摘要: 20世纪70年代初以来,西方当代文论尤其是法国理论、北美批评、精神分析、创伤理论等领域迎来了一场“伦理转向”。法国理论的伦理转向深受哲学家列维纳斯的影响,他的他异性伦理学促成了结构主义向后结构主义的转变。以布斯和努斯鲍姆为代表的北美批评,则强调文学在塑造良好生活上的不可取代性。精神分析以齐泽克为代表,完成了一种结合拉康欲望伦理学和激进政治诉求的行动伦理学转向。创伤理论自20世纪80年代开始兴盛,尤为关注创伤的治疗、见证和叙述,共同体创伤的文化建构等议题。“伦理转向”既与历史现实相关,也是对于形式主义、历史虚无主义和功利主义等思潮的反拨。
伦理转向 ,
法国理论 ,
伦理批评 ,
精神分析 ,
Abstract: Since the early 1970s,Western contemporary literary theories,especially French theory,North American criticism,psychoanalysis,trauma theory and other fields have generated an “ethical turn”The ethical turn of French theory was deeply influenced by the philosopher Levinas,his ethics of alterity led to the transformation of structuralism to poststructuralism;the North American criticism represented by Booth and Nussbaum emphasized the irreplaceability of literature to shape a good life;the turn of psychoanalysis is represented by Zizek,completing an action ethical turn which combines Lacans desire ethics and radical political demands;trauma theory has flourished since the 1980s,with particular focus on trauma Treatment,witness and narrative of trauma,cultural construction of the trauma of the community and other issuesThe “ethical turn” is related not only to historical reality,but also to the responding to the trend of thoughts such as formalism,historical nihilism and utilitarianism
Key words:
Ethical turn ,
French theory ,
Ethical criticism ,
Psychoanalysis ,
Trauma theory
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