【议程更新】影像纪录、族群记忆与文化传承 ——国际影视人类学论坛2018

栏目:汽车资讯  时间:2023-08-12

  &School of Ethnology and Sociology,Yunnan University

  2018年12月15日—16日, 中国·昆明

  15th-16th Dec., Kunming, P.R.China,2018

  国际影视人类学论坛2018 大会日程





  14th. Evening Screenings

  19:00-22:30 OPENING SCREENING / 开幕影片 Venue地点 Lecture Hall, 2nd Floor, Wu Mayao Anthropology Museum Chair主持人 Dr. Zhang Hai, Head of Visual Anthropology Laboratory,Yunnan University张海云南大学西南边疆少数民族研究中心影视人类学实验室主任 1 Prof. André SingerPresident of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland英国皇家人类学学会前主席 Where the Wind Blew(53mins)《风吹何处》(53分钟) 2 Prof. Zhuang KongshaoYunnan University庄孔韶教授 The Winter Solstice In the Valley of the Golden Wing(35mins)《金翼山谷的冬至》(35分钟) 3 Prof. Liu XiangchenXinjiang Normal University刘湘晨教授新疆师范大学 Four Seasons(73mins)《四季轮回》(73分钟)


  15th. Morning

  8:30-9:00 Opening Ceremony / 开幕式 Venue地点 Lecture Hall, 1st Floor, Science Hall科学馆一楼报告厅 Chair主持人 Prof. Li ZhinongVice Dean,School of Ethnology and Sociology, Yunnan University李志农教授云南大学民族学与社会学学院副院长 Welcome Speech致辞 Party Committee Secretary,School of Ethnology and Sociology, Yunnan University赵春盛教授云南大学民族学与社会学学院党委书记 Director of Granada Centre for Visual AnthropologyUniversity of Manchester曼彻斯特大学格林纳达影视人类学中心主任 Photo合影 The Gate, Science Hall全体参会代表合影(科学馆大门口) 9:10-12:00 Keynote Speech / 主旨演讲 Chair主持人 赵春盛教授 9:10-9:40 Prof. David MacDougallHonorary Professor, School of Archaeology & Anthropology, Research School of Humanities & the Arts, Australian National University澳大利亚国立大学考古与人类学学院暨人文艺术研究院荣誉教授 Observational Filmmaking: A Unique Practice观察式电影制作:独特的实践 9:40-10:00 Li Song,Ministry of Culture and Tourism, P.R.China.李松文化和旅游部民族民间文艺发展中心前主任 An Opening Field: Practice of Academic Integration in Chinese Festival Films Series 一个开放的场域:中国节日影像志的学术融合实践 10:00-10:20 Prof. Ray JiingTaiwan Film Heritage Preservation Association井迎瑞教授台湾电影文化资产保存协会 Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet, Cross-Strait Exchange History Goes First春江水暖鸭先知,两岸交流史先行 10:20-10:30 Coffee / Tea Break 茶歇 10:30-10:50 Prof. André SingerPresident of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland英国皇家人类学学会前主席 A Brief Survey of Ethnographic Film in the West西方民族志电影略述 10:50-11:10 Director of Granada Centre for Visual AnthropologyUniversity of Manchester英国曼彻斯特大学格林纳达影视人类学中心主任 The Man Who Almost Killed Himself: Three Modes of Collaboration几乎杀死自己的男人:合作的三种模式 11:10-11:30 Prof. Zhuang KongshaoYunnan University庄孔韶教授 Generative Studies on the Integration of Drama and Filming: the Winter Solstice in the Valley of the Golden Wing:an Interdisciplinary Experiment of Anthropological Poetics金翼山谷冬至的戏剧、电影合璧生成研究——一个跨学科实验的人类学诗学 11:30-11:50 Bao Jiang,Researcher Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences鲍江研究员中国社会科学院社会学研究所 A Theory of Visual Anthropology on Life-World生活世界影视人类学理论 12:00-14:00 LUNCH / 午餐


