影视 | 《流浪地球》The Wandering Earth
The Wandering Earth (Chinese: 流浪地球) is a Chinese science fiction film directed by Frant Gwo. It is based on a story by author Liu Cixin and was released on February 5, 2019 (the 2019 Chinese New Year's Day).
The Hollywood Reporter describes it as "China's first full-scale interstellar spectacular".
The story takes place in an apocalyptic future where, as the sun dies, the world government decides to physically move Earth away from destruction and embark on a centuries-long voyage to a new solar system. But humanity is threatened with annihilation almost immediately, when scientists discover that Earth is on an apparent collision course with Jupiter.
Gautham Shenoy撰文《讲述中国故事:中国科幻文学的崛起》称《流浪地球》是实现零突破的科幻大片(China’s breakout sci-fi blockbuster)。
Gautham Shenoy认为116年来中国的科幻迈了好几大步,不仅在国内也在国际上很受欢迎势头很猛。还称科幻文学为继功夫之后,中国又一大文化输出。中国科幻进军西方市场的旅程,才要刚刚开始。
116 years later, science fiction in – and from – the People’s Republic of China has come a long way since then, to become what is arguably the most popular genre of literature in China and with translations of Chinese science fiction picking up pace and finding a ready and eager audience – to the extent that some have even referred to it China’s greatest cultural export since kung fu – one can safely say that Chinese SF’s journey to the west (and elsewhere) has only just begun, with its star showing no signs of diminishing.
In the near future, the Sun ages and is about to turn into a red giant, pushing the United Earth Goverment to consolidate into a world government and initiate a project to move Earth out of the Solar System, and travel to the Alpha Centauri system, to preserve human civilization. Huge thrusters running on fusion power are built across the planet to propel it. Human population is reduced severely due to catastrophic tides that occur after the planetary engines stop Earth's rotation, and later as the planet moves away from the Sun, much of the surface is frozen due to lowered temperatures, forcing humans to live in vast underground cities built adjacent to the engines.
At the beginning of the film, Liu Peiqiang (Wu Jing), a Chinese astronaut, promises to his son Liu Qi (Qu Chuxiao) of his eventual return before his mission to a space station that helps Earth navigate as it moves out of the Solar system, and hands guardianship of his son over to his father-in-law Han Zi'ang (Ng Man-tat).
Several years later, Liu Peiqiang's mission is about to end and he will soon return to Earth. To celebrate Chinese New Year, an adult Liu Qi brings adopted sister Han Duoduo (Zhao Jinmai) on a trip to the surface in a truck they steal using Han Zi'ang's clearance as a trucker. They are arrested, and meet Tim (Mike Sui) as well as Han Zi'ang who unsuccessfully tries to get them released.
As Earth passes by Jupiter, it is captured by Jupiter's gravity, causing devastating earthquakes that disable many thrusters across the globe. The four escape amidst the chaos and attempt to make their way out using the stolen truck, but the truck is requisitioned for a rescue mission by the military; they are to transport an engine component to the damaged thruster in Hangzhou, supervised by soldiers led by Wang Lei (Li Guangjie). In the remnants of Shanghai, they lose their vehicle, and while transporting the component up the ruins of a skyscraper Han Zi'ang is killed. With news that the Hangzhou thruster was fully compromised and the city was completely destroyed, the group temporarily despair. They however find a new vehicle where the on-board engineer, Li Yiyi (Zhang Yichi), convinces them to transport an engine component to repair a larger planetary engine in Sulawesi.
In space, Liu Peiqiang discovers that the artificial intelligence commanding the space station has directed it to escape rather than to assist the humans on Earth. He breaks out of forced hibernation and attempts to stop the spacecraft along with Russian cosmonaut Makarov, who is killed by the spacecraft's automated security measures. Liu Peiqiang arrives in the control room, but his clearances were revoked due to his undisciplinary acts and he can do little to override the escape process.
