"无论代价是什么…我都会证明自己!"? ? ? ? --------奥罗
哇,你是怎么在世界尽头找到我的?Hmph. How did you find me, down here where the world ends?没错,我知道你为何而来。你想学传说中骨钉大师奥罗的骨钉之技。Yes, I know why you're here. You came to learn a Nail Art from the legendary Nailmaster Oro.伟大骨钉贤者规定我必须将自己的本领传授给值得教授的人。It is the law of the Great Nailsage that I must pass down my teachings to those who are worthy.但没人规定我要无偿传授。如果你真的想当我的徒弟,那就用吉欧来证明吧!But no law forbids me from exacting a payment for my time. If you truly wish to train under me, prove it with Geo!(拒绝)“不分享力量的人永远学不到的东西。”这是我师父说过的话。"Those who do not share their strength will never learn."My master used to say that.用“吉欧”来代替“力量"就是我的观点了。滚开!Substitute "Geo" for "strength" and you'll have my own views on the matter. Begone!(接受)怎么样,旅行者?打算付账吗,还是准备懵懵懂懂地离开?So what will it be, traveller? Will you pay the price asked of you, or will you leave this place unenlightened?(学习)啊,我要承认你是个杰出的徒弟。Hmph. I must say, you are an excellent pupil.你对骨钉的驾驭,对变强的渴望……让我想起了我的兄弟们。Your skill with the nail, and your thirst to become stronger... you remind me of my brothers.我已经对你倾囊相授。继续去探索世界吧,旅行者。别再打扰我。I have taught you all I can. Go back into the world, traveller, and leave me to my solitude.(关于马托)这骨钉之技……你接受过我兄弟马托的指导。That Nail Art... you have been training with my brother Mato.他对忠诚和荣誉有着古怪的念头。当他的徒弟肯定很艰难很不愉快。He has strange notions of loyalty and honour. I'm sure he was difficult and unpleasant to train under.他对你提到过我吗?提到的话跟他说要耐心点。得再等一段时间我才能把想要的东西给他。Did he mention my name to you? If he does, tell him to be patient. He'll be waiting a while longer before I give him what he wants.
(关于席奥)看来我的兄弟席奥传授过你骨钉之技。你真是走运。I see you've been taught a Nail Art by my brother Sheo. How fortunate of you.没错,他是伟大的骨钉贤者最得意的徒弟,马托和我都难以望其项背。我的兄弟和师父都很喜欢他。Yes, he was the mightiest of the Great Nailsage's pupils, far outshining Mato and myself. My brother and my master loved him very much.他总是很冷淡,但是…… 人不坏。我们最后一次说话的时候,他说他要去学全新的技艺。不知道他有没有达成目标。He was always aloof, but... not unkind. When we last spoke, he said he was going to teach himself something completely new. I wonder if he achieved that goal.(关于斯莱)你身上的护符……看来伟大的骨钉贤者承认你的骨钉技艺已经炉火纯青,可以获得最高尊荣。That charm you bear... It seems the Great Nailsage has deemed you skilled enough in the Nail Arts to earn his highest esteem.我不嫉妒他对你的喜爱,这是你亲手挣来的。I do not begrudge you his love. You have earned it.也许我对你的帮助也为我自己赢得了荣耀……哪怕只有一点点。And perhaps by helping you along your path, I have redeemed myself... if only a little.虽然没被邀请,但你还是回来了。You've returned, though you were not invited.作为我的徒弟,我有义务为你提供栖身之所,但休息之后就立刻动身吧。As my pupil, it is lawful that I allow you rest and shelter, but do not stay longer than you need to.必须休息的话就在这里休息,但充分休息之后就马上离开。Rest here if you must, but do not stay longer than you need to.
What is this?Do you think it becoming for a pupil to drop rubbish in their master's home?Or is this gaudy flower your idea of a gift?
I've no use for such things.Take it with you,or else I'll toss it outside to be caten by vermin.
梦语马托兄弟,孤独地生活在世界顶端的你……还把我看作敌人么?Brother Mato, in your lonely home at the top of the world... do you still think of me as an enemy?如果有一天你愿意倾听……我会告诉你为什么我选择这条道路。In the future, if you will listen... I will tell you why I chose to tread this path.
Whatever it takes... I'll prove myself!
My path is mine alone...
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