  15th. Afternoon Panel 1

  Panel 1 Visual Anthropology: A Fieldwork Science and Documentary Art影视人类学:田野的科学与纪录片的艺术 Venue 地点 Chair 主持 Zhuang Kongshao庄孔韶 Andrew Irving安德鲁·欧文 Prof. Kijung Lee Chonnam National University李起仲教授韩国全南大学 “Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson’s óSHRíD:A Sensory Ethnography of ‘Fear’”“恐惧”的感觉民族志 Hirohisa Fukuda PeroRitsumeikan University富田浩久博士研究生日本立命馆大学 Finding others in different positions and visualizing that: short film “Love The Neighbor”在不同的位置发现他者并视觉化:短片《爱上邻居》 Liang Junjian Associate ProfessorProf. Lei JianjunSchool of Journalism & Communication, Tsinghua University梁君健副教授雷建军教授清华大学新闻与传播学院 ANSELL DURWIN TAN/ Film Discuss《竹书》电影讨论 Zhang JinghongAssociate Professor Southern University of Science and Technology张静红副教授南方科技大学 Film-making in Multi-sensory Contexts影像纪录与多感官 Lu Min Associate ProfessorSouth-Central University for Nationalities陆敏副教授中南民族大学 Knowledge Production of Ethnography Films: Focusing on Individual Life through Art人类学电影的一种知识生产:以艺术关注个体生命 Zhang Jingjing LecturerMinzu University of China张敬京讲师中央民族大学 The Anthropological Poetics in “Funeral at Bongo”, a film of Jean Rouch让.鲁什《安拿依的葬礼》中的人类学诗学 Xie Zhongjun Librarian of National Library of China谢忠军馆员国家图书馆中国记忆项目中心 The comparison of documenting theories and experience on Intangible Culuture Heritage in China and the Europe 中欧非遗影像记录理论和实践的比较 16:00-16:15 Lei Jianjun雷建军 Discussant评议 André Singer安德烈·辛格 16:15-16:30 Gao TunziIndependent Filmmaker高屯子独立电影导演 Qiang’s Journey / Film Discuss《寻羌》电影讨论 16:30-16:45 Xu YangDocumentary Studio of Yichang Three Gorges TV Station许扬宜昌三峡广播电视总台纪录片工作室 Yichang Weeding Drumming/ Film Discuss《宜昌薅草锣鼓》电影讨论 16:45-17:00 Yang ManmanFilmmaker杨曼曼纪录片导演 A Day With Xiaohui / Film Discuss《小辉的一天》电影讨论 17:00-17:15 Li JianFilmmaker李剑纪录片导演 The Jiama paper of Bai With My Heart/ Film Discuss《甲马伴我心》电影讨论 17:15-17:30 Yang Yufei Ph.DTsinghua University杨宇菲博士研究生清华大学 Under Goddesses’Shelter/ Film Discuss《姑婆》电影讨论 17:30-17:45 Wang Jing Tsinghua University王静硕士研究生清华大学 From Shanghai To Pingyao《从上海到平遥》电影讨论 17:45-18:00 18:00-19:00 DINNER/晚餐


