Global Market Trends|2022 W32-33

栏目:旅游资讯  时间:2023-01-21




  l 德国:消费者不断缩减开支,偏好自有品牌

  GfK专家Petra Süptitz在接受采访时表示,德国不同收入水平消费者的存款需求与日俱增。GfK数据显示,6月份德国消费者在时装方面的支出下降了17%,甚至科技消费电子等行业的营收也在下降,消费者越来越倾向于选择(价格更低廉的)自有品牌的商品。

  l 德国:高端化厨房需求上升

  根据GfK数据,高端化厨房仍然是主要趋势,去年德国消费者平均花费了10,337欧元用来布置新厨房。虽然去年厨房橱柜的销售量只增长了3%,但销售收入的增长却达到了10%。GfK分析师Markus Wagenh?user在厨房协会AMK的新闻发布会上表示,超过2万欧元的高档橱柜的零售额增长了28%。

  l 德国:消费者更倾向于旅游度假而非购物

  自1991年开始全国统计以来,德国消费者信心指数又创下历史新低。GfK消费者专家Rolf Bürkl认为,德国消费者对价格的高度敏感性和高通胀是导致该情况的“决定性因素”。在经历了多年疫情相关限制后,许多人仍然决定把钱花在旅游度假而不是购物上。

  l 德国:儿童影响购买决策


  l 德国:电影院受疫情影响遭受较大损失


  l 德国:口红等消费品销量迎来好转


  l 德国:数字化成为疫情期间零售公司发展方向

  家庭速冻食品服务公司艾斯曼(Eismann)是继奥托(Otto)和宜家(Ikea)之后,又一个暂停提供零售手册服务的零售商。艾斯曼首席执行官Elmar Westermeyer表示,未来公司将更多使用传单的宣传方式,并向更加数字化的方向转变。艾斯曼这样的家庭食品服务公司属于疫情期间的赢家,但不断上升的成本和通货膨胀正在威胁着企业发展。GfK分析显示,越来越多的消费者开始选择购买价格更低廉的产品。

  l 德国:GfK研究显示欧盟零售业进入繁荣期



  GfK消费者研究业务负责人Martin Langhauser在最近的第七届BHB园艺峰会上分析了德国园艺业的发展现状。多年来持续保持销售额增长的德国园艺市场在2021年再次得到提振,仅去年一年,超过80%消费者的每户园艺产品购买量就多达22件。但德国园艺业可能很快面临较大挑战:由于目前世界范围内存在诸多不稳定因素,德国消费者的消费信心不足,GfK德国消费景气指数正处于历史最低水平。

  l 德国:消费者在面临危机时更看重环保产品

  尽管面临国内的通货膨胀和能源危机,德国消费者仍然会购买可持续性产品,但更倾向在折扣店购买。2022年7月GfK可持续发展指数为39.2,略低于4月份的39.7,该指数显示68%的德国消费者计划进行较大规模的采购,他们愿意为具备节能、循环使用属性的产品买单。GfK的Petra Suptitz在最近接受采访时谈到,人们还计划改用太阳能和热泵来节省能源成本,并在购买电器时更加关注产品能效。

  l 荷兰:食品杂货价格在一年内上涨近20%


  l 法国:PC市场发展受到阻碍

  在经历了两年的强劲增长后,法国PC市场发展举步维艰。根据GfK数据,与2021年同期相比,2022年上半年PC行业的交易量下降了13.4%,销量下降了13.6%。GfK电脑与办公分析师Meryem Benjelloun指出,造成该情况的原因之一是疫情封锁期间能代替PC产品的家庭设备过剩了。


  l 印度尼西亚:JD.ID启动SUPER 8线上促销计划

  作为印尼最大的电子商务公司之一,JD.ID在今年8月8日启动了Super 8促销计划。GfK零售服务总监Elvinda Liung表示,在政府号召疫情期间居家(办公生活)的政策推动下,2021年线上电子产品销售额同比增长达到创纪录的21%,但这一数字在2022年降至17%。虽然印尼线上电子产品销售额比上一年有所下降,但与疫情前相比仍在保持正增长。

  l 新西兰:不同年龄段听众的广播收听习惯差异



  l 美国:长远来看车辆提价不利于经销商及品牌发展

  根据GfK AutoMobility最近在美国的一项研究,在5月和6月,由于芯片短缺以及芯片危机带来生产效率的下降,31%的消费者购买了非首选车型。大约四分之一的购车者为新车支付了高于建议零售价的价格。此外,在支付高于建议零售价的购车者中,有27%的消费者表示,他们不会在该经销商处再接受相关汽车服务,而在支付了建议零售价的购车者中,该比例只占到15%。GfK高级副总裁Julie Kenar认为,“人们的负担能力已经达到了极限,车辆提价的行为对经销商和品牌都有损害。”


