Michelin Green Guide: New York City, 199
EcONONIY<br > Despite periodic hand-wringing??? aboutits economy;.???New Yo??? rk City boasts a Paw-=<br > neu of economic assets. I-irst is Ils sneer size: ~ne I ~ew YOrK area has the ~???uI<br > "-P" on of^eonle income finance ndustry end transportation of an-- argestc0~.<br > cenu~L v v ???.. ??? . . . y uroana<br >New York streets have long been synonymous with some of the city s key induo???..<br >Wa/iStr~le~eW~tehn~l~n.~nCen???uBerOatdWaYhWoi~h" entertai t??? Madison A ith ad~eeSr<br >The Pert. - New York s sheltered??? iceJree ha rbor??? and 750m???i of shoreline easily acc~<br >s ble to the Atlantic yet safe from ts bun-etm(~??? contnouteo to the city s early ascendanc<br >ShiF hored in safety and dust e~ZntbeUiltobeo~uhnS m/~.owe~jvlan hattan alongtheEa<br >and Hudson rivers??? the city became a ce y g a s trade with the w0 c<br >] he pod is still the nation s largest??? although the advent of contamership techn00{<br >has forced most active piers from crowded Manhattan to roomler sites in Bro0kl~<br > ;talen Island end New Jersey??? where the world s largest container terminal is a Po<br >Newark/Elizabeth. Some 100 shipping lines serve about 300 ports in 120 countries.<br > ~O the harbor handled $50 billion worth of cargo.<br > i??? ???!;! porl services are managed by the powerful Port Authority of New York and Ne<br > ????????? ???% The. Authority operates: the harbor s general cargo and containership terminal<br > ~ ~:~t~nels and bridges connecting the city with New Jersey; the region s major buster<br > fk~???! on West 42nd Street; the Port Authority TransHudson (PATH) rail rapid trans!<br > ???-m; three major airports; two heliports; the World Trade Center complex in 10~r<br > ??? hattan; and a passenger ship terminal on the Hudson Rivel??? home port f0rthi<br > r ~ ~ ~ largest and most luxurious cruise ships. !<br > snce New York s eminence as a seaport led to its leadership in banking??? Thec;tr!<br >. t.???lds 21 percent of the world s banking assets??? and its fiw~ largest comme:~~<br > ; I [???~=~ks -Citicorp??? Chase Manhattan??? Morgan??? Chemical and Bankers Trust-b0ar~<br > ???; ??? .i???:~tive assets of about half a trillion dollars. All major financial illt;titutions??? d0m#[~<br
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