  15th. Afternoon Panel 2

  Panel 2 Examining and Developing of Community Video Education 影像教育的发展历程与影像实践 Venue地点 No.10 Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆第10会议室 Jing Yingrui井迎瑞 Song Jie宋杰 Ricardo Leizaola Lecturer Goldsmiths University of London里卡多·雷泽拉讲师伦敦大学金史密斯学院 Teaching ethnographic film and visual anthropology in the Digital Age数字化时代民族志电影与影视人类学的教学 Mao Rong-Fu Associate Pan Chau-Cheng Associate ProfessorDepartment of Communication Studies, Tzu Chi University毛荣富副教授潘朝成助理教授慈济大学传播学系 From Recording Community to Thinking from the Perspective of Archive: Some reflections on a teaching project从纪录社区到档案思考:慈济大学传播学系的影像教学实践 Tsai, Chin-tong Associate ProfessorTainan National University of the Arts蔡庆同副教授台南艺术大学音像纪录研究所所长 From Crisis of Representation, Paradigm Shift to Expanded Boundary: Reviewing Cinema Education in TNNUA and its Reflexivity从危机、典范转移到拓展—南艺大纪录所的影像教育及反思 Liu Beibei, Ph.DEast China Normal University刘贝贝博士研究生华东师范大学 Reflection on the Film and Television Education of Digital Media Art Major in Xinjiang Normal University新疆师范大学数字媒体艺术专业影视教育反思 Uki Bauki Tsai,Chin-tongTainan National University of the Arts潘昱帆蔡庆同台南艺术大学音像纪录研究所 From Authorship to Archivist:“Community Archiving” as the Method of Visual Anthropology从纪录者到档案:影视人类学的另一种可能性? Penjuin Chen, Associate ProfessorTainan National University of the Arts陈品君助理教授台南艺术大学 Rediscovering the sensible: sensory practices in doing documentary film重新发现感性:纪录电影的感官练习 Liang XiuqingYuezhong Museum ofHistorical Images梁秀青深圳市越众历史影像馆 The Human Face of China (Shanghai)/ Film Discuss《中国面孔(上海)》电影讨论 16:00-16:10 Chair主持 Hao Yuejun郝跃骏 Discussant评议 Chen Xueli陈学礼 16:10-16:20 Zhao Guobing LecturerShaanxi Normal University赵国炳讲师陕西师范大学体育学院 Analysis method of body motions in sport anthropology体育人类学的身体动作分析法 16:20-16:30 Ji Yiwen Ph.D National University of Singapore季怡雯博士研究生新加坡国立大学中文系 Other facets: The Visual Research on a Red Village in Ningbo别样的颜色:宁波红村的影像调查 16:30-16:40 Chen Zhuowei LeturerChengdu University of Technology陈卓威讲师成都理工大学 Researching on the Development of the Featured Film and TV Culture in Western Sichuan ‘Zang Qiang Yi Culture Industry Corridor’ under the Perspective of Multiculture多元文化视阈下川西“藏羌彝文化产业走廊”的特色影视文化发展研究 16:40-16:50 Zheng YuanzhiGuizhou Minzu University郑媛之贵州民族大学 Film Expression Crisis of Tibetan Mastiff culture and "Deep Deion" of National Art Image藏獒文化影视表述危机与“深描式”民族艺术影像 16:50-17:00 Zhang ShiyaoCenter for Ethnic and Folk Literature and Art Development张诗尧文化和旅游部民族民间文艺发展中心 White Rock/Film Discuss《白岩散记》电影讨论 17:00-17:10 Pan Bangchen, Director Guizhou TV station潘邦辰导演贵州电视台 The Wedding of Wu Yonggang / Film Discuss《永刚的婚礼》电影讨论 17:10-17:20 Feng Can LecturerQujing Normal University冯灿讲师云南曲靖师范学院 The Image Record of Yunnan Miao Ethnic under the Strategy of Poverty Alleviation脱贫攻坚战略下云南苗族影像纪录初探 17:20-17:30 Zhou Qingfang Associate ProfessorQujing Normal University周庆芳副教授云南曲靖师范学院 Storytelling narrative strategies of Micro Documentary微纪录片故事化叙事探析 17:30-17:40 Wang Bin Ph.DYunnan University汪斌博士研究生云南大学 Reflection on Rural Video Practice in Bai Ku Yao Group of Nandan, Guangxi Province广西南丹白裤瑶乡村影像实践反思 17:40-17:50 Huang Yiping Pan Xinminj Xiao ChunfengCollege of Arts in Guangxi黄艺平潘新民肖春凤广西艺术学院 Photographic Narration of Dujie the Rite of Passage Observed by the Yao Nationality inhabiting Ningming County,Guangxi广西宁明瑶族度戒仪式的影像叙述 17:50-18:00 Review/评议 18:00-19:00 DINNER / 晚餐


  15th.Evening Screenings

  19:00-22:30 SCREENING / 影片展映 Venue地点 Chair主持人 Chen Xueli陈学礼 1 Prof. David Macdougall Under the Palace Wall(53mins)《宫墙之下》(53分钟) 2 Guo JingYunnan Academy of Social Sciences郭净研究员云南省社科院 SHAPES OF THE MOUNTAIN(60mins)《卡瓦格博传奇:山形物语》(60 分钟) 3 New York Stories(30mins)《纽约故事》(30分钟) 4 Hao YuejunYunnan Radio and Television Station郝跃骏导演云南广播电视台 The Renascent Carnival (30 mins)《复活的狂欢》(30分钟)


  16th.Morning Panel 3

  Panel 3 Rethinking and the Turn of Ethnographic Documentary Filmmaking 影像民族志反思与转向 Venue Pang Tao庞涛 David MacDougall 大卫·麦克杜格 8:30-8:45 Prof. Pang TaoChinese Academy of Social Sciences庞涛教授中国社科院民族学与人类学研究所影视人类学研究室 Discovering the “Everyday-life”: Localization of Visual Ethnography发现“日常生活”—影像民族志的本土化路径 8:45-9:00 Prof. Wang HaifeiLanzhou University王海飞教授兰州大学 The Construction Significance and Identity Value of Ceremony-Film-The Practice And Reflection of Yugur 's Ceremony-Film仪式影像中的建构意义和认同价值——裕固族仪式影像实践与思考 9:00-9:15 Chen Xueli LecturerYunnan University陈学礼讲师 Ethnographic Film as a Process作为过程的民族志电影 9:15-9:30 Xiong Xun, Associate ProfessorSun Yat-Sen University熊迅副教授中山大学 Visual Methods and the Ethnography :a case study in Southwestern China基于整体民族志的影像方法 9:30-9:45 Wei Wei, Lecturer Guizhou Minzu University韦玮贵州民族大学 The study of writer in the process of writing ethnographic films民族志影片“书写”过程中的“作者”研究 9:45-10:00 Zhang Xiaomin Associate ProfessorChinese Academy of Social Sciences张小敏副研究员中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所影视人类学研究室 Ethnography practice on the subject of minority development -- research on the transformation of national culture in qiandongnan prefecture, Guizhou province少数民族发展主题的民族志实践——贵州黔东南州民族文化转型研究 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:30 Chair主持 Bao Jiang鲍江 Discussant评议 Andrew Irving安德鲁·欧文 10:30-10:45 Prof. Qu Wei Journalism Department Chengdu Sports University瞿巍教授成都体育学院新闻系 Tunberg People / Film Discuss《屯堡老汉人》电影讨论 10:45-11:00 Tian ZheBeijing Golden Land International Media Co.,Ltd.田喆北京金色田野国际传媒有限公司 Uncle Tianshun/Film Discuss《天顺叔叔》电影讨论 11:00-11:15 Hu Yan, Yao Di, Dong Laixing, Southwest Minzu University, Enshi Radio and Television Station胡艳、姚迪、董来星西南民族大学、恩施广播电视台 Spring Festival celebrations in Yao’s Yard House/Film Discuss《土家春节·姚家院子》电影讨论 11:15-11:30 Wang Lixin Chongqing University王立新重庆大学电影学院 Yechishan Mountain/Film Discuss《野池山记》电影讨论 11:30-11:45 Yu Quan Liu Jing Fujian Jiangxia University余权刘敬福建江夏学院 Cloudlessness——Documentary by Chinese immigrants' oral account/Film Discuss《万里无云——华人移民口述纪录片》电影讨论 11:45-12:00 12:00-14:00 LUNCH / 午餐


