“医学协助死亡及安宁缓和医疗的伦理与法律”国际研讨会 | 资讯

栏目:汽车资讯  时间:2023-08-16

  “医学协助死亡及安宁缓和医疗的伦理与法律”国际研讨会 Program of the China-UK conference on legal and ethical issues of assisted dying and palliative care主办:中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心&英国纳菲尔德生命伦理理事会Organized by: Nuffield Council on Bioethics & National Research Center on Civil and Commercial Law of Renmin University of China协办:英国驻华使馆Sponsored by : British Embassy Beijing时间:2023年2月16日 17:00 - 20:40(北京时间)Date and time: Feb. 16th 2023, 9:00-12:40 (UK time)在线会议并配有中英文同传Online conference via Zoom with Chinese-English simultaneous interpretationhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87498896875pwd=clBkVlR6TGFzN2FHVFlCRjlrNFdnZz09 会议号及密码请联系(Contact):1170595987@qq.com开幕 Opening ceremony开幕时间 Start time北京时间 17:00-17:30 、伦敦时间 9:00-9:3017:00-17:30 Beijing time, 9:00-9:30 London time1. David Archard  纳菲尔德生命伦理理事会主席David Archard, Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics2. 石佳友  中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心执行主任Shi Jiayou, Executive Director of National Research Center on Civil and Commercial Law, Renmin University of China3. Morag Brown  英国驻华使馆科技处科技合作负责人Morag Brown, Head of Science and Technology Collaboration, Science and Technology of British Embassy Beijing


  第一节  Session I 会议时间 Meeting time北京时间 17:30-19:00 、伦敦时间 9:30-11:0017:30-19:00 Beijing time, 9:30-11:00 London time主持人:David Archard (纳菲尔德生命伦理理事会主席) & 翟晓梅(北京协和医学院群医学及公共卫生学院教授)Chair: David Archard (Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics) & Zhai Xiaomei (Professor of School of Population Medicine and Public Health, Beijing Union Medical College)1. Richard Huxtable(布里斯托医学院医学伦理学和医事法学教授):协助死亡的伦理问题Richard Huxtable (Professor of Medical Ethics and Law, Bristol Medical School), ethics of assisted dying2. 解志勇(中国政法大学卫生法中心主任):停止生命医疗支持系统的伦理法规制Xie Zhiyong (Professor and Director of Health Law Research Center, China University of Political Sciences and Law), Ethical and legal regulation on the withdraw of life support system3. Danielle Hamm(纳菲尔德生命伦理理事会主任):纳菲尔德生命伦理理事会关于协助死亡的公众咨询Danielle Hamm (Director of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics), Nuffield Council public engagement project on assisted dying4. 王岳(北京大学医学人文学院教授、副院长):中国安宁疗护立法与专家共识Wang Yue(Professor and Vice Dean of Humanities School, Peking University Health Science Center), Hospice legislation and expert consensus in China5. 问题与讨论  Questions and discussions (30 minutes)与谈人:邱仁宗(中国社科院哲学所高级研究员),是否应当跨过医学的卢比孔河?协助死亡的赞成与反对的伦理论证Discussant: Qiu Renzong (Professor of Institute of Philosophy, Chinses Academy of Social Sciences),  Should we cross the Rubicon? Ethical arguments for and against assisted dying6. 提问 Questions


  第二节  Session II会议时间 Meeting time北京时间 19:00-20:30 、伦敦时间 11:00-12:3019:00-20:30 Beijing time, 11:00-12:30 London time主持人 :David Archard (纳菲尔德生命伦理理事会主席) & 满洪杰(华东政法大学公共卫生治理研究中心主任)Chair:David Archard (Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics) & Man Hongjie (Professor and Director of Center for Public Health Governance, East China University of Political Sciences and Law)1. Ingrid Callies(法国国家伦理咨询委员会秘书长):法国关于协助死亡的公众咨询Ingrid Callies (Secretary General of French National Consulting Committee on Ethics-CCNE),  French Citizens’ Assembly on assisted dying2. 宁晓红(北京协和医院缓和医学中心主任、老年医学科主任医师):北京协和医院安宁缓和医疗实践10年Ning Xiaohong (Director of the Palliative Medicine Center of Peking Union Medical College Hospital), Ten years of hospice and palliative care in Peking Union Medical College Hospital3. Julian Sheather(英国医学会伦理顾问):医学界的观点Julian Sheather (Ethical adviser to the British Medical Association) , views of the medical profession4. 秦苑(北京市海淀医院安宁疗护科主任):我的死亡谁做主?——安宁疗护临床实践中的患者“自主”困境Qin Yuan (Director of Palliative Medicine Department of Haidian Hospital), Who can make the decision of my death? The difficulties of the patients’ autonomy in palliative medicine5. 问题与讨论 Questions and discussions (30 minutes)与谈人:李学尧(上海交通大学法学院教授)Discussant: Li Xueyao (Professor of Law School,  Shanghai Jiaotong University)6. 提问 Questions


  总结 Concluding Remarks时间 Time北京时间 20:30-20:40 、伦敦时间 12:30-12:4020:30-20:40 Beijing time, 12:30-12:40 London timeDavid Archard(纳菲尔德生命伦理理事会主席)David Archard, Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics
