
栏目:旅游资讯  时间:2023-01-19


  Known for its celebratory street life, excellent tapas scene and the near constant performances of flamenco, there's even more to celebrate in Seville next year.塞维利亚有欢乐的街头生活、绝妙的餐前小吃、不断上演的弗拉曼柯舞,除了这些,明年塞维利亚还有更多值得庆祝的事情。

  Featured in the popular HBO series "Game of Thrones," the Spanish city where medieval architecture competes with modernists will host the 31st annual European Film Awards and continue the celebrations of Baroque Painter Barolomé Esteban Murrillo.塞维利亚是HBO热门剧《权力的游戏》的取景地,这座西班牙城市有许多中世纪建筑,而且现代主义艺术家还将举行第31届年度欧洲电影奖颁奖礼,并继续举行纪念巴洛克艺术家Barolomé Esteban Murrillo的庆祝活动。

  And everyone, visitors and resident alike, benefit. That's why Seville toppedLonely Planet's list of the best cities to visit in 2018.所有人,无论是游客还是居民,都会从中受益。这就是为什么塞维利亚能够登顶《孤独星球》的2018最佳旅游城市排行榜。

  "Seville has been slowly transforming over the past decade," said Lonely Planet's US magazine managing editor Alex Howard. "The city's artistic past and present and a starring role in Game of Thrones has put it on the map, and made it our number one city to visit next year."《孤独星球》美国版杂志的执行编辑亚历克斯霍华德说:“过去的十年来,塞维利亚正在经历缓慢的改变。这座城市充满艺术气息的过去和现在,以及在《权游》中的戏份让其登上旅游地图,也使其成为明年最值得一去的城市。”

  For the 13th year, Lonely Planet editors gathered nominations from hundreds of contributors around the world and picked 10 cities, regions, countries and value destinations to recommend for its Best in Travel 2018 picks.这是《孤独星球》的编辑们连续第13年从世界各地数百名供稿者那里收集提名并从中选出最值得一去的10个城市、地区、国家和旅游地。

  The list is brimming with exciting events, cities with new museums and sports offerings; spots off the beaten path; and cities that have suffered from human neglect or natural disasters and deserve our attention.榜单上的城市有激动人心的盛事,有新博物馆和体育比赛,鲜有人涉足的景点,也有被人忽略或遭遇自然灾难、需要我们去关注的城市。

  That's why second-place Detroit and the hurricane-ravaged San Juan, in the 8th spot, made in the top 10 cities list.这是第二名底特律和遭到飓风肆虐的第八名圣胡安能够跻身榜单的原因。

  Re-emerging with a vengeance from the collapse of the US auto industry, Detroit is recovering with the contributions of long time believers in the Motor City and younger artists and other creative folks who have poured their sweat into once-abandoned neighborhoods.在美国汽车产业崩溃后又卷土重来的底特律正在复兴中,那些长年以来一直对汽车城抱有信仰的人、年轻的艺术家和其他富有创造力的人正挥洒汗水重建被抛弃的街区。

  With much of Puerto Rico still without clean water or electricity, it might seem too soon to call people back to San Juan.波多黎各的许多地方仍然没有清洁水和电,现在让人们去圣胡安也许太早了点。

  Although Lonely Planet chose the city before Hurricane Maria wiped out much of the US territory's power grid, editors decided to keep it on the list after discussing it with Puerto Rican tourism officials.尽管《孤独星球》选出这个城市的时候,飓风玛丽亚还没有摧毁美属波多黎各的大部分电网,但是编辑们在和波罗黎各旅游局官员讨论后,决定在榜单上保留圣胡安市。

  "San Juan is a vibrant and enduring city, in large part thanks to the people that live there," said Lonely Planet's Central America and Caribbean destination editor Bailey Freeman.《孤独星球》中美洲和加勒比海旅游区的编辑贝利弗里曼说:“圣胡安是一个有活力的、经久不衰的城市,这有很大一部分要归功于居住在那里的人们。”

  "We have been following the situation on the ground closely since the devastating impact of Hurricane Maria last month, and while relief efforts are currently ongoing, we believe that Puerto Rico's capital will surprise the world with how quickly it gets back on its feet.“自从飓风玛丽亚上个月在波多黎各造成灾难性后果后,我们一直密切关注现场情况。尽管救援工作目前还在进行,我相信波多黎各的首府圣胡安将用惊人的复原速度震撼世界。”

  "The reasons we named San Juan one of the best cities to visit in 2018 are still as strong as ever. Many local businesses and hotels are already reopening, and we're confident that this progress will continue steadily into the new year."“我们将圣胡安选为2018年最值得一去的城市,理由和以往一样充分。许多当地企业和饭店都已经重新开张,我们相信在新的一年该市的重建工作仍将保持同样的进度。”