  16th. Morning Panel 4

  Panel 4 Theoretical Construction and Contemporary Practice of Ethnographic Documentary in China中国影像民族志的理论建构与当代实践 Venue No.10 Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆第10会议室 Zhu Jingjiang朱靖江 Liu Guangyu刘广宇 8:30-8:45 Zhu Jingjiang Associate Professor Visual Anthropology Research Center at the Central University for Nationalities朱靖江副教授中央民族大学影视人类学研究中心 The Comparative Study of Jean Rouch and Yang Guanghai让·鲁什与杨光海比较研究 8:45-9:00 Ma Qiuchen, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, P.R.China.马秋晨文化和旅游部民族民间文艺发展中心 the "southwest phenomenon" of the development of visual anthropology in China影视人类学在中国发展的“西南现象” 9:00-9:15 Prof. Tang GeHeilongjiang University唐戈教授黑龙江大学 A review of Ewenki and Oroqen's anthropological films鄂温克族和鄂伦春族人类学影片述评 9:15-9:30 Yue Xiaoning Associate Professor Zhang Bin Inner Mongolia Normal University岳筱宁副教授张斌内蒙古师范大学 The Chronicle of the Oroqen / Film Discuss《鄂伦春纪事》电影讨论 9:30-9:45 Wu Hongyu Associate Professor Zhejiang University吴红雨副教授浙江大学新闻传媒与社会发展研究所所长 Image reflection and public opinion--Take the Chinese subaltern people image in NHK as an example记录影像回流与公共舆论——以NHK镜头里的中国底层画像为例 9:45-10:00 Prof. Shi Yi East China University of Political Science and Law石屹教授华东政法大学 Analysis on development strategies of international documentaries国际纪录片发展策略分析 10:00-10:15 Luo Wei Associate Professor East China Normal University罗薇副教授华东师范大学传播学院广播电视学系主任 The Changes of Narrative Patterns of Contemporary Shanghai-theme Documentaries论当代上海城市主题纪录片影像叙事特征的嬗变 10:15-10:30 10:30-10:45 Chair主持 Liu Xiangchen刘湘晨 Wang Haifei 王海飞 10:45-11:00 Prof. Zhao XinQufu normal university赵鑫教授曲阜师范大学传媒学院 The Practice and Thinking of Ancient Village Image Record -- Taking the Image Record of Rizhao Tianchengzhai as an example古村落影像志的实践及思考——以日照天成寨影像志为例 11:00-11:15 Prof. Niu Guangxia Shandong University of Arts牛光夏教授山东艺术学院传媒学院 The Writing and Reflection on Rural China of Documentary in the Period of Social Transition纪实影像对转型期乡土中国的书写与观照 11:15-11:30 Li Wenying Associate ProfessorXinyang Normal University李文英副教授信阳师范学院 A Macroscopic Research of Visual Anthropology in the "Poetics" Dimension“诗学”向度的影视人类学之宏观考察 11:30-11:45 Liu Hao LecturerXinhua College of SunYatsen University刘皓讲师中山大学新华学院 On the Turn of Ethnographic Films in the 21st Century新世纪民族志电影转向初探 11:45-12:00 Review/评议 12:00-14:00 LUNCH/午餐


