Plagianakos,希腊色萨利大学,计算智能教授,希腊色萨利大学理学院院长

  Stefan Sint, Trinity College Dublin, Associate Professor, School of Mathematics

  Stefan Sint,都柏林圣三一学院,数学学院副教授

  Hector Geffner, RWTH Aachen University, Alexander von Humboldt Professor, Fellow AAAI, EurAI

  Hector Geffner,亚琛工业大学,Alexander von Humboldt 教授,AAAI 院士,EurAI

  B. Thomas Soifer, California Institute of Technology, Harold Brown Professor of Physics, Emeritus, NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal, NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal

  B. Thomas Soifer,加州理工学院,Harold Brown 物理学名誉教授,美国宇航局杰出公共服务奖章,美国宇航局杰出科学成就奖章

  Marcus Frei, NEXT. robotics GmbH & Co. KG, CEO, Member European DIGITAL SME Alliance FG AI, Advisory Board

  Marcus Frei,下一位。 robotics GmbH & Co. KG,首席执行官,欧洲数字中小企业联盟成员 FG AI,顾问委员会

  Brendan McCane, University of Otago, Professor

  Brendan McCane,奥塔哥大学,教授

  Kang G. Shin, University of Michigan, Professor, Fellow of IEEE and ACM, winner of the Hoam Engineering Prize

  Kang G. Shin,密歇根大学教授,IEEE 和 ACM 院士,Hoam 工程奖获得者

  Miguel Gregorkiewitz, University Siena, Italy, Professor

  Miguel Gregorkiewitz,意大利锡耶纳大学,教授

  Václav Nevrly, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety Engineering, Assistant Professor

  Václav Nevrly,俄斯特拉发 VSB 技术大学,安全工程学院,助理教授

  Alan Frank Thomas Winfield, Bristol Robotics Laboratory, UWE Bristol, UK, Professor of Robot Ethics

  Alan Frank Thomas Winfield,布里斯托尔机器人实验室,UWE 布里斯托尔,英国,机器人伦理学教授

  LuIs Caires, NOVA University Lisbon, Professor of Computer Science and Head of NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics

  LuIs Caires,NOVA University Lisbon,计算机科学教授兼 NOVA 计算机科学与信息学实验室负责人

  Vincent Corruble, Sorbonne University, Associate Professor of Computer Science

  Vincent Corruble,索邦大学,计算机科学副教授

  Sunyoung Yang, The University of Arizona, Assistant Professor

  Sunyoung Yang,亚利桑那大学,助理教授

  The Anh han, Teesside University , Professor of Computer Science, Lead of Centre for Digital Innovation

  The Anh han, Teesside 大学,计算机科学教授,数字创新中心负责人

  Yngve Sundblad, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Professor emeritus

  Yngve Sundblad,KTH,斯德哥尔摩皇家理工学院,名誉教授

  Marco Dorigo, Université Libre de Bruxelles, AI lab Research Director, AAAI Fellow; EurAI Fellow; IEEE Fellow; IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award; Marie Curie Excellence Award

  Marco Dorigo,布鲁塞尔自由大学,人工智能实验室研究主任,AAAI 研究员; EurAI研究员; IEEE会士; IEEE Frank Rosenblatt 奖;居里夫人卓越奖

  Domenico Talia, University of Calabria, Professor

  Domenico Talia,卡拉布里亚大学,教授

  Courtney M. Peterson, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Associate Professor

  Divya Siddarth, Collective Intelligence Project, Co-director

  Divya Siddarth,集体智慧项目,联合主任

  Timothy John O'Donnell, McGill University/Mila, Professor, Canada CIFAR AI Chair

  Timothy John O'Donnell,麦吉尔大学/Mila,教授,加拿大 CIFAR AI 主席

  Hans Martin Seip, University of Oslo, Professor Emeritus, Member of Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and of The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters

  Hans Martin Seip,奥斯陆大学名誉教授,挪威科学与文学学院和挪威皇家科学与文学学会会员

  Kim Mens, Professor of Computer Science, UCLouvain

  Kim Mens,UCLouvain 计算机科学教授

  Thomas Wallis, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, Professor

  Thomas Wallis,德国达姆施塔特工业大学,教授

  Damian Lyons, Fordham University, Professor, SM IEEE

  Damian Lyons,福特汉姆大学,SM IEEE 教授

  Olle H?ggstr?m, Chalmers University of Technology, Professor of mathematical statistics, Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Science

  Olle H?ggstr?m,查尔姆斯理工大学,数理统计学教授,瑞典皇家科学院院士

  Robert Kowalski, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Research Fellow, IJCAI Award for Research Excellence

  Robert Kowalski,伦敦帝国理工学院计算机系,名誉教授和杰出研究员,IJCAI 卓越研究奖

  Jakob Foerster, University of Oxford, Associate Professor, Awarded ERC Starter Grant in 2023

