(普通会面)你好啊,旅者。恐怕我是唯一一个留下来欢迎你的了。你也看得出来,我们的小镇现在很冷清。Ho there, traveller. I'm afraid there's only me left to offer welcome. Our town's fallen quiet you see.(经过)哦!你回来了!你刚才径直从我身边过去,我还以为我已经逐渐消逝,就跟这座小镇一样。Oh! You came back! You walked straight past me, I thought maybe I'd faded away along with this town.(访问十字路)哦!你回来了!你连招呼都不打一个,就径直走过我下到废墟里去了!我还以为我看到了一个幽灵。Oh! You're back! You walked straight past me and descended down into the ruins without even saying hello! I thought maybe I'd seen a ghost.当你很长一段时间都是独自一个的时候,脑子偶尔就会不好使。The mind sometimes plays tricks on you when you spend a lot of time alone.其他居民,它们都消失了。顺着这个井下去,一个又一个的进入下面的洞穴。The other residents, they've all disappeared. Headed down that well, one by one, into the caverns below.在我们的城镇下面曾经有一个伟大的王国。它已经变成废墟很久了,但它依旧吸引着虫子们到那深处去。Used to be there was a great kingdom beneath our town. It's long fell to ruin, yet it still draws folks into its depths.财富、荣耀、启迪,那深处的黑暗似乎包含有无数的可能性。我相信你也在下面寻求着你的梦想。Wealth, glory, enlightenment, that darkness seems to promise all things. I'm sure you too seek your dreams down there.不过你要小心,那下面充满了恶心的气息。生物会被剥夺原有的记忆,变得疯狂。Well watch out. It's a sickly air that fills the place. Creatures turn mad and travellers are robbed of their memories.也许梦想并不是那么好的东西……Perhaps dreams aren't such great things after all...
(解救斯莱重新开店)哦,真好!我们的店主已经回家了,就在刚刚回来的,我希望听听他在下面的有趣经历,但他好像什么都不记得了!也许他经历了太多事情了?Oh, what a turn! Our shopkeep's come home. Just wandered back in. I'd hoped for grand tales of his time below, but he seems to remember almost nothing! Maybe it was all too much for him?如果你对他的商品感兴趣,可要注意了!他是那种不讲价的商贩。If you're interested in his wares, watch out! He drives a hard bargain, that one.在这儿没有商品竞争,所以他卖东西一直都很贵,这对市场是很不好。不像他所抱怨的那样。No competition. That's the problem. It's bad for the market. Not that he's complaining.(伊塞尔达开地图店)一对年轻夫妇最近搬进了车站旁边的房子。他们好像在经营一家地图商店,对像你这样的冒险家来说是个好消息。A young couple's just recently taken up residence in the house beside the station. Seems they're running a map shop, which may excite adventurous types like yourself.那位妻子长得十分高大。我告诉他们可以换一间更大的房子,反正周边的房子全都是空的,但他们说喜欢那一间房的外观。She's a tall bug, the wife. I told them to take a larger house, especially given they're all empty, but they liked the look of that one.她必须弯下身子才能进门……换我肯定受不了。The way she has to bend just to get through the door...I wouldn't put up with it myself.
(拜访黑卵)你去过那个圣殿了?我听说那是个奇怪的建筑,所以我从来不敢冒险去那儿。Did you visit that temple? A strange building I've heard, though I'd never dare the journey myself.我们之中的勇者说它们曾去过那里,它们在庙中祈祷,获得宁静。但不久之后,它们就不再去那里了,是发生了什么变故吗?The braver among us once went there to pray, said they felt at peace within the walls. After a while, they stopped going. I wonder what changed?(结束对话)你有点奇怪。下去的虫子我什么样的都见过,但你……我虽然从来没见过你,但却感觉非常熟悉。There's something strange about you. I've seen all types pass below, but you... You're almost familiar, though I'm sure we've never met before.感觉累了?虽然这个长椅是铁质的,但我保证坐上去还是非常舒服的。在你下去之前,想整理一下思绪的话,没什么地方比这凳子更好了。Feeling tired? That bench may be iron, but I assure you it's quite comfortable. There's no better place to collect your thoughts before heading below.另外我也很享受有虫子陪伴,不过你看起来并不健谈。Plus I enjoy the company. Not that you seem the talkative sort.