  16th. Afternoon Panel 5

  Panel 5 Image Recording, Ethnic Memory and Transcultural Communication影像纪录与文化传承和跨文化交流 Venue 地点 Li Song 李松 Kijung Lee 李起仲 Prof. Vladimir KlyausInstitute of world literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences弗拉基米尔?克劳丝教授俄罗斯科学院世界文学研究所 Preservation of Russian folk culture in China and its video fixationThreerivers region... Russian world of China / Film Discuss《三江流域— 中国的俄罗斯世界》电影讨论 Li Yijun Associate Professor Huazhong University of Science and Technology李一君副教授华中科技大学 Ethnicity, Nationality and Transnationality : The transnational cinematic practice and cultural representation of Chinese Korean filmmaker Zhang Lu民族性、国家性与跨国性:朝鲜族导演张律的跨国影像实践与文化表征 Lin Jun Associate ProfessorTKK college, Xiamen University林筠副教授厦门大学嘉庚学院 Sound space, film village construction, identity expression -- research on Minnan film in 1950s迁徙题材影像纪录与族群记忆、家国书写声音空间·影乡建构·身份表达——20世纪50年代闽南语电影研究 Liu Xiaohong, Round Visual Heritage Association刘小红北京视觉文化遗产协会 THE YAO ETHNIC GROUP'S SYMBOL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE瑶人族群标志影像纪录与文化传承 Liu Tao LecturerLongyan University刘涛讲师福建龙岩学院 6th of June/ Film Discuss《六月六》电影讨论A study on the Communication Strategy of Hakka documentary in the context of Belt and Road“一带一路”语境下客家题材纪录片传播策略研究 Shen Yan Inner Mongolia Normal University沈炎硕士研究生内蒙古师范大学 To Interpret the Image of Reindeer in the Reindeer Ewenki Nationality Documentary使鹿鄂温克民族纪录片驯鹿形象解读 Wang Jianhua, Qiu Yang, Song Shiyi, Yunnan Minzu University王建华邱阳宋诗伊云南民族大学 The Distance Between Video Recording and Anthropological Field Texts– A case study of ”A Fogged Village”影像记录与田野文本的距离——以《迷雾中的村落》为例A Fogged Village/ Film Discuss《迷雾中的村落》电影讨论 16:00-16:10 Chair主持 Guo Jing郭净 Discussant评议 Tan Leshui谭乐水 16:10-16:20 Chang Haiqi Inner Mongolia Normal University常海齐硕士研究室内蒙古师范大学 Analysis of TV Media Image on Reindeer Ewenki Nationality使鹿鄂温克民族的电视媒介形象分析 16:20-16:30 Li Yongfeng,Wu Wurina, Inner Mongolia Normal University李永凤吴乌日娜内蒙古师范大学 The shaping of national image in Erdene’s Documentaries额尔德尼纪录片中的民族形象塑造 16:30-16:40 Ren ZeyuYunnan Agricultural University任泽玉硕士研究生云南农业大学 An analysis of the video recording and protection of the "intangible cultural heritage" of ethnic minorities in Yunnan province云南省少数民族“非遗”的影像记录与保护问题探析 16:40-17:00 Yang Guozing Associate ProfessorYunnan Minzu University 杨国兴副教授云南民族大学 The Value and Creative Ethics of Video Record and Dissemination in Cultural Heritage and Protection影像纪录与传播在文化传承与保护中的价值与创作伦理 17:00-17:10 Lloyd BelcherLloyd Belcher利奥德·贝彻尔 Nepalese Drug Users in Hong Kong香港的尼泊尔吸毒者 17:10-17:20 Wang TingYunnan Agricultural University王挺硕士研究生云南农业大学 Documentary research on ethnic minorities in yunnan:taking naxi documentary "naxi falcon" as an example云南少数民族纪录片研究——以纳西族纪录片《纳西猎鹰》为例 17:20-17:30 Deng Weiping Freelance邓卫平自由工作者 Zongba of Yao Nationality《瑶族粽粑》电影讨论 17:30-17:40 Zhang Zhenzhen Guangxi Normal University张珍珍硕士研究生广西师范大学 Inheritance of Intangible Cultural Heritage under the Image影像下的非物质文化遗产传承探索 17:40-17:50 Pan XiaotongGuangxi Minzu University潘小童硕士研究生广西民族大学 Similarities and differences between photography as art and art as photography: a case study of the reflection on the photographic records of southwest nationalities论作为艺术的摄影与作为摄影的艺术的异同:以对西南民族影像志的反思为例Balai People / Film Discuss《岜莱人家》电影讨论 17:50-18:00 18:00-19:00 DINNER / 晚餐