  Jakob Foerster,牛津大学,副教授,2023 年获得 ERC Starter Grant

  Michael Symonds, The University of Nottingam, Emeritus Professor

  Michael Symonds,诺丁汉大学名誉教授

  Andrew Robinson, The University of Melbourne, Professor

  Andrew Robinson,墨尔本大学,教授

  Tony J. Prescott, University of Sheffield, Professor of Cognitive Robotics

  Tony J. Prescott,谢菲尔德大学,认知机器人学教授

  Robert Brooks, UNSW Sydney, Scientia Professor

  Robert Brooks,新南威尔士大学悉尼分校 Scientia 教授

  Yoshihiko Nakamura, University of Tokyo, Senior Researcher / Professor Emeritus

  Yoshihiko Nakamura,东京大学,高级研究员/名誉教授

  Zbigniew H. Stachurski, Australian National University, A/Prof. - retired

  Zbigniew H. Stachurski,澳大利亚国立大学,A/教授。 - 退休

  David Scott Krueger, University of Cambridge, Assistant Professor

  David Scott Krueger,剑桥大学,助理教授

  Raul Monroy, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Professor

  Raul Monroy,Tecnologico de Monterrey,教授

  Peter Vamplew, Federation University Australia, Professor of Information Technology

  Peter Vamplew,澳大利亚联邦大学,信息技术教授

  Jean-Claude Latombe, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Professor, Emeritus

  Jean-Claude Latombe,斯坦福大学计算机科学系,名誉教授

  Frank van den Bosch, Yale University, Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics

  Frank van den Bosch,耶鲁大学,理论天体物理学教授

  Richard Dazeley, Deakin University, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  Richard Dazeley,迪肯大学,人工智能和机器学习教授

  M V N Murthy, Former Professor at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India, None, Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences

  M V N Murthy,印度钦奈数学科学研究所前教授,无,印度科学院院士

  Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan, Professor of Computer Science, Director Michigan AI Lab, PECASE recipient, AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow

  Rada Mihalcea,密歇根大学计算机科学教授,密歇根人工智能实验室主任,PECASE 获得者,AAAI 研究员,ACM 研究员

  Qiaobing Xu, Tufts University, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Fellow of AIMBE

  Qiaobing Xu,塔夫茨大学,生物医学工程教授,AIMBE Fellow

  Raymund Sison, De La Salle University, Professor and University Fellow, Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Teacher and NAST Outstanding Young Scientist

  Raymund Sison, De La Salle 大学教授和大学研究员,Metrobank Foundation 杰出教师和 NAST 杰出青年科学家

  Jonathan Cefalu, Preamble, Inc., Chairman, Inventor of Prompt Injection; Forbes 30 Under 30 for inventing Snapchat Spectacles AR glasses

  Jonathan Cefalu, Preamble, Inc.,主席,即时注射的发明者;发明 Snapchat Spectacles AR 眼镜的福布斯 30 位 30 岁以下精英

  George Helou, California Institute of Technology, Executive Director of IPAC at Caltech, Fellow, American Astronomical Society; NASA Distringuished Public Service Medal; Gruber Cosmology Prize (2018, shared)

  George Helou,加州理工学院,加州理工学院IPAC执行主任,美国天文学会会士; NASA 杰出公共服务奖章;格鲁伯宇宙学奖(2018 年,分享)

  JACOB TSIMERMAN, University of Toronto, Professor of Mathematics, New horizons 2021 prize winner

  JACOB TSIMERMAN,多伦多大学,数学教授,2021 年新视野奖获得者

  Hema A Murthy, Indian Institute of Technology Madras India, Professor, Fellow,Indian National Academy of Engineering; Fellow, Internattional Speech Communication Association

  Hema A Murthy,印度马德拉斯理工学院,教授,印度国家工程院院士;国际言语传播协会会士

  Huw Price, University of Cambridge, Emeritus Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy, FBA, FAHA

  Huw Price,剑桥大学,Bertrand Russell 名誉哲学教授,FBA,FAHA

  Ulises Cortés, Univeristat Politècnica de Catalunya, Professor, Fellow Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial. Mexican of the year 2018

  Ulises Cortés,加泰罗尼亚理工大学教授,墨西哥人工智能协会会员。 2018 年度墨西哥人

  Robert Babuska, Delft University of Technology, Professor

  Robert Babuska,代尔夫特理工大学,教授

  Alexander Schütz, University of Marburg, Professor of Experimental Psychology

  Alexander Schütz,马尔堡大学,实验心理学教授

  Joan Manuel del Pozo Alvarez, Spain, Prof. of Philisiphy, Exminister of Education and Universities

  Joan Manuel del Pozo Alvarez,西班牙,哲学教授,教育和大学部长

  Albert Sabater, University of Girona, Director of the Catalan Observatory for Ethis in Artificial Intelligence

  Albert Sabater,赫罗纳大学,加泰罗尼亚人工智能伦理天文台主任

  Gert Jervan, Tallinn University of Technology, Professor of Dependable Computer Systems, Dean of School of Information Technologies

  Gert Jervan,塔林理工大学,可靠计算机系统教授,信息技术学院院长

  Aza Raskin, Center for Humane Technology / Earth Species Project, Cofounder, National Geographic Explorer, WEF Global AI Council

  Aza Raskin,人道技术中心/地球物种项目,联合创始人,国家地理探险家,世界经济论坛全球人工智能委员会

  Gregory Provan, University College Cork, Professor, Rhodes Scholar

  Gregory Provan,科克大学教授,罗德学者

  Jordi Miralda-Escude, Institut de Ciències del Cosmos, Universitat de Barcelona, ICREA, ICREA research professor

  Jordi Miralda-Escude,巴塞罗那大学宇宙科学研究所,ICREA,ICREA研究教授

  Frits Vaandrager, Radboud University, Head of the Department of Software Science

  Frits Vaandrager,Radboud 大学,软件科学系主任

  Nicholas Taylor, Heriot-Watt University, Professor of Computer Science, Chartered Engineer, Chartered IT Professional, Chartered Mathematician, Fellow British Computer Society, Fellow Higher Education Academy, Member Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