(友情提示)我们下方是一片恣意蔓延的土地。如果你迷路了或者在意一些道路前方会有什么,来和我谈谈。我会告诉你一些不容易被发现的小路或是一些秘密的地点。It's a sprawling land beneath us. If you're ever feeling lost or would care for some direction, come speak with me. I may be able to suggest a new sight or a new path you'd never before considered.意外吗?尽管我没下去过,但实际上我非常了解王国的布局。我听了无数像你一样的旅行者和探险家的故事。Suprised? Despite my lack of experience, I'm actually quite knowledgeable about the lay of the kingdom below. I've listened to countless stories from travellers and explorers just like yourself.我相信你在完成你的旅途之后会给我讲述属于你的伟大冒险,或者你会死在半路!不得不说,在圣巢中,后者的可能性更大。I'm sure you'll have your own grand tale to tell once you're finished down there. Either that or you'll be dead! I'll admit, in Hallownest, the latter is far more common.(鹿角站打开)天哪我看见了什么!鹿角站的门开了!这个站台在我出生之前就关闭了。I never thought I'd see such a thing. The Stag Station has opened! That building lay silent since before even my time.我听过传闻,鹿角线曾一度繁华至极,那是贯穿了整个王国的交通网。不过不管你怎么想,我是不会乘坐它去旅行的!Oh, I've heard the tales of the glorious lines. A web of tunnels running all through the kingdom. Not that I'll be travelling them, mind you我对这里的生活很满意。I'm quite content where I am.我有些事情要告诉你,小旅行家。风向变了。(这句话显示是鹿角站打开,但是游戏里没有这句话)There’s something about you little traveller. The winds are changing.
(城镇见面)感觉累了?虽然这个长椅是铁质的,但我保证坐上去还是非常舒服的。在你下去之前,想整理一下思绪的话,没什么地方比这凳子更好了。Feeling tired? That bench may be iron, but I assure you it’s quite comfortable. There's no better place to collect your thoughts before heading below.另外我也很享受有虫子陪伴,虽然你看起来并不健谈。Plus, I'd enjoy the company, even if you're not the most talkative sort.(上面这段话的确出现了两次)如果你在下面遇到我的同伴,告诉它们有个可怜的老头还在上面孤独地守夜。啊,可怜的老头!……If you do meet my fellows down there you might remind them of their poor Elder, up here, back aching, abandoned to his lonesome vigil. Poor poor me!...啊,我还好,真的。就是为编造这种借口劝它们回来感到有些内疚。当然前提是它们还活着。Oh I'm fine, really, but a bit of guilt might go some way in persuading their return. Assuming they're still alive that is.(解救迷妹布蕾塔后)那个年轻的可爱女孩又回来了!That lovely young lass returned to us!必须承认,我本来以为她不可能生还的。I must admit, I'd placed thin odds on her survival.她对她的救主献上了滔滔不绝的感谢和爱意,从回来到现在就没停过,说它是一名华丽帅气的战士。Seems to think very highly of her rescuer, some sort of dashing, warrior type. Barely stopped gushing since she got back.那名战士肯定是在我打盹的时候下去了……真是可惜。我很乐意见见这位出色的虫子。The warrior must have passed down below whilst I was taking my nap. Such a shame. I'd have loved to meet so impressive a bug.(迷妹离开,打败灰色王子佐特后)那个年轻的姑娘!为什么,她竟然爬上悬崖从那边离开了,只留下一句非常短的告别之词!That young lass! Why, she's up and departed over the cliffs, with only the briefest word of farewell.她踏上的旅程可是极其危险的。我不理解她是哪来的勇气。It's a perilous journey she's set herself upon. I can't understand where she gained such fortitude.我曾以为她也是胆小的一类,跟我差不多的那种……我错得多么离谱。所有人都听从了冒险的召唤,只有我没有!I'd thought her a timid sort, one after my own mind... How wrong I was. The call of adventure lures all but me!(历史)过去有很多虫子来到这里,希望王国能够满足它们的欲望。Many used to come, hoping the kingdom would fulfill their desires.它曾被称为圣巢。有史以来最伟大的王国,充满了宝藏和秘密。Hallownest, it was once called. Supposedly the greatest kingdom there ever was, full of treasures and secrets.现在它只是个乌烟瘴气的坟墓,里面充满了疯狂和怪物。Hm. Now it's nothing more than a poisonous tomb full of monsters and madness.我想,一切都终会消逝。Everything fades eventually, I suppose.旅行者,希望你不要对我们这个小镇太失望。虽然现在十分冷清,但曾经这里是非常好客。I hope you aren't too disappointed by our little town, traveller. Though it's now a solemn place, once we were much more welcoming.王国很久以前就已经禁止进入了,据说曾经发生了一些巨大的灾祸,在那之后很多大门都关闭了,但是从村里的那口古井还是可以进去的。Entry to the kingdom was forbidden long ago, supposedly after some great calamity. Many gates were closed, but our old well remains as a way to creep back in.这么多年以来,流浪汉、小偷、冒险家,几乎所有种类的虫子都从下到井里去过。Over the years, all kinds used the well to wriggle into the ruins, wanderers, thieves, adventurers.有趣的是,几乎没有虫能够回来。也许它们找到了自己追求的东西?……Funny how few ever come back up. Perhaps they find what they're looking for?..呵呵,我没那么天真,它们一定都被吞噬了,毕竟那深处之中有数不清的危险。Bah, I'm not so naive. No doubt, they've all been gobbled up! There are countless dangers in those depths.
