
栏目:汽车资讯  时间:2023-08-08

  设计以学院 VISUAL ARTS DESIGN 首字母 V, A, D 为元素,以水为核心概念,简洁的水滴造型流动幻化,表达创意如水灵动多样,自如奔放,渗透生活方方面面,给生活滋养,同时象征学院如水一样滋养学生和培育设计未来,凸显学院的专业和性质。创意演绎水文化的意象与哲学思想,渗入学院的人文精神,整体形态包容、简洁、灵动、充满未来感,诠释视觉设计艺术的无限内涵和未来性。导视系统规划设计以标志水滴形态,呼应标志的创意内涵,水在学院流动渗透,准确传递设计的核心思想。

  As one of the most outstanding art and design Universities, school of visual arts design Guangzhou academy of fine arts has been committed to search for the design of spirit. The professional design institutions and design with a high level of masters gathered in groups, and it has a wide range of global design of the College of resources to shape the visual image, pressure can be imagined; for the future design and possibility of exploring, the pursuit of design spirit and thinking, three degrees Rhenish design team turn pressure into motivation,it explores and creates the possibility of design with Wang Shaoqiang dean of Guangmei Visual Arts Academy.

  Designed by the first word of VISUAL ARTS DESIGN,water is a core concept, Simple shape of water droplets flow metamorphosis,express creative such as water is smart and diverse, free and unrestrained, the infiltration of life in all aspects, to nourish the life; At the same time, as a symbol that the college likes water to nourish the students and foster the design of the future, highlighting the professional and nature of the College. Creative interpretation of the image and philosophy of water culture,infiltrates the humanistic spirit of the College, the overall shape is tolerance, concise, clever, full of sense of the future, interprets future and the infinite connotation of visual design art.

  System planning and design guides to mark droplets form, echoes flags of the creative connotation, water flow penetration in college, accurate passing core idea of the design. 
