
栏目:人物资讯  时间:2023-07-29

  这是“观察者的技术”公众号新年推出的新栏目,旨在归纳整合全球范围内重要媒介理论研究期刊的最新研究方向、研究方法、论文选题、热点话题等等,从而为诸位读者和学者提供一些有效的思路和线索。按照我们的定位,所涉及的期刊立足于基础媒介理论、技术哲学、新媒介理论、电影电视游戏理论等等,暂时不包括传统的新闻传播学研究。相关信息推送按照《理论、文化与社会》(Theory, Culture & Society)的刊发为周期,每年大约更新8期。目前暂时选定的期刊包括《理论、文化与社会》、《欧洲媒介研究杂志》(NECSUS)以及e-flux、《灰房间》(Grey Room)、《列奥纳多》(Leonardo)的媒介理论相关版块。文章名称前的数字代表页码。倘若读者们有其他的推荐,也可以在后台留言以供我们参考和选取。

  003 回响音乐、乌托邦与加勒比海的废墟(乔·P.L.戴维森)

  Dub, Utopia and the Ruins of the Caribbean by Joe P. L. Davidson


  On Disgrace: Scandal, Discredit and Denunciation within and across Fields by Will Atkinson


  Sartre and Marion on Intentionality and Phenomenality by King-Ho Leung

  061 从经济到金融的偶然性与神秘主义:奈特、阿亚奇与德里罗(乔丹·斯约尔)

  Contingency and Mysticism from Economics to Finance: Knight, Ayache, DeLillo by Jordan Sjol

  081 中国的后社治理术与韭菜迷因:经济至高权威与生命政治主体(彭麗君)

  China’s Post-Socialist Governmentality and the Garlic Chives Meme: Economic Sovereignty and Biopolitical Subjects by Pang Laikwan

  101 生命符号学与宗教:关于语言、社会与超自然的理论视角(约瑟夫·S.阿尔特)

  Biosemiotics and Religion: Theoretical Perspectives on Language, Society and the Supernatural by Joseph S. Alter

  123 福柯与拉博埃希思想中的权力、自由与顺从:作为政府问题的自愿性奴役(索尔·纽曼)

  Power, Freedom and Obedience in Foucault and La Boétie: Voluntary Servitude as the Problem of Government by Saul Newman


  005 难以理解的电影形式 卢西亚·纳吉布

  The elusive form of film by Lúcia Nagib

  013 超越电影研究的危机(彼得·齐泽克帕尼)

  Beyond the crisis of film studies by Petr Szczepanik

  019 没有巴尔干电影这回事?不,巴尔干电影是存在的:对巴尔干电影(与媒介)研究的过去及可能未来的反思(阿娜·戈吉克)

  There is no such thing as Balkan cinema, and yes, Balkan cinema exists: Ruminations on the past and possible futures of Balkan cinema (and media) studies? by Ana Grgic

  027 仍在思考中:从西班牙看电影史、全球产业与区域电影文化(瓦莱里娅·坎波雷西)

  Still thinking it over: The history of cinema, global industries, and local film cultures, as viewed from Spain by Valeria Camporesi

  033 超越电影的视频写作之未来(李起万)

  A videographic future beyond film by Kevin B. Lee

  041 论游戏作为媒介的研究(马尔科·博努瓦·卡尔博内)

  On the study of games as media by Marco Beno?t Carbone

  049 电影、媒介域视觉文化研究,以及机器学习的挑战(安东尼奥·索马伊尼)

  Film, media, and visual culture studies, and the challenge of machine learning by Antonio Somaini

  059 操作性想象(拉里夫·梅拉米德)

  Operative Imaginaries by Laliv Melamed

  067 电影与媒介研究中的“工作”与“劳动”:生路、内省、生存(安德里亚·维金纳斯)

  ‘Work’ and ‘labour’ in film and media studies: Lifepath, introspection, survival by Andrea Virginás

  075 电影节研究十年评述:一个小学术流派的诞生(马吉克·德巴尔克与安托万·达米安)

  Ten years of festival reviews: Celebrating a minor academic genre by Marijke de Valck and Antoine Damiens

  083 谁释放了医生?:媒介研究中的审判、苦难与刺激(梅里斯·贝希尔)

  Who let the docs out? : Trials, tribulations, and thrills in media studies by Melis Behlil

  087 合作的未来(拉维尼亚·布莱顿与维多利亚·帕斯托尔-冈萨雷斯)