  Nicholas Taylor,赫瑞瓦特大学,计算机科学教授,特许工程师,特许 IT 专家,特许数学家,英国计算机学会院士,高等教育学院院士,数学及其应用研究所成员

  Eduard Savador-Solé, University of Barcelona, Full Proessor

  Eduard Savador-Solé,巴塞罗那大学,正教授

  Tom Lenaerts, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Professor

  Tom Lenaerts,布鲁塞尔自由大学,教授

  Gerhard Lakemeyer, RWTH Aachen University, Professor, Fellow, European Association for Artificial Intelligence

  Gerhard Lakemeyer,亚琛工业大学教授,欧洲人工智能协会研究员

  Simeon Campos, SaferAI, Founder?Simeon Campos,SaferAI,创始人

  Stuart S. Blume, Unversity of Amsterdam, Emeritus Professor of Science & Technology Studies

  Stuart S. Blume,阿姆斯特丹大学,科学与技术研究名誉教授

  Manel Sanromà, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. Catalonia, Professor of Applied Mathematics. Founder of CIVICAi, Trustee Emeritus, Internet Society

  塔拉戈纳 Rovira i Virgili 大学的 Manel Sanromà。 Catalonia,应用数学教授。 CIVICAi 创始人、互联网协会名誉理事

  Paolo Zuccon, Trento University, Italy, Associate Professor

  Paolo Zuccon,意大利特伦托大学,副教授

  Georgios Gounalakis, Philipps-University Marburg, Professor of Law

  Georgios Gounalakis,马尔堡菲利普斯大学,法学教授

  Jo?o Emilio Almeida, LIACC / CITECA / ISTEC Porto, Professor / Researcher, Senior and Specialist member of Portuguese Engineers Order

  Jo?o Emilio Almeida,LIACC / CITECA / ISTEC Porto,教授/研究员,葡萄牙工程师勋章高级和专家成员

  Jan Pieter van der Schaar, Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, Associate Professor

  Jan Pieter van der Schaar,阿姆斯特丹大学物理研究所,副教授

  Oren Schuldiner, Weizmann Institute of Science, Professor

  Oren Schuldiner,魏茨曼科学研究所,教授

  Michel Schellekens, University College Cork, Professor, Fulbright Award

  Michel Schellekens,科克大学教授,富布赖特奖

  Martin Welk, UMIT TIROL - Private University for Health Sciences and Health Technology, Hall in Tirol, Austria, Professor

  Martin Welk,UMIT TIROL - 健康科学与健康技术私立大学,Hall in Tirol,奥地利,教授

  Nayat Sanchez-Pi, Inria Chile, CEO, CEO Inria Chile

  Nayat Sanchez-Pi, Inria Chile, 首席执行官, CEO Inria Chile

  Simon Friederich, University of Groningen, Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science

  Simon Friederich,格罗宁根大学,科学哲学副教授

  John S. Edwards, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, Professor of Knowledge Management

  John S. Edwards,英国伯明翰阿斯顿大学,知识管理教授

  Joachim Weickert, Saarland University, Germany, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science

  Joachim Weickert,德国萨尔大学,数学和计算机科学教授

  Michael Osborne, University of Oxford, Professor of Machine Learning

  Michael Osborne,牛津大学机器学习教授

  Teresa Riera Madurell, UIB/BSC, Professor, Pormer MEP

  Teresa Riera Madurell,UIB/BSC,教授,Pormer MEP

  Cristina Urdiales, University of Malaga, Professor Robotics, Phd in Robotics, PhD in AI

  Cristina Urdiales,马拉加大学,机器人学教授,机器人学博士,人工智能博士

  Yuri Gurevich, University of Michigan, Professor, Fellow, AAAS, and ACM

  Yuri Gurevich,密歇根大学教授、院士、AAAS 和 ACM

  Raja Chatila, Sorbonne University, Paris, Professor Emeritus AI, Robotics and Technology Ethics, Fellow, IEEE

  Raja Chatila,巴黎索邦大学,AI、机器人和技术伦理名誉教授,IEEE 院士

  Daniel Langkilde, Kognic, CEO, Founder & CEO, Kognic

  Daniel Langkilde,Kognic,Kognic 首席执行官、创始人兼首席执行官

  Goetz Neuneck, Co-chairman Federation of German Scientists, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Hamburg

  Goetz Neuneck,德国科学家联合会联合主席,汉堡大学物理学名誉教授

  Gregory Randall, Universidad de la República, Uruguay, Profesor

  Gregory Randall,乌拉圭共和国大学,教授

  Christopher F. Mckee, University of California at Berkeley, Professor of Physics and of Astronomy, Emeritus Member, National Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Fellow, American Physical Society, and American Astronomical Society

  Christopher F. Mckee,加州大学伯克利分校,物理学和天文学教授,美国国家科学院和美国艺术与科学院名誉会员;美国物理学会和美国天文学会会士

  Gaia Dempsey, Metaculus, CEO, Schmidt Futures Innovation Fellow

  Gaia Dempsey,Metaculus,首席执行官,施密特期货创新研究员

  Yannis Tsividis, Columbia University, Edwin Armstrong Professor of Electrical Engineering, Member, US National Academy of Engineering

