不过,43岁的父亲迈克尔·巴奈特(Michael Barnett)最近向媒体透露,他和目前已是他前妻的、45岁的克里斯汀·巴奈特(Kristine Barnett)收养的这名女童其实患有罕见的,他们收养她时,她已成年,。而她还有(sociopath)的心理问题,曾声称要杀了全家。
They told the?Daily Mail?they noticed the girl seemed?to have an advanced vocabulary for a child that was supposedly 6, and that she had already exhibited signs of puberty, including a menstrual cycle.
▲Couple claims 6-year-old girl they adopted from Ukraine is actually adult woman determined to kill them (via aol.com)
He claimed that doctors, testing and even a court ruling led them to believe she was actually born in 1989.
"In 2012, based on evidence presented to the court, the Marion County Superior Court ruled that her birth year would be changed from 2003 to 1989, effectively changing her from eight to 22 years old," Michael said.
It's still unclear exactly how old the girl is. Based on the Ukrainian Birth Certificate that the Barnetts were originally given at adoption, she would be about 16 years old. But if the court system's decision to change her birth year was accurate, she would be around 30.
▲Indiana father claims adopted daughter was really an adult with dwarfism who tried to kill his family (via abc7news.com)
Natalia allegedly told her new parents she wanted to stab the entire family to death in their sleep and tried to kill Kristine?Barnett twice, once by shoving her into an electric fence and again by pouring cleaning fluid into her coffee.
▲Couple claims 6-year-old girl they adopted from Ukraine is actually adult woman determined to kill them (via aol.com)
"While at the stress centre, she was documenting, she was telling doctors, she was telling therapists, she was writing down on her notepad.
"Not only am I trying to kill Kristine, but I'm going to kill the brothers, too.
"Here's how I'm going to do it. Here's what I'm going to do with their bodies.”
▲Dad claims adopted dwarf 'girl' is 30 and plotted to kill his wife and two sons (via The Mirror)
The Barnetts were featured in a 60 Minutes report in 2012 that highlighted their son Jacob, a physics prodigy with an IQ higher than Albert Einstein.
▲Dad claims adopted dwarf 'girl' is 30 and plotted to kill his wife and two sons (via The Mirror)
而娜塔莉亚目前正和36岁的牧师安特文·芒斯(Antwon Mans)、他39岁的妻子辛西娅(Cynthia)以及他们的五个孩子住在拉法叶市。
文:Du Qiongfang
资料:aol.com, abc7news.com, The Mirror
图/题图:Daily Mail, Facebook
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