
栏目:旅游资讯  时间:2023-01-24


  岘港:带你游览韩江之滨APEC城 2017年亚太经合组织(APEC)工商领导人峰会8日在越南中部城市岘港开幕。 新华社记者李鹏摄



  The third largest city in Vietnam, Da Nang is in close proximity to Hue- 3 hours North and Hoi An- 30 minutes South, which makes it a perfect stop point for those who need a break from touristy areas. Da Nang is growing into one of the most organized urban area, with attractive beach front villas on the one side and Han River flowing on the other. 岘港是越南第三大城市,北连顺化(3小时车程),南接会安(30分钟车程),对那些想要从游客密集区寻求片刻安宁的人们来说,这里是一个完美落脚点。岘港正逐渐发展为越南规划最完善的市区之一,一边有诱人的滨海别墅,另一边还有韩江流过。





  Of the few attractions that belong to the city, Museum of Cham stands out with its rich collection of Cham artifacts. 在岘港为数不多的名胜古迹中,占族雕刻博物馆以其丰富的占族雕塑馆藏而久负盛名。

  The museum houses the last collection of Cham Pa arts in the world. It was started in 1915 under the support of the French’s Oriental Research Institution in Vietnam. In 1936, the museum was expanded before being officially opened to the public in 1939. 占族雕刻博物馆收藏着世界上占族雕刻的最新藏品。博物馆在越南法国远东研究院支援下,建成于1915年。1936年,博物馆扩建,之后于1939年正式向公众开放。


  Cham Pa Museum was constructed in the ancient Cham Pa architecture style with many blocks of white building decorated with simple and elegant patterns. After decades, the past influence of the Cham Pa dynasty on Vietnam central regions is still prominent. 占族雕刻博物馆按照古老的占族建筑风格建成,白色的建筑物上装饰着简单却优雅的图案。几十年来,占族王朝对越南中部地区的历史影响仍然很明显。

  Nowadays, the museum exhibits a number of approximately 300 original sculptures. They are mostly made of sandstone, but some are also made of terra-cotta. At the museum, inside different exhibition rooms, the sculptures are arranged according to their era and location. 如今,博物馆中展出了大约300块原始雕塑,大多由砂岩制成,但也有一些由黏土制成。馆中不同展室的藏品都按照年代和出土地点排列。




  For those who crave for more outdoors activities, My Khe beach is a good place to spend time, either by yourself or with your loved ones. 对喜欢户外活动的人们来说,独自前往或者和朋友一起去美溪海滩逛逛是个不错的选择。

  Once listed in Forbes Magazine as one of the "World's Most Luxurious Beaches', the stunning sands of My Khe Beach offer surfers and sun seekers a gloriously unspoilt hideaway with a host of big brand hotels such as Raffles and Hyatt opening or due to open very soon. 美溪海滩曾被《福布斯》杂志评为“全球最奢华海滩”之一。迷人的海滩让冲浪者和日光浴粉丝们尽享风光无限的天然世外桃源。海滩上还有很多高档酒店,比如莱佛士和凯悦酒店,有些已经营业,有些即将开张。

  Sunbathing and surfing aside, there are a host of historical sites situated close by including the port of Hoi An which is only 10 minutes away by bus and offers wonderfully preserved merchant houses and small alleyways to explore. 除了晒日光浴和冲浪,美溪海滩附近还有很多历史遗迹,包括公交车程只有10分钟的会安港,这里有保存完好的商铺和小巷静待你来游览。






  In 1999, the old town was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO as a well-preserved example of a Southeast Asian trading port of the 15th to 19th centuries, with buildings that display a unique blend of local and foreign influences. 1999年,联合国教科文组织宣布将会安古镇列入世界文化遗产。会安古镇保存完好,呈现出东南亚15到19世纪商埠的样貌。建筑物风格独特,既有本地特色,也有外来影响。

  Due to the increased number of tourists visiting Hoi An a variety of activities are emerging which allow guests to get out of the old quarter and explore by motorbike, bicycle, Kayak or motorboat. 由于越来越多的游客到访会安,当地涌现出多种游览活动,让游客可以离开老城区,骑摩托、自行车、或者搭乘皮划艇和摩托艇参加。

  This longtime trading port city offers a distinctive regional cuisine that blends centuries of cultural influences from East and Southeast Asia. Hoi An hosts a number of cooking classes where tourists can learn to make cao l?u or braised spiced pork noodle, a signature dish of the city. This culinary experience has become an increasingly popular activity for visitors. 会安作为历史上的商埠,地方菜肴口味独特,受到来自东亚和东南亚地区的影响已有几百年历史。会安有众多烹饪课程班,游客可以学习如何制作五香猪肉面,这是本地最具特色的菜肴。这种烹饪体验活动越来越受到游客欢迎。