  Yannis Tsividis,哥伦比亚大学,Edwin Armstrong 电气工程教授,美国国家工程院院士

  Pattie Maes, MIT, Professor, Global leader for tomorrow, World Economic Forum

  Pattie Maes,麻省理工学院教授,??世界经济论坛明日全球领袖

  Joao Leite, NOVA University Lisbon, Professor of Computer Science, Head of the Department of Computer Science

  Joao Leite,NOVA University Lisbon,计算机科学教授,计算机科学系主任

  Jon Solomon, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Professor

  Jon Solomon, Jean Moulin 里昂第三大学,教授

  Anne Jeannin-Girardon, University of Strasbourg, Associate Professor of Computer Science

  Anne Jeannin-Girardon,斯特拉斯堡大学,计算机科学副教授

  Joe Redston, Raise, Founder?Joe Redston,Raise,创始人

  Brian Mingus,, Chief Executive Officer, Solomonoff Student Prize

  Brian Mingus,,所罗门诺夫学生奖首席执行官

  Pierre Boulet, University of Lille, Professeur of Computer Science, VP for digital infrastructures of the University of Lille

  Pierre Boulet,里尔大学,计算机科学教授,里尔大学数字基础设施副总裁

  Daniel Bauer, Columbia University, Lecturer in Natural Language Processing

  Daniel Bauer,哥伦比亚大学,自然语言处理讲师

  Jack Stilgoe, University College London, Professor of Science and Technology Policy

  Jack Stilgoe,伦敦大学学院,科技政策教授

  Jens Niemeyer, University of Goettingen, Professor of Physics

  Jens Niemeyer,哥廷根大学,物理学教授

  Joshua Reeves, Oregon State University, Associate Professor

  Joshua Reeves,俄勒冈州立大学,副教授

  Manuel Sanchez Miranda, Geneva Graduate Institute, Postdoctoral Fellow

  Manuel Sanchez Miranda,日内瓦研究生院,博士后研究员

  Steve Jones, University of Illinois Chicago, UIC Distinguished Professor of Communication, Fellow, International Communication Association

  Steve Jones,伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,UIC 杰出传播学教授,国际传播协会会员

  Dae-Shik Kim, KAIST, Professor of Electrical Engineering

  Dae-Shik Kim,KAIST,电气工程教授

  Alejandro Bernardin, Fundacion Ciencia & Vida, Postdoctoral Researcher

  Alejandro Bernardin,科学与生命基金会,博士后研究员

  Norman K Swazo, North South University, Professor of Philosophy; Director, Office of Research

  Norman K Swazo,南北大学哲学教授;研究室主任

  Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, LIMOS - University Clermont Auvergne - CNRS, Professor

  Engelbert Mephu Nguifo,LIMOS - 克莱蒙奥弗涅大学 - CNRS,教授

  Rufo Guerreschi, Trustless Computing Association, Executive Director, Founder of the Trustless Computing Association

  Rufo Guerreschi,Trustless Computing Association,执行理事,Trustless Computing Association 创始人

  Joseph S. Webster, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. Curriculum & Instruction (Mathematics Education)

  Joseph S. Webster,数学教授,博士课程与教学(数学教育)

  Marcel Lüthi, University of Basel, Lecturer in Computer Science

  Marcel Lüthi,巴塞尔大学,计算机科学讲师

  Soumya Ray, Case Western Reserve University, Associate Professor

  Soumya Ray,凯斯西储大学,副教授

  Maja Van Der Velden, University of Oslo, Professor

  Maja Van Der Velden,奥斯陆大学,教授

  Juan Pablo Bermúdez, Imperial College London, Research Associate, PhD in Philosophy / AI Ethics

  Juan Pablo Bermúdez,伦敦帝国理工学院,副研究员,哲学/人工智能伦理学博士

  Stephen Majercik, Bowdoin College, Associate Professor of Computer Science

  Stephen Majercik,鲍登学院,计算机科学副教授

  Joaquin Arango, Complutense Univerisity Madrid, Professor

  Joaquin Arango,马德里康普顿斯大学,教授

  George Verghese, MIT, Warren Professor of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering

  George Verghese,麻省理工学院,电气和生物医学工程沃伦教授

  H?vard Tveit Ihle, University of Oslo, Postdoc in Cosmology

  H?vard Tveit Ihle,奥斯陆大学,宇宙学博士后

  Vitezslav Kala, Charles University, Associate Professor of Mathematics

  Vitezslav Kala,查尔斯大学,数学副教授

  Gabriele Ferretti, Chalmers University of Technology, Professor of Theoretical Physics

  Gabriele Ferretti,查尔姆斯理工大学,理论物理学教授

  Michael Mccabe, CEO

  Dr. Alexandra Reed Lajoux, Capital Expert Services, LLC, Founding Principal, Board of Fellows, Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism; CKO Emeritus, NACD

  Alexandra Reed Lajoux 博士,Capital Expert Services, LLC,Caux 道德资本主义圆桌会议创始负责人,研究员委员会; CKO名誉教授,NACD

  Barry Bentley, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Deputy Director, EUREKA Robotics Centre

  Barry Bentley,加的夫城市大学,EUREKA 机器人中心副主任

  Jeroen De Dauw, CEO?Jeroen De Dauw,首席执行官

  Geoff Fitch, Pacific Integral, Co-Founder

  Geoff Fitch,Pacific Integral,联合创始人

  Pascal Thomet, Research consultant / Cofounder of Activisu

  Pascal Thomet,Actisisu 的研究顾问/联合创始人

  Einar H. Gudmundsson, Univerity of Iceland, Professor Emeritus

  Einar H. Gudmundsson,冰岛大学名誉教授

  Fredrik Allenmark, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Postdoctoral Researcher