  16th. Afternoon Panel 6

  Panel 6 Rethinking of Ethnographic filmmaking in Southwest China西南民族影像志反思 Venue No.10 Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆第10会议室 Zhang Hai张海 David MacDougall大卫·麦克杜格 Xu Han Associate ProfessorSEC, Yunnan University徐菡副教授 Line Drawing and Thick Deion in Ethnographic Film-making : a case study of Dai Water-splashing festival白描与深描:傣族泼水节的影像叙事 Peter Guangpei Ran Ph.DThe University of Manchester冉光沛影视人类学博士曼彻斯特大学、威斯敏斯特大学 The Gorge Is Deep/ Film Discuss《空谷幽幽》电影讨论 Zhu Yongqiang LecturerYuxi Normal University朱永强讲师玉溪师范学院 Ritual of offering the sacrifice to the gods/ Film Discuss《塔城纳西族祭天仪式》电影讨论 Fu YongshouZhang ShuangYunnan Arts University傅永寿教授张爽云南艺术学院 An Alien Land Is Also HometownThe funeral of the Hani Ka Duo People in Ning Er County/ Film Discuss《他乡亦故乡——哈尼族卡多人葬礼》电影讨论 Ba Shengchao Associate ProfessorKunming University of Science and Technology巴胜超副教授毕路加昆明理工大学 Sacrifice to YALU/ Film Discuss《王的祭奠》电影讨论 Li Junhu, Shen LipingChina CCTV and STAR Chinese Channel李军虎申黎萍中央电视台凤凰卫视中文台 Children of the Forest/ Film Discuss《帕哎冷的遗训》电影讨论 Mao Haotian, Yang Rui Goldsmiths, University of London冒昊天杨瑞伦敦大学金史密斯学院 Yaks’Home/ Film Discuss《他们与牦牛》电影讨论 16:00-16:15 Chair主持 Huang Lingfei 黄凌飞 André Singer安德烈· 辛格 16:15-16:30 Prof. Song JieYunnan Arts University宋杰教授云南艺术学院影视学院院长 Image of Yunnan Folk Music-Kajia/Film Discuss《云南民族音乐影像志-藏族“喀嘉”》电影讨论 16:30-16:45 Cheng QiaoqiaoSoundate Shanghai程俏俏导演上海行耳文化传播有限公司 Home Coming—The Ethnography of Dong (Kam) People’s New Year/ Film Discuss《回家——侗族小黄村春节礼俗志》电影讨论 16:45-17:00 Wu Yongkun Lecturer Yunnan Arts University吴永坤导演云南艺术学院 Image of Yunnan Folk Music-Akabala/ Film Discuss《云南民族音乐影像志-纳西族“阿卡巴拉”》电影讨论 17:00-17:15 Wang Yang Lecturer Yunnan Arts University汪洋导演云南艺术学院 Oh De De/ Film Discuss《哦得得》电影讨论 17:15-17:30 Zeng GuchangYunnan Arts University曾钴畅硕士研究室云南艺术学院 Wa people's "playful Tune"/ Film Discuss《云南民族音乐影像志-佤族“玩调”》电影讨论 17:30-17:45 Wang Mingrui LecturerNorth University of China王明端讲师中北大学 Old Lute/ Film Discuss《柳琴》电影讨论 17:45-18:00 Review/评议 18:00-19:00 DINNER/晚餐


  16th. Evening Screenings

  19:00-22:30 SCREENING / 影片展映 Venue地点 Lecture Hall, 2nd Floor, Wu Mayao Anthropology Museum Chair主持人 Xu Han徐菡 1 Lloyd Belcher Ph.D利奥德·贝彻尔博士 Nepalese Drug Users in Hong Kong (45mins)《香港的尼泊尔吸毒者》(45分钟) 2 Lei LiangzhongChinese Academy of Social Sciences雷亮中中国社科院民族学与人类学研究所影视人类学研究室 Climbing over the Himalayas: A Deion of Deng Communities’ Development(60mins)《翻越知拉山:僜人的发展叙事》(60分钟) 3 Tian MiaoNational Library of China田苗中国国家图书馆 Qiangs' New Year(45mins)《羌年》(45分钟) 4 Zhang Hai PhDYunnan University张海博士 The Bulang Songkran New Year Festival (53mins)《泐烘桑康》(53分钟)


  17th. Workshop &Masterclass

  交流与讲座Workshop & Masterclass Venue地点 Chair主持人 Xu Han徐菡 9:00-11:30 Prof. David MacDougall Observational Cinema Workshop观察电影工作坊 Venue地点 No.10 Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆第10会议室 Chair主持人 Xu Han徐菡 14:00-17:30 Everyday Adventures in AnthropologyA Fieldwork Science/Documentary Art人类学的日常冒险:田野的科学与纪录片的艺术