  GfK分享了能帮助零售公司通过消费者洞察建立消费者忠诚度的五大关键策略。对许多消费者来说,环境问题越来越成为购物时更关心的话题。GfK秘鲁公司总经理Karen Diog表示,63%的秘鲁人愿意购买真正符合自身需求的产品,43%的消费者喜好购买少而精的产品。最重要的是,目前75%的秘鲁消费者认为,零售公司为保护环境做出实际努力是更为重要的事情,具有环保属性的产品也越来越受到消费者的青睐。

  2022 W32-33 Global Market Trends




  Germany: The new frugality

  German consumers across all income levels are showing an increased propensity to save money, explains GfK expert Petra Süptitz. According to GfK data, consumer spending on fashion was down 17 percent in June. Even fields such as tech and electronics registered declining revenues, Süptitz told "WirtschaftsWoche". GfK also found that consumers are increasingly opting for in-house brands.

  Germany: Rising demand for high-end kitchens

  Premium kitchens remain trendy with consumers spending an average of EUR 10,337 for a new kitchen last year, according to GfK figures. While the amount of kitchen furniture was up 3 percent last year, sales revenues increased 10 percent. Markus Wagenh?user of GfK said at a press conference of kitchen association AMK that revenues of premium kitchens over EUR 20,000 rose by 28 percent. "Küchenplaner Magazin" covers the topic.

  Germany: Germany has the shopping blues

  In light of the worst consumer mood recorded in Germany since the beginning of nationwide statistics in 1991, "Süddeutsche Zeitung" discusses the reasons. According to consumer expert Rolf Bürkl of GfK, the high inflation is "the decisive factor" due to the high price sensitivity of German consumers. Many are also deciding to spend their money on vacations rather than purchases after years of coronavirus-related restrictions, the paper writes.

  Germany: Children influence purchase decisions

  Children have a considerable effect on the purchasing decisions of their parents, writes "Lausitzer Rundschau". According to GfK data, the heads of households in ten countries that were reviewed were often affected by their children in their decision making. The youngsters did not just affect food purchases but 10-to-12-year-olds were shown to have even affected two in three car purchases, according to market research firm Puls.


  Germany: Cinemas have caused great losses due to the impact of the epidemic

  "Blickpunkt:Film" reports on the uncertainty behind the estimates in the report on FFA box office takings and mentions the discrepancy between FFA and GfK accounting for cinema ticket sales by way of comparison. In all cases, however, the assessment of the analyses is that German cinemas will not be able to match pre-pandemic results in the long term. According to GfK, even in the most favorable of three scenarios, expected box office results in 2028 would be 26 percent lower than in 2019.

  Germany: Sales of decorative consumer goods such as lipstick have improved

  Due to the coronavirus pandemic and related mask mandates, sales of decorative cosmetics such as lipsticks saw a 12.7 percent decline in Germany in 2020 compared to 2019, with sales declining a further 7.2 percent in 2021. Now figures are picking up again, suggests the result of an IKW estimate based on GfK data and the company's own surveys. Most recently, growth was 7.2 percent compared to the same quarter of the previous year, writes "".

  Germany: Digitalization has become the direction of retail companies during the epidemic

  Frozen food home service Eismann is the next retailer after Otto and Ikea to suspend its sales catalogue, writes "Die Welt". In the future, there will be more flyers and a change towards a more digital future, according to CEO Elmar Westermeyer. Home services like Eismann belonged to the winners of the pandemic era, but rising costs and inflation are threatening business. Customers are increasingly bargained products, a GfK analysis shows.

