
栏目:游戏资讯  时间:2022-11-10

  “国王陛下…圣巢将会重生!变得辉煌、闪耀!就像原本的样子…” ---------奥格瑞姆



  (奥格瑞姆)啊,又是你,真高兴看到你回来。Oh, it's you again. I'm glad to see you return.不,不,拜托了……什么都别说。我必须为之前的事道歉。No, no, please... Don't say a word. I must apologise for my previous behaviour.都是我的错。我以为你也是那些没有心智的鬼祟躯壳,但你用最威严的骑士之道超越了我。Entirely my fault. I mistook you for one of those mindless skulking husks, yet you bested me in the most majestic knightly fashion.多么愉悦激烈的战斗!我几乎都忘记了这种感觉。Such joyful, vigorous combat. I'd almost forgotten the feeling.你也看到了,我以前是位骑士,承蒙国王恩典,我能骄傲在王座前目睹圣巢日渐伟大。I was once a Knight you see. By the grace of our good King, I stood proudly before the throne, watching Hallownest swell to greatness.但接着就出现了可怕的瘟疫……Then that nasty business with the affliction...我们这些骑士对抗起有形体却没有形态的敌人,但怎么才能打败这种敌人呢?We knights defend against the physical, but a formless enemy. How to defeat such a foe?国王尝试了自己的办法,那手段着实残酷……但我们最后还是没逃脱衰落的命运。Our King tried in his own way. A cruel means it was... And still, eventually, we were brought low.唉!我不该这么闷闷不乐,你给了我很大鼓舞。能遇见势均力敌的对手真让人开心。Bah! I shouldn't be so morose. You've invigorated me. Tis' truly a delight to meet one whose strength can match my own.去吧,圣巢的强大战士!你为自己赢得了荣耀!祝你好运。Go now, mighty warrior of Hallownest! You've proven your honour! Good fortune on the path ahead.梦语:……原来还有其他虫子……...So there were others...……伊斯玛……好强……教我……...Isma... So strong.... Teach me...(佩戴防御者护符)你散发着正义的骄傲气息,的确是一位强大的骑士。Ahh. You exude the proud odour of the Just. Truly, a mighty Knight you are.(拥有伊斯玛之泪)啊啊!那滴泪水……你去过她的树林了!Ahh! That tear... You've been to her grove!我过发誓要去探访,但……我的职责……我的誓言……I swore I'd visit, but... my duties... my oath...抱歉,别在意我,我真是个傻瓜。不小心点的话我就会沉溺到过去的回忆中,再也不能回来。Oh, I'm sorry. Ignore me, I'm being foolish. If I'm not careful I'll sink down into old memories and won't ever come back again.她看人很准,既然她祝福了你,那你肯定有特别之处。我在你面前简直不值一提!She's a great judge of character, so if she gave you her blessing you must be something special indeed. I'm barely worthy to be in your presence!(地下室)啊!你醒了,而且看起来很有精神!Ahh, you're awake, and looking well-rested!我起来的时候发现你蜷着身子躺在我旁边,吓了我一跳。不过,我倒是很欢迎你在对这个世界感到厌倦的时候到这里来休息的。I was startled when I woke to find you curled up beside me, but of course you're welcome to rest here whenever the world wearies you.正如国王将流浪者收留在这个国度一样,我的住所也向你敞开。这里温暖、湿润又舒适,你想待多久就可以待多久。As the King granted his kingdom, to shelter to those who needed it, I offer my home. Stay as long as you like, down here where it's cosy and warm and moist.这个洞穴大概和宫殿的精致华丽差得很远,不过即使如此,我曾经的战友和我们尊敬的国王的种种回忆,仍然深深刻印在我的脑海中。My cave may seem a far cry from the finery of the palace but even still the memories of my former comrades, and our glorious King, remain fresh in my mind.苍白之殿是一个奇伟的地方,那个时代最伟大的英雄都汇聚在那里。啊!看看你现在的模样,你立于他们之中的场景仿佛就近在眼前。The Pale Court was a wondrous place full of the age's greatest heroes. Ahh! Looking at you now, I can easily imagine you standing amongst them.梦语:圣巢伟大骑士之列将终结于何处?会终结在我这里吗?这种意志能传承下去吗?Where will the line of Hallownest's Great Knights end? With me? Can such a thing be passed on?



  朋友们……我会保护好我们伟大的王国。相信我!My friends... I will protect our dear Kingdom. Have faith in me!

  我们会再次于此相聚。我保证……We will all meet again. I promise it...(第二次)国王陛下……我相信您,也相信圣巢。为了这个王国,我会竭尽全力!My King... I believe in you. I believe in Hallownest! My devotion will never falter...(第三次)国王陛下……圣巢将会重生!变得辉煌、闪耀!就像原本的样子……My King... Hallownest will be reborn! Glorious and bright! Just as it always was...

  (第四次)国王陛下……一切都会完好如初……My King... We will all be together once more...

  (第五次)小家伙,你出现在了我的梦中,真有意思。你高贵的举止风度让我想起了敬爱的国王。他回来之后,我会请求封你为骑士!这样我们就能愉快地冒险了……How funny that I see you in my dreams too, little one. Your noble bearing reminds me of our dear King. When he returns, I'll ask him if you can become a Knight! What jolly adventures we will have...


  战斗梦语:粪球防御者……为了国王的荣耀!……...For the honour of the King!..……为了五骑士的荣耀!……...For the honour of the Five!..……为了圣巢的荣耀!...For the honour of Hallownest!白色防御者海格默……我想念你的幽默……Hegemol... I miss your humour...泽莫尔……我想念你的故事……Ze'mer... I miss your stories...德莱娅……我想念你的智慧……Dryya... I miss your wisdom...伊斯玛……我想……我想你……Isma... I miss.. I miss you...陛下……相信我!Your Majesty... Have faith in me!