(迷妹离开)那个年轻的姑娘!为什么,她竟然爬上悬崖从那边离开了,只留下一句非常短的告别之词!That young lass! Why, she's up and departed over the cliffs, with only the briefest word of farewell.她踏上的旅程可是极其危险的。我不理解她是哪来的勇气。It's a perilous journey she's set herself upon. I can't understand where she gained such fortitude.我曾以为她也是胆小的一类,跟我差不多的那种……我错得多么离谱。所有人都听从了冒险的召唤,只有我没有!I'd thought her a timid sort, one after my own mind... How wrong I was. The call of adventure lures all but me!
(矿山电梯)那个嘈杂的老电梯是到哪去的?我猜是进到老矿区的,那是它们在山中挖出来的。That noisy old lift, where does it go? Up to the old mines they carved into the peak, I suppose.你去过那儿吗?那里真的到处都长满了水晶?Have you been up there? Is it true that crystals grow everywhere you step?有一个村民曾经把一些水晶带回来村子。我不是很明白它们有什么魅力。A villager brought some of those crystals back to the village once. I don't quite understand the allure myself.它们又不能吃,当枕头用睡着也不舒服。为了得到它们,花这么大功夫根本不值得。You can't eat them, and they don't make very good pillows. They hardly seem worth all the trouble to me.(防御者纹章)你……闻到什么了吗?空气突然出现了一股可怕的恶臭。Can you... smell something? There's suddenly a horrid stench in the air.我发誓这个小镇平时的气味是正常的。请接受我诚恳的道歉!I swear, the town usually smells much nicer than this. Please accept my humble apology!(十字路感染)呃......一股猛烈而又恶心的臭味开始从城镇旁边的井中冒出来。我本来就觉得深处是不祥的,现在看来它更可怕了。Ehhh...A sharp sickly smell has started to drift from the well beside town. I'd thought those depths ominous before, now they seem just dreadful.天知道是多么恐怖的诅咒在折磨这废墟,我只知道这诅咒比以前更加强大了。Whatever horrid curse afflicts this ruin, I'd wager it's grown stronger than ever.(黑卵封印打开)我听到井里传来一声刺耳的嚎叫。这声音回荡在我的脑海中,让我茫然无措。I heard a piercing cry from the well. It echoed about my mind and left me all a daze.我一开始以为是什么肮脏的野兽死去了,但这声音听起来与以往的并不相同……给我一种神圣的感觉?小家伙,发生了什么事?I'd say it was a foul beast's death, but this cry sounded different...divine? Has something happened little traveller?不,不要告诉我。如果有什么阴谋正在酝酿,我或许还是不知道的好。No. Don't tell me. If foul events are brewing, it's probably better I don't know.(吉吉门开)在下方的冒险怎么样?好吧,在你离开的时候我也经历了一段属于自己的历险。Faring well in your adventures below? Well I had an adventure of my own while you were gone.我通常不会去拜访城镇的墓地,但我偶尔会去拜访我老朋友的墓。I don't usually visit the town's graveyard, but I thought I'd go and visit the grave of an old friend.当我走在墓碑间的时候,我注意到从周围的某个地方传来了吟诵的声音。那是种极其不祥的咏唱!As I was walking amongst the tombstones, I noticed a strange kind of chanting coming from somewhere nearby. Extremely sinister chanting!我环顾四周,想要找到咏唱的源头,然后我就看到两只巨大又可怕,发着惨白光芒的眼睛在一个黑漆漆的洞穴的门后盯着我看!I looked around to find the source, and I saw two bright, horrible, huge eyes staring at me from the door of a dark cave!我假装什么也没看见,什么也没听见,迅速逃回了镇上。再去看老朋友的话可能要等一段时日了……I pretended I hadn't heard the voice or seen the eyes and scurried back to town. My friend will have to wait a little longer for her visit...(国王山道)德特茅斯的四周都是悬崖峭壁,要到这来的话,绝大多数旅行者都要走上一段曲折迂回的道路,那绝对是一段艰辛的路途,但在王国的鼎盛时期要到这就容易得多了。