
栏目:人物资讯  时间:2023-08-09


  2016北京国际设计周主题展览“技术伦理”北京媒体艺术双年展2016 Beijing Design Week thematic exhibition"Ethics of Technology" Beijing Media Art Biennale 技术伦理并非一个新的话题。在中国思想中,伦理指人与人、人与自然的关系以及处理这些关系的规则。中国人形成了基于人伦、天伦的处世原则,并架构了基于物理、道理、天理的认知系统。中国哲学家们关于“技”与“道”的辩证正是对于技术与伦理的哲学思辨。庄子就曾鲜明地反对被机心所裹挟的“技”,而推崇道法自然的发展观和价值观。在西方,物理学家理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)指出我们人类认识世界的两类驱力:由概念(认识论)或由工具(科学技术)驱动:“如果我们人类的探索和发现是由‘概念’所驱动,那我们就趋于用新的角度解释旧的东西;如果是被‘工具’所驱动,我们则会用旧有观念解释新发现与新创造出来的东西。”The ethics of technology is not a new topic. In Chinese thought, ethics refers to therelationship between man and man, man and nature, and rules for handling theserelations. Chinese people formed human relations based on the principles of lifespent with the family, and the cognitive system based on the physical, the true, andthe just. Chinese philosophers investigated the concepts of "ji" and "dao" vis a vistechnology and ethics for philosophical speculation. The philosopher Chuang Tzuhad been clearly opposed to coerced movement, or a "technical" imitation of nature,and called for natural development and values. In the West physicist RichardFeynman pointed out the dialectic split of human beings learning about the world:either driven by concepts (epistemological) or tools (science and technology), “if ourdiscoveries are driven by concepts, we tend to explain the old stuff from a new angle,if it’s driven by tools, we end up explaining what we have created or discovered.” 在新兴技术以近乎失控的速度发展的今天,在这个技术不断挑战和突破伦理临界点的时代,我们于这个新的语境中来讨论技术伦理变得如此地刻不容缓。技术的发展正在引发诸多新的伦理问题,如数据隐私、数据宗教、数据遗产、机器觉醒、意识上传、赛博格、人机合体、基因改写、基因物种不平等化、现实虚拟化等。不幸的是,人类所拥有的解释系统在这些话题前面几乎完全失效。我们有理由相信,这些话题将不再是只是属于哲学范畴的专业话题,而会成为关乎每个自然人的普世话题。我们不仅要思考未来科技可能产生的前所未有的新伦理问题,还要审视现有科技在实际应用中已经导致的伦理危机。对于技术伦理的反思、探讨将为科技的发展提供指向和意义,正如斯拉沃热·齐泽克(Slavoj Zizek)所言:“伦理中的‘应该(ought)’并不是通往现代科学之路上的绊脚石,而是其指导。”In our current era of emerging technologies developing at runaway speed,technology continues to challenge and break through the critical point of ethics, andin this new context it becomes increasingly urgent to address the ethics oftechnology. The issues at hand include phenomena such as data privacy, datareligion, data heritage, machine awakening, mind uploading, Cyborgs, geneticengineering, engineered genetic inequality, virtualized reality and so on.Unfortunately, our current human systems of interpretation are often mostcompletely invalid in the face of these issues. We have reason to believe that thesetopics will no longer just remain within the domain of specialized philosophy, but willbecome universal topics of everyone. Not only do we need to aniticpate new andunprecedented ethical issues that may arise from future technologies, but also toreview how existing technology in practical application has led to a crisis of ethics.To reflect on the ethics of technology, and the development of science andtechnology and its meaning, it’s unavoidable to quote Zizek here: “The ethical ‘ought’is not the obstacle in the path of modern science but a guide.” 作为2016北京国际设计周的主题展览,首届北京媒体艺术双年展(BMAB)在中华世纪坛艺术馆与中央美术学院美术馆同时举办。作为一个推动艺术与科技交叉实验的国际学术平台,围绕“技术伦理”这一主题,双年展集中呈现艺术家在科学、大数据、人工智能、生物基因和混合现实等领域的跨学科艺术实验,并邀请艺术家、设计师、科学家和理论家来共同对科技在社会中应用的感性进行深入讨论,生成社会新知;作为一个孵化艺术与产业融合创新的国际交流平台,双年展集聚了来自艺术、设计、影视、游戏、互联网、智能科技等领域的创意人才、创业先锋和技术专家,为创意产业打造跨领域孵化机体;作为一个激活艺术与城市有机共生的国际创意平台,双年展开创性地使用城市公共屏幕作为艺术载体,使媒体艺术深度融入公共空间,形成跨地域的文化效应,为城市注入富于活力的创意能量。