  Collaborative futures / Futuros en colaboración by Lavinia Brydon & Victoria Pastor-González

  093 历史是什么?媒介是什么?(约翰·桑德霍尔姆)

  History is, media is by John Sundholm

  099 伦理的要求:关于媒介研究过去和未来的思考(梅特·约尔特)

  Ethical imperatives: Reflections on the past and future of media studies by Mette Hjort

  105 绿化的媒介研究(朱迪斯·凯尔巴赫与迈克尔·巴比斯-奥泽斯齐纳)

  Green(ing) Media (Studies) by Judith Keilbach and Micha? Pabi?-Orzeszyna

  113 后移民媒介的未来(厄梅尔·阿尔坎)

  Postmigrant media futures by ?mer Alkin

  121 浊水:淹没在不透明的美学中(贾普·库吉曼与帕特丽夏·皮斯特斯)

  Murky Waters: Submerging in an aesthetics of non-transparency by Jaap Kooijman and Patricia Pisters

  127 关于视听遗产的全球性方法:研究与实践中南北交流的诉求(吉奥瓦娜·福萨蒂)

  For a global approach to audiovisual heritage: A plea for North/South exchange in research and practice by Giovanna Fossati

  135 结束、开始与转型(玛利亚·帕兹·佩拉诺)

  Endings, beginnings, and transformations by María Paz Peirano


  Editorial—“Dialogues on Recursive Colonialisms, Speculative Computation, and the Techno-social”

  [01] 黑人女性主义的工具、批评与技术伦理学(卢西亚娜·帕里希与丹尼斯·费雷拉·达席尔瓦)

  Black Feminist Tools, Critique, and Techno-poethics by Luciana Parisi and Denise Ferreira da Silva

  [02] 幻影、黑肤色与算法思考(伊基齐尔·迪克森·罗曼与拉蒙·阿玛罗)

  Haunting, Blackness, and Algorithmic Thought by Ezekiel Dixon-Román and Ramon Amaro

  [03] 魔像学、飞行机器与科幻资本(卢西亚娜·帕里希与史蒂文·古德曼)

  Golemology, Machines of Flight, and SF Capital by Luciana Parisi and Steve Goodman

  [04] 技术、后殖民性与地中海区(蒂奇亚纳·泰拉诺瓦与伊恩·钱伯斯)

  Technology, Postcoloniality, and the Mediterranean by Tiziana Terranova and Iain Chambers

  [05] 殖民地基础设施与技术-社会网络(蒂奇亚纳·泰拉诺瓦与拉维·桑达拉姆)

  Colonial Infrastructures and Techno-social Networks by Tiziana Terranova and Ravi Sundaram

  [06] 大衰退与算法治理(伊基齐尔·迪克森·罗曼与雅斯比·普尔)

  Mass Debilitation and Algorithmic Governance by Ezekiel Dixon-Román and Jasbir Puar

  [07] 控制技术与再分配的技术设施(马蒂纳·塔佐利与奥娜·帕文)

  Technologies of Control and Infrastructures of Redistribution by Martina Tazzioli and Oana Parvan

  [08] 秘密与机器:与GPT-3的对话(伊桑·普劳、威廉·摩根与GPT-3)

  Secrets and Machines: A Conversation with GPT-3 by Ethan Plaue, William Morgan, and GPT-3


  006 论克里斯托弗·索尔特《对绘画的观察》:早期现代威尼斯的水、火与景观(詹姆斯·皮尔格林)

  On Cristoforo Sorte's Osservationi nella pittura: Water, Fire, and Landscape in Early Modern Venice by James Pilgrim

  018 对绘画的观察(克里斯托弗·索尔特)

  Observations on Painting by Cristoforo Sorte

  040 蒸发的丢勒(克里斯托弗·霍伊尔)

  Evaporating Dürer by Christopher P. Heuer

  070 “胜于最佳构图的理念”:早期英国水文学中的水彩视图(凯利·普雷苏蒂)

  “A Better Idea than the Best Constructed Charts”: Watercolor Views in Early British Hydrography by Kelly Presutti

  100 索拉里斯田野笔记:船舶日志、沉船与作为媒介的盐水(拜伦·埃尔斯沃斯·哈曼)

  Fieldnotes from Solaris: Ship's Logs, Shipwrecks, and Salt Water as Medium Byron Ellsworth Hamann