  国际影视人类学论坛2018 影片放映排片表



  15th.Afternoon Panel 1

  Venue 地点 No.7 Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆第7会议室 13:00 Zhu Jingjiang A.P. Visual Anthropology Research Center at the Central University for Nationalities朱靖江副教授中央民族大学影视人类学研究中心 Seven Deities Temple(62mins)《七圣庙》(62分钟) 14:10 Zhang Shiyao, Center for Ethnic and Folk Literature and Art Development张诗尧文化和旅游部民族民间文艺发展中心 White Rock(30mins)《白岩散记》(30分钟) 14:50 Pan Bangchen, Director Guizhou TV station潘邦辰导演贵州电视台 The Wedding of Wu Yonggang (50mins)《永刚的婚礼》(50分钟) 15:40-16:00 Break / 中间休息 16:00 Ji Yiwen PhD National University of Singapore季怡雯博士研究生新加坡国立大学中文系 Sacred and Secluar: Master Wang Yunguang and his “brothers”(36mins)《神圣与世俗:王云光和遵谭道士》(36分钟) 16:50 Lu Min A.P.South-Central University for Nationalities陆敏副教授中南民族大学 The Ancestral Temple(51mins)《神堂》(51分钟)


  15th.Afternoon Panel 2

  Venue 地点 13:00 Li Junhu,Shen LipingChina CCTV and STAR Chinese Channe李军虎申黎萍中央电视台凤凰卫视中文台 Children of the Forest(90mins)《帕哎冷的遗训》(90分钟) 14:40 Zhu Yongqiang LecturerYuxi Normal University朱永强讲师玉溪师范学院 Ritual of offering the sacrifice to the gods(33mins)《塔城纳西族祭天仪式》(33分钟) 15:15 Fu Yongshou, Zhang ShuangYunnan Arts University傅永寿教授张爽云南艺术学院 An Alien Land Is Also HometownThe funeral of the Hani Ka Duo People in Ning Er County(55mins)《他乡亦故乡——哈尼族卡多人葬礼》(55 分钟) 16:10-16:20 Break / 中间休息 16:20 Ba Shengchao A.P.KunMing University of Science and Technology巴胜超副教授毕路加昆明理工大学 Sacrifice to YALU(40mins)《王的祭奠》(40分钟) 17:10 Tian ZheBeijing Golden Land International Media Co.,Ltd.田喆北京金色田野国际传媒有限公司 Uncle Tianshun(64mins)《天顺叔叔》(64分钟) 18:20 Mao Haotian,Yang Rui Goldsmiths, University of London冒昊天杨瑞伦敦大学金史密斯学院 Yaks’Home(25mins)《他们与牦牛》(25分钟)


  15th.Afternoon Panel 3

  Venue 地点 The 1st Floor, Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆一楼报告厅 13:00 Liang XiuqingYuezhong Museum of Historical Images梁秀青深圳市越众历史影像馆 The Human Face of China (Shanghai)(26mins)《中国面孔(上海)》(26分钟) 13:40 Gao TunziIndependent filmmaker高屯子独立电影导演 Qiang’s Journey(107mins)《寻羌》(107分钟) 15:20-15:40 Break / 中间休息 15:40 Wang Lixin Chongqing University王立新重庆大学电影学院 Yechishan Mountain(30mins)《野池山记》(30分钟) 16:20 Prof. Qu Wei Journalism Department Chengdu Sports University瞿巍教授成都体育学院新闻系 Tunberg People (90mins)《屯堡老汉人》(90分钟)


  15th.Afternoon Panel 4

  Venue 地点 The 2nd Floor Conference Hall, Anthropology Museum of Yunnan University 14:00-17:00 Pan Chaocheng (Taiwan),Associate Prof.Department of Communication Studies, Tzu Chi University潘朝成(台湾)助理教授慈济大学传播学系 The War Credit of Council of Indigenous(148min)《原民会战功册》(148分钟)


  16th.Morning Panel 1

  Venue 地点 The 2nd Floor, Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆二楼报告厅 8:30 Yang ManmanFilmmaker杨曼曼纪录片导演 A Day With Xiaohui(25mins)《小辉的一天》(25分钟) 9:00 Li JianDocumentary director 李剑纪录片导演 The Jiama paper of Bai With My Heart(21mins)《甲马伴我心》(21分钟) 9:25 Deng Weiping Freelance邓卫平自由工作者 Zongba of Yao Nationality(12mins)《瑶族粽粑》(12分钟) 9:40 Liu Tao LecturerLongyan University刘涛讲师福建龙岩学院 6th of June(30mins)《六月六》(30分钟) 10:10-10:30 Break / 中间休息 10:30 Wang Jing Tsinghua University王静硕士研究生清华大学 From Shanghai To Pingyao(81mins)《从上海到平遥》(81分钟)