As the 2016 Beijing Design Week thematic exhibition, the first Beijing Media ArtBiennale (BMAB) will be held at the China Millennium Monument Art Museum andCAFA Art Museum. The biennale is set up as a platform to promote internationalacademic crossovers in art and technology, centered on the theme of "Ethics ofTechnology", presenting artists working on the topics of science, big data, artificialintelligence, bio-genetics and mixed reality and other areas of interdisciplinary artisticexperimentation. The platform also invites artists, designers, scientists and theoriststo discuss sensibility of technology in society, and through in-depth discussion,generate new knowledge that can be shared with our society. It also aims to functionas an incubator for the convergence of art and industry, setting up an innovationplatform for international exchanges. The Biennale gathers creative talents from theareas of arts, design, film, games, internet, smart technology as well asentrepreneurial pioneers and technical experts to create an interdisciplinary labactivtating an urban organic symbiosis. The Biennale will also make ample use ofurban public screens to display various art works and in this way engage with abroader public in public space, setting off a cultural cross-boundary effect, injectingthe city with vitality and creative energy. 展览内容板块本次展览分两大主展览场地,一是地点在中华世纪坛的名为“技术伦理”主题展览,二是地点在中央美术学院美术馆的名为“实验空间”的特别展览。This exhibition is divided into two major exhibition areas, one at the China Millennium Monument, a theme exhibition titled “Ethics of Technology”, the other at CAFA Art Museum, a special exhibition titled “Experimental Space”.  城市公共媒体屏幕展部分将会在展览期间通过遍布北京的楼宇屏幕、户外公共大屏幕、地铁屏幕等公共媒介,使媒体艺术深度融入公共空间,这一开创性的尝试将为城市营造出新的文化景观。The urban media display exhibition will appear on various formats of out-of-door media in Beijing including billboards, LED screens, and subway video screens during the exhibition period, to allow profound integration of media art into public space. This groundbreaking attempt will create new cultural landscape in this metropolitan city.BMAB官方网站将推出本次展览的线上超链接展览板块,用户将浏览到与主题相关的学者及艺术家的相关研究成果。www.bmab.coThe BMAB official website will host the online hyperlink exhibition, where users could browse through scholars and artists related to the theme as well as their works.公共教育板块“技术伦理”双年展学术论坛,邀请艺术家、设计师、科学家和理论家来共同对科技在社会中应用的感性进行深入讨论。“Ethics of Technology” Biennale academic forum invites artists, designers, scientists, and theorists to engage in in-depth discussions regarding sentiments of the application of technology in society.我们会以本次展览为契机,邀请国际著名艺术家及学者开设工作坊和大师班。Using this opportunity, we have invited world renowned artists and scholars to hold workshops and masterclasses.除了学术性的论坛和工作坊,我们还安排了数场国内外媒体艺术家带来的视听盛宴!Aside from academic forums and workshops, we’ve also prepared several audio-visual feasts brought by Chinese and international media artists! Bill Vorn 从1992年开始涉及机器艺术领域。他的装置和演出项目关于机器人与情绪控制、声音、光线、视频和控制论程序。他基于人工行为美学的艺术作品去研究与创造人工生命与主题技术。本次他将为BMAB带来最为重量级的演出!18台穿戴式机器骨架的舞蹈表演!不过不是演员控制机器,而是机器反过来控制人!Bill Vorn, who began working with robotic art in 1992, produces installations and performances involving robots and motion control, sound, light, video, and cybernetic processes. He pursues research and creation on Artificial Life and Agent Technologies through artistic work based on the Aesthetics of Artificial Behaviors. This time at BMAB, he has brought the most extraordinary performance! 