  To the North and South ends of the city, Monkey and Marble mountains store some historical and religious symbols. 在城市的南北两端,猴山和大理石山中有些历史和宗教地标值得一看。

  Driving 9km south of Da Nang city, travelers can find one of the most popular attractions of the region, the Marble mountains. It is a group of five marble and limestone mountains, named after the five elements of the ancient oriental philosophy: metal, wood, water, fire and earth. 从岘港市中心向南行驶9公里,游客就能到达这里最著名的游览胜地之一大理石山。大理石山由五座大理石和石灰岩山组成,以古代东方哲学中五行分别命名为金山、木山、水山、火山、和土山。

  These mountains have a complicated system of caves and tunnels. In the past they were used as hiding places. 山中洞穴和隧道纵横交错。人们在过去在这里藏身。

  If you want to escape the heat, Ba Na resort is a miniature of Da Lat, only with fewer tourists. Bring some warm clothes if you plan to visit this cottage-full place. 如果想凉快凉快,去巴拿山度假就仿佛到了缩微版的大叻,只是游客更少而已。如果想去这个遍布农舍之地,不妨多带几件厚衣服。

  岘港:带你游览韩江之滨APEC城 来到巴拿山,仿佛置身欧洲阿尔卑斯山的某个优美小镇。





  Da Nang is also a place for authentic local cuisines. Due to its low volume of visitors, residents’ lives take place the way they have been for years. Many street vendors can be found in the market and along Han River, offering My Quang (Quang noodle). If you need romance to set the feeling, book a dinner cruise that go along Han River. The myriad restaurants option along My Khe Beach, a few outstanding names such as My Hanh, For You and the likes, offer fresh sea food at unbeatable prices. 在岘港,你还能品尝到地道的越南菜。由于游客不多,这些年当地居民的生活没有发生太多变化。集市上和韩江边,街头摊贩随处可见,为大家提供可口的汤面。如果想要体验浪漫氛围,就预订一次沿韩江而下的晚餐巡航之旅吧。美溪海滩边的餐馆数不胜数,比较有名的有My Hanh、For You等店面,你可以吃到廉价又新鲜的海鲜。



  岘港:带你游览韩江之滨APEC城 越南岘港做好各项准备,迎接参会人员。 中新社记者 张晨翼 摄

  Da Nang is probably most known among Vietnamese for its speedy real estate and private property development. The beach slide, which starts with Lifestyle Resort and ends in the border with Hoi An, is fully privatized, with major land used for constructing beach resorts and ocean villas. What this mean for tourists is a second-to-none beach holiday in Vietnam - in other words, Da Nang has recently emerged as a luxury and MICE destination that can beat the all-too-famous Nha Trang. 在越南人眼中,岘港给人最深的印象或许是房地产和私人地产开发快速发展。海滩沿岸,从生活方式度假村一直到与会安的交接之处,都已经完全私有化,主要的地块用于建设海滩度假村和海边别墅。对游客来说,他们能享受到在越南首屈一指的海滩度假,也就是说,岘港最近已经成为奢华的会展活动举办地,已经把著名的芽庄甩在了身后。

  Resorts in Da Nang are listed among the world's most beautiful, offering private beach, world class service and artistically designed villas and rooms. A few names are Furama Resort, Fusion Maia and Vinpearl Luxury. Many have come and recommended others to follow. Da Nang, in a way, is a place both so mediocre but special if you want to dig deeper than the surface. 岘港的度假村已经跻身全球最美之列,这里有私人海滩、一流服务、设计极富艺术性的别墅和房间。比较著名的有富丽华大酒店、富森玛雅度假村、和珍珠豪华酒店。很多来过的游客又把它们推荐给亲友。从某种意义上说,如果你努力探寻,就会发现岘港既平凡又特殊。

  Nowhere in Vietnam is changing as fast as Da Nang. For decades it had a reputation as a provincial backwater, but big changes are ongoing. Stroll along the Han riverfront and you'll find gleaming new modernist hotels, and apartments and restaurants are emerging. Spectacular bridges now span the river, and in the north of the city, the landmark new D-City is rising from the flatlands. 岘港是越南发展最快的地区。几十年来,这里一直被视为地方上的一潭死水,但巨大的变化悄然而来。漫步在韩江沿岸,你会发现新的现代风格的酒店闪亮着霓虹灯,公寓和餐馆不断涌现。如今,壮观的大桥横跨韩江。而在北城,新的地标建筑D-City正拔地而起。


  英文来源:越南在线、孤独星球网站、中国新闻网、搜狐网 翻译&编审:yaning