To reach Dirtmouth, most travellers take circuitous routes around the cliffs beside us. It's a hard trek now but in the kingdom's prime things were far simpler.在悬崖上有一个很容易通过的老旧的通行处。不过与它连接的桥梁很早以前就崩塌了,但即使大桥没断,也有一扇大门挡在入口处。There's an old pass in the cliffs that once allowed easy access. The bridge up to it has long since crumbled away, and even without it, a huge door bars entry.这意味着我们根本忙不起来,即使是最热闹的时候到这的旅客也寥寥无几。我不是在向你抱怨。I can't complain mind you. It's meant we've only ever had to accommodate a trickle of travellers, even during our busiest times.不过我也不想看见有一大批虫子在德特茅斯住下,我喜欢清静。I wouldn't want hordes of bugs to descend on Dirtmouth. I like the quiet.
(苍绿之径)我以前觉得下方的王国全都是冰冷死寂的岩石,但后来我才知道并不是那样的。旅行者跟我讲述了圣巢洞穴中光怪陆离的惊人景象。就算是在十字路口,也有一个区域满是茂盛的绿叶。I used to think the kingdom below was all dead cold rock, but I've since been told different. Travellers speak of startling variety in Hallownest's caverns. Even just besides those Crossroads there's meant to be an area filled with leafy greenery.我也跟它们提过小镇周围生长着的丰富的小草,但它们似乎并不在意。I told those same travellers about the wonderful grasses that grow around the town. They didn't seem impressed.(因为曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云)(真菌荒地)也许我对圣巢的认识有一些偏差,但在那个林叶茂盛的地区下面应该是真菌荒野,那里曾经是和平物种的家园,没有很多虫,也没有很多植物。My understanding of Hallownest can be a little vague, but below those leafy caverns is a fungal grove, once home to peaceful creatures not quite bug and not quite plant.听起来值得去探索吗?不过那里有一个缺点——可怕的恶臭!那个地方充满了有毒的臭气。Sounds almost worth a visit no? Well there's a downside, the dreadful stench! A noxious odour fills the place.(泪水之城)大多数勇敢的虫子到这都是为了见到圣巢的伟大首都。我想它们应该是来搜集财宝的?首都里肯定充满了财宝。Hallownest's great capital is what most of you brave types come to see. Thinking to loot its treasures I suppose? It must be brimming with them.首都位于王国的中心,我听说通往那的大门已经被封上了,所以想进去会很困难。The city's right at the centre of the kingdom, though I've heard the gates are sealed, so gaining entry can be difficult.只要能从其中带走一小部分的财富,就能成为大富翁。这么多年过去了,我只见过极其少数的虫子活着回来了。这表明首都之中一定有什么危险的事物。It'd be a rich bug that could return with even a fraction of the wealth inside. Despite my age, I've only seen few who've managed it. Must say something of the dangers about its streets.(水晶山峰)在小镇的墓园另一边有座高耸的悬崖,你见过了吗?这只是巨大山峰的一脚。Did you see that tall cliff beyond the town's graveyard? That's only the base of a much larger peak.在那里面有矿井和机械装置,还有各式各样贵重的岩石。很多经过德特茅斯的旅行者径直就去那儿了。There's mines and machinery and all sorts of valuable rock forms inside. Many a traveller through Dirtmouth headed straight for it.(安息之地)很显然,圣巢中的众多坟墓足够填满整个洞穴的每一处土地。住在城市上方某处的虫子是这么说的,那景象听起来真叫人沮丧。Apparently, the many graves of Hallownest are enough to fill an entire network of caverns. Somewhere above the city it's told. Sounds a gloomy sight.但是,我们的墓地管理做得很好。在这个小镇的繁荣时期,我们甚至还有一个掘墓者!他不是什么坏蛋,但是他现在已经死了。