Liu Qi's group arrive at Sulawesi to find that the engine was already fully restored. Globally, most of the planetary thrusters have been repaired as well. However, Earth has moved past Jupiter's Roche limit and will be destroyed anyway, with the restored thrust unable to propel it away. The group despairs on learning this, but Liu Qi, inspired by recollection of his father's explanation of the thrusters' mechanics as a child, proposes to ignite Jupiter's hydrogen-abundant atmosphere to move Earth away. Li Yiyi proposes to concentrate the Sulawesi engine's power to fire a beam high enough to ignite Jupiter. The group overcome various challenges, such as renewed aftershock tremors that injure several members, and are able to mostly reconfigure the engine to carry out the plan, however they are not able to push the firing pin of the engine to ignite it.
Liu Peiqiang, learning of this, is able to persuade the United Earth Goverment to use its communication channels to call assistance for the party at Sulawesi, even though the on-board AI reveals that the solution being attempted has no chance of success based on probability calculations. Other rescue and repair parties arrive and the engine is fired up, but it falls short of being able to ignite the hydrogen. Liu Peiqiang decides to use the space station's engine itself to ignite Jupiter's hydrogen; after disabling the resistant AI using a fire started with vodka that Makarov smuggled on-board, he pilots the spacecraft into the cloud between Jupiter and Earth, sacrificing himself as the ignition succeeds. Earth is saved from destruction, and continues to move towards the destination star system.
As the film ends, Liu Qi recounts and envisions the stages of Earth's migration, a process to take 2,500 years and still bound with uncertainty, in a hopeful tone.
与大家分享《流浪地球》(The Wandering Earth)英文版的原著片段:
感谢中国教育图书进出口有限公司(China Educational Publications Import & Export Corporation)提供《流浪地球》英文版,
英文版翻译Elizabeth Hanlon。
I have never seen the night. I have never seen the stars. I have never seen spring, fall, or winter. I was born as the Braking Era ended, just as the Earth stopped turning.
It had taken forty-two years to halt Earth’s rotation, three years longer than the Coalition had planned. My mother told me about the time our family watched the last sunset. The sun sank very slowly, as if stuck on the horizon. It took three days and three nights to set all the way. Of course, afterward there was no more “day” or “night”. The Eastern hemisphere was shrouded in perpetual dusk for a long time, maybe a decade or so. The sun lay just below the horizon, and its glow filled half the sky. And during that endless sunset, I was born.
Dusk did not mean darkness. The Earth Engines brightly illuminated the whole Northern hemisphere. They had been installed all across Asia and North America—only the solid plate structure of these two continents could withstand the enormous thrust they exerted. In total, there were 12,000 engines scattered across the Eurasian and North American plains.
From where I lived, I could see the bright plasma beams of hundreds of engines. Imagine an enormous palace, as big as the Parthenon on the Acropolis. Inside the palace, countless massive columns rise up to the vaulted ceiling, each one blazing with the blue-white light of a fluorescent tube. And you, you are just a germ on the palace’s floor. That was the world I lived in.
Finally, we glimpsed the gut-chilling flame. At first, it was just a point of light on the horizon, but it quickly grew into a blazing arc. I felt my throat close up in terror. It seemed as if the deck beneath my feet had suddenly vanished. I was falling into the blackness of the sea, falling... Linger fell with me, her spindly frame quivering against mine. Our classmates, everyone else, even the entire world fell into the abyss. Then I remembered the riddle. I had asked our philosophy teacher what color the wall was. He told me that it was black. I thought he was wrong. I always imagined the wall of death would be bright as fresh snow. That was why I had remembered it when I saw the wall of plasma. In this era, death was no longer black. It was the color of lightning, and when that final bolt struck, the world would be vaporized in an instant.
Over three centuries ago, astrophysicists discovered the conversion rate of hydrogen to helium in the interior of the Sun was accelerating. They launched thousands of probes straight into the Sun to investigate, and eventually developed a precise mathematical model of the star.