  Fredrik Allenmark,慕尼黑路德维希马克西米利安大学,博士后研究员

  Richard J Self, University of Derby, Senior Lecturer in Governance of Advanced and Emerging Technologies

  Richard J Self,德比大学,高级和新兴技术治理高级讲师

  Andrew Philippides, University of Sussex, Professor of Biorobotics

  Andrew Philippides,苏塞克斯大学,仿生机器人学教授

  Cédric Pradalier, Georgiatech Europe, Associate professor

  Cédric Pradalier,Georgiatech Europe,副教授

  Benjamin Rosman, University of the Witswatersrand, Professor of Computer Science

  Benjamin Rosman,金山大学计算机科学教授

  Chad Goldthwaite, American Inventions, CEO, Founder, Passionate, Perpetual Autodidact

  Chad Goldthwaite,American Inventions,首席执行官,创始人,充满激情,永远自学成才

  Hans Hyttel, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Associate Professor

  Hans Hyttel,哥本哈根大学计算机科学系,副教授

  Peter Jaffé, Princeton University, Willkiam L. Knapp, Professo of Civil Engineering, Fellow, American Geophysical Union

  Peter Jaffé,普林斯顿大学,Willkiam L. Knapp,土木工程教授,美国地球物理联合会会员

  Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal, University of Málaga (Spain), Professor of Robotics, Real-Time Systems and Computer Control; researcher in Cognitive Robotics.

  Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal,马拉加大学(西班牙),机器人学、实时系统和计算机控制教授;认知机器人研究员。

  Ivan Rizzo Guilherme, UNESP, Associate Professor

  Ivan Rizzo Guilherme,UNESP,副教授

  Dragan Jankovi?, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Assistant Professor

  Dragan Jankovi?,贝尔格莱德大学哲学系心理学系助理教授

  Jeroen Van Den Hoven, Delft University of Technology, Professor of Ethics and Technology, Founding Editor in Chief Ethics and Information Technology (Springer Nature)

  Jeroen Van Den Hoven,代尔夫特理工大学,伦理学与技术教授,首席伦理学与信息技术(Springer Nature)的创始编辑

  Justin Good, The Sanctuary, Central CT State University, Lecturer in Ethics

  Justin Good,中央康涅狄格州立大学 The Sanctuary,伦理学讲师

  Ernesto Jorge Fernandes Costa, University of Coimbra, Full Professor

  Ernesto Jorge Fernandes Costa,科英布拉大学,正教授

  Libero Maesano, Simple Engineering, CEO

  Libero Maesano,Simple Engineering,首席执行官

  Zara Yaqoob, Founder?Zara Yaqoob,创始人

  Arthur Breitman, Co-founder of Tezos

  Tezos 联合创始人 Arthur Breitman

  Florian Fiebig, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Postdoctoral Researcher

  Florian Fiebig,KTH 皇家理工学院,博士后研究员

  Kamen Brestnichki, INSAIT, Researcher, MSc Computational Statistics and Machine Learning at UCL

  Kamen Brestnichki,INSAIT,研究员,伦敦大学学院计算统计和机器学习理学硕士

  At?l?m Güne? Baydin, University of Oxford, Lecturer in Machine Learning

  At?l?m Güne? Baydin,牛津大学,机器学习讲师

  Wolfgang Banzhaf, Michigan State University, USA, John R. Koza Chair in Genetic Programming, Endowed Chair Professor

  Wolfgang Banzhaf,美国密歇根州立大学,John R. Koza 基因编程讲座教授,捐赠讲座教授

  Chuck Anderson, Colorado State University, Professor

  Chuck Anderson,科罗拉多州立大学,教授

  John E Pellizzom, Integrated ProAction Corp, President

  John E Pellizzom,Integrated ProAction Corp,总裁

  Yves Moreau, University of Leuven, Full professor, Fellow International Society of Computational Biology

  Yves Moreau,鲁汶大学教授,国际计算生物学学会会员

  Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, Professor emeritus, Member U.S. National Academy of Engineering

  Ben Shneiderman,马里兰大学名誉教授,美国国家工程院院士

  Christian Walter Peter Omlin, University of Agder, Professor

  Christian Walter Peter Omlin,阿格德尔大学,教授

  Stefan Woltran, TU Wien, University Professor, EurAI Fellow

  Stefan Woltran,维也纳科技大学,大学教授,EurAI 研究员

  Phil D Hall, Founder, FRSA?FRSA 创始人 Phil D Hall

  Luca Simoncini, University of Pisa, Professor (Retired)

  Luca Simoncini,比萨大学,教授(已退休)

  Sarwech Shar, Founder/Developer?Sarwech Shar,创始人/开发者

  Marek Oziewicz, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Professor, Director, Center for Climate Literacy

  Marek Oziewicz,明尼苏达大学双城分校教授,气候素养中心主任

  Tias Guns, KU Leuven, Prof. in AI, ERC Consolidator grantee

  That Guns,KU Leuven,教授。在 AI 领域,ERC Consolidator 受赠人

  Enyo Markovski, CEO?Enyo Markovski,首席执行官

  Barry Devlin, 9sight Consulting, Founder

  Barry Devlin,9sight 咨询公司创始人

  Yves Moreau, University of Leuven, Full professor, Fellow International Society of Computational Biology