  16th.Morning Panel 2

  Venue 地点 No.11 Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆第11会议室 8:30 Wang Jianhua,Qiu Yang,Song Shiyi,Yunnan Minzu University王建华、邱阳、宋诗伊云南民族大学 A Fogged Village(90mins)《迷雾中的村落》(90分钟) 10:00-10:20 Break / 中间休息 10:20 Pan XiaotongGuangxi Minzu University潘小童广西民族大学 Balai People(10mins)《岜莱人家》(10分钟) 10:35 Weng DiedieRue Chaucrau 6, Lauasnne, Switzerland翁蝶蝶 The Beekeeper and his Son(82mins)《养蜂人家》(82分钟)


  16th.Morning Panel 3

  Venue 地点 No.13 Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆第13会议室 8:30 Zeng GuchangYunnan Arts University曾钴畅云南艺术学院 Wa people's "playful Tune"(36mins)《云南民族音乐影像志-佤族“玩调”》(36分钟) 9:15 Cheng QiaoqiaoSoundate Shanghai程俏俏上海行耳文化传播有限公司 Home Coming—The Ethnography of Dong (Kam) People’s New Year(37mins)《回家——侗族小黄村春节礼俗志》(37分钟) 10:00 Wu Yongkun, Lecturer Yunnan Arts University吴永坤云南艺术学院 Image of Yunnan Folk Music-Akabala(20mins)《云南民族音乐影像志-纳西族“阿卡巴拉”》(20分钟) 10:20-10:40 Break / 中间休息 10:40 Wang Mingrui, LecturerNorth University of China王明端讲师中北大学 Old Lute(40mins)《柳琴》(40分钟) 11:30 Wang Yang, Lecturer Yunnan Arts University汪洋云南艺术学院 Oh De De《哦得得》


  16th.Afternoon Panel 4

  Venue 地点 The 2nd Floor, Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆二楼报告厅 13:00 Peter Guangpei Ran PhDThe University of Manchester冉光沛影视人类学博士曼彻斯特大学威斯敏斯特大学 The Gorge Is Deep(58mins)《空谷幽幽》(58分钟) 14:10 Yue Xiaoning,Zhang Bin Inner Mongolia Normal University岳筱宁张斌内蒙古师范大学 The Chronicle of the Oroqen(25mins)《鄂伦春纪事》(25分钟) 14:45 Hu Yan,Yao Di,Dong Laixing,Southwest Minzu University,Enshi Radio and Television Station胡艳、姚迪、董来星西南民族大学、恩施广播电视台 Spring Festival celebrations in Yao’s Yard House(45mins)《土家春节·姚家院子》(45分钟) 15:30-15:50 Break / 中间休息 15:50 Prof. Wang HaifeiLanzhou University王海飞教授兰州大学 The Story of Yugur Ovoo(52mins)《北湾祭事》(52分钟)


  16th.Afternoon Panel 5

  Venue 地点 No.11 Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆第11会议室 13:00 Prof. Kijung Lee Chonnam National University李起仲教授韩国全南大学 Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson(10 mins) 13:15 Prof. Vladimir Klyaus弗拉基米尔?克劳丝教授Institute of world literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences俄罗斯科学院世界文学研究所 《Threerivers region... Russian world of China》(32mins)《三江流域— 中国的俄罗斯世界》(32分钟) 13:50 Liang Junjian,Lei JianjunSchool of Journalism & Communication, Tsinghua University梁君健副教授雷建军教授清华大学新闻与传播学院 ANSELL DURWIN TAN(57mins)《竹书》(57分钟) 14:50-15:10 Break / 中间休息 15:10 Yang Yufei PhDTsinghua University杨宇菲人类学博士研究生清华大学 Under Goddesses’ Shelter(92mins)《姑婆》(92分钟)


  16th.Afternoon Panel 6

  Venue 地点 No.13 Conference Room, Science Hall科学馆第13会议室 13:00 Xu YangDocumentary Studio of Yichang ThreeGorges TV Station许扬宜昌三峡广播电视总台纪录片工作室 Yichang Weeding Drumming(90mins)《宜昌薅草锣鼓》(90分钟) 14:40 Song JieYunnan Arts University宋杰云南艺术学院 Image of Yunnan Folk Music-Kajia(50mins)《云南民族音乐影像志-藏族“喀嘉”》(50分钟) 15:30-15:50 Break / 中间休息 15:50 Yu Quan / Liu Jing Fujian Jiangxia University余权刘敬福建江夏学院 Cloudlessness——Documentary by Chinese immigrants' oral account(100mins)《万里无云——华人移民口述纪录片》(100分钟)

