【Wilbur Soot】给俄罗斯方块(中英对译)
作者: Wilbur Soot
人生不过是个笑话。life is a joke. 所有我们努力争取的东西,everything we strive for,所有我们作为人类想要成就的东西 ,everything we as people wish to achieve 在时间的不断推移之下都显得无聊透顶。is frivolous under the constant march of time. 不管我们如何尝试,no matter what we attempt, 不管你屈服意志做出什么样的改变,no matter what alter you may kneel at, 我们都追求同一个目标。we all strive for the same goal. 成功。success. 但成功到底是什么?but what is success? 是躺在你爱人的臂弯中吗?is it laying in the loving arms of your spouse? 是你作为一个人类在这个星球上对自己人生经历的完全满足吗?is it complete and utter satisfaction with your experience as a human being on this planet? 对我来说;for me; 是俄罗斯方块。it is tetris. 俄罗斯方块。tetris. 噢,俄罗斯方块,oh tetris 我为你坦露我的灵魂,i lay my soul out bare for you.你我永远不在同处,you are the east as i am the west但无论我如何努力,我都不能吸引你。yet no matter how i try i cannot seem to woo you. 你是个残酷的情人。you are a cruel mistress. 一个诱人尤物,a temptress 有着三原色,of primary colours和芯片音乐。 and chiptune sounds. 天命啊,kismet, 我一次次努力,i try i try 却仍然活在,despite living in the knowledge认知到我对成功的渴求毫无意义的事实中。my quest for success is pointless. 问题就在于,here's the rub, 我将永不能为我的成就欢愉,I will never be happy with my achievements, 无论试了多少次,no matter how many attempts i take于存在和生命中的,享乐主义的繁重劳动the hedonic treadmill of live and existence将永远是我的梦魇。serves only to haunt me forever.我能抵达极乐的顶峰,i can reach the peaks of bliss也能抵达未知焦虑抑郁的低谷and the troughs of uncertain anxious desperation 但仍然,我还会心血来潮,and still, i am at the whim, 不,nay, “俄罗斯方块”我这么叫它,它的恩慈the mercy of the one I call “tetris.” 俄罗斯方块。Tetris. 这名字从我的唇滚到我的舌上,the name on my lips and across my tongue诱惑非常。is tantalising. 我渴求的比这个词更多。i crave more than just the word. 我渴望与之相伴生死。i crave to live and die by it. 我希望被埋葬在俄罗斯方块之海里,i wish to be buried out at the tetris sea, 如此我的肉体便能尽可能地去靠它的岸壁。so that my body may lap against it's shores for all that may be. 每当我想到俄罗斯方块,when I think about tetris, 我都觉得自己像被正中后心,it feels like I have been struck in the centre of my back, 像从楼梯上摔下来喘不过气来,like being winded from falling down stairs.我将继续伴着这种感受生活的想法,the idea that i may continue to live this life with this feeling 让我兴奋不已。excites me to no end. 俄罗斯方块。tetris. 我爱你。i love you. 我这般说道,there i said it, 我知道我可能疯了,i know i might be crazy, 甚至是个傻子,a fool even, 但我爱你。but I love you. 简单纯粹。simply. 我无法想象没有你在的世界,i can't imagine a world without you, 当我的人生要走向苦涩的尽头and as my time on this earth comes to a bitter end, 我想要握着你的手走进那良夜*i want to hold your hand into that goodnight. 用我的双臂拥抱你。wrap my arms around you. 这将是我永远的成功。this will always be my success. 我的梦想。my dream. 你是我船帆中的风。you are the wind in my sails.
i never want
*译注:此处疑为化用英国诗人狄兰?托马斯的名诗:Do not go gentle into that good night(不要温和地走进那良夜)
摘自:Wilbur Soot 2022年2月26日晚直播结尾:https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1409009043
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