
栏目:旅游资讯  时间:2023-08-16




  ——●———●___———-_●—————-_——-—___———-__————___————-_—_—————●————_—————————————————一一 茎王旦皇堡垫箜塑墼里塑主曼堡生堕窒

  Design I沁search of Intelligent Bathroom Products Based on

  User Behavior Abstract

  Under也e enViroment of Intemet of things,smart home system haS deVeloped to new

  height.The bathroom products Wtlich have close relationsllip witll h啪an has already set foot

  in intelligent area,almough tlley haVe dif.ferent intelligent leVel,t11ey haVe proVided new product experierlce to users,and made the life more conVenient.People oriented wIlich is a desi鲫tenet,covered almost aU of area of product desigll,so,tllis p印er choose tlle research of user behaVior aS t11e ent巧point,mal(ing direction to design research of bamroom products

  under the ten∈Iency of inteUigent.

  111is paper started t11e research仃om the relationsllip be觚een userbehaVior a11d product

  desigll.Firstly,a11alyzed userbehaVior,includillg me connotation ofbehaVior,wrhat are user behaVior in product design,aIld the impon of behaVioral science theory to pmduct desl驴. Secondly, discussed the relationship between user behaVior and product design, tlle

  relationship is that user behaVior can promote product design and product deslgn call ln叩roVe

  s黜ariZed the basic product

  user behaVior.Thjrdly,I process of user behaVior research in


  In the inVeStigation and survey p抓of this p印er,I suⅡⅡn撕zed the i晌mation about

  铆o paIrts,which are private bathroom products and public bat}lr-oom productS.And men I classified the user behavior generated in bathroom,and c锄e up witll some intelligent needs

  in behavior process.At laSt,I s眦吼arized the development tendency about intelligent

  bathroom products in two aspects,which are baSic f.吼Ction and adVanced胁ion.

  I summarized the design principles of intelligent bat|lroom products,and the design methods and process of imelligent batllroom products baSed on user behaVior.I used

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