  Yves Moreau,鲁汶大学教授,国际计算生物学学会会员

  Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, Professor emeritus, Member U.S. National Academy of Engineering

  Ben Shneiderman,马里兰大学名誉教授,美国国家工程院院士

  Christian Walter Peter Omlin, University of Agder, Professor

  Christian Walter Peter Omlin,阿格德尔大学,教授

  Stefan Woltran, TU Wien, University Professor, EurAI Fellow

  Stefan Woltran,维也纳科技大学,大学教授,EurAI 研究员

  Ernest Davis, New York University, Professor of Computer Science

  Ernest Davis,纽约大学,计算机科学教授

  Rick Vitale, University of Connecticut, Professor Emeritus

  Rick Vitale,康涅狄格大学名誉教授

  Hoshin Gupta, University of Arizona, Regents Professor, Fellow of American Geophysical Union

  Hoshin Gupta,亚利桑那大学,校董会教授,美国地球物理联合会会士

  Alípio Mário Guedes Jorge, University of Porto, Professor

  Alípio Mário Guedes Jorge,波尔图大学,教授

  Faisal Riaz, Mirpur University of Science and Technology, Professor of Computing, ICT P@SHA Award 2022

  Faisal Riaz,米尔布尔科技大学,计算机教授,2022 年 ICT P@SHA 奖

  James Crutchfield, University of California, Davis, Distinguished Professor of Physics, Distinguished Professor of Physics

  James Crutchfield,加州大学戴维斯分校,物理学特聘教授,物理学特聘教授

  Ido Hartogsohn, Bar Ilan University, Professor for Science, Technology, and Society

  Ido Hartogsohn,巴伊兰大学,科学、技术和社会教授

  Pierre Leprince, Natagora, President

  Pierre Leprince, Natagora, 总裁

  Justin Scholz, CEO/Cofounder of Phelas

  Justin Scholz,Phelas 的首席执行官/联合创始人

  Jill Nephew, Inqwire, PBC and AI researcher since 1999, CEO/Founder, NSF Fellow

  Jill Nephew,Inqwire,自 1999 年起担任 PBC 和 AI 研究员,首席执行官/创始人,NSF 研究员

  David Burman, Brahe Foundation, Director

  David Burman,Brahe 基金会,董事

  Przemyslaw Nowak, Lodz University of Technology, Senior Lecturer

  Przemys?aw Nowak,罗兹科技大学,高级讲师

  Ian Panchevre,, Founder, Alumnus, Intuit Futures; MBA, Stanford GSB; Political Theory, Yale

  Ian Panchevre,,Intuit Futures 创始人、校友;工商管理硕士,斯坦福商学院;政治理论,耶鲁

  Christopher Markou, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, Lecturer, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

  Christopher Markou,法学院,剑桥大学,讲师,Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

  Prasad Tadepalli, Oregon State University, Professor of Computer Science

  Prasad Tadepalli,俄勒冈州立大学,计算机科学教授

  Brian Atkins, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Co-Founder

  Brian Atkins,机器智能研究所联合创始人

  Victoria Ustimenko, PRETO BUSINESS PR Agency, CEO/Founder, Global Head of Markets at TAFFD

  Victoria Ustimenko,PRETO BUSINESS PR Agency,首席执行官/创始人,TAFFD 全球市场主管

  Duncan G. Steel, University of Michigan, Professor, EECS and Physics, Fellow, APS, OSA, IEEE

  Duncan G. Steel,密歇根大学,EECS 和物理学教授,APS、OSA、IEEE 院士

  Alexandre Rispal, CEO AR Consulting / Author / Speaker, Distinguished Professor QAHE / AUBSS

  Alexandre Rispal,首席执行官 AR Consulting / 作者 / 演讲者,特聘教授 QAHE / AUBSS

  David Lowe, University of British Columbia, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science

  David Lowe,不列颠哥伦比亚大学,计算机科学名誉教授

  Vít Jani?, Mendel University in Brno, Assistant professor

  Vít Jani?,布尔诺孟德尔大学,助理教授

  Tadek Twardowski, CEO SpatioTempoWeb / Fullstack dev

  Tadek Twardowski,首席执行官 SpatioTempoWeb / Fullstack 开发人员

  Arvind Tiwary, SangEnnovate, Founder

  Arvind Tiwary, SangEnnovate, 创始人

  Michael Pollock, Daraja (Third Culture Care), Educator/Consultant/Coach and Founding Director, Author, Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds 3rd ed ; Masters in Education, Loyola University; Founding Head of School, Cambridge School, Baltimore; Founder Odyssey ISC student development, Tianjin China; Founder Daraja

  Michael Pollock,Daraja(第三文化关怀),教育家/顾问/教练和创始董事,作者,第三文化儿童:在世界中成长第 3 版;洛约拉大学教育学硕士;巴尔的摩剑桥学校创校校长;中国天津 Odyssey ISC 学生发展创始人;创始人达拉贾

  Santiago González Izard, CEO of ARSOFT, PhD in Computer Engineering, CEO and CTO of ARSOFT

  Santiago González Izard,ARSOFT 首席执行官,计算机工程博士,ARSOFT 首席执行官兼首席技术官

  Alex Pagnoni, CTO Mastermind, Founder

  Alex Pagnoni,CTO Mastermind,创始人

  Simon Mueller, The Future Society (TFS), Co-Founder, The Future Society, Harvard Kennedy School (MPA '15)

  Simon Mueller,未来社会 (TFS),哈佛大学肯尼迪学院未来社会联合创始人 (MPA '15)

  Joao Fabiano, Department of Philosophy, University of Sao Paulo, Postdoctoral Fellow

  Joao Fabiano,圣保罗大学哲学系,博士后研究员

  James Koppel, Ph. D., Mirdin, Founder, Ph. D. in Computer Science at MIT with research profiled in New York Times. Thiel Fellow.

