Christian Republic of Samara
Official Name:?Christian Republic of Samara, Christian Republic of Russia (national unification)
Ruling Party:?Samarskaya Patriarhiyanote?Samara Patriarchate
Ideology:?Christian Conservatismnote?Conservatism
·???????Being Good Sucks: Their altruism is implied to be causing major problems for the republic, as they lack the food needed to sustain the population that is growing with each refugee that arrives.
·???????The Cynic: Despite their benevolent rule, they believe that Russia has been too twisted with sin and isn't worth saving.
·???????Disaster Democracy: In the aftermath of the Holy Russian Empire's collapse, Samara becomes a semi-theocratic republic led by a mixture of clergy and laity.
·???????Early-Bird Cameo: Ivan Kalinin, normally a general for the Order of Saint George, is technically the first character from the Order to be properly playable, as the faction had yet to be made a possible Russian unifier before the After Midnight patch was released.
·???????Everyone Has Standards: Several clergymen, appalled by Taboritsky's twisted version of Orthodox Christianity, split from the Holy Russian Empire and ultimately established their own warlord state in the wake of the Regent's death.
·???????Hidden Elf Village: Their National Spirit "Blessed Isolation" states that they have little to no ambition to reunite Russia. Seeing the post-Midnight wasteland as?beyond salvation, they instead concentrate on internal affairs and welcoming those refugees who make it to Samara.
·???????Hope Bringer: The Christian Republic of Samara is a popular destination for many Russian refugees, perceiving it to be an island of stability in an otherwise chaotic mess.
·???????Necessarily Evil: While creating a constitution, the government includes the power to conscript any citizen into the armed foces, knowing that it would be immensely unpopular, but would be necessary to protect Samara's independence.
·???????No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Their effort to help everyone they come across has inflicted a famine in Samara and it's not getting any better, as more people continue to arrive. When a census is held during one event, it's implied that Samara's population has grown to a point where it doesn't have enough food to sustain it.
·???????The Paranoiac: Although the priesthood is willing to welcome all incoming refugees, some within Samara distrust these newcomers as potential threats or imperial agents.
·???????Pay Evil unto Evil: After an execution of four Sturmoviki, a mob stampedes onto the stage to tear their corpses limb by limb. Although this event establishes that Samara isn't totally flawless, the Sturmoviki's complicity in Taboritsky's crimes makes them unsympathetic targets.
·???????Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Their ranks include regular clergymen, as well as remnants of Vyatka, the ROA, and Order of Saint George.
·???????The Remnant: Samara is home to what seem to be the only remains of several West Russian pre-Midnight warlords, with generals Boris Lyubishchev, Vladimir Bayersky, and Ivan Kalinin being from Vyatka, the ROA, and the Order of Saint George respectively.
·???????Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Even in the benevolent gonvernance of Samara, feelings of hate are still prominent towards Taboritsky's followers, in which four of them are executed and torn apart by a mob in one event.
·???????Saintly Church: After Midnight, Samara has become the site of an Orthodox Christian semi-theocracy that is one of the most stable and benevolent warlord states in post-Taboritsky Russia.
·???????Unperson: In their churches, they've removed any relics honoring Alexei, wanting to remove all of the horrific memories inflicted by Taboritsky.
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