18 wearable robotic structures! And it’s not the performer that controls the machine, but the machine that controls the wearer!本次双年展与德国B3动态影像双年展联合推出BMAB+B3系列艺术展览,包括“技术伦理”主题展览、“实验空间”特别展览、城市公共屏幕展、网上超链接展等。展览邀请徐冰、邱志杰、冯梦波、盖瑞·希尔(Gary Hill)、Stelarc、爱德华多·卡茨(Eduardo kac)、史蒂芬·维迪耶罗(Stephen Vitiello)、乔纳森·哈里斯(Jonathan Harris)、伊夫·内茨哈默(Yves Netzhammer)、坎蒂丝·布莱兹(Candice Breitz)、约翰·纳乔普·詹森(Johan Knattrup Jensen)、麦兹·丹姆兹博(Mads Dambsbo)等40余位(组)国内外艺术家,作品类型包括但不局限于动态影像、互动装置、沉浸式艺术、生物艺术、机械装置、声音视觉、网络艺术、声音艺术和混合媒介等。The Beijing Media Art Biennale will be jointly launched with the B3 Biennial of MovingImage, BMAB + B3, which encompasses a series of art exhibitions, including the"Ethics of Technology" thematic exhibition, "Lab Space" special exhibition, urbanpublic screen exhibition and an online hyperlink exhibition. Exhibiting artists include:Xu Bing, Qiu Zhijie, Feng Mengbo, Gary Hill, Stelarc, Eduardo Kac, Stephen Vitiello,Jonathan Harris, Yves Netzhammer, Candice Breitz, Johan Knattrup Jensen, MadsDambsbo and over 40 other artists, publishers and designers. Works include but arenot limited to: moving image, interactive installation, immersive art, bio-art, kinecticinstallation, audio-visual performance, internet art, sound art, mixed media and so on. 本届北京媒体艺术双年展由中央美术学院,北京国际设计周组委会与德国B3动态影像双年展联合主办,由中央美术学院设计学院、中华世纪坛艺术馆、中央美术学院美术馆、北影巍尔、某集体联合承办。Beijing Media Art Biennale is hosted by Beijing Design Week, China CentralAcademy of Fine Arts and B3 Moving Image Biennial. School of Design, CentralAcademy of Fine Arts, China Millennium Monument, CAFA Art Museum, BFA-VR andMoujiti are the organizers of this biennale. 北京媒体艺术双年展集体策展人2016/9/8   Beijing Media Art BiennaleCollective Curators2016/9/8部分参展艺术家作品预览:徐冰《地书》立体书《地书》是艺术家徐冰一本用收集整理世界各地的标识符号,写成的一本“普天同文”的书,是一本在任何地方出版都不用翻译的读物。这套标识系统,是超越现有知识等级和地域文化的。它不对位于任何已有的文本知识,而直接对位于真实的生活逻辑和事务本身。不管是什么文化背景,讲何种语言,只要有当代生活的经验,就可以读懂这本书。文盲可以和知识人一样,享受阅读的快感。如今,徐冰又把它发展成了立体书,使这本世人都能读的书变得更加奇妙有趣。“Book from the Ground” is a notebook that artist Xu Bing featuring symbols from all over the world. A book that is written in “universal text”, a book that doesn’t need to be translated wherever in the world it gets published. This set of icons supercede current knowledge systems and regional cultures. It does not correspond to any existing textbook knowledge, but real life logic and the matter itself. No matter the cultural background, now matter the language spoken, as long as someone has experience with contemporary living, she or he could understand this book. The illiterate could enjoy the pleasure of reading, just like the educated. Now, Xu Bing has turned it into a pop-up book, making this book that can be read by everyone in this world even more fascinating and fun.Gray HillGray Hill作品 《PACIFIER》:他以透明玻璃为材质复制了1945年美国向广岛和长崎投放的两颗名为:“小男孩”和“胖子”的原子弹,再从高空将其坠落打破。本次展览这件著名的作品将以影像的方式在中央美院“lab space“展出,除此之外还有他的其它几件重量级作品(包括近期最新的创作)将一齐展出。Gray Hill’s “PACIFIER”: using glass of the same name, he replicated the two atom bombs, Fat Man and Little Boy the United States dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, then broke them high up in the sky. This famous work will be exhibited in the form of video at the CAFA “Lab Space” during this exhibition. His other significant works (including his newest) will be exhibited as well.邱志杰邱志杰的《世界地图计划》大家已耳熟能详,本次邱老师将专程为BMAB展览绘制浓缩了他对展览主题“技术伦理”看法的大地图,该作品将展出于世纪坛主题展板块。