《你在天堂里遇见的五个人》The Five People You Meet in Heaven
米奇阿尔博姆Mitch Albom
This novel explores the unexpected connections of our lives, and the idea that heaven is more than a place; it's an answer.这本小说探索了我们生活中意想不到的联系,并认为天堂不仅仅是一个地方,更是一个答案。
《克雷洛夫寓言》The Fables of Ivan Krylov
伊万安德烈耶维奇克雷洛夫Ivan Andreyevich Krylov
Ivan Krylov has been loved by Russian people for two hundred years for his Fables, works in which he gently satirizes the manifold weaknesses and failings of human beings, especially figures of authority, while at the same time praising and holding up for emulation the qualities in ordinary people of selflessness, industry, loyalty, love, friendship and perseverance...伊万·克雷洛夫的寓言二百年来一直深受俄罗斯人民喜爱。寓言中,他讽刺了人类,尤其是权势者的诸多弱点和缺陷,同时赞美并弘扬普通人的无私、勤勉、忠诚、爱、友谊、毅力……
《荒岛机器人》The Wild Robot
彼得布朗Peter Brown
The novel carries a subtle but powerful message about harmony between technology and the natural world, brought to life with painterly prose and eloquent illustrations. ―Financial Times这部小说通过图画散文和生动的插图,传达了一种微妙而有力的信息,即技术与自然世界之间的和谐。——《金融时报》
《东方怪奇物语:亚洲精怪故事插画集》The Other World: Asian Myths and Folklore Illustrations
The Other World features the expressive works of fifty distinguished illustrators who are passionate about Asian myths and folklore. The book contains both single and series illustrations and aims to explore the tacit connection between illustrated works and Asian myths and to serve as inspiration for both illustrators and lovers of stories.《东方怪奇物语》展示了五十位热爱亚洲神话和民间传说的著名插画家的极具表现力的作品。这本书包含单插图和系列插图,旨在探索插图作品和亚洲神话之间的潜在联结,为插画家和故事爱好者提供灵感。
《狐狸与星》The Fox and The Star
科拉莉比克福德-史密斯Coralie Bickford-Smith
Book designer Coralie Bickford-Smith has created a volume that's as close to a work of art as anything mass-produced can be…It's a quiet allegory made perfect by exquisite, pattern-based illustrations printed on heavy paper. While older children will be mesmerized, The Fox and the Star is for readers of any age who appreciate sophisticated visuals.书籍设计师科拉莉创造了一本比任何量产书籍都更接近艺术品的书。这是一个安静的寓言,图案为主的精巧插画印在厚纸上,使之愈加完美。不仅大孩子会喜欢,《狐狸与星星》也适合享受精致视觉效果所有年龄段的读者。
编辑:明阳实习生:周睿彤来源:外研社Unipus审校:董静 丹妮
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