  1. Seville, Spain 西班牙塞维利亚

  2. Detroit, USA 美国底特律

  3. Canberra, Australia 澳大利亚堪培拉

  4. Hamburg, Germany 德国汉堡

  5. Kaohsiung, China 中国台湾高雄

  6. Antwerp, Belgium 比利时安特卫普

  7. Matera, Italy 意大利马泰拉

  8. San Juan, Puerto Rico 波多黎各圣胡安

  9. Guanajuato, Mexico 墨西哥瓜纳华托

  10. Oslo, Norway 挪威奥斯陆


  1. 西班牙塞维利亚


  The capital of Andalusia will host the European Film Awards in 2018 and takes a starring role in the TV fantasy drama 'Game of Thrones.' Editors praise the city for its transformation from a grid-locked metropolis to a dynamic city of bikes and trams.2018年安达卢西亚的首府塞维利亚将举行欧洲电影节,而且该市还是奇幻电视剧《权力的游戏》的取景地。编辑称赞塞维利亚从交通堵塞的大都市转变成了靠自行车和电车出行的动感城市。

  2. 美国底特律


  Motor City is experiencing a renaissance thanks to young, creative types transforming abandoned buildings into distilleries, bike shops and galleries. Next year, three new parks will extend the riverfront trail.汽车城正在经历一场复兴,这要感谢富于创造力的年轻人把被抛弃的建筑改造成酿酒厂、自行车店和美术馆。明年还将沿河建成三个新公园。

  3. 澳大利亚堪培拉


  New boutiques, gastronomic destinations and national treasures are turning this overlooked Aussie city into a dynamic city.新的精品店、美食圣地和国家宝藏让这个被忽略的澳洲城市变得生机勃勃起来。

  4. 德国汉堡


  Riverfront beach bars, a pulsing nightlife and the Elbphilharmonie concert hall are turning Hamburg into a competitive destination in Germany.河边沙滩酒吧、动感的夜生活和易北爱乐音乐厅正把汉堡转变为有竞争力的德国旅游城市。

  5. 中国台湾高雄


  Editors describe Kaohsiung as 'emerging with possibilities' for its experimental architecture, night market, arts center, harborfront and cruise terminals.编辑表示,高雄的实验性建筑、夜市、艺术中心、港区和游轮码头让高雄“充满了更多可能性”。

  6. 比利时安特卫普


  Described as Europe's best kept secret, next year the city will celebrate its most famous resident Rubens, in a series of events that will include parades, concerts, street art, multimedia shows and workshops.安特卫普被称作欧洲隐藏得最好的瑰宝,明年该市将为纪念最著名的居民鲁本斯开展一系列庆祝活动,包括游行、音乐会、街头艺术、多媒体表演和研习班。


  7. 意大利马泰拉


  Beneath Matera's surface is a labyrinth of cave dwellings, churches and monasteries that date back over 9000 years, making it one of the world's oldest cities. The city is also grooming its debut as the European Capital of Culture 2019.马泰拉的地面下是一个由拥有9000多年历史的洞穴居所、教堂、修道院构成的迷宫,这使其成为世界上最古老的城市之一。此外,该市还在筹备作为2019年欧洲文化之都的首次亮相。

  8. 波多黎各圣胡安


  In recent years, San Juan has seen the opening of innovative new restaurants, with farm-to-table eateries beckoning foodies and casual diners alike. The exuberant nightlife – dance clubs, lounges, bars, casinos – has long been a highlight, as have San Juan’s dazzling beaches.近年来,圣胡安新开了不少从农场到餐桌的创意餐厅,吸引着美食爱好者和偶然路过的食客。圣胡安丰富的夜生活——夜店、沙龙、酒吧、赌场——一直都是亮点,还有灿烂的海滩。

  9. 墨西哥瓜纳华托


  Founded as a silver-mining town by the Spanish in the 1500s, Guanajuato’s colourful mountain sprawl is now a Unesco World Heritage site. The setting also inspired the latest Pixar movie 'Coco.'瓜纳华托在16世纪西班牙人创建时是个银矿小镇,它多彩的山脉地区如今已经是联合国教科文组织世界遗产地。那里优美的风景还为最新的皮克斯电影《寻梦环游记》提供了灵感。

  10. 挪威奥斯陆


  In 2018, Norway’s king and queen celebrate the 50th year of their marriage. Expect fanfare and pageantry. Likewise, Oslo’s landmark Opera House will mark its 10th anniversary with a season of special concerts and performances.2018年,挪威的国王和女王将庆祝结婚50周年。你将能听到嘹亮的吹奏,欣赏到华丽的游行。此外,奥斯陆的标志性歌剧院将用一系列特别音乐会和表演来庆祝建成10周年。