Qiu Zhijie’s Blueprints project is already well-known. This time, he has especially condensed his views regarding the exhibition theme “Ethics of Technology” into a large map for this BMAB exhibition, which will be exhibited at the World Art Museum. Johan Knattrup Jensen& Mads Dambsbo VR作品《The Doghouse 》,在白色房间的中间,摆放着餐桌与椅子。每个座位上摆着一对特制的眼镜与耳机。当你坐下来,并带上眼镜与耳机时,眼睛中的电影瞬间开始,你将成为其中的一部分。电影中讲述了一个家庭晚餐的故事,爸爸和妈妈去取了烤牛肉,哥哥第一次带着新女友回家,弟弟试图在逃避不可避免的麻烦……Johan Knattrup Jensen & Mads Dambsbo’s VR work “The Dog House” features a white room, in the middle of which sit a dining table and chairs. On each seat is set a pair of special-made glasses and earphones. After you’ve sat down and put on the glasses and earphones, the film will begin immediately, turning you into a part of it. The film tells the story of a family dinner, where the father and mother goes to pick up roasted beef, the older brother brings his new girlfriend home for the first time, and the younger brother is trying to escape from unavoidable trouble…冯梦波&巫娜冯梦波、巫娜将在BMAB主题活动日为我们带来视听演出。从2013年起,冯梦波开始打鼓并和著名的古琴演奏家巫娜合作,融琴曲和电子音乐于一炉,焕发古典音乐的生命力而不是固步自封地沦为标本。他们曾在北京、上海、武汉、阿布扎比和汉堡等地举办现场表演和音乐会,并计划于2017年出版第一张专辑。他们的创作初衷是希望在电子音乐繁复的音景中,浮现出中国古典音乐的光辉。仿佛时光倒流,但这次是从嘈杂的短波讯号中惊喜地搜到熟悉的古琴声,微弱但是更加刻骨铭心。Feng Mengbo and Wu Na will bring us an audio-visual performance on the BMAB theme day. Starting in 2013, Feng Mengbo has been playing drums and working with guqin player Wu Na. They morph guqin melody and electro music, rejuvenating this classical music rather than letting it become a specimen of the past. They have performed in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Abu Dhabi, and Hamburg, with their first album set to be released in 2017. Their original creative intent was to let Chinese classical music shine through the repetitive background tones of electro music. This time, the familiar melodies of guqin could be heard amongst chaotic shortwave signals, faint yet memorable. Jonathan HarrisBMAB大数据单元参展艺术家,Harris做了一个网站,观众可以在线选取输入感兴趣的关键词,比如:拥抱。系统就会自动分析整合数据,从庞杂的信息中整合出拥抱类的图像展示出来,作品中有极多的关键词可供选择。Artist Harris, a part of the BMAB Big Data exhibition, has made a website where the audience could input a keyword they are interested in, such as “hug”. The system will automatically analyze and integrate data, picking out images related to hugging from its enormous database. The work has an impressive amount of keywords to choose from.“技术伦理”北京媒体艺术双年展 “实验空间”特别展览开幕时间:2016.09.24   19:00展览时间:2016.09.24-10.30展览地点:中央美术学院美术馆 “技术伦理”主题展览开幕时间:2016.09.25   21:00展览时间:2016.09.25-10.09展览地点:中华世纪坛艺术馆地下一层展厅 “技术伦理”主题论坛论坛时间:2016.09.27-28   9:30-18:30论坛地点:中央美术学院美术馆  Beijing Media Art Biennale BMAB + B3 Programs"Ethics of Technology" Thematic ExhibitionOpening: 25.09.2016 / 21:00Exhibition: 25.09.2016 - 09.10.2016Venue: China Millennium Monument Art Museum"Lab Space" Special ExhibitionOpening: 24.09.2016 / 19:00Exhibition: 24.09.2016 - 30.10.2016Venue: CAFA Art Museum, China Central Academy of Fine Arts"Ethics of Technology" Thematic ForumForum Time: 27.09.2016 & 28.09.2016 / 9:30 -18: 30Venue: CAFA Art Museum, China Central Academy of Fine Arts

  More details: WWW.BMAB.CO / WeChat: BMAB 



  总策展人:Bernd kracke、苏新平、宋协伟

  策展团队:Anita Beckers、陈小文、靳军、费俊、王春辰

  单元策展人:Alessandro Rolandi、胡章权、李新路、毕昕、魏颖


  CHIEF COUNSELLOR:Fan Di’an、Wang Jianqi

  CHIEF CURATORS:Bernd Kracke、Su Xinping、Song Xiewei

  CURATORIAL TEAM:Anita Beckers、Chen Xiaowen、Jin jun、Fei Jun、Wang Chunchen

  CURATORS:Alessandro Rolandi、Hu Zhangquan、Luli Li、Bi Xin、Wei Ying


  阅读 1415



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