什么是性许可(Sexual Consent)?复杂情况的分析和应用(下)
注释[1] Kathleen Barry这人是个反对性工作的废除主义者Reference导言Bogart, L. M., Cecil, H., Wagstaff, D. A., Pinkerton, S. D., & Abramson, P. R. (2000). Is it 「sex」?: College students' interpretations of sexual behavior terminology. Journal of Sex Research, 37(2), 108-116. Carpenter, L. M. (2001). The ambiguity of 「having sex」: The subjective experience of virginity loss in the United States. Journal of Sex Research, 38(2), 127-139.Gute, G., Eshbaugh, E. M., & Wiersma, J. (2008). Sex for you, but not for me: Discontinuity in undergraduate emerging adults' definitions of 「having sex」. Journal of Sex Research, 45(4), 329-337. Horowitz, A. D., & Spicer, L. (2013). 「Having sex」 as a graded and hierarchical construct: A comparison of sexual definitions among heterosexual and lesbian emerging adults in the UK. Journal of Sex Research, 50(2), 139-150.Ostrzenski, A. (2019). G‐spot anatomy and its clinical significance: A systematic review. ClinicalAnatomy, 32(8), 1094-1101.ISSM. (2018, September 21). 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