Bah, I'm content with our own humble plot. In our boom times, we even had a gravedigger! Not a bad sort he was, though dead now.他不是因为像你一样面对圣巢的危险而死去的。只是因为他掉进了一个挖开的墓洞,又无法自己爬出来。He, didn't die to the dangers of Hallownest mind you. That one fell into an open grave and couldn't climb out.他的尸体是我发现的,那可真是糟糕的回忆。自那以后我就不得不自己来看管那些坟墓了。I found the corpse myself. Dreadful nuisance. I've since had to tend the graves myself.(古老盆地)你知道在王城的下面还有洞穴吗?很少有虫子去那么深的地方冒险,所以没什么情报。Did you know the caverns continue even below the capital? Few have ventured that deep so the details are scant.有少数从那回来的虫子告诉我们,那里的洞穴拥有不可思议的结构和通路,好像岩石本身拥有意志一般。Those who made it back told of impossibly old structures and roads formed as though the rock itself possessed a will.
娇嫩的花嗯?你拿着什么?啊!多么美丽的花朵!Hm? What's that you have there? Ah! What a beautiful flower!我从来不以貌取虫,但没想到你对植物竟然有这么高的品位。你为什么要随身携带这么精致的花朵?I'd never have guessed by looking, but you have surprisingly good taste in flora. Why are you carrying around such an exquisite bloom?等等……你说你不是……?啊!Wait... you didn't...? Ahh!这朵花是……是礼物吗?给我的?你真的要给我这么珍贵的东西吗?This flower is... is it a gift? For me? Are you really giving me something so precious?(拒绝)哦,是我错了,是啊,我怎么这么愚蠢。凭什么要为我这样的老虫子费这么大的功夫。Oh. My mistake. Yes. Very foolish of me. I don't know why I thought you'd go to so much effort for a simple old bug.对其他虫子充满感激和体谅……不是每个虫子生来就能做到的。Appreciating others and being considerate... these aren't skills that everyone is born with.(再次对话)你还拿着那朵娇嫩的花……你改变主意了?你真要给我这么珍贵的东西?You're still holding onto that exquisite bloom... have you changed your mind? Are you really giving me something so precious?(赠人玫瑰)啊!我真的可以拥有它?我,我……真不知道该说什么,真的……谢谢你!Ah! I can really have it? My, my... I barely know what to say except... thank you!我曾经无奈地认为,无论我无私地为过路的虫子提供了多少建议,也不会得到感恩的回报。但我不知道的是,一位年轻的虫把我的话记在了心里,并且决心回报我的好意。I'd resigned myself to selflessly giving out advice to passers by, without receiving any gratitude in return. Little did I know, one young bug was taking my words to heart and would repay my kindness.我拥有了如此美丽的礼物!啊。这个世界突然多了一些色彩。And with such a beautiful gift! Ahh. Suddenly, the world seems a little less faded.谢谢你,我的朋友。在你离开的时候我会好好照顾这朵花的,这样你回来的时候我们就可以一起欣赏它了。Thank you, my friend. I will take care of this flower while you're gone, so we can enjoy it together when you return.你给我的这朵花……当黑暗的想法侵入我的脑海之中时,我会看着这朵花,然后会想到你。This flower you gave me... when dark thoughts creep into my head I gaze at it and think of you.要不在长椅上休息一会吧?在你再次启程之前,我们可以一起欣赏这朵花。Why not rest at the bench here for a while? We can enjoy the flower together before you head off again.送花前梦语:为什么要去废墟呢?在这里生活要容易的多了。To descend into that ruin...Why? Things are so much simpler up here.送花后梦语:这些花瓣……多么纯洁无暇。你也能感觉到吗……它们好像从各处注视着我一样。These petals... so white. Can you see them too... watching me from wherever you are?也许梦想并不是什么糟糕的东西……Perhaps dreams aren't such bad things after all...
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