Humanity’s escape was a five-step process. First, the Earth Engines would generate thrust in the opposite direction of Earth’s movement, halting its rotation. Second, operating at full capacity, the engines would accelerate Earth until it reached escape velocity, flinging it from the solar system. Third, Earth would continue to accelerate as it flew through outer space toward Proxima Centauri. Fourth, the engines would reverse direction, restarting Earth’s rotation and decelerating gradually. Fifth, Earth would enter into orbit around Proxima Centauri, becoming its satellite. People called these five steps the “Braking Era”, the “Deserting Era”, the “First Wandering Era” (during acceleration), the “Second Wandering Era” (during deceleration), and the “Neosolar Era”.
The entire migration process was projected to last 2,500 years, over one hundred generations.
The carrying capacity of the lifts was very limited. It would take ages to move all three hundred and sixty thousand residents to safety, but there was no need to scramble for a place on the lifts. The Coalition’s Emergency Act had made all necessary arrangements for the evacuation.
Past generations once grappled with an ethical dilemma. A man is faced by rising floodwaters and can only save one other person. In this situation, should he save his father or his son? In this day and age, it was unbelievable that the question had ever been raised at all.
When I arrived in the plaza, I saw that people had already begun to arrange themselves in a long line according to age. At the front of the line, closest to the lifts, stood robotic nurses, each cradling an infant. Then came the kindergartners, followed by the primary school students. My place was in the middle of the line, still rather close to the front. My father was on duty in low-Earth orbit, leaving only my mother and myself in the city. Unable to see her, I began to run along the unending line of people, but I had not run far before I was stopped by soldiers. I knew she stood at the very back.
《纽约时报》称,中国在太空探索领域是后来者(a latecomer),在电影业中,中国也是科幻片领域的后来者。
不过,“这种局面就要改变了(That is about to change)”。
The country's first blockbuster set in space, “The Wandering Earth,” opens Tuesday amid grandiose expectations that it will represent the dawning of a new era in Chinese filmmaking.
It is one in a series of ambitious, big-budget films tackling a genre that, until now, has been beyond the reach of most filmmakers here — technically and financially.
“The process might last up to a decade. We believe in local science fiction productions and we are willing to wait.”
The long wait might be over prematurely with the release of The Wandering Earth.
The leap into sci-fi reflects Chinese filmmakers' growing budgets and confidence to tackle topics previously monopolized by Hollywood.
The Wandering Earth have a never-seen-before element in its storyline. The Earth, as we know it, is being lifted into another solar system. Whoa!
The film looks highly stylized, at par with Hollywood standards, even beyond, at times.
Both “The Wandering Earth” and “Crazy Alien” are adapted from works by Liu Cixin, the writer who has led a renaissance in science fiction here, becoming the first Chinese winner of the Hugo Award for the genre in 2015.
His novels are sprawling epics and deeply researched. That makes them plausible fantasies about humanity’s encounters with a dangerous universe.
Humanity's escape was a five-step process.
First, the Earth Engines would generate thrust in the opposite direction of Earth’s movement, halting its rotation.
Second, operating at full capacity, the engines would accelerate Earth until it reached escape velocity, flinging it from the solar system.
Third, Earth would continue to accelerate as it flew through outer space toward Proxima Centauri.
Fourth, the engines would reverse direction, restarting Earth’s rotation and decelerating gradually.
Fifth, Earth would enter into orbit around Proxima Centauri, becoming its satellite.
People called these five steps the “Braking Era”, the “Deserting Era”, the “First Wandering Era” (during acceleration), the “Second Wandering Era” (during deceleration), and the “Neosolar Era”.
The entire migration process was projected to last 2,500 years, over one hundred generations.
翻译:Elizabeth Hanlon /英文版来源:中国教育图书进出口有限公司
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