  Germany: GfK study: Retail in the EU is growing

  After the retail sector in the 27 EU states had already recorded a 1.5 percent increase in sales in the first coronavirus year of 2020, sales again increased significantly by 6.8 percent in 2021, according to a new study by GfK. The highest growth rates were in smaller Eastern European countries such as Lithuania (up 17 percent), Slovenia (+16) or Estonia (+13). Larger markets such as France, Spain and Italy also all recorded retail growth rates of over 7 percent.

  Germany: The "safe bank" in an uncertain environment

  Martin Langhauser, director of consumer panels at GfK, explained the current development of the gardening industry at the recent 7th BHB Garden Summit. The gardening market, which had been growing for years, received another boost in 2021; plants and other gardening products play an important and emotional role among consumers. Last year alone, more than 80 percent of all consumers made up to 22 purchases for gardening, per household. But dark clouds are looming: the GfK consumer climate is at an all-time low - people are unsettled due to the general crisis situation.


  Germany: Where Germans shop sustainably and where they don't - despite the crisis

  Despite inflation and the looming energy crisis, German consumers still continue to shop sustainably, but tend to prefer organic products at discount stores. Overall, the GfK Sustainability Index for July 2022 is only just below the values for April, explains "". According to the index, 68 percent of consumers planning major purchases are willing to pay more for sustainability. People also plan to switch to solar energy and heat pumps to save energy costs and are likely to pay more attention to energy-efficiency when purchasing electric appliances, said GfK's Petra Süptitz at the latest W&V Editor-in-chief talk.

  The Netherlands: Groceries nearly 20 percent more expensive in one year

  According to GfK, grocery shopping has become more expensive in the past year in the Netherlands. The price of a standard bag of groceries in the supermarket has increased by 18.5 percent. Statistics Netherlands recently announced that the annual inflation rate is 10.3 percent, the highest ever since 1975.

  France: The development of the PC market is hindered

  After two years of strong growth, the French PC market is struggling. In the first half of 2022, the sector fell by 13.4 percent in volume and 13.6 percent in value compared to the same period in 2021, according to GfK data. One reason is the over-equipment of households during the pandemic-related lockdowns, suggests Meryem Benjelloun, consultant IT-Office at GfK. "" picks up on further aspects of the study.



  Indonesia: On occasion of Indonesia's Independence Day, JD.ID launches SUPER 8 electronic mega sale program

  JD.ID, one of the largest e-commerce companies in Indonesia, is launching the Super 8 Electronic Mega Sale (Super 8) program which will take place from August 8, 2022. In this context, "" discusses the development of online sales of electronics in the country. "After online electronic sales increased to a record 21 percent in 2021, driven by the government's recommendation to stay at home, this figure has decreased to 17 percent in 2022. Although a decrease from the previous year, it is still experiencing positive growth compared to before the pandemic " said Elvinda Liung, Director of Retail Services at GfK.


  New Zealand: Radio listening habits vary across age groups in New Zealand

  The Radio Broadcasters Association (RBA) and GfK 2022 Radio Device Insights Report has revealed AM/FM radio is still the main way New Zealanders listen to radio programming. Respective data has shown that 86.1 percent of all radio listening is still taking place on an AM/FM radio. Younger audiences are more likely to listen via modern devices such as mobile phones and computers, "" summarizes.



  US: Study finds 25 percent of car buyers won’t return to dealership that charged above MSRP

  According to a recent GfK AutoMobility study in the US , Roughly one in four buyers paid more than the suggested retail price for their new vehicles.Due to shortages and the chip crisis still slowing production, 31 percent of buyers purchased a model that was not their first choice. Furthermore, 27 percent of people who paid more than MSRP indicated they would not have their vehicle serviced at that dealership. For people who paid the MSRP, it was only 15 percent, Affordability has gone through the roof," said Julie Kenar, senior vice president of consulting for GfK. "I think it’s detrimental to the dealers and to the brands." as "" summarizes.

  Peru: Capturing changes in consumer preferences will help retail companies bulid loyalty

  GfK shares five key strategies that are to help provide retail companies with the tools to build consumer loyalty through consumer insights. For many consumers environmental concerns are growing increasingly important."63 percent of Peruvians like to buy products that adapt to their needs and 43 percent prefer to have fewer but higher quality items. The most relevant thing is that currently, 75 percent of Peruvians believe that it is important that companies take environmentally responsible actions," Karen Doig, general director at GfK Peru, is quoted as saying by "".