  James Koppel,博士,Mirdin,创始人,麻省理工学院计算机科学博士,纽约时报对研究进行了介绍。蒂尔研究员。

  Deger Turan, AI Objectives Institute, President

  Deger Turan,AI Objectives Institute,主席

  Ken D Olum, Tufts University, Research professor

  Ken D Olum,塔夫茨大学,研究教授

  Gordon N. Fleming, Penn State University, Prof. Emeritus of Physics (retired)

  Gordon N. Fleming,宾夕法尼亚州立大学,物理学名誉教授(已退休)

  Catherine Régis, University of Montreal, Professor of law, Canada Research Chair

  Catherine Régis,蒙特利尔大学,法学教授,加拿大研究主席

  Lorena Etcheverry, Instituto de Computación, Universidad de la República, Uruguay, Associate Professor

  Lorena Etcheverry,乌拉圭共和国大学计算机研究所,副教授

  Duncan G. Steel, University of Michigan, Professor, EECS and Physics, Fellow, APS, OSA, IEEE

  Duncan G. Steel,密歇根大学,EECS 和物理学教授,APS、OSA、IEEE 院士

  Dirk Lindebaum, Grenoble Ecole de Management, Professor in Management

  Dirk Lindebaum,格勒诺布尔管理学院,管理学教授

  J. Craig Wheeler, The University of Texas at Austin, Samuel T. and Fern Yanagisawa Regents Professor of Astronomy, Emeritus, Inaugural Fellow of the American Astronomical Society, Fellow of the American Physical Society, President of the American Astronomical Society 2006-2008, author of "Wild Ride Ahead: The Technological Future of Humanity", in preparation.

  J. Craig Wheeler,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 Samuel T. and Fern Yanagisawa Regents 天文学名誉教授,美国天文学会首任院士,美国物理学会院士,美国天文学会主席 2006-2008, 《狂野前行:人类技术的未来》一书的作者,正在筹备中。

  Pierre-Etienne Jacques, Université de Sherbrooke, Professor

  Pierre-Etienne Jacques,舍布鲁克大学,教授

  Ramon F. Brena, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Emeritus professor, Member, Academia Mexicana de Ciencias

  Ramon F. Brena,Tecnologico de Monterrey,名誉教授,墨西哥科学院院士

  Prabhu Guptara, Salt Desert Media Group Ltd, U. K., Publisher, Distinguished Professor of Global Business, Management and Public Policy (retired), William Carey University, India

  Prabhu Guptara,英国盐沙漠媒体集团有限公司,出版人,全球商业、管理和公共政策特聘教授(已退休),印度威廉凯里大学

  Robert Schuham, RJ Schuham Resiliency, Founder/CEO

  Robert Schuham,RJ Schuham Resiliency,创始人/首席执行官

  Jackie Rotman, Center for Intimacy Justice, Founder & CEO

  Jackie Rotman,亲密正义中心创始人兼首席执行官

  Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Northeastern University, Director of Research, EAI, ACM & IEEE Fellow, National Awards in Chile and Spain

  Ricardo Baeza-Yates,东北大学,EAI、ACM 和 IEEE 研究员,智利和西班牙国家奖研究主任

  Sh Kwee, MD, MSc, ex-researcher?Sh Kwee,医学博士,理学硕士,前研究员

  Hendrik Scheider, private sector, VP Professional Services, Co-creator of an anonymous, AI-powered loyalty system for retail

  Hendrik Scheider,私营部门,专业服务副总裁,匿名、人工智能零售忠诚度系统的共同创建者

  Frank Hutter, University of Freiburg, Professor of Computer Science, Fellow of EurAI and ELLIS; 3x ERC Grant holder

  Frank Hutter,弗莱堡大学,计算机科学教授,EurAI 和 ELLIS 院士; 3x ERC 资助持有人

  Mattias Marklund, University of Gothenburg, Professor of Theoretical Physics

  Mattias Marklund,哥德堡大学,理论物理学教授

  Ramon Carbó-Dorca Carré, University of Girona, Emeritus Professor, Naecís Monturiol Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya

  Ramon Carbó-Dorca Carré,赫罗纳大学名誉教授,加泰罗尼亚将军 Naecís Monturiol 奖章

  Djamila Amimer, Mind Senses Global ltd, CEO & Founder, Phd

  Djamila Amimer,Mind Senses Global ltd,首席执行官兼创始人,博士

  Nicholas Vincent, Co-founder, Responsible AI Licenses; Postdoc, UC Davis + University of Washington; Research fellow, Metagov, Researcher, Machine Learning and Human-computer Interaction

  Responsible AI Licenses 联合创始人 Nicholas Vincent;加州大学戴维斯分校+华盛顿大学博士后;研究员,Metagov,研究员,机器学习和人机交互

  Matthias Samwald, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Medical University of Vienna, Associate Professor

  Matthias Samwald,维也纳医科大学人工智能研究所,副教授

  Steven Pearce, Simon Fraser University, Lecturer

  Steven Pearce,西蒙弗雷泽大学,讲师

  James W. Phillips, UCL, Former Special Adviser to the U.K. Prime Minister for Science and Technology

  James W. Phillips,伦敦大学学院,前英国首相科技特别顾问

  Alan Smithson, Co-Founder, Creator of creator tools, and considered by some to be an expert in XR and Metaverse.

  Alan Smithson,联合创始人,创作者工具的创造者,被一些人认为是 XR 和 Metaverse 方面的专家。

  George Godula, Web2Asia, Chairman, Startup investor, previous FLI donor

  George Godula,Web2Asia,主席,创业投资者,前 FLI 捐助者

  Henry Elkus, Founder & CEO: Helena

  Henry Elkus,创始人兼首席执行官:Helena

  Logan Sullivan, Causative Labs, CEO

  Logan Sullivan,Causative Labs,首席执行官

  Nate Soares, MIRI, Executive Director

  Nate Soares,MIRI,执行董事

  Paul Luton, Labour Party member, Retired, None

  Paul Luton,工党成员,退休,无

  Kari Saarenvirta, Daisy Intelligence Corporation, Founder, Chief Scientist and CEO, Inventor with 4 patents and in Fastest Growing Companies in Canada for last 3 years.

  Kari Saarenvirta,Daisy Intelligence Corporation,创始人、首席科学家兼首席执行官,拥有 4 项专利的发明家,过去 3 年在加拿大发展最快的公司任职。

  Mike Fleetham, Thinking Classroom, CEO

  Mike Fleetham,Thinking Classroom,首席执行官

  Huub Heijnen, Venture Partner at Lionheart Ventures, Co-Founder & CTO of Causative Labs

  Huub Heijnen,Lionheart Ventures 的风险合伙人,Causative Labs 的联合创始人兼首席技术官

  Roberto D Merlin, University of Michigan, Professor of Physics, APS and Optica Fellow, Guggenhein Fellow, Simons Fellow. Isakson Prize, American Physical Society, Lippincott Award, Optical Society

  Roberto D Merlin,密歇根大学物理学教授,APS 和 Optica 研究员,Guggenhein 研究员,Simons 研究员。美国物理学会 Isakson 奖、光学学会 Lippincott 奖

  Sen. Timothy Wirth, Retired Senator; Board Member, American Academy of Science; PhD Stanford

  退休参议员 Timothy Wirth 参议员;美国科学院董事会成员;斯坦福博士

  Michael Mcguffin, ETS, Montreal, Full Professor

  Michael Mcguffin,ETS,蒙特利尔,正教授

  Brian Harvey, University of California, Berkeley, Computer Science Division, Teaching Professor Emeritus

  Brian Harvey,加州大学伯克利分校计算机科学系名誉教授

  Patrick Girard, University of Auckland, Philosopher, Senior lecturer

  Patrick Girard,奥克兰大学,哲学家,高级讲师

  Benjamin Haldeman, LifeShip, CEO?LifeShip 首席执行官本杰明·霍尔德曼 (Benjamin Haldeman)

  Markus Kr?tzsch, TU Dresden, Professor, Director of the DAAD Zuse School of Excellence in AI "SECAI"

  Markus Kr?tzsch,德累斯顿工业大学,教授,DAAD Zuse 人工智能“SECAI”卓越学院院长

  Silja Voeneky, University of Freiburg, Germany, Professor International Law and Ethics of Law, co-ed The Cambridge Handbook of Responsible AI, Fellow Human Rights Program, Harvard Law School 2015/16

  Silja Voeneky,德国弗莱堡大学,国际法和法律伦理学教授,合着《负责任人工智能剑桥手册》,研究员人权项目,哈佛法学院 2015/16

  Stavros Tripakis, Northeastern University, Associate Professor, Computer Science

  Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem, University of Pretoria and South African Centre for AI Research, Professor and AI Ethics Lead, Chair of ad hoc expert group that drafted the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of AI

  Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem,比勒陀利亚大学和南非人工智能研究中心教授兼人工智能伦理负责人,起草联合国教科文组织人工智能伦理建议书的特设专家组主席

  Martin Cederwall, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, Professor in theoretical physics

  Martin Cederwall,查默斯大学。瑞典哥德堡技术学院,理论物理学教授

  Luc De Raedt, KU Leuven, Professor & Director of Institute for AI, Wallenberg Guest Professor ?rebro University, AAAI and EurAI Fellow

  Luc De Raedt,KU Leuven,瓦伦堡人工智能研究所教授兼主任,厄勒布鲁大学客座教授,AAAI 和 EurAI 研究员

  Josif Grabocka, University of Freiburg, Professor of Representation Learning (W1)

  Josif Grabocka,弗莱堡大学,表征学习教授 (W1)

  Elizabeth Black, King's College London, Reader in Artificial Intelligence, Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI

  Elizabeth Black,伦敦国王学院,人工智能读者,UKRI 安全可信人工智能博士培训中心主任

  Rikard Enberg, Uppsala University, Associate Professor of Physics

  Rikard Enberg,乌普萨拉大学,物理学副教授

  Petr Baudis, Rossum, CTO/Cofounder

  Petr Baudis, Rossum, 首